ttvv8866 发表于 2024-8-23 15:32:59

翻译成中文 保留原代码

Language = {
    ['already_searched'] = 'You have already searched this vehicle.',
    ['found_cash'] = 'You found $',
    ['found_keys'] = 'You have found keys in the vehicle!',
    ['found_item'] = 'You have found',
    ['no_inv_space'] = 'You have no room in your inventory!',
    ['handed_keys'] = 'You have been handed the keys.',
    ['action_cancelled'] = 'Action was cancelled!',
    ['three_d_txt'] = '~INPUT_VEH_HEADLIGHT~ Hotwire\n   ~INPUT_REPLAY_SHOWHOTKEY~ Search',
    ['three_d_txt_2'] = '~INPUT_VEH_HEADLIGHT~ Hotwire',
    ['three_d_txt_3'] = '~INPUT_REPLAY_SHOWHOTKEY~ Search',
    ['three_d_txt_4'] = 'This vehicle has already been screwed up!',
    ['hotwire_success'] = 'You have successfully hotwired the vehicle.',
    ['hotwire_failed'] = 'You have failed to hotwired the vehicle.',
    ['bad_wires'] = 'It appears as though the wires are already mangled!',
    ['already_hotwired'] = 'You can not figure out how to hotwire.',
    ['vehicle_locked'] = 'You have ~r~locked~w~ your vehicle.',
    ['vehicle_unlocked'] = 'You have ~g~unlocked~w~ your vehicle.',
    ['no_vehiclefound'] = 'No vehicle found.',
    ['no_keys'] = 'No keys for this vehicle!',
    ['too_far'] = 'You are too far from the vehicle!',
    ['keys_given'] = 'You have given your keys to',
    ['keys_received'] = 'You have received keys from',
    ['no_player_nearby'] = 'There are no players nearby!',
    ['lockpick_success'] = 'You have successfully lockpicked the vehicle.',
    ['lockpick_unsuccessful'] = 'You have failed to lockpick the vehicle.',
    ['lockpick_broke'] = 'Your lockpick bent and busted!',

ttvv8866 发表于 2024-8-23 15:33:28

['already_searched'] = 'You have already searched this vehicle.',
    ['found_cash'] = 'You found $',
    ['found_keys'] = 'You have found keys in the vehicle!',
    ['found_item'] = 'You have found',
    ['no_inv_space'] = 'You have no room in your inventory!',
    ['handed_keys'] = 'You have been handed the keys.',
    ['action_cancelled'] = 'Action was cancelled!',
    ['three_d_txt'] = '~INPUT_VEH_HEADLIGHT~ Hotwire\n   ~INPUT_REPLAY_SHOWHOTKEY~ Search',
    ['three_d_txt_2'] = '~INPUT_VEH_HEADLIGHT~ Hotwire',
    ['three_d_txt_3'] = '~INPUT_REPLAY_SHOWHOTKEY~ Search',
    ['three_d_txt_4'] = 'This vehicle has already been screwed up!',
    ['hotwire_success'] = 'You have successfully hotwired the vehicle.',
    ['hotwire_failed'] = 'You have failed to hotwired the vehicle.',
    ['bad_wires'] = 'It appears as though the wires are already mangled!',
    ['already_hotwired'] = 'You can not figure out how to hotwire.',
    ['vehicle_locked'] = 'You have ~r~locked~w~ your vehicle.',
    ['vehicle_unlocked'] = 'You have ~g~unlocked~w~ your vehicle.',
    ['no_vehiclefound'] = 'No vehicle found.',
    ['no_keys'] = 'No keys for this vehicle!',
    ['too_far'] = 'You are too far from the vehicle!',
    ['keys_given'] = 'You have given your keys to',
    ['keys_received'] = 'You have received keys from',
    ['no_player_nearby'] = 'There are no players nearby!',
    ['lockpick_success'] = 'You have successfully lockpicked the vehicle.',
    ['lockpick_unsuccessful'] = 'You have failed to lockpick the vehicle.',
    ['lockpick_broke'] = 'Your lockpick bent and busted!',

ttvv8866 发表于 2024-8-23 15:34:02

- Search

ttvv8866 发表于 2024-8-23 15:34:24

Searching Vehicle

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-23 15:41:34

Language = {
    ['already_searched'] = '您已经搜索过这辆车了。',
    ['found_cash'] = '您找到了 $',
    ['found_keys'] = '您在车里找到了钥匙!',
    ['found_item'] = '您找到了',
    ['no_inv_space'] = '您的背包没有空间!',
    ['handed_keys'] = '您已被交给钥匙。',
    ['action_cancelled'] = '操作已被取消!',
    ['three_d_txt'] = '~INPUT_VEH_HEADLIGHT~ 热接线
    ['three_d_txt_2'] = '~INPUT_VEH_HEADLIGHT~ 热接线',
    ['three_d_txt_3'] = '~INPUT_REPLAY_SHOWHOTKEY~ 搜索',
    ['three_d_txt_4'] = '这辆车已经被搞砸了!',
    ['hotwire_success'] = '您已成功热接线这辆车。',
    ['hotwire_failed'] = '您未能热接线这辆车。',
    ['bad_wires'] = '看起来电线已经被搞乱了!',
    ['already_hotwired'] = '您无法弄清楚如何热接线。',
    ['vehicle_locked'] = '您已 ~r~锁定~w~ 您的车辆。',
    ['vehicle_unlocked'] = '您已 ~g~解锁~w~ 您的车辆。',
    ['no_vehiclefound'] = '未找到车辆。',
    ['no_keys'] = '没有这辆车的钥匙!',
    ['too_far'] = '您离车辆太远了!',
    ['keys_given'] = '您已将钥匙交给',
    ['keys_received'] = '您已从那里收到钥匙',
    ['no_player_nearby'] = '附近没有玩家!',
    ['lockpick_success'] = '您已成功撬开车辆。',
    ['lockpick_unsuccessful'] = '您未能撬开车辆。',
    ['lockpick_broke'] = '您的撬锁工具弯曲并坏掉了!',
页: [1]
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