admin 发表于 2024-8-23 21:11:15


local Translations = {
    categories = {
      openwheel = "Open Wheels",
      sedans = "Sedans",
      sportsclassics = "Sports Classics",
      commercial = "Commercial",
      offroad = "Off-Road",
      cycles = "Cycles",
      boats = "Boats",
      military = "Military",
      motorcycles = "Motorcycles",
      industrial = "Industrial",
      helicopters = "Helicopters",
      vans = "Vans",
      super = "Super Sports",
      sports = "Sports",
      coupes = "Coupes",
      emergency = "Emergency",
      muscle = "Muscles",
      compacts = "Compacts",
      utility = "Utility",
      suvs = "SUVs",
      service = "Services",
      planes = "Planes"
    notifications = {
      ask_an_employee = "You need ask an employee to purchase this vehicle.",
      spawn_point_not_clear = "Spawn point isn't clear.",
      already_have_test_drive_in_progress = "You already have a test drive in progress.",
      test_period_is_over = "Your test period is over.",
      request_timed_out = "Request timed out.",
      no_players_nearby = "No players nearby.",
      request_accepted = "Request accepted.",
      request_declined = "Request declined.",
      added_stock_num_to_all_vehicles = "Successfully added %{addStockNum} stock to all vehicles.",
      added_stock_num_to_model = "Successfully added %{addStockNum} stock to %{model}.",
      earned_money = "You earned $%{money} - %{vehicle}.",
      not_enough_money = "You don't have enough money.",
      no_access = "You don't have access here."
    commands = {
      add_vehicle_stock = "Add Stock To Vehicle"
    general = {
      selling_point = "Selling Point",
      ask_an_employee = "Ask an employee",
      send_request = "Send Request",
      give_back_test_vehicle = "Give Back Test Vehicle"

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-23 21:11:25

local Translations = {
    categories = {
      openwheel = "开放轮",
      sedans = "轿车",
      sportsclassics = "经典运动",
      commercial = "商业",
      offroad = "越野",
      cycles = "自行车",
      boats = "船只",
      military = "军事",
      motorcycles = "摩托车",
      industrial = "工业",
      helicopters = "直升机",
      vans = "厢式车",
      super = "超级运动",
      sports = "运动",
      coupes = "轿跑",
      emergency = "紧急",
      muscle = "肌肉车",
      compacts = "紧凑型",
      utility = "实用型",
      suvs = "SUV",
      service = "服务",
      planes = "飞机"
    notifications = {
      ask_an_employee = "您需要询问员工以购买此车辆。",
      spawn_point_not_clear = "生成点不清晰。",
      already_have_test_drive_in_progress = "您已经有一个试驾正在进行中。",
      test_period_is_over = "您的试驾期已结束。",
      request_timed_out = "请求超时。",
      no_players_nearby = "附近没有玩家。",
      request_accepted = "请求已接受。",
      request_declined = "请求已拒绝。",
      added_stock_num_to_all_vehicles = "成功为所有车辆添加 %{addStockNum} 库存。",
      added_stock_num_to_model = "成功为 %{model} 添加 %{addStockNum} 库存。",
      earned_money = "您赚了 $%{money} - %{vehicle}。",
      not_enough_money = "您没有足够的钱。",
      no_access = "您在这里没有访问权限。"
    commands = {
      add_vehicle_stock = "为车辆添加库存"
    general = {
      selling_point = "销售点",
      ask_an_employee = "询问员工",
      send_request = "发送请求",
      give_back_test_vehicle = "归还试驾车辆"

admin 发表于 2024-8-23 21:14:23

Config = {
    ServerCallbacks = {}, -- Don't edit or change
    AutoDatabaseCreator = false, -- If you are starting the script for the first time, make this true and restart the script, after restarting, make this false otherwise you will get an error.
    TestDriveTime = 30000, -- Seconds 600000
    TeleportBackWhenTestFinishes = true, -- If false destroys the test vehicle's engine and sets it unusable again
    WarpPedToTestVehicle = true, -- If you activate it, a player will be automatically teleported to the driver's seat of a test vehicle when they pick it up.
    SalesShare = 10, -- The player making the sale receives a share of the entered amount from the sale.
    EnableSocietyAccount = false, -- Activate/deactivate management bank accounts
    Permissions = {"admin", "staff", "god"},
    UseCustomImages = true, -- If false, a default car photo is shown instead of the one without a photo, if true, the photo from the html/customcars file is used.

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-23 21:18:55

admin 发表于 2024-08-23 21:14
Config = {
    ServerCallbacks = {}, -- Don't edit ...

Config = {
    ServerCallbacks = {}, -- 不要编辑或更改
    AutoDatabaseCreator = false, -- 如果您第一次启动脚本,请将其设置为 true 并重启脚本,重启后将其设置为 false,否则会出现错误。
    TestDriveTime = 30000, -- 秒 600000
    TeleportBackWhenTestFinishes = true, -- 如果为 false,则销毁试驾车辆的引擎并使其再次不可用
    WarpPedToTestVehicle = true, -- 如果启用,玩家在取车时将自动传送到试驾车辆的驾驶座
    SalesShare = 10, -- 进行销售的玩家将获得销售金额的份额
    EnableSocietyAccount = false, -- 启用/禁用管理银行账户
    Permissions = {"admin", "staff", "god"},
    UseCustomImages = true, -- 如果为 false,则显示默认汽车照片,如果为 true,则使用 html/customcars 文件中的照片。
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