wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 08:57:00


local Translations = {
    error = {
      ["blips_deactivated"] = "Blips deactivated",
      ["names_deactivated"] = "Names deactivated",
      ["changed_perm_failed"] = "Choose a group!",
      ["missing_reason"] = "You must give a reason!",
      ["invalid_reason_length_ban"] = "You must give a Reason and set a Length for the ban!",
      ["no_store_vehicle_garage"] = "You cant store this vehicle in your garage..",
      ["no_vehicle"] = "You are not in a vehicle..",
      ["no_weapon"] = "You dont have a weapon in your hands..",
      ["no_free_seats"] = "The vehicle has no free seats!",
      ["failed_vehicle_owner"] = "This vehicle is already yours..",
      ["not_online"] = "This player is not online",
      ["no_receive_report"] = "You are not receiving reports",
      ["failed_set_speed"] = "You did not set a speed.. (`fast` for super-run, `normal` for normal)",
      ["failed_set_model"] = "You did not set a model..",
      ["failed_entity_copy"] = "No freeaim entity info to copy to clipboard!",
    success = {
      ["blips_activated"] = "Blips activated",
      ["names_activated"] = "Names activated",
      ["coords_copied"] = "Coordinates copied to clipboard!",
      ["heading_copied"] = "Heading copied to clipboard!",
      ["changed_perm"] = "Authority group changed",
      ["entered_vehicle"] = "Entered vehicle",
      ["success_vehicle_owner"] = "The vehicle is now yours!",
      ["receive_reports"] = "You are receiving reports",
      ["entity_copy"] = "Freeaim entity info copied to clipboard!",
      ["sucess.entered_vehicle"] = "success Entered vehicle",
      ["spawn_weapon"] = "You have spawned a Weapon ",
      ["noclip_enabled"] = "No-clip enabled",
      ["noclip_disabled"] = "No-clip disabled",
    info = {
      ["ped_coords"] = "Ped Coordinates:",
      ["vehicle_dev_data"] = "Vehicle Developer Data:",
      ["ent_id"] = "Entity ID:",
      ["net_id"] = "Net ID:",
      ["net_id_not_registered"] = "Not registered",
      ["model"] = "Model",
      ["hash"] = "Hash",
      ["eng_health"] = "Engine Health:",
      ["body_health"] = "Body Health:",
      ["goto"] = "Go to",
      ["remove"] = "Remove",
      ["confirm"] = "Confirm",
      ["reason_title"] = "Reason",
      ["length"] = "Length",
      ["options"] = "Options",
      ["position"] = "Position",
      ["your_position"] = "to your position",
      ["open"] = "Open",
      ["inventories"] = "inventories",
      ["reason"] = "you need to give a reason",
      ["give"] = "give",
      ["id"] = "ID:",
      ["player_name"] = "Player Name",
      ["obj"] = "Obj",
      ["ammoforthe"] = "+%{value} Ammo for the %{weapon}",
      ["kicked_server"] = "You have been kicked from the server",
      ["check_discord"] = "

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-20 08:57:18

local Translations = {
    error = {
      ["blips_deactivated"] = "标记已停用",
      ["names_deactivated"] = "名称已停用",
      ["changed_perm_failed"] = "请选择一个组!",
      ["missing_reason"] = "您必须给出一个理由!",
      ["invalid_reason_length_ban"] = "您必须给出一个理由并设置禁令的时长!",
      ["no_store_vehicle_garage"] = "您不能将这辆车存放在您的车库中..",
      ["no_vehicle"] = "您不在一辆车内..",
      ["no_weapon"] = "您手中没有武器..",
      ["no_free_seats"] = "车辆中没有空闲座位!",
      ["failed_vehicle_owner"] = "这辆车已经是您的了..",
      ["not_online"] = "该玩家不在线",
      ["no_receive_report"] = "您未接收报告",
      ["failed_set_speed"] = "您未设置速度..(`fast`表示超级跑步,`normal`表示正常)",
      ["failed_set_model"] = "您未设置模型..",
      ["failed_entity_copy"] = "没有可复制到剪贴板的自由瞄准实体信息!",
    success = {
      ["blips_activated"] = "标记已激活",
      ["names_activated"] = "名称已激活",
      ["coords_copied"] = "坐标已复制到剪贴板!",
      ["heading_copied"] = "方向已复制到剪贴板!",
      ["changed_perm"] = "权限组已更改",
      ["entered_vehicle"] = "进入车辆",
      ["success_vehicle_owner"] = "这辆车现在是您的了!",
      ["receive_reports"] = "您正在接收报告",
      ["entity_copy"] = "自由瞄准实体信息已复制到剪贴板!",
      ["sucess.entered_vehicle"] = "成功进入车辆",
      ["spawn_weapon"] = "您已生成一把武器",
      ["noclip_enabled"] = "无碰撞模式已启用",
      ["noclip_disabled"] = "无碰撞模式已禁用",
    info = {
      ["ped_coords"] = "行人坐标:",
      ["vehicle_dev_data"] = "车辆开发数据:",
      ["ent_id"] = "实体ID:",
      ["net_id"] = "网络ID:",
      ["net_id_not_registered"] = "未注册",
      ["model"] = "模型",
      ["hash"] = "哈希",
      ["eng_health"] = "引擎健康:",
      ["body_health"] = "车身健康:",
      ["goto"] = "前往",
      ["remove"] = "移除",
      ["confirm"] = "确认",
      ["reason_title"] = "理由",
      ["length"] = "时长",
      ["options"] = "选项",
      ["position"] = "位置",
      ["your_position"] = "到您的位置",
      ["open"] = "打开",
      ["inventories"] = "库存",
      ["reason"] = "你需要给出一个理由",
      ["give"] = "给予",
      ["id"] = "ID:",
      ["player_name"] = "玩家姓名",
      ["obj"] = "对象",
      ["ammoforthe"] = "+%{value} %{weapon} 的弹药",
      ["kicked_server"] = "您已被服务器踢出",
      ["check_discord"] = "请检查Discord",
页: [1]
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