local Translations = {
error = {
license_already = 'Player already has a license',
error_license = 'Player doesn\'t have that license',
no_camera = 'Camera doesn\'t exist',
blood_not_cleared = 'Blood NOT cleared',
bullet_casing_not_removed = 'Bullet Casings NOT Removed',
none_nearby = 'No one nearby!',
canceled = 'Canceled..',
time_higher = 'Time must be higher than 0',
amount_higher = 'Amount must be higher than 0',
vehicle_cuff = 'You can\'t cuff someone in a vehicle',
no_cuff = 'You don\'t have handcuffs on you',
no_impound = 'There are no impounded vehicles',
no_spikestripe = 'Cannot place anymore spike strips',
error_license_type = 'Invalid license type',
rank_license = 'You are not a high enough rank to grant a license',
revoked_license = 'You\'ve had a license revoked',
rank_revoke = 'You are not a high enough rank to revoke a license',
on_duty_police_only = 'For on-duty police only',
vehicle_not_flag = 'Vehicle not flagged',
not_towdriver = 'Not a tow truck driver',
not_lawyer = 'Person is not a lawyer',
no_anklet = 'This person doesn\'t have an anklet on.',
have_evidence_bag = 'You must have an empty evidence bag with you',
no_driver_license = 'No drivers license',
not_cuffed_dead = 'Civilian isn\'t cuffed or dead',
success = {
uncuffed = 'You have been uncuffed',
granted_license = 'You have been granted a license',
grant_license = 'You granted a license',
revoke_license = 'You revoked a license',
tow_paid = 'You were paid $500',
blood_clear = 'Blood Cleared',
bullet_casing_removed = 'Bullet Casings Removed...',
anklet_taken_off = 'Your ankle tracker is taken off.',
took_anklet_from = 'You took off %{firstname} %{lastname} tracker',
put_anklet = 'You put on an ankle tracker.',
put_anklet_on = 'You put on an ankle tracker on %{firstname} %{lastname}',
vehicle_flagged = 'Vehicle %{plate} has been flagged for %{reason}',
impound_vehicle_removed = 'Vehicle taken out of impound!',
info = {
mr = 'Mr.',
mrs = 'Mrs.',
impound_price = 'Price the player pays to get vehicle out of impound (can be 0)',
plate_number = 'License Plate Number',
flag_reason = 'Reason for flagging vehicle',
camera_id = 'Camera ID',
callsign_name = 'Name of your callsign',
poobject_object = 'Object type to spawn or \'delete\' to delete',
player_id = 'ID of Player',
citizen_id = 'Citizen ID of Player',
dna_sample = 'DNA Sample',
jail_time = 'Time they have to be in jail',
jail_time_no = 'Jail time needs to be higher than 0',
license_type = 'License Type (driver/weapon)',
ankle_location = 'Ankle Tracker Location',
cuff = 'You are cuffed!',
cuffed_walk = 'You are cuffed, but you can walk',
vehicle_flagged = 'Vehicle %{vehicle} is flagged for: %{reason}',
unflag_vehicle = 'Vehicle %{vehicle} is unflagged',
tow_driver_paid = 'You paid the tow truck driver',
paid_lawyer = 'You paid a lawyer',
vehicle_taken_depot = 'Vehicle taken into depot for $%{price}',
vehicle_seized = 'Vehicle seized',
stolen_money = 'You have stolen $%{stolen}',
cash_robbed = 'You have been robbed of $%{money}',
driving_license_confiscated = 'Your driving license has been confiscated',
cash_confiscated = 'Your cash was confiscated',
being_searched = 'You are being searched',
cash_found = 'Found $%{cash} on the civilian',
sent_jail_for = 'You sent the person to prison for %{time} months',
fine_received = 'You received a fine of $%{fine}',
blip_text = 'Police Alert - %{text}',
jail_time_input = 'Jail time',
submit = 'Submit',
time_months = 'Time in Months',
bill = 'Bill',
amount = 'Amount',
police_plate = 'LSPD', --Should only be 4 characters long
vehicle_info = 'Engine: %{value} % | Fuel: %{value2} %',
evidence_stash = 'Evidence Stash | %{value}',
slot = 'Slot no. (1,2,3)',
current_evidence = '%{value} | Drawer %{value2}',
on_duty = '[~g~E~s~] - Go on duty',
off_duty = '[~r~E~s~] - Go off duty',
onoff_duty = '~g~On~s~/~r~Off~s~ Duty',
stash = 'Stash %{value}',
delete_spike = '[~r~E~s~] Delete Spike Strip',
close_camera = 'Close Camera',
bullet_casing = '[~g~G~s~] Bullet Casing %{value}',
casing = 'Bullet Casing',
blood = 'Blood',
blood_text = '[~g~G~s~] Blood %{value}',
fingerprint_text = '[~g~G~s~] Fingerprint',
fingerprint = 'Fingerprint',
store_heli = '[~g~E~s~] Store Helicopter',
take_heli = '[~g~E~s~] Take Helicopter',
impound_veh = '[~g~E~s~] - Impound Vehicle',
store_veh = '[~g~E~s~] - Store Vehicle',
armory = 'Armory',
enter_armory = '[~g~E~s~] Armory',
finger_scan = 'Fingerprint Scanning',
scan_fingerprint = '[~g~E~s~] Scan Fingerprint',
trash = 'Trash',
trash_enter = '[~g~E~s~] Trash Bin',
stash_enter = '[~g~E~s~] Enter Locker',
target_location = 'The location of %{firstname} %{lastname} is marked on your map',
anklet_location = 'Anklet location',
new_call = 'New Call',
officer_down = 'Officer %{lastname} | %{callsign} Down'
evidence = {
red_hands = 'Red hands',
wide_pupils = 'Wide Pupils',
red_eyes = 'Red Eyes',
weed_smell = 'Smells like weed',
gunpowder = 'Gunpowder in clothing',
chemicals = 'smells chemical',
heavy_breathing = 'Breathes heavily',
sweat = 'Sweats a lot',
handbleed = 'Blood on hands',
confused = 'Confused',
alcohol = 'Smells like alcohol',
heavy_alcohol = 'Smells very much like alcohol',
agitated = 'Agitated - Signs of Meth Use',
serial_not_visible = 'Serial number not visible...',
menu = {
garage_title = 'Police Vehicles',
close = '⬅ Close Menu',
impound = 'Impounded Vehicles',
pol_impound = 'Police Impound',
pol_garage = 'Police Garage',
pol_armory = 'Police Armory',
email = {
sender = 'Central Judicial Collection Agency',
subject = 'Debt collection',
message = 'Dear %{value}. %{value2}, <br /><br />The Central Judicial Collection Agency (CJCA) charged the fines you received from the police.<br />There is <strong>$%{value3}</strong> withdrawn from your account.<br /><br />Kind regards,<br />Mr. I.K. Graai',
commands = {
place_spike = 'Place Spike Strip (Police Only)',
license_grant = 'Grant a license to someone',
license_revoke = 'Revoke a license from someone',
place_object = 'Place/Delete An Object (Police Only)',
cuff_player = 'Cuff Player (Police Only)',
escort = 'Escort Player',
callsign = 'Give Yourself A Callsign',
clear_casign = 'Clear Area of Casings (Police Only)',
jail_player = 'Jail Player (Police Only)',
unjail_player = 'Unjail Player (Police Only)',
clearblood = 'Clear The Area of Blood (Police Only)',
seizecash = 'Seize Cash (Police Only)',
softcuff = 'Soft Cuff (Police Only)',
camera = 'View Security Camera (Police Only)',
flagplate = 'Flag A Plate (Police Only)',
unflagplate = 'Unflag A Plate (Police Only)',
plateinfo = 'Run A Plate (Police Only)',
depot = 'Impound With Price (Police Only)',
impound = 'Impound A Vehicle (Police Only)',
paytow = 'Pay Tow Driver (Police Only)',
paylawyer = 'Pay Lawyer (Police, Judge Only)',
anklet = 'Attach Tracking Anklet (Police Only)',
ankletlocation = 'Get the location of a persons anklet',
removeanklet = 'Remove Tracking Anklet (Police Only)',
drivinglicense = 'Seize Drivers License (Police Only)',
takedna = 'Take a DNA sample from a person (empty evidence bag needed) (Police Only)',
police_report = 'Police Report',
message_sent = 'Message to be sent',
civilian_call = 'Civilian Call',
emergency_call = 'New 911 Call',
progressbar = {
blood_clear = 'Clearing Blood...',
bullet_casing = 'Removing bullet casings..',
robbing = 'Robbing Person...',
place_object = 'Placing object..',
remove_object = 'Removing object..',
Lang = Locale:new({
phrases = Translations,
warnOnMissing = true
local Translations = {
error = {
license_already = '玩家已经有该证书',
error_license = '玩家没有该证书',
no_camera = '摄像头不存在',
blood_not_cleared = '血迹未清理',
bullet_casing_not_removed = '弹壳未移除',
none_nearby = '附近无人!',
canceled = '已取消..',
time_higher = '时间必须大于0',
amount_higher = '数量必须大于0',
vehicle_cuff = '你不能在车辆中铐住某人',
no_cuff = '你没有手铐',
no_impound = '没有被扣押的车辆',
no_spikestripe = '不能再放置钉刺带',
error_license_type = '无效的证书类型',
rank_license = '你的等级不足以授予证书',
revoked_license = '你的证书已被吊销',
rank_revoke = '你的等级不足以吊销证书',
on_duty_police_only = '仅限执勤警察使用',
vehicle_not_flag = '车辆未被标记',
not_towdriver = '不是拖车司机',
not_lawyer = '这个人不是律师',
no_anklet = '此人没有脚环。',
have_evidence_bag = '你必须携带一个空的证据袋',
no_driver_license = '没有驾驶证',
not_cuffed_dead = '平民没有被铐或死亡',
success = {
uncuffed = '你已经被解铐',
granted_license = '你已获得证书',
grant_license = '你授予了一个证书',
revoke_license = '你吊销了证书',
tow_paid = '你得到$500报酬',
blood_clear = '血迹已清理',
bullet_casing_removed = '弹壳已移除...',
anklet_taken_off = '你的脚环已取下。',
took_anklet_from = '你取下了%{firstname} %{lastname}的脚环',
put_anklet = '你戴上了脚环。',
put_anklet_on = '你为%{firstname} %{lastname}戴上了脚环',
vehicle_flagged = '车辆%{plate}已被标记为%{reason}',
impound_vehicle_removed = '车辆已从扣押场移出!',
info = {
mr = '先生',
mrs = '女士',
impound_price = '玩家支付取出车辆的费用(可以为0)',
plate_number = '车牌号码',
flag_reason = '标记车辆的原因',
camera_id = '摄像头ID',
callsign_name = '你的呼号名称',
poobject_object = '生成的对象类型或使用“delete”删除',
player_id = '玩家ID',
citizen_id = '玩家的公民ID',
dna_sample = 'DNA样本',
jail_time = '他们需要在监狱的时间',
jail_time_no = '监禁时间必须大于0',
license_type = '证书类型(司机/武器)',
ankle_location = '脚环位置',
cuff = '你被铐住了!',
cuffed_walk = '你被铐住了,但可以走路',
vehicle_flagged = '车辆%{vehicle}因%{reason}被标记',
unflag_vehicle = '车辆%{vehicle}取消标记',
tow_driver_paid = '你支付了拖车司机的费用',
paid_lawyer = '你支付了律师费用',
vehicle_taken_depot = '车辆已经以$%{price}收入仓库',
vehicle_seized = '车辆被查封',
stolen_money = '你偷了$%{stolen}',
cash_robbed = '你被抢走了$%{money}',
driving_license_confiscated = '你的驾驶证已经被没收',
cash_confiscated = '你的现金已被没收',
being_searched = '你正在被搜查',
cash_found = '在平民身上找到了$%{cash}',
sent_jail_for = '你将这个人送进监狱%{time}个月',
fine_received = '你收到了一张$%{fine}的罚单',
blip_text = '警察警报 - %{text}',
jail_time_input = '监禁时间',
submit = '提交',
time_months = '时间(月)',
bill = '账单',
amount = '金额',
police_plate = 'LSPD', -- 应该只有4个字符长
vehicle_info = '发动机:%{value} % | 燃油:%{value2} %',
evidence_stash = '证据藏匿 | %{value}',
slot = '插槽编号(1,2,3)',
current_evidence = '%{value} | 抽屉 %{value2}',
on_duty = ' - 上班',
off_duty = ' - 下班',
onoff_duty = '~g~上~s~/~r~下~s~ 班',
stash = '藏匿 %{value}',
delete_spike = '删除钉刺带',
close_camera = '关闭摄像头',
bullet_casing = '弹壳 %{value}',
casing = '弹壳',
blood = '血液',
blood_text = '血液 %{value}',
fingerprint_text = '指纹',
fingerprint = '指纹',
store_heli = '存放直升机',
take_heli = '拿取直升机',
impound_veh = ' - 扣押车辆',
store_veh = ' - 存储车辆',
armory = '军械库',
enter_armory = '军械库',
finger_scan = '指纹扫描',
scan_fingerprint = '扫描指纹',
trash = '垃圾',
trash_enter = '垃圾桶',
stash_enter = '进入储物柜',
target_location = '%{firstname} %{lastname}的位置已标记在地图上',
anklet_location = '脚环位置',
new_call = '新电话',
officer_down = '警官%{lastname} | %{callsign} 倒下'
evidence = {
red_hands = '红手',
wide_pupils = '瞳孔放大',
red_eyes = '红眼',
weed_smell = '闻起来像大麻',
gunpowder = '衣服上有火药',
chemicals = '闻起来像化学物质',
heavy_breathing = '呼吸沉重',
sweat = '大量出汗',
handbleed = '手上有血',
confused = '困惑',
alcohol = '闻起来像酒精',
heavy_alcohol = '闻起来非常像酒精',
agitated = '激动 - 具有使用冰毒的迹象',
serial_not_visible = '序列号不可见...',
menu = {
garage_title = '警车',
close = '⬅ 关闭菜单',
impound = '扣押车辆',
pol_impound = '警察扣押',
pol_garage = '警察车库',
pol_armory = '警察军械库',
email = {
sender = '中央司法收款机构',
subject = '债务催收',
message = '亲爱的%{value}. %{value2}, 中央司法收款机构(CJCA)已向您收取了警察罚款。您的账户被扣除了$%{value3}。 此致, Mr. I.K. Graai',
commands = {
place_spike = '放置钉刺带(仅限警察)',
license_grant = '授予某人一个证书',
license_revoke = '吊销某人的证书',
place_object = '放置/删除一个对象(仅限警察)',
cuff_player = '铐住玩家(仅限警察)',
escort = '护送玩家',
callsign = '给自己一个呼号',
clear_casign = '清理区域中的弹壳(仅限警察)',
jail_player = '监禁玩家(仅限警察)',
unjail_player = '释放玩家(仅限警察)',
clearblood = '清理区域中的血迹(仅限警察)',
seizecash = '查封现金(仅限警察)',
softcuff = '软铐(仅限警察)',
camera = '查看安全摄像头(仅限警察)',
flagplate = '标记一个车牌(仅限警察)',
unflagplate = '取消标记一个车牌(仅限警察)',
plateinfo = '运行车牌信息(仅限警察)',
depot = '扣押车辆并确定价格(仅限警察)',
impound = '扣押车辆(仅限警察)',
paytow = '支付拖车司机(仅限警察)',
paylawyer = '支付律师(仅限警察,法官)',
anklet = '安装脚环(仅限警察)',
ankletlocation = '获取某人脚环的位置',
removeanklet = '移除脚环(仅限警察)',
drivinglicense = '吊销驾驶证(仅限警察)',
takedna = '从人身上提取DNA样本(需要空证据袋)(仅限警察)',
police_report = '警察报告',
message_sent = '发送的信息',
civilian_call = '平民电话',
emergency_call = '新的911电话',
progressbar = {
blood_clear = '正在清理血迹...',
bullet_casing = '正在移除弹壳...',
robbing = '正在抢劫...',
place_object = '正在放置对象...',
remove_object = '正在移除对象...'
Lang = Locale:new({
phrases = Translations,
warnOnMissing = true
这些代码属于共享资源部分,可以放在客户端(`client.lua`)和服务端(`server.lua`)中使用。 具体根据使用情景放置在相应的文件中。
['cancel'] = 'Cancelled',
['weapon'] = 'You don\'t have a knife to do this',
['itemamount'] = 'You are trying to process a amount that is invalid try again!',
['apple_pickingbar'] = 'Picking Apples',
['apple_progressbar'] = 'Making Juice',
['apple_pickingfront'] = 'You picked ',
['apple_pickingend'] = ' apples from the tree',
['apple_processing'] = 'You are processing ' ..Config.AppleProcessing.. ' amount of apples',
['apple_trader'] = 'Received ' ..Config.AppleJuice.. ' apple juice from the framer',
['error_appleprocessor'] = 'Hm, It seems like you don\'t have any apples to process... Come back later!',
['cow_milking'] = 'Milking The Cow',
['emptybucket'] = 'You don\'t have a empty bucket',
['killing_cow'] = 'Slaughtering Cow',
['error_rawmeat'] = 'Hm, It looks like you don\'t have any raw meat to process... Come back later!',
['cow_processbar'] = 'Cooking cow beef',
['cow_processing'] = 'You cooked ' ..Config.BeefProcessing.. ' raw cow beef',
['cow_diaryprocessorbar'] = 'Trading Raw Milk',
['milk_processing'] = 'You are processing ' ..Config.MilkProcessing.. ' buckets of raw milk',
['milk_trader'] = 'Received ' ..Config.Milk.. ' Bottles of milk',
['error_milkprocessor'] = 'It looks like you don\'t have any buckets of milk..',
['error_milklocation'] = 'Go to the Paleto Barn and milk the cows then come back!',
['picking_pumpkins'] = 'Picking Up Pumpkin',
['pumpkin_processingbar'] = 'Smashing Pumpkins',
['pumpkin_processing'] = 'Smashed ' ..Config.PumpkinProcessing,
['pumpkin_trader'] = 'Made ' ..Config.PumpkinBoxes.. ' Boxes of pumpkin pie',
['error_pumpkinsmashing'] = 'You don\'t have any pumpkins to smash',
['corn_picking'] = 'Picking Corn',
['corn_progressbar'] = 'Making Can Corn',
['corn_processing'] = 'Removed ' ..Config.CornProcessing.. ' corn',
['corn_processed'] = 'Made ' ..Config.CornProcessed.. ' Can\'s of corn',
['error_corncob'] = 'Seems like you don\'t have any corn cobs to process... Come Back Later!',
['grape_picking'] = 'Picking Grapes',
['grape_progressbar'] = 'Straining Grapes',
['grape_processing'] = 'Strained ' ..Config.GrapeProcessing.. ' grapes',
['grape_processed'] = 'Made ' ..Config.GrapeProcessed.. ' bottles of juice',
['error_grape'] = 'Hm, It seems like you don\'t have any grapes to process... Come back later!',
['greenpepper_picking'] = "Picking GreenPeppers",
['chillypepper_picking'] = 'Picking ChillyPeppers',
['chilly_hotsauce'] = 'Making Hot Sauce',
['chilly_processing'] = 'Crushed ' ..Config.ChillyProcessing.. ' chilly Peppers',
['chilly_processed'] = 'Made ' ..Config.ChillyProcessed.. ' hot sauce bottle\'s',
['error_chilly'] = 'Hm, It seems like you don\'t have any chilly peppers to process... Come back later!',
['tomatoes_picking'] = 'Picking Tomatoes',
['tomatoes_progressbar'] = 'Smashing Tomatoes',
['tomatoes_processing'] = 'Squeezed ' ..Config.TomatoesProcessing.. ' tomatoes',
['tomatoes_processed'] = 'Made ' ..Config.TomatoesProcessed.. ' jars of tomatopaste',
['error_tomatoes'] = 'Hm, It seems like you don\'t have any tomatoes to process... Come back later!',
['bacon_progressbar'] = 'Cooking Bacon',
['bacon_processing'] = 'You cooked ' ..Config.BaconProcessed.. ' pieces of bacon',
['error_bacon'] = 'Don\'t have any bacon to cook',
['ham_progressbar'] = 'Cooking Ham',
['ham_processing'] = 'You cooked ' ..Config.HamProcessed.. ' slices of ham',
['error_ham'] = 'Don\'t have any ham to cook',
['pork_progressbar'] = 'Cooking Pork',
['pork_cooking'] = 'You cooked ' ..Config.PorkProcessed.. ' slabs of pork',
['error_pork'] = 'Don\'t have any pork to cook',
['sausage_progressbar'] = 'Cooking Sausage',
['sausage_processing'] = 'You cooked ' ..Config.SausageProcessed.. ' pieces of sausages',
['error_sausage'] = 'Don\'t have any sausage to cook',
['killing_pig'] = 'Slaughtering Pig',
['pig_reward'] = 'Received items for killing the pig',
['error.soybean'] = 'You don\'t have any soybeans to feed the pigs',
['stress'] = 'Your Stress Was Relieved',
wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 11:19
['cancel'] = 'Cancelled',
['weapon'] = 'You do ...
['cancel'] = '已取消',
['weapon'] = '你没有刀无法进行该操作',
['itemamount'] = '你尝试处理的数据无效,请重试!',
['apple_pickingbar'] = '采摘苹果',
['apple_progressbar'] = '制作果汁',
['apple_pickingfront'] = '你从树上摘了',
['apple_pickingend'] = '个苹果',
['apple_processing'] = '你正在处理' ..Config.AppleProcessing.. '个苹果',
['apple_trader'] = '从农夫那里获得了' ..Config.AppleJuice.. '瓶苹果汁',
['error_appleprocessor'] = '嗯,看来你没有苹果可以处理……稍后再来吧!',
['cow_milking'] = '挤奶',
['emptybucket'] = '你没有空桶',
['killing_cow'] = '屠宰牛',
['error_rawmeat'] = '嗯,看来你没有生肉可以处理……稍后再来吧!',
['cow_processbar'] = '煮牛肉',
['cow_processing'] = '你煮了' ..Config.BeefProcessing.. '块生牛肉',
['cow_diaryprocessorbar'] = '交易生牛奶',
['milk_processing'] = '你正在处理' ..Config.MilkProcessing.. '桶生牛奶',
['milk_trader'] = '获得了' ..Config.Milk.. '瓶牛奶',
['error_milkprocessor'] = '看来你没有任何牛奶桶..',
['error_milklocation'] = '前往Paleto谷仓挤奶,然后回来!',
['picking_pumpkins'] = '采摘南瓜',
['pumpkin_processingbar'] = '打碎南瓜',
['pumpkin_processing'] = '打碎了' ..Config.PumpkinProcessing,
['pumpkin_trader'] = '制作了' ..Config.PumpkinBoxes.. '盒南瓜派',
['error_pumpkinsmashing'] = '你没有南瓜可以打碎',
['corn_picking'] = '采摘玉米',
['corn_progressbar'] = '制作罐装玉米',
['corn_processing'] = '移除了' ..Config.CornProcessing.. '个玉米',
['corn_processed'] = '做了' ..Config.CornProcessed.. '罐玉米',
['error_corncob'] = '看来你没有任何玉米需要处理……稍后再来!',
['grape_picking'] = '采摘葡萄',
['grape_progressbar'] = '压榨葡萄',
['grape_processing'] = '压榨了' ..Config.GrapeProcessing.. '斤葡萄',
['grape_processed'] = '制作了' ..Config.GrapeProcessed.. '瓶果汁',
['error_grape'] = '嗯,看来你没有葡萄可以处理……稍后再来!',
['greenpepper_picking'] = '采摘青椒',
['chillypepper_picking'] = '采摘辣椒',
['chilly_hotsauce'] = '制作辣椒酱',
['chilly_processing'] = '压碎了' ..Config.ChillyProcessing.. '个辣椒',
['chilly_processed'] = '制作了' ..Config.ChillyProcessed.. '瓶辣椒酱',
['error_chilly'] = '嗯,看来你没有辣椒可以处理……稍后再来!',
['tomatoes_picking'] = '采摘番茄',
['tomatoes_progressbar'] = '压碎番茄',
['tomatoes_processing'] = '压碎了' ..Config.TomatoesProcessing.. '个番茄',
['tomatoes_processed'] = '制作了' ..Config.TomatoesProcessed.. '瓶番茄酱',
['error_tomatoes'] = '嗯,看来你没有番茄可以处理……稍后再来!',
['bacon_progressbar'] = '煮培根',
['bacon_processing'] = '你煮了' ..Config.BaconProcessed.. '片培根',
['error_bacon'] = '没有培根可煮',
['ham_progressbar'] = '煮火腿',
['ham_processing'] = '你煮了' ..Config.HamProcessed.. '片火腿',
['error_ham'] = '没有火腿可煮',
['pork_progressbar'] = '煮猪肉',
['pork_cooking'] = '你煮了' ..Config.PorkProcessed.. '块猪肉',
['error_pork'] = '没有猪肉可煮',
['sausage_progressbar'] = '煮香肠',
['sausage_processing'] = '你煮了' ..Config.SausageProcessed.. '根香肠',
['error_sausage'] = '没有香肠可煮',
['killing_pig'] = '屠宰猪',
['pig_reward'] = '屠宰猪获得的物品',
['error.soybean'] = '你没有大豆喂猪',
['stress'] = '你的压力已缓解',
intro_instruction = 'Press ~INPUT_ATTACK~ to cast line, ~INPUT_FRONTEND_RRIGHT~ to cancel.',
rod_broke = 'Rod Snapped',
rod_broke_desc = 'You pulled to hard and your fishing rod snapped!',
cannot_perform = 'Action Incomplete',
cannot_perform_desc = 'You cannot do this right now.',
failed = 'Failed',
failed_fish = 'You failed to catch fish!',
no_water = 'No Water',
no_water_desc = 'You are not facing any water.',
no_bait = 'Missing Bait',
no_bait_desc = 'You don\'t have fishing bait.',
bait_lost = 'Bait Lost',
bait_lost_desc = 'Fishing bait was lost.',
fish_success = 'Caught Fish',
fish_success_desc = 'You caught a %s!',
sell_shop_blip = 'Fish Market',
sell_fish = ' - Sell Fish',
kicked = 'Nice try, please do not attempt to exploit!',
sold_for = 'Sold Fish',
sold_for_desc = 'You sold %sx %s for $%s',
got_bite = 'Bite Detected',
got_bite_desc = 'Your pole has a fish on the line, get ready!',
waiting_bite = 'Awaiting Bite',
waiting_bite_desc = 'Please wait for a fish to bite your hook.',
cannot_carry = 'Cannot Carry',
cannot_carry_desc = 'You cannot carry reward!'
wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 11:24
intro_instruction = 'Press ~INPUT_ATTACK~ to cast...
intro_instruction = '按 ~INPUT_ATTACK~ 投掷线,按 ~INPUT_FRONTEND_RRIGHT~ 取消。',
rod_broke = '钓竿断裂',
rod_broke_desc = '你用力过猛,钓竿断了!',
cannot_perform = '操作未完成',
cannot_perform_desc = '你现在不能进行此操作。',
failed = '失败',
failed_fish = '你未能钓到鱼!',
no_water = '无水源',
no_water_desc = '你没有面对任何水源。',
no_bait = '缺少鱼饵',
no_bait_desc = '你没有渔具鱼饵。',
bait_lost = '鱼饵丢失',
bait_lost_desc = '渔具鱼饵丢失。',
fish_success = '钓到鱼',
fish_success_desc = '你钓到了一条 %s!',
sell_shop_blip = '鱼市',
sell_fish = ' - 卖鱼',
kicked = '好尝试,请不要试图利用漏洞!',
sold_for = '售出鱼',
sold_for_desc = '你以 $%s 售出 %sx %s',
got_bite = '检测到咬钩',
got_bite_desc = '你的杆子上有鱼,准备好!',
waiting_bite = '等待咬钩',
waiting_bite_desc = '请等待鱼咬钩。',
cannot_carry = '无法携带',
cannot_carry_desc = '你无法携带奖励!'
local Translations = {
error = {
canceled = 'Canceled',
bled_out = 'You have bled out...',
impossible = 'Action Impossible...',
no_player = 'No Player Nearby',
no_firstaid = 'You need a First Aid Kit',
no_bandage = 'You need a Bandage',
beds_taken = 'Beds are occupied...',
possessions_taken = 'All your possessions have been taken...',
not_enough_money = 'You don\'t have enough money on you...',
cant_help = 'You can\'t help this person...',
not_ems = 'You are not EMS',
not_online = 'Player Not Online'
success = {
revived = 'You revived a person',
healthy_player = 'Player is Healthy',
helped_player = 'You helped the person',
wounds_healed = 'Your wounds have been healed!',
being_helped = 'You are being helped...'
info = {
civ_died = 'Civilian Died',
civ_down = 'Civilian Down',
civ_call = 'Civilian Call',
self_death = 'Themselves or an NPC',
wep_unknown = 'Unknown',
respawn_txt = 'RESPAWN IN: ~r~%{deathtime}~s~ SECONDS',
respawn_revive = 'HOLD [~r~E~s~] FOR %{holdtime} SECONDS TO RESPAWN FOR $~r~%{cost}~s~',
bleed_out = 'YOU WILL BLEED OUT IN: ~r~%{time}~s~ SECONDS',
bleed_out_help = 'YOU WILL BLEED OUT IN: ~r~%{time}~s~ SECONDS, YOU CAN BE HELPED',
request_help = 'PRESS [~r~G~s~] TO REQUEST HELP',
amb_plate = 'AMBU', -- Should only be 4 characters long due to the last 4 being a random 4 digits
heli_plate = 'LIFE',-- Should only be 4 characters long due to the last 4 being a random 4 digits
status = 'Status Check',
is_staus = 'Is %{status}',
healthy = 'You are completely healthy again!',
safe = 'Hospital Safe',
pb_hospital = 'Pillbox Hospital',
pain_message = 'Your %{limb} feels %{severity}',
many_places = 'You have pain in many places...',
bleed_alert = 'You are %{bleedstate}',
ems_alert = 'EMS Alert - %{text}',
mr = 'Mr.',
mrs = 'Mrs.',
dr_needed = 'A doctor is needed at Pillbox Hospital',
ems_report = 'EMS Report',
message_sent = 'Message to be sent',
check_health = 'Check a Players Health',
heal_player = 'Heal a Player',
revive_player = 'Revive a Player',
revive_player_a = 'Revive A Player or Yourself (Admin Only)',
player_id = 'Player ID (may be empty)',
pain_level = 'Set Yours or A Players Pain Level (Admin Only)',
kill = 'Kill A Player or Yourself (Admin Only)',
heal_player_a = 'Heal A Player or Yourself (Admin Only)',
mail = {
sender = 'Pillbox Hospital',
subject = 'Hospital Costs',
message = 'Dear %{gender} %{lastname}, <br /><br />Hereby you received an email with the costs of the last hospital visit.<br />The final costs have become: <strong>$%{costs}</strong><br /><br />We wish you a quick recovery!'
states = {
irritated = 'irritated',
quite_painful = 'quite painful',
painful = 'painful',
really_painful = 'really painful',
little_bleed = 'bleeding a little bit...',
bleed = 'bleeding...',
lot_bleed = 'bleeding a lot...',
big_bleed = 'bleeding very much...',
menu = {
amb_vehicles = 'Ambulance Vehicles',
close = '⬅ Close Menu',
text = {
pstash_button = '~g~E~w~ - Personal stash',
pstash = 'Personal stash',
onduty_button = '~g~E~w~ - Go On Duty',
offduty_button = '~r~E~w~ - Go Off Duty',
duty = 'On/Off Duty',
armory_button = '~g~E~w~ - Armory',
armory = 'Armory',
storeveh_button = '~g~E~w~ - Store vehicle',
veh_button = '~g~E~w~ - Vehicles',
storeheli_button = '~g~E~w~ - Store helicopter',
heli_button = '~g~E~w~ - Take a helicopter',
elevator_roof = '~g~E~w~ - Take the elevator to the down',
elevator_main = '~g~E~w~ - Take the elevator main floor',
bed_out = '~g~E~w~ - To get out of bed..',
call_doc = '~g~E~w~ - Call doctor',
call = 'Call',
check_in = '~g~E~w~ - Check in',
check = 'Check In',
lie_bed = '~g~E~w~ - To lie in bed'
body = {
head = 'Head',
neck = 'Neck',
spine = 'Spine',
upper_body = 'Upper Body',
lower_body = 'Lower Body',
left_arm = 'Left Arm',
left_hand = 'Left Hand',
left_fingers = 'Left Fingers',
left_leg = 'Left Leg',
left_foot = 'Left Foot',
right_arm = 'Right Arm',
right_hand = 'Right Hand',
right_fingers = 'Right Fingers',
right_leg = 'Right Leg',
right_foot = 'Right Foot',
progress = {
ifaks = 'Taking ifaks...',
bandage = 'Using Bandage...',
painkillers = 'Taking Painkillers...',
revive = 'Reviving Person...',
healing = 'Healing Wounds...',
checking_in = 'Checking in...',
logs = {
death_log_title = "%{playername} (%{playerid}) is dead",
death_log_message = "%{killername} has killed %{playername} with a **%{weaponlabel}** (%{weaponname})",
Lang = Locale:new({
phrases = Translations,
warnOnMissing = true
wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 11:28
local Translations = {
error = {
cance ...
local Translations = {
error = {
canceled = '已取消',
bled_out = '你已经流血过多……',
impossible = '操作不可能……',
no_player = '附近没有玩家',
no_firstaid = '你需要急救包',
no_bandage = '你需要绷带',
beds_taken = '床位已满……',
possessions_taken = '你的所有物品都被拿走了……',
not_enough_money = '你身上没有足够的钱……',
cant_help = '你不能帮助这个人……',
not_ems = '你不是EMS',
not_online = '玩家不在线'
success = {
revived = '你复活了一个人',
healthy_player = '玩家很健康',
helped_player = '你帮助了这个人',
wounds_healed = '你的伤口已经愈合!',
being_helped = '你正在被帮助……'
info = {
civ_died = '平民死亡',
civ_down = '平民倒下',
civ_call = '平民呼叫',
self_death = '自己或NPC',
wep_unknown = '未知',
respawn_txt = '重生时间: ~r~%{deathtime}~s~ 秒',
respawn_revive = '按住 %{holdtime} 秒以花费 $~r~%{cost}~s~ 进行重生',
bleed_out = '你将在:~r~%{time}~s~ 秒内出血而亡',
bleed_out_help = '你将在:~r~%{time}~s~ 秒内出血而亡,你可以获得帮助',
request_help = '按请求帮助',
help_requested = 'EMS人员已被通知',
amb_plate = 'AMBU', -- 应该只有4个字符长,因为最后4个是随机的4位数字
heli_plate = 'LIFE',-- 应该只有4个字符长,因为最后4个是随机的4位数字
status = '状态检查',
is_status = '处于 %{status} 状态',
healthy = '你再次完全健康!',
safe = '医院安全',
pb_hospital = 'Pillbox 医院',
pain_message = '你的 %{limb} 感觉 %{severity}',
many_places = '你有很多地方疼痛……',
bleed_alert = '你正在 %{bleedstate}',
ems_alert = 'EMS 警报 - %{text}',
mr = '先生',
mrs = '女士',
dr_needed = 'Pillbox 医院需要一名医生',
ems_report = 'EMS 报告',
message_sent = '发送的信息',
check_health = '检查玩家健康',
heal_player = '治疗玩家',
revive_player = '复活玩家',
revive_player_a = '复活某个玩家或自己(仅限管理员)',
player_id = '玩家ID(可以为空)',
pain_level = '设置你的或玩家的疼痛级别(仅限管理员)',
kill = '杀死某个玩家或自己(仅限管理员)',
heal_player_a = '治疗某个玩家或自己(仅限管理员)',
mail = {
sender = 'Pillbox 医院',
subject = '医院费用',
message = '亲爱的 %{gender} %{lastname}, 你收到了一封关于上次医院就诊费用的邮件。 最终费用为:$%{costs}。我们祝你早日康复!'
states = {
irritated = '刺激',
quite_painful = '相当疼痛',
painful = '疼痛',
really_painful = '非常疼痛',
little_bleed = '出血有点……',
bleed = '出血……',
lot_bleed = '大量出血……',
big_bleed = '大量出血……',
menu = {
amb_vehicles = '救护车车辆',
close = '⬅ 关闭菜单',
text = {
pstash_button = '~g~E~w~ - 个人储物柜',
pstash = '个人储物柜',
onduty_button = '~g~E~w~ - 上班',
offduty_button = '~r~E~w~ - 下班',
duty = '上/下班',
armory_button = '~g~E~w~ - 军械库',
armory = '军械库',
storeveh_button = '~g~E~w~ - 存放车辆',
veh_button = '~g~E~w~ - 车辆',
storeheli_button = '~g~E~w~ - 存放直升机',
heli_button = '~g~E~w~ - 拿取直升机',
elevator_roof = '~g~E~w~ - 电梯去往楼顶',
elevator_main = '~g~E~w~ - 电梯到主楼层',
bed_out = '~g~E~w~ - 起床..',
call_doc = '~g~E~w~ - 呼叫医生',
call = '呼叫',
check_in = '~g~E~w~ - 入院登记',
check = '入院登记',
lie_bed = '~g~E~w~ - 上床躺下',
body = {
head = '头部',
neck = '颈部',
spine = '脊柱',
upper_body = '上半身',
lower_body = '下半身',
left_arm = '左臂',
left_hand = '左手',
left_fingers = '左手指',
left_leg = '左腿',
left_foot = '左脚',
right_arm = '右臂',
right_hand = '右手',
right_fingers = '右手指',
right_leg = '右腿',
right_foot = '右脚',
progress = {
ifaks = '使用 IFAK...',
bandage = '使用绷带...',
painkillers = '服用止痛药...',
revive = '复活人...',
healing = '治疗伤口...',
checking_in = '登记中...',
logs = {
death_log_title = "%{playername} (%{playerid}) 死亡",
death_log_message = "%{killername} 使用 **%{weaponlabel}** (%{weaponname}) 杀死了 %{playername}",
Lang = Locale:new({
phrases = Translations,
warnOnMissing = true
local Translations = {
error = {
to_far_from_door = 'You are to far away from the Doorbell',
nobody_home = 'There is nobody home..',
success = {
receive_apart = 'You got a apartment',
changed_apart = 'You moved apartments',
info = {
at_the_door = 'Someone is at the door!',
text = {
enter = ' Enter Apartment',
ring_doorbell = 'Ring Doorbell',
logout = 'Logout Character',
change_outfit = ' Change Outfit',
open_stash = ' Open Stash',
move_here = 'Move Here',
open_door = 'Open Door',
leave = ' Leave Apartment',
close_menu = '⬅ Close Menu',
tennants = 'Tennants',
Lang = Locale:new({
phrases = Translations,
warnOnMissing = true
wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 11:30
local Translations = {
error = {
to_fa ...
local Translations = {
error = {
to_far_from_door = '你离门铃太远了',
nobody_home = '家里没人..',
success = {
receive_apart = '你获得了一间公寓',
changed_apart = '你搬到了新的公寓',
info = {
at_the_door = '有人在门口!',
text = {
enter = ' 进入公寓',
ring_doorbell = '按门铃',
logout = '登出角色',
change_outfit = ' 换装',
open_stash = ' 打开储藏室',
move_here = '搬到这里',
open_door = '开门',
leave = ' 离开公寓',
close_menu = '⬅ 关闭菜单',
tennants = '租客',
Lang = Locale:new({
phrases = Translations,
warnOnMissing = true
['unknown_caller'] = "Unknown caller",
['caller_unknown'] = "Unknown",
['caller_local'] = "Local",
['call_from'] = "Call from ",
['two_door'] = "Two-door ",
['three_door'] = "Three-door ",
['four_door'] = "Four-door ",
['compact'] = "Compact",
['sedan'] = "Sedan",
['suv'] = "SUV",
['coupe'] = "Coupe",
['muscle'] = "Muscle car",
['sports_classic'] = "Sports classic",
['sports'] = "Sports car",
['super'] = "Super car",
['motorcycle'] = "Motorcycle",
['offroad'] = "Off-road vehicle",
['industrial'] = "Industrial vehicle",
['utility'] = "Utility vehicle",
['van'] = "Van",
['service'] = "Service vehicle",
['military'] = "Military vehicle",
['truck'] = "Truck",
['melee'] = "Fight in progress",
['shooting'] = "Discharge of a firearm",
['driveby'] = "Drive-by shooting",
['speeding'] = "Reckless driving",
['autotheft'] = "Theft of a motor vehicle",
['officerdown'] = "Officer is down",
['persondown'] = "Person is injured",
wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 11:39
['unknown_caller'] = "Unknown caller",
['c ...
['unknown_caller'] = "未知来电者",
['caller_unknown'] = "未知",
['caller_local'] = "本地",
['call_from'] = "来电来自 ",
['two_door'] = "两门 ",
['three_door'] = "三门 ",
['four_door'] = "四门 ",
['compact'] = "紧凑型",
['sedan'] = "轿车",
['suv'] = "SUV",
['coupe'] = "轿跑",
['muscle'] = "肌肉车",
['sports_classic'] = "经典跑车",
['sports'] = "跑车",
['super'] = "超级跑车",
['motorcycle'] = "摩托车",
['offroad'] = "越野车",
['industrial'] = "工业车辆",
['utility'] = "工具车",
['van'] = "面包车",
['service'] = "服务车辆",
['military'] = "军用车辆",
['truck'] = "卡车",
['melee'] = "打斗进行中",
['shooting'] = "枪械开火",
['driveby'] = "驾车射击",
['speeding'] = "鲁莽驾驶",
['autotheft'] = "机动车盗窃",
['officerdown'] = "警官倒下",
['persondown'] = "有人受伤",
local Translations = {
error = {
["cancled"] = "Cancled",
["no_truck"] = "You have no truck!",
["not_enough"] = "Not Enough Money (%{value} required)",
["too_far"] = "You are too far away from the drop-off point",
["early_finish"] = "Due to early finish (Completed: %{completed} Total: %{total}), your deposit will not be returned.",
["never_clocked_on"] = "You never clocked on!",
success = {
["clear_routes"] = "Cleared users routes they had %{value} routes stored",
["pay_slip"] = "You got $%{total}, your payslip %{deposit} got paid to your bank account!",
info = {
["payslip_collect"] = "~g~E~w~ - Payslip",
["payslip"] = "Payslip",
["not_enough"] = "You have not enough money for the deposit.. Deposit costs are $%{value}",
["deposit_paid"] = "You have $%{value}, deposit paid!",
["no_deposit"] = "You have no deposit paid on this vehicle..",
["truck_returned"] = "Truck returned, collect your payslip to recieve your pay and deposit back!",
["bags_left"] = "There are still %{value} bags left!",
["bags_still"] = "There is still %{value} bags over there!",
["all_bags"] = "All garbage bags are done, proceed to the next location!",
["depot_issue"] = "There was an issue at the depot, please return immediately!",
["done_working"] = "You are done working! Go back to the depot.",
["started"] = "You have started working, location marked on GPS!,",
["grab_garbage"] = "~g~E~w~ - Grab a garbage bag",
["stand_grab_garbage"] = "Stand here to grab a garbage bag.",
["dispose_garbage"] = "~g~E~w~ - Dispose of Garbage Bag",
["progressbar"] = "Putting bag in trashmaster ..",
["garbage_in_truck"] = "Put the bag in your truck..",
["stand_here"] = "Stand here..",
["found_crypto"] = "You found a cryptostick on the floor",
["payout_deposit"] = "(+ $%{value} deposit)",
["store_truck"] ="~g~E~w~ - Store Garbage Truck",
["get_truck"] ="~g~E~w~ - Garbage Truck",
warning = {},
Lang = Locale:new({
phrases = Translations,
warnOnMissing = true
wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 12:17
local Translations = {
error = {
["can ...
local Translations = {
error = {
["cancled"] = "已取消",
["no_truck"] = "你没有卡车!",
["not_enough"] = "钱不够(需要 %{value} )",
["too_far"] = "你离投放点太远了",
["early_finish"] = "由于提前完成(已完成:%{completed} 总计:%{total}),你的押金不会退还。",
["never_clocked_on"] = "你从未打过卡!",
success = {
["clear_routes"] = "清除了用户的路线,他们有 %{value} 条路线被存储",
["pay_slip"] = "你获得了 $%{total},你的工资单 %{deposit} 已支付到你的银行账户!",
info = {
["payslip_collect"] = "~g~E~w~ - 领取工资单",
["payslip"] = "工资单",
["not_enough"] = "你没有足够的钱支付押金。。押金费用为 $%{value}",
["deposit_paid"] = "你支付了 $%{value} 的押金!",
["no_deposit"] = "你没有在这辆车上支付押金。。",
["truck_returned"] = "卡车已返还,领取你的工资单以获取工资和押金!",
["bags_left"] = "还有 %{value} 个垃圾袋!",
["bags_still"] = "那边还有 %{value} 个垃圾袋!",
["all_bags"] = "所有垃圾袋都处理完了,继续前往下一个地点!",
["depot_issue"] = "在仓库出现了问题,请立即返回!",
["done_working"] = "你完成工作了!返回仓库。",
["started"] = "你已经开始工作,地点已标记在GPS上!",
["grab_garbage"] = "~g~E~w~ - 拿一个垃圾袋",
["stand_grab_garbage"] = "站在这里拿一个垃圾袋。",
["dispose_garbage"] = "~g~E~w~ - 处理垃圾袋",
["progressbar"] = "将垃圾袋放入垃圾车中..",
["garbage_in_truck"] = "将垃圾袋放入你的卡车中..",
["stand_here"] = "站在这里..",
["found_crypto"] = "你在地上发现了一个加密棒",
["payout_deposit"] = "(+ $%{value} 押金)",
["store_truck"] = "~g~E~w~ - 存放垃圾车",
["get_truck"] = "~g~E~w~ - 垃圾车",
warning = {},
Lang = Locale:new({
phrases = Translations,
warnOnMissing = true