wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 09:57:56


local Translations = {
    error = {
      not_information = 'The item has no information. Buy graffiti from the shop!',
      not_found = 'Not found graffitis.',
      gang_only = 'This graffiti is for gangs only.',
      exist_graffiti = 'Someone has already put graffiti nearby.',
      blacklist_location = 'You cannot put graffiti on this place.',
      not_have_money = 'You not have enough money. You need more (%{value}$)'

    success = {
      buy_spraycan = 'You bought a graffiti can for %{value}$ with the name: %{value2}',

    blip = {
      graffiti_shop = 'Graffiti Shop'

    target = {
      graffiti_shop = 'Graffiti Shop'

    menu = {
      graffiti_shop = 'Graffiti Shop'

    progressbar = {
      spraying_on_wall = 'Spraying with paint',
      washing_the_wall = 'Washing the wall'

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-20 09:58:08

local Translations = {
    error = {
      not_information = '该物品没有信息。从商店购买涂鸦物品!',
      not_found = '未找到涂鸦。',
      gang_only = '此涂鸦仅限帮派使用。',
      exist_graffiti = '附近已经有人涂鸦了。',
      blacklist_location = '你不能在这个地方涂鸦。',
      not_have_money = '你没有足够的钱。你还需要(%{value}$)'

    success = {
      buy_spraycan = '你花费%{value}$购买了一个名为: %{value2}的涂鸦罐',

    blip = {
      graffiti_shop = '涂鸦商店'

    target = {
      graffiti_shop = '涂鸦商店'

    menu = {
      graffiti_shop = '涂鸦商店'

    progressbar = {
      spraying_on_wall = '使用喷漆涂鸦',
      washing_the_wall = '正在清洗墙壁'


wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 14:24:28

negative = 'Trying to sell an invalid amount?',
      no_melt = 'You didnt give me anything to Craft..',
      no_items = 'Invalid amount',
    success = {
      sold = 'you sold for %{value} x %{value2} $%{value3} ',
      items_received = 'you received %{value} x %{value2} ',
    info = {
      title = 'BOSS',
      subject = 'Crafted drugs',
      message = 'Craft Ended. You can come and get them whenever you want.',
      open_pawn = 'Selling Drugs and crafting',
      sell = 'Sell Drugs',
      sell_pawn = 'Buy Drugs',
      melt = 'Make Drug Craft',
      melt_pawn = 'Make Craft',
      melt_pickup = 'Undo Crafted Items',
      pawn_closed = 'Purchase is closed. Come between %{value}:00 - %{value2}:00',
      sell_items = 'Sale price $%{value}',
      back = '⬅ Back',
      melt_item = '%{value} Craft',
      max = 'Max Amound %{değer}',
      submit = 'Craft',
      melt_wait = ' %{value} Wait Minute, Goods Coming Soon',

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-23 11:07:59

negative = '尝试出售无效数量?',
      no_melt = '你没有给我任何东西来制作..',
      no_items = '无效数量',
    success = {
      sold = '你以%{value} x %{value2} $%{value3}出售了',
      items_received = '你收到了%{value} x %{value2}',
    info = {
      title = '老板',
      subject = '制作毒品',
      message = '制作结束。你可以随时来取。',
      open_pawn = '出售毒品和制作',
      sell = '出售毒品',
      sell_pawn = '购买毒品',
      melt = '制作毒品',
      melt_pawn = '制作',
      melt_pickup = '撤销制作的物品',
      pawn_closed = '购买已关闭。请在%{value}:00 - %{value2}:00之间来',
      sell_items = '售价 $%{value}',
      back = '⬅ 返回',
      melt_item = '%{value} 制作',
      max = '最大数量 %{değer}',
      submit = '制作',
      melt_wait = ' %{value} 等待分钟,货物即将到来',

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