wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 08:59:29


["banned"] = "You have been banned:",
      ["ban_perm"] = "\n\nYour ban is permanent.\n

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-20 08:59:35

["banned"] = "您已被禁止:",-- 您已被禁止:
["ban_perm"] = "\n\n您的禁令是永久的。\n",-- 您的禁令是永久的。

wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 09:04:43

["server_restart"] = "Server restart, check our Discord for more information: ",
      ["entity_view_distance"] = "Entity view distance set to: %{distance} meters",
      ["entity_view_info"] = "Entity Information",
      ["entity_view_title"] = "Entity Freeaim Mode",
      ["entity_freeaim_delete"] = "Delete Entity",
      ["entity_freeaim_freeze"] = "Freeze Entity",
      ["entity_frozen"] = "Frozen",
      ["entity_unfrozen"] = "Unfrozen",
      ["model_hash"] = "Model hash:",
      ["obj_name"] = "Object name:",
      ["ent_owner"] = "Entity owner:",
      ["cur_health"] = "Current Health:",
      ["max_health"] = "Max Health:",
      ["armour"] = "Armour:",
      ["rel_group"] = "Relation Group:",
      ["rel_to_player"] = "Relation to Player:",
      ["rel_group_custom"] = "Custom Relationship",
      ["veh_acceleration"] = "Acceleration:",
      ["veh_cur_gear"] = "Current Gear:",
      ["veh_speed_kph"] = "Kph:",
      ["veh_speed_mph"] = "Mph:",
      ["veh_rpm"] = "Rpm:",
      ["dist_to_obj"] = "Dist:",
      ["obj_heading"] = "Heading:",
      ["obj_coords"] = "Coords:",
      ["obj_rot"] = "Rotation:",
      ["obj_velocity"] = "Velocity:",
      ["obj_unknown"] = "Unknown",
      ["you_have"] = "You have ",
      ["freeaim_entity"] = " the freeaim entity",
      ["entity_del"]= "Entity deleted",
      ["entity_del_error"] = "Error deleting entity",

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-20 09:04:55

wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 09:04
["server_restart"] = "Server restart, check our Di ...

["server_restart"] = "服务器重启,查看我们的Discord以获取更多信息:",-- 服务器重启,查看我们的Discord以获取更多信息:
["entity_view_distance"] = "实体可视距离设置为:%{distance}米",-- 实体可视距离设置为:%{distance}米
["entity_view_info"] = "实体信息",-- 实体信息
["entity_view_title"] = "实体自由瞄准模式",-- 实体自由瞄准模式
["entity_freeaim_delete"] = "删除实体",-- 删除实体
["entity_freeaim_freeze"] = "冻结实体",-- 冻结实体
["entity_frozen"] = "已冻结",-- 已冻结
["entity_unfrozen"] = "已解冻",-- 已解冻
["model_hash"] = "模型哈希:",-- 模型哈希:
["obj_name"] = "对象名称:",-- 对象名称:
["ent_owner"] = "实体所有者:",-- 实体所有者:
["cur_health"] = "当前健康:",-- 当前健康:
["max_health"] = "最大健康:",-- 最大健康:
["armour"] = "护甲:",-- 护甲:
["rel_group"] = "关系组:",-- 关系组:
["rel_to_player"] = "与玩家的关系:",-- 与玩家的关系:
["rel_group_custom"] = "自定义关系",-- 自定义关系
["veh_acceleration"] = "加速度:",-- 加速度:
["veh_cur_gear"] = "当前档位:",-- 当前档位:
["veh_speed_kph"] = "公里每小时:",-- 公里每小时:
["veh_speed_mph"] = "英里每小时:",-- 英里每小时:
["veh_rpm"] = "转速:",-- 转速:
["dist_to_obj"] = "距离:",-- 距离:
["obj_heading"] = "朝向:",-- 朝向:
["obj_coords"] = "坐标:",-- 坐标:
["obj_rot"] = "旋转:",-- 旋转:
["obj_velocity"] = "速度:",-- 速度:
["obj_unknown"] = "未知",-- 未知
["you_have"] = "你有 ",-- 你有
["freeaim_entity"] = " 自由瞄准实体",-- 自由瞄准实体
["entity_del"]= "实体已删除",-- 实体已删除
["entity_del_error"] = "删除实体时出错",-- 删除实体时出错

wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 09:06:37

["admin_menu"] = "Admin Menu",
      ["admin_options"] = "Admin Options",
      ["online_players"] = "Online Players",
      ["manage_server"] = "Manage Server",
      ["weather_conditions"] = "Available Weather Options",
      ["dealer_list"] = "Dealer List",
      ["ban"] = "Ban",
      ["kick"] = "Kick",
      ["permissions"] = "Permissions",
      ["developer_options"] = "Developer Options",
      ["vehicle_options"] = "Vehicle Options",
      ["vehicle_categories"] = "Vehicle Categories",
      ["vehicle_models"] = "Vehicle Models",
      ["player_management"] = "Player Management",
      ["server_management"] = "Server Management",
      ["vehicles"] = "Vehicles",
      ["noclip"] = "NoClip",
      ["revive"] = "Revive",
      ["invisible"] = "Invisible",
      ["god"] = "Godmode",
      ["names"] = "Names",
      ["blips"] = "Blips",
      ["weather_options"] = "Weather Options",
      ["server_time"] = "Server Time",
      ["time"] = "Time",
      ["copy_vector3"] = "Copy vector3",
      ["copy_vector4"] = "Copy vector4",
      ["display_coords"] = "Display Coords",
      ["copy_heading"] = "Copy Heading",
      ["vehicle_dev_mode"] = "Vehicle Dev Mode",
      ["spawn_vehicle"] = "Spawn Vehicle",
      ["fix_vehicle"] = "Fix Vehicle",
      ["buy"] = "Buy",
      ["remove_vehicle"] = "Remove Vehicle",
      ["edit_dealer"] = "Edit Dealer ",
      ["dealer_name"] = "Dealer Name",
      ["category_name"] = "Category Name",
      ["kill"] = "Kill",
      ["freeze"] = "Freeze",
      ["spectate"] = "Spectate",
      ["bring"] = "Bring",
      ["sit_in_vehicle"] = "Sit in vehicle",
      ["open_inv"] = "Open Inventory",
      ["give_clothing_menu"] = "Give Clothing Menu",
      ["hud_dev_mode"] = "Dev Mode (qb-hud)",
      ["entity_view_options"] = "Entity View Mode",
      ["entity_view_distance"] = "Set View Distance",
      ["entity_view_freeaim"] = "Freeaim Mode",
      ["entity_view_peds"] = "Display Peds",
      ["entity_view_vehicles"] = "Display Vehicles",
      ["entity_view_objects"] = "Display Objects",
      ["entity_view_freeaim_copy"] = "Copy Freeaim Entity Info",
      ["spawn_weapons"] = "Spawn Weapons",
      ["max_mods"] = "Max car mods",
    desc = {
      ["admin_options_desc"] = "Misc. Admin Options",
      ["player_management_desc"] = "View List Of Players",
      ["server_management_desc"] = "Misc. Server Options",
      ["vehicles_desc"] = "Vehicle Options",
      ["dealer_desc"] = "List of Existing Dealers",
      ["noclip_desc"] = "Enable/Disable NoClip",
      ["revive_desc"] = "Revive Yourself",
      ["invisible_desc"] = "Enable/Disable Invisibility",
      ["god_desc"] = "Enable/Disable God Mode",
      ["names_desc"] = "Enable/Disable Names overhead",
      ["blips_desc"] = "Enable/Disable Blips for players in maps",
      ["weather_desc"] = "Change The Weather",
      ["developer_desc"] = "Misc. Dev Options",
      ["vector3_desc"] = "Copy vector3 To Clipboard",
      ["vector4_desc"] = "Copy vector4 To Clipboard",
      ["display_coords_desc"] = "Show Coords On Screen",
      ["copy_heading_desc"] = "Copy Heading to Clipboard",
      ["vehicle_dev_mode_desc"] = "Display Vehicle Information",
      ["delete_laser_desc"] = "Enable/Disable Laser",
      ["spawn_vehicle_desc"] = "Spawn a vehicle",
      ["fix_vehicle_desc"] = "Fix the vehicle you are in",
      ["buy_desc"] = "Buy the vehicle for free",
      ["remove_vehicle_desc"] = "Remove closest vehicle",
      ["dealergoto_desc"] = "Goto dealer",
      ["dealerremove_desc"] = "Remove dealer",
      ["kick_reason"] = "Kick reason",
      ["confirm_kick"] = "Confirm the kick",
      ["ban_reason"] = "Ban reason",
      ["confirm_ban"] = "Confirm the ban",
      ["sit_in_veh_desc"] = "Sit in",
      ["sit_in_veh_desc2"] = "'s vehicle",
      ["clothing_menu_desc"] = "Give the Cloth menu to",
      ["hud_dev_mode_desc"] = "Enable/Disable Developer Mode",
      ["entity_view_desc"] = "View information about entities",
      ["entity_view_freeaim_desc"] = "Enable/Disable entity info via freeaim",
      ["entity_view_peds_desc"] = "Enable/Disable ped info in the world",
      ["entity_view_vehicles_desc"] = "Enable/Disable vehicle info in the world",
      ["entity_view_objects_desc"] = "Enable/Disable object info in the world",
      ["entity_view_freeaim_copy_desc"] = "Copies the Free Aim entity info to clipboard",
      ["spawn_weapons_desc"] = "Spawn Any Weapon.",
      ["max_mod_desc"] = "Max mod your current vehicle",
    time = {
      ["ban_length"] = "Ban Length",
      ["1hour"] = "1 hour",
      ["6hour"] = "6 hours",
      ["12hour"] = "12 hours",
      ["1day"] = "1 Day",
      ["3day"] = "3 Days",
      ["1week"] = "1 Week",
      ["1month"] = "1 Month",
      ["3month"] = "3 Months",
      ["6month"] = "6 Months",
      ["1year"] = "1 Year",
      ["permenent"] = "Permanent",
      ["self"] = "Self",
      ["changed"] = "Time changed to %{time} hs 00 min",
    weather = {
      ["extra_sunny"] = "Extra Sunny",
      ["extra_sunny_desc"] = "I'm Melting!",
      ["clear"] = "Clear",
      ["clear_desc"] = "The Perfect Day!",
      ["neutral"] = "Neutral",
      ["neutral_desc"] = "Just A Regular Day!",
      ["smog"] = "Smog",
      ["smog_desc"] = "Smoke Machine!",
      ["foggy"] = "Foggy",
      ["foggy_desc"] = "Smoke Machine x2!",
      ["overcast"] = "Overcast",
      ["overcast_desc"] = "Not Too Sunny!",
      ["clouds"] = "Clouds",
      ["clouds_desc"] = "Where's The Sun?",
      ["clearing"] = "Clearing",
      ["clearing_desc"] = "Clouds Start To Clear!",
      ["rain"] = "Rain",
      ["rain_desc"] = "Make It Rain!",
      ["thunder"] = "Thunder",
      ["thunder_desc"] = "Run and Hide!",
      ["snow"] = "Snow",
      ["snow_desc"] = "Is It Cold Out Here?",
      ["blizzard"] = "Blizzard",
      ["blizzed_desc"] = "Snow Machine?",
      ["light_snow"] = "Light Snow",
      ["light_snow_desc"] = "Starting To Feel Like Christmas!",
      ["heavy_snow"] = "Heavy Snow (XMAS)",
      ["heavy_snow_desc"] = "Snowball Fight!",
      ["halloween"] = "Halloween",
      ["halloween_desc"] = "What Was That Noise?!",
      ["weather_changed"] = "Weather Changed To: %{value}",
    commands = {
      ["blips_for_player"] = "Show blips for players (Admin Only)",
      ["player_name_overhead"] = "Show player name overhead (Admin Only)",
      ["coords_dev_command"] = "Enable coord display for development stuff (Admin Only)",
      ["toogle_noclip"] = "Toggle noclip (Admin Only)",
      ["save_vehicle_garage"] = "Save Vehicle To Your Garage (Admin Only)",
      ["make_announcement"] = "Make An Announcement (Admin Only)",
      ["open_admin"] = "Open Admin Menu (Admin Only)",
      ["staffchat_message"] = "Send A Message To All Staff (Admin Only)",
      ["nui_focus"] = "Give A Player NUI Focus (Admin Only)",
      ["warn_a_player"] = "Warn A Player (Admin Only)",
      ["check_player_warning"] = "Check Player Warnings (Admin Only)",
      ["delete_player_warning"] = "Delete Players Warnings (Admin Only)",
      ["reply_to_report"] = "Reply To A Report (Admin Only)",
      ["change_ped_model"] = "Change Ped Model (Admin Only)",
      ["set_player_foot_speed"] = "Set Player Foot Speed (Admin Only)",
      ["report_toggle"] = "Toggle Incoming Reports (Admin Only)",
      ["kick_all"] = "Kick all players",
      ["ammo_amount_set"] = "Set Your Ammo Amount (Admin Only)",

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-20 09:07:12

wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 09:06
["admin_menu"] = "Admin Menu",
      ["admin_opt ...

["admin_menu"] = "管理菜单",-- 管理菜单
["admin_options"] = "管理选项",-- 管理选项
["online_players"] = "在线玩家",-- 在线玩家
["manage_server"] = "管理服务器",-- 管理服务器
["weather_conditions"] = "可用天气选项",-- 可用天气选项
["dealer_list"] = "经销商列表",-- 经销商列表
["ban"] = "禁令",-- 禁令
["kick"] = "踢出",-- 踢出
["permissions"] = "权限",-- 权限
["developer_options"] = "开发者选项",-- 开发者选项
["vehicle_options"] = "车辆选项",-- 车辆选项
["vehicle_categories"] = "车辆分类",-- 车辆分类
["vehicle_models"] = "车辆型号",-- 车辆型号
["player_management"] = "玩家管理",-- 玩家管理
["server_management"] = "服务器管理",-- 服务器管理
["vehicles"] = "车辆",-- 车辆
["noclip"] = "穿墙模式",-- 穿墙模式
["revive"] = "复活",-- 复活
["invisible"] = "隐形",-- 隐形
["god"] = "无敌模式",-- 无敌模式
["names"] = "名字",-- 名字
["blips"] = "标记",-- 标记
["weather_options"] = "天气选项",-- 天气选项
["server_time"] = "服务器时间",-- 服务器时间
["time"] = "时间",-- 时间
["copy_vector3"] = "复制向量3",-- 复制向量3
["copy_vector4"] = "复制向量4",-- 复制向量4
["display_coords"] = "显示坐标",-- 显示坐标
["copy_heading"] = "复制朝向",-- 复制朝向
["vehicle_dev_mode"] = "车辆开发模式",-- 车辆开发模式
["spawn_vehicle"] = "生成车辆",-- 生成车辆
["fix_vehicle"] = "修复车辆",-- 修复车辆
["buy"] = "购买",-- 购买
["remove_vehicle"] = "移除车辆",-- 移除车辆
["edit_dealer"] = "编辑经销商",-- 编辑经销商
["dealer_name"] = "经销商名称",-- 经销商名称
["category_name"] = "分类名称",-- 分类名称
["kill"] = "杀死",-- 杀死
["freeze"] = "冻结",-- 冻结
["spectate"] = "观战",-- 观战
["bring"] = "带来",-- 带来
["sit_in_vehicle"] = "坐进车辆",-- 坐进车辆
["open_inv"] = "打开背包",-- 打开背包
["give_clothing_menu"] = "给予服装菜单",-- 给予服装菜单
["hud_dev_mode"] = "开发者模式 (qb-hud)",-- 开发者模式 (qb-hud)
["entity_view_options"] = "实体视图模式",-- 实体视图模式
["entity_view_distance"] = "设置视距",-- 设置视距
["entity_view_freeaim"] = "自由瞄准模式",-- 自由瞄准模式
["entity_view_peds"] = "显示行人",-- 显示行人
["entity_view_vehicles"] = "显示车辆",-- 显示车辆
["entity_view_objects"] = "显示对象",-- 显示对象
["entity_view_freeaim_copy"] = "复制自由瞄准实体信息",-- 复制自由瞄准实体信息
["spawn_weapons"] = "生成武器",-- 生成武器
["max_mods"] = "最大车辆改装",-- 最大车辆改装

desc = {
["admin_options_desc"] = "杂项管理选项",-- 杂项管理选项
["player_management_desc"] = "查看玩家列表",-- 查看玩家列表
["server_management_desc"] = "杂项服务器选项",-- 杂项服务器选项
["vehicles_desc"] = "车辆选项",-- 车辆选项
["dealer_desc"] = "现有经销商列表",-- 现有经销商列表
["noclip_desc"] = "启用/禁用穿墙模式",-- 启用/禁用穿墙模式
["revive_desc"] = "复活自己",-- 复活自己
["invisible_desc"] = "启用/禁用隐身",-- 启用/禁用隐身
["god_desc"] = "启用/禁用无敌模式",-- 启用/禁用无敌模式
["names_desc"] = "启用/禁用头顶显示名称",-- 启用/禁用头顶显示名称
["blips_desc"] = "启用/禁用地图上的玩家标记",-- 启用/禁用地图上的玩家标记
["weather_desc"] = "更改天气",-- 更改天气
["developer_desc"] = "杂项开发选项",-- 杂项开发选项
["vector3_desc"] = "复制向量3到剪贴板",-- 复制向量3到剪贴板
["vector4_desc"] = "复制向量4到剪贴板",-- 复制向量4到剪贴板
["display_coords_desc"] = "在屏幕上显示坐标",-- 在屏幕上显示坐标
["copy_heading_desc"] = "将朝向复制到剪贴板",-- 将朝向复制到剪贴板
["vehicle_dev_mode_desc"] = "显示车辆信息",-- 显示车辆信息
["delete_laser_desc"] = "启用/禁用激光",-- 启用/禁用激光
["spawn_vehicle_desc"] = "生成一辆车",-- 生成一辆车
["fix_vehicle_desc"] = "修复你当前的车辆",-- 修复你当前的车辆
["buy_desc"] = "免费购买车辆",-- 免费购买车辆
["remove_vehicle_desc"] = "移除最近的车辆",-- 移除最近的车辆
["dealergoto_desc"] = "前往经销商",-- 前往经销商
["dealerremove_desc"] = "移除经销商",-- 移除经销商
["kick_reason"] = "踢出原因",-- 踢出原因
["confirm_kick"] = "确认踢出",-- 确认踢出
["ban_reason"] = "禁令原因",-- 禁令原因
["confirm_ban"] = "确认禁令",-- 确认禁令
["sit_in_veh_desc"] = "坐进",-- 坐进
["sit_in_veh_desc2"] = "的车辆",-- 的车辆
["clothing_menu_desc"] = "给与服装菜单给",-- 给与服装菜单给
["hud_dev_mode_desc"] = "启用/禁用开发者模式",-- 启用/禁用开发者模式
["entity_view_desc"] = "查看实体信息",-- 查看实体信息
["entity_view_freeaim_desc"] = "通过自由瞄准启用/禁用实体信息",-- 通过自由瞄准启用/禁用实体信息
["entity_view_peds_desc"] = "启用/禁用世界中的行人信息",-- 启用/禁用世界中的行人信息
["entity_view_vehicles_desc"] = "启用/禁用世界中的车辆信息",-- 启用/禁用世界中的车辆信息
["entity_view_objects_desc"] = "启用/禁用世界中的对象信息",-- 启用/禁用世界中的对象信息
["entity_view_freeaim_copy_desc"] = "将自由瞄准的实体信息复制到剪贴板",-- 将自由瞄准的实体信息复制到剪贴板
["spawn_weapons_desc"] = "生成任何武器",-- 生成任何武器
["max_mod_desc"] = "将当前车辆进行最大改装",-- 将当前车辆进行最大改装

time = {
["ban_length"] = "禁令长度",-- 禁令长度
["1hour"] = "1小时",-- 1小时
["6hour"] = "6小时",-- 6小时
["12hour"] = "12小时",-- 12小时
["1day"] = "1天",-- 1天
["3day"] = "3天",-- 3天
["1week"] = "1周",-- 1周
["1month"] = "1个月",-- 1个月
["3month"] = "3个月",-- 3个月
["6month"] = "6个月",-- 6个月
["1year"] = "1年",-- 1年
["permenent"] = "永久",-- 永久
["self"] = "自我",-- 自我
["changed"] = "时间已更改为 %{time} 小时 00 分钟",-- 时间已更改为 %{time} 小时 00 分钟

weather = {
["extra_sunny"] = "极度晴朗",-- 极度晴朗
["extra_sunny_desc"] = "我快融化了!",-- 我快融化了!
["clear"] = "晴朗",-- 晴朗
["clear_desc"] = "完美的一天!",-- 完美的一天!
["neutral"] = "中性",-- 中性
["neutral_desc"] = "只是普通的一天!",-- 只是普通的一天!
["smog"] = "雾霾",-- 雾霾
["smog_desc"] = "烟雾机!",-- 烟雾机!
["foggy"] = "有雾",-- 有雾
["foggy_desc"] = "烟雾机x2!",-- 烟雾机x2!
["overcast"] = "阴天",-- 阴天
["overcast_desc"] = "不太晴朗!",-- 不太晴朗!
["clouds"] = "云朵",-- 云朵
["clouds_desc"] = "太阳去哪了?",-- 太阳去哪了?
["clearing"] = "放晴",-- 放晴
["clearing_desc"] = "云开始散开!",-- 云开始散开!
["rain"] = "下雨",-- 下雨
["rain_desc"] = "让它下雨!",-- 让它下雨!
["thunder"] = "雷鸣",-- 雷鸣
["thunder_desc"] = "跑起来躲避!",-- 跑起来躲避!
["snow"] = "下雪",-- 下雪
["snow_desc"] = "外面很冷吗?",-- 外面很冷吗?
["blizzard"] = "暴风雪",-- 暴风雪
["blizzed_desc"] = "雪机?",-- 雪机?
["light_snow"] = "小雪",-- 小雪
["light_snow_desc"] = "开始感觉像圣诞节了!",-- 开始感觉像圣诞节了!
["heavy_snow"] = "大雪 (圣诞)",-- 大雪 (圣诞)
["heavy_snow_desc"] = "打雪仗!",-- 打雪仗!
["halloween"] = "万圣节",-- 万圣节
["halloween_desc"] = "那是什么声音?!",-- 那是什么声音?!
["weather_changed"] = "天气已更改为:%{value}",-- 天气已更改为:%{value}

commands = {
["blips_for_player"] = "显示玩家的标记 (管理员专用)",-- 显示玩家的标记 (管理员专用)
["player_name_overhead"] = "显示玩家头顶的名字 (管理员专用)",-- 显示玩家头顶的名字 (管理员专用)
["coords_dev_command"] = "启用坐标显示用于开发 (管理员专用)",-- 启用坐标显示用于开发 (管理员专用)
["toogle_noclip"] = "切换穿墙模式 (管理员专用)",-- 切换穿墙模式 (管理员专用)
["save_vehicle_garage"] = "将车辆保存到你的车库 (管理员专用)",-- 将车辆保存到你的车库 (管理员专用)
["make_announcement"] = "发布公告 (管理员专用)",-- 发布公告 (管理员专用)
["open_admin"] = "打开管理菜单 (管理员专用)",-- 打开管理菜单 (管理员专用)
["staffchat_message"] = "发送消息给所有工作人员 (管理员专用)",-- 发送消息给所有工作人员 (管理员专用)
["nui_focus"] = "给予玩家NUI焦点 (管理员专用)",-- 给予玩家NUI焦点 (管理员专用)
["warn_a_player"] = "警告一名玩家 (管理员专用)",-- 警告一名玩家 (管理员专用)
["check_player_warning"] = "检查玩家警告 (管理员专用)",-- 检查玩家警告 (管理员专用)
["delete_player_warning"] = "删除玩家警告 (管理员专用)",-- 删除玩家警告 (管理员专用)
["reply_to_report"] = "回复报告 (管理员专用)",-- 回复报告 (管理员专用)
["change_ped_model"] = "更改行人模型 (管理员专用)",-- 更改行人模型 (管理员专用)
["set_player_foot_speed"] = "设置玩家步行速度 (管理员专用)",-- 设置玩家步行速度 (管理员专用)
["report_toggle"] = "切换接收报告 (管理员专用)",-- 切换接收报告 (管理员专用)
["kick_all"] = "踢出所有玩家",-- 踢出所有玩家
["ammo_amount_set"] = "设置你的弹药数量 (管理员专用)",-- 设置你的弹药数量 (管理员专用)


wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 09:10:46

UMAdmin.Lang = {
    general: {
      ["dashboard"]: "Dashboard",
      ["players"]: "Players",
      ["server"]: "Server",
      ["vehicles"]: "Vehicles",
      ["devs"]: "Devs",
      ["bans"]: "Bans",
      ["peds"]: "Peds",
      ["minpage"]: "Tools",
      ["weapons"]: "Weapons",
      ["totalcash"]: "Total Cash",
      ["totalbank"]: "Total Bank",
      ["announce"]: "Announce",
      ["kickall"]: "Kick All",
    weather: {
      ["EXTRASUNNY"]:"☀️ Extra Sunny",
      ["CLEAR"]:"☀️ Clear",
      ["NEUTRAL"]:"☀️ Neutral",

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-20 09:10:58

wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 09:10
UMAdmin.Lang = {
    general: {
      ["dashboar ...

UMAdmin.Lang = {
    general = {
      ["dashboard"] = "Dashboard", -- 仪表板
      ["players"] = "Players", -- 玩家
      ["server"] = "Server", -- 服务器
      ["vehicles"] = "Vehicles", -- 车辆
      ["devs"] = "Devs", -- 开发者
      ["bans"] = "Bans", -- 禁令
      ["peds"] = "Peds", -- 行人
      ["minpage"] = "Tools", -- 工具
      ["weapons"] = "Weapons", -- 武器
      ["totalcash"] = "Total Cash", -- 总现金
      ["totalbank"] = "Total Bank", -- 总银行
      ["announce"] = "Announce", -- 公告
      ["kickall"] = "Kick All", -- 踢出所有
    weather = {
      ["EXTRASUNNY"] = "☀️ Extra Sunny", -- 极度晴朗
      ["CLEAR"] = "☀️ Clear", -- 晴朗
      ["NEUTRAL"] = "☀️ Neutral", -- 中性
      ["SMOG"] = "☁️ Smog" -- 雾霾


wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 09:20:37

["noclip"]: "noclip",
      ["revive"]: "revive",
      ["invisible"]: "invisible",
      ["godmode"]: "god mode",
      ["blips"]: "blips",
      ["names"]: "names",
      ["fastspeed"]: "fast speed",
      ["infiniteammo"]: "infinite ammo",
      ["fixvehicle"]: "fix vehicle",
      ["maxmodvehicle"]: "maxmod vehicle",
      ["buyvehicle"]: "buy vehicle",
      ["godmodeveh"]: "godmode veh",
      ["copyvector2"]: "copy vector 2",
      ["copyvector3"]: "copy vector 3",
      ["copyvector4"]: "copy vector 4",
      ["heading"]: "copy heading",
      ["superjump"]: "superjump",
      ["clothing"]: "clothing",
      ["vehicledev"]: "vehicle dev",
      ["showcoords"]: "show coords",
      ["devmode"]: "dev mode",
      ["setdistance"]: "set view distance",
      ["freeaim"]: "freeaim mode",
      ["displayvehicle"]: "display vehicle",
      ["displaypeds"]: "display peds",
      ["displayobjects"]: "display objects",
      ["copyfreeaim"]: "copy freeaim",

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-20 09:20:46

wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 09:20
: "noclip",
      : "revive",
      : "invisib ...

= "穿墙模式", -- noclip
= "复活", -- revive
= "隐形", -- invisible
= "无敌模式", -- god mode
= "标记", -- blips
= "名字", -- names
= "快速速度", -- fast speed
= "无限弹药", -- infinite ammo
= "修复车辆", -- fix vehicle
= "最大改装车辆", -- maxmod vehicle
= "购买车辆", -- buy vehicle
= "车辆无敌模式", -- godmode veh
= "复制向量2", -- copy vector 2
= "复制向量3", -- copy vector 3
= "复制向量4", -- copy vector 4
= "复制朝向", -- copy heading
= "超级跳跃", -- superjump
= "服装", -- clothing
= "车辆开发", -- vehicle dev
= "显示坐标", -- show coords
= "开发者模式", -- dev mode
= "设置视距", -- set view distance
= "自由瞄准模式", -- freeaim mode
= "显示车辆", -- display vehicle
= "显示行人", -- display peds
= "显示对象", -- display objects
= "复制自由瞄准", -- copy freeaim


wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 09:54:48

local Translations = {
    error = {
      not_information = 'The item has no information. Buy graffiti from the shop!',
      not_found = 'Not found graffitis.',
      gang_only = 'This graffiti is for gangs only.',
      exist_graffiti = 'Someone has already put graffiti nearby.',
      blacklist_location = 'You cannot put graffiti on this place.',
      not_have_money = 'You not have enough money. You need more (%{value}$)'

    success = {
      buy_spraycan = 'You bought a graffiti can for %{value}$ with the name: %{value2}',

    blip = {
      graffiti_shop = 'Graffiti Shop'

    target = {
      graffiti_shop = 'Graffiti Shop'

    menu = {
      graffiti_shop = 'Graffiti Shop'

    progressbar = {
      spraying_on_wall = 'Spraying with paint',
      washing_the_wall = 'Washing the wall'

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-20 09:55:02

wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 09:54
local Translations = {
    error = {
      not_i ...

-- Error Messages
local Translations = {
    error = {
      not_information = 'The item has no information. Buy graffiti from the shop!',-- 物品没有信息。从商店购买涂鸦!
      not_found = 'Not found graffitis.',-- 没有找到涂鸦。
      gang_only = 'This graffiti is for gangs only.',-- 这个涂鸦仅限帮派使用。
      exist_graffiti = 'Someone has already put graffiti nearby.',-- 附近已经有人涂了涂鸦。
      blacklist_location = 'You cannot put graffiti on this place.',-- 你不能在这个地方涂鸦。
      not_have_money = 'You do not have enough money. You need more (%{value}$)'-- 你没有足够的钱。你还需要更多(%{value}$)

    -- Success Messages
    success = {
      buy_spraycan = 'You bought a graffiti can for %{value}$ with the name: %{value2}',-- 你花了%{value}$购买了一个涂鸦罐,名字是:%{value2}

    -- Blip Names
    blip = {
      graffiti_shop = 'Graffiti Shop'-- 涂鸦店

    -- Target Labels
    target = {
      graffiti_shop = 'Graffiti Shop'-- 涂鸦店

    -- Menu Labels
    menu = {
      graffiti_shop = 'Graffiti Shop'-- 涂鸦店

    -- Progress Bar Texts
    progressbar = {
      spraying_on_wall = 'Spraying with paint',-- 用油漆喷涂
      washing_the_wall = 'Washing the wall'   -- 清洗墙壁

页: [1]
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