Toyota 发表于 2024-8-26 18:56:22


-- Choose your locale
-- 'EN' = English
Config.Locale = 'EN'

Config.Database = 0 --[ 1 = oxmysql / 2 = mysql-async / 3 = ghmattimysql ] Choose your database
Config.Framework = 0 --[ 1 = ESX / 2 = QBCore / 3 = Other ] Choose your framework

-- Choose your inventory script
-- 1 = QBCore Inventory (qb-inventory)
-- 2 = OverExtended Inventory (ox_inventory)
-- 3 = Quasar Inventory (qs-inventory)
-- 4 = Chezza Inventory (inventory)
-- 5 = Core Inventory (core_inventory)
-- 6 = ModFreakz Inventory (mf-inventory)
Config.Inventory = 0

-- Choose your dispatch script
-- 1 = Codesign Dispatch (cd_dispatch)
-- 2 = ProjectSloth Dispatch (ps-dispatch)
-- 3 = Core Dispatch (core_dispatch)
-- 4 = Quasar Dispatch (qs-dispatch)
-- 5 = RCore Dispatch (rcore_dispatch)
Config.Dispatch = 0

-- Do not edit these values unless you know what you're doing
Config.FrameworkTriggers = {
    notify = '',
    object = '',
    resourceName = '',

-- Do not edit these values unless you know what you're doing
Config.FrameworkSQLTables = {
    table = '',
    identifier = '',

-- Permissions required to use restricted commands
Config.CommandPermissions = {

-- This option enables the script to replicate current state and override data in other gang scripts
-- This option only supports qb-gangs at the moment make sure you have the same ranks setup in this config
Config.OverrideGangs = false

-- You can find all the available keys here (
Config.KeyBinds = {
    target = 19, -- Key bind for targeting script
    checkpoint = 38, -- Key bind to interact with gang checkpoint
    zoneHudInfo = 48, -- Key bind to show zone hud

Config.ZoneOptions = {
    showHudInfo = false, -- Shows custom hud information in the lower right corner of the screen
    showZonesEveryone = false, -- Shows gang zones on the map for everyone

    hourlyDecay = 1.0, -- The percentage of how much loyalty a captured zone loses every hour
    presenceTime = 120, -- The time in minutes that a gang member must be present in a zone to gain loyalty

    maximumSprays = 8, -- The maximum number of sprays that affect zone loyalty, each spray resets every hour
    maximumMurders = 6, -- The maximum number of murders that affect zone loyalty, each murder resets every hour
    maximumHotwires = 8, -- The maximum number of hotwires that affect zone loyalty, each hotwire resets every hour
    maximumVendettas = 6, -- The maximum number of vendettas that affect zone loyalty, each vendetta resets every hour

    rivalryCost = 4000, -- The minimum amount of money needed to start a rivalry in a zone
    rivalryDuration = 48, -- The duration of rivalry in hours

Config.GangOptions = {
    garage = true, -- Enable garage checkpoint in gang menu
    storage = true, -- Enable storage checkpoint in gang menu
    reserve = true, -- Enable reserve checkpoint in gang menu

    storageSlots = 50, -- Sets the number of slots in gang storage
    storageWeight = 100000, -- Sets the maximum weight of gang storage

    restrictColors = true, -- Only gang colors can be painted on a vehicle in gang garage
    restrictSpawns = true, -- Only one entity can be spawned for each vehicle in gang garage

    robbing = true, -- Enable robbing feature from actions in gang menu
    kidnapping = true, -- Enable kidnapping feature from actions in gang menu

    zipTie = '', -- Optional ziptie item used when kidnapping is enabled
    paperBag = '', -- Optional paper bag item used when kidnapping is enabled

    maxMembers = 6, -- Maximum number of players in a gang

    robIcon = 'fas fa-sack-dollar', -- The icon for robbing when targeting a player (
    restrainIcon = 'fas fa-handcuffs', -- The icon for restraining when targeting a player (
    blindfoldIcon = 'fas fa-eye-slash', -- The icon for blindfolding when targeting a player (
    transportIcon = 'fas fa-car', -- The icon for transporting when targeting a player (
    escortIcon = 'fas fa-hand', -- The icon for escorting when targeting a player (

Config.DrugOptions = {
    enableSales = true, -- Enables the drug selling feature
    enableGangOnly = false, -- Enables the drug selling feature for gang members only

    saleQuantity = 1, -- How many drugs the player will sell
    saleRandomQuantity = false, -- Enables the randomization of the amount of drugs that the player will sell

    minimumCops = 0, -- The minimum number of police officers on duty required for the drug selling feature

    categoryLowIcon = 'fas fa-cannabis', -- The icon for low category drugs when targeting a ped (
    categoryMidIcon = 'fas fa-syringe', -- The icon for medium category drugs when targeting a ped (
    categoryHighIcon = 'fas fa-pills', -- The icon for high category drugs when targeting a ped (

Config.GarageOptions = {
    enableInsert = true, -- The leader can insert vehicles
    enableRemove = true, -- The ledare can remove vehicles

Config.TargetOptions = {
    enableDrugs = true, -- Enables the support for targeting scripts for drug selling
    enableActions = true, -- Enables the support for targeting scripts for actions (robbing/kidnapping)

Config.OtherOptions = {
    dirtyMoney = false, -- Receive dirty cash instead of clean cash
    anonymousNames = false -- Whether or not to hide a name of a player in the menu and use source instead

-- Multipliers that increase the loyalty of a zone
Config.IncreaseMultipliers = {
    VENDETTA   = 15,
    DRUGS      = 20,
    PRESENCE   = 40,
    SPRAY      = 80

-- Multipliers that decrease the loyalty of a zone
Config.DecreaseMultipliers = {
    HOTWIRE    = 5,
    MURDER   = 10,
    VENDETTA   = 15,
    SPRAY      = 20,
    ROBBERY    = 60

-- Multipliers that decrease the loyalty of a zone for the owner of the zone
Config.DecreaseLoyaltyOfOwner = {
    HOTWIRE    = true,
    MURDER   = true,
    ROBBERY    = true,

-- Adding custom access features is not supported at the moment
-- You can edit icon, label and description for each access (
Config.RanksAccess = {
    -- Actions
    ['actions.perform'] = {
      icon = 'fa-hand',
      label = 'Rob/Kidnap Others',
      description = 'This rank allows the member to rob and kidnap other people',

    -- Checkpoint
    ['checkpoint.edit'] = {
      icon = 'fa-gear',
      label = 'Edit Checkpoints',
      description = 'This rank allows the member to place and remove checkpoints',

    -- Garage
    ['garage.use'] = {
      icon = 'fa-car',
      label = 'Use Garage',
      description = 'This rank allows the member to use garage vehicles',
    ['garage.edit'] = {
      icon = 'fa-gear',
      label = 'Edit Garage',
      description = 'This rank allows the member to add and remove garage vehicles',

    -- Reserve
    ['reserve.use'] = {
      icon = 'fa-money-bill',
      label = 'Use Reserve',
      description = 'This rank allows the member to view the reserve and give it money',
    ['reserve.edit'] = {
      icon = 'fa-gear',
      label = 'Edit Reserve',
      description = 'This rank allows the member to view the reserve and take money from it',

    -- Storage
    ['storage.use'] = {
      icon = 'fa-box',
      label = 'Use Storage',
      description = 'This rank allows the member to use storage space',

    -- Members
    ['members.rank'] = {
      icon = 'fa-ranking-star',
      label = 'Change Rank',
      description = 'This rank allows the member to change the rank of lower members',
    ['members.kick'] = {
      icon = 'fa-arrow-right-from-bracket',
      label = 'Kick Member',
      description = 'This rank allows the member to kick lower members',
    ['members.invite'] = {
      icon = 'fa-arrow-up-from-bracket',
      label = 'Send Invite',
      description = 'This rank allows the member to invite new members',

    -- Protection
    ['protection.collect'] = {
      icon = 'fa-cash-register',
      label = 'Collect Protection',
      description = 'This rank allows the member to collect protection money from businesses',

    -- Rivalry
    ['rivalry.begin'] = {
      icon = 'fa-shield-halved',
      label = 'Begin Rivalry',
      description = 'This rank allows the member to begin a new rivalry in the zone',
    ['rivalry.claim'] = {
      icon = 'fa-trophy',
      label = 'Claim Rivalry',
      description = 'This rank allows the member to claim a won rivalry in the zone',

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-26 18:56:52

-- 选择你的语言区域
-- 'EN' = 英语
Config.Locale = 'EN'

Config.Database = 0 -- 选择你的数据库
Config.Framework = 0 -- 选择你的框架

-- 选择你的库存脚本
-- 1 = QBCore库存 (qb-inventory)
-- 2 = OverExtended库存 (ox_inventory)
-- 3 = Quasar库存 (qs-inventory)
-- 4 = Chezza库存 (inventory)
-- 5 = Core库存 (core_inventory)
-- 6 = ModFreakz库存 (mf-inventory)
-- 7 = ESX库存hud (不支持抢劫/存储)
-- 8 = ESX附加库存 (不支持抢劫/存储)
Config.Inventory = 0

-- 选择你的调度脚本
-- 1 = Codesign调度 (cd_dispatch)
-- 2 = ProjectSloth调度 (ps-dispatch)
-- 3 = Core调度 (core_dispatch)
-- 4 = Quasar调度 (qs-dispatch)
-- 5 = RCore调度 (rcore_dispatch)
Config.Dispatch = 0

-- 除非你知道自己在做什么,否则不要编辑这些值
Config.FrameworkTriggers = {
    notify = '',
    object = '',
    resourceName = '',

-- 除非你知道自己在做什么,否则不要编辑这些值
Config.FrameworkSQLTables = {
    table = '',
    identifier = '',

-- 使用受限命令所需的权限
Config.CommandPermissions = {

-- 此选项使脚本能够复制当前状态并覆盖其他黑帮脚本中的数据
-- 目前此选项仅支持qb-gangs,请确保在此配置中设置相同等级
Config.OverrideGangs = false

-- 你可以在这里找到所有可用的键(
Config.KeyBinds = {
    target = 19, -- 针对脚本的键绑定
    checkpoint = 38, -- 与黑帮检查点互动的键绑定
    zoneHudInfo = 48, -- 显示区域hud的键绑定

Config.ZoneOptions = {
    showHudInfo = false, -- 在屏幕右下角显示自定义hud信息
    showZonesEveryone = false, -- 为所有人显示地图上的黑帮区域

    hourlyDecay = 1.0, -- 被捕获区域每小时失去的忠诚度百分比
    presenceTime = 120, -- 成员在区域内必须停留的时间(分钟),以获得忠诚度

    maximumSprays = 8, -- 影响区域忠诚度的最大喷涂次数,每次喷涂每小时重置
    maximumMurders = 6, -- 影响区域忠诚度的最大谋杀次数,每次谋杀每小时重置
    maximumHotwires = 8, -- 影响区域忠诚度的最大热接线次数,每次热接线每小时重置
    maximumVendettas = 6, -- 影响区域忠诚度的最大复仇次数,每次复仇每小时重置

    rivalryCost = 4000, -- 在区域启动对抗所需的最低资金
    rivalryDuration = 48, -- 对抗的持续时间(小时)

Config.GangOptions = {
    garage = true, -- 在黑帮菜单中启用车库检查点
    storage = true, -- 在黑帮菜单中启用存储检查点
    reserve = true, -- 在黑帮菜单中启用保留检查点

    storageSlots = 50, -- 设置黑帮存储的槽位数量
    storageWeight = 100000, -- 设置黑帮存储的最大重量

    restrictColors = true, -- 只有黑帮颜色可以在黑帮车库中为车辆上色
    restrictSpawns = true, -- 每个车辆在黑帮车库中只能生成一个实体

    robbing = true, -- 启用从黑帮菜单中的操作抢劫的功能
    kidnapping = true, -- 启用从黑帮菜单中的操作绑架的功能

    zipTie = '', -- 启用绑架时使用的可选绑带物品
    paperBag = '', -- 启用绑架时使用的可选纸袋物品

    maxMembers = 6, -- 黑帮中最大玩家人数

    robIcon = 'fas fa-sack-dollar', -- 针对玩家时抢劫的图标(
    restrainIcon = 'fas fa-handcuffs', -- 针对玩家时限制的图标(
    blindfoldIcon = 'fas fa-eye-slash', -- 针对玩家时蒙眼的图标(
    transportIcon = 'fas fa-car', -- 针对玩家时运输的图标(
    escortIcon = 'fas fa-hand', -- 针对玩家时护送的图标(

Config.DrugOptions = {
    enableSales = true, -- 启用毒品销售功能
    enableGangOnly = false, -- 仅对黑帮成员启用毒品销售功能

    saleQuantity = 1, -- 玩家将销售多少毒品
    saleRandomQuantity = false, -- 启用随机化玩家将销售的毒品数量

    minimumCops = 0, -- 执行毒品销售功能所需的最少警察人数

    categoryLowIcon = 'fas fa-cannabis', -- 针对角色时低类别毒品的图标(
    categoryMidIcon = 'fas fa-syringe', -- 针对角色时中类别毒品的图标(
    categoryHighIcon = 'fas fa-pills', -- 针对角色时高类别毒品的图标(

Config.GarageOptions = {
    enableInsert = true, -- 领导可以插入车辆
    enableRemove = true, -- 领导可以移除车辆

Config.TargetOptions = {
    enableDrugs = true, -- 启用对毒品销售的目标脚本支持
    enableActions = true, -- 启用对行动(抢劫/绑架)的目标脚本支持

Config.OtherOptions = {
    dirtyMoney = false, -- 收到脏钱而不是干净的钱
    anonymousNames = false -- 是否在菜单中隐藏玩家的名字并使用来源代替

-- 增加区域忠诚度的倍增器
Config.IncreaseMultipliers = {
    VENDETTA   = 15,
    DRUGS      = 20,
    PRESENCE   = 40,
    SPRAY      = 80

-- 减少区域忠诚度的倍增器
Config.DecreaseMultipliers = {
    HOTWIRE    = 5,
    MURDER   = 10,
    VENDETTA   = 15,
    SPRAY      = 20,
    ROBBERY    = 60

-- 减少区域所有者的忠诚度的倍增器
Config.DecreaseLoyaltyOfOwner = {
    HOTWIRE    = true,
    MURDER   = true,
    ROBBERY    = true,

-- 目前不支持添加自定义访问功能
-- 你可以编辑每个访问的图标、标签和描述(
Config.RanksAccess = {
    -- 操作
    ['actions.perform'] = {
      icon = 'fa-hand',
      label = '抢劫/绑架他人',
      description = '该等级允许成员抢劫和绑架其他人',

    -- 检查点
    ['checkpoint.edit'] = {
      icon = 'fa-gear',
      label = '编辑检查点',
      description = '该等级允许成员放置和移除检查点',

    -- 车库
    ['garage.use'] = {
      icon = 'fa-car',
      label = '使用车库',
      description = '该等级允许成员使用车库车辆',
    ['garage.edit'] = {
      icon = 'fa-gear',
      label = '编辑车库',
      description = '该等级允许成员添加和移除车库车辆',

    -- 储备
    ['reserve.use'] = {
      icon = 'fa-money-bill',
      label = '使用储备',
      description = '该等级允许成员查看储备并提供资金',
    ['reserve.edit'] = {
      icon = 'fa-gear',
      label = '编辑储备',
      description = '该等级允许成员查看储备并从中取钱',

    -- 存储
    ['storage.use'] = {
      icon = 'fa-box',
      label = '使用存储',
      description = '该等级允许成员使用存储空间',

    -- 成员
    ['members.rank'] = {
      icon = 'fa-ranking-star',
      label = '更改等级',
      description = '该等级允许成员改变低级成员的等级',
    ['members.kick'] = {
      icon = 'fa-arrow-right-from-bracket',
      label = '踢除成员',
      description = '该等级允许成员踢除低级成员',
    ['members.invite'] = {
      icon = 'fa-arrow-up-from-bracket',
      label = '发送邀请',
      description = '该等级允许成员邀请新成员',

    -- 保护
    ['protection.collect'] = {
      icon = 'fa-cash-register',
      label = '收集保护费',
      description = '该等级允许成员从商家收取保护费',

    -- 对抗
    ['rivalry.begin'] = {
      icon = 'fa-shield-halved',
      label = '开始对抗',
      description = '该等级允许成员在区域内开始新的对抗',
    ['rivalry.claim'] = {
      icon = 'fa-trophy',
      label = '认领对抗',
      description = '该等级允许成员认领在区域内赢得的对抗',
页: [1]
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