wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 08:43:48


Loc["en"] = {
    error = {
      ["cancel"] = "Cancelled",
      ["no_one"] = "No one near by to charge",
      ["not_onduty"] = "Not Clocked in!",
      ["no_job"] = "You don't have the required job",
      ["no_ticket"] = "You don't have any tickets to trade",
      ["bank_low"] = "Bank Balance too low",
      ["no_cash"] = "Not enough cash",
      ["saving_low"] = "Savings Balance too low",
      ["soc_low"] = "Society balance too low",
      ["nomoney_bank"] = "Not enough money in your bank",
      ["error_start"] = "Error: Account '",
      ["error_end"] = "' not found",
      ["not_enough"] = "You don't have enough cash to give",
      ["zero"] = "You can't give $0",
      ["charge_zero"] = "You can't charge $0",
      ["no_ticket_to"] = "No tickets to trade",
      ["customer_nocash"] = "Customer doesn't have enough cash to pay",
      ["you_nocash"] = "You don't have enough cash to pay",
      ["decline_pay"] = " declined the $",
      ["declined_payment"] = "You declined the payment",
    success = {
      ["draw"] = "Withdrew $",
      ["from_bank"] = " from the bank",
      ["deposited"] = "Deposited $",
      ["into_bank"] = " into the Bank",
      ["draw_save"] = " Withdrawn from savings into bank account",
      ["depos_save"] = " Deposited from bank account into savings",
      ["fromthe"] = " from the ",
      ["into"] = " into the ",
      ["account"] = " account",
      ["sent"] = "Sent $",
      ["recieved"] = "Recieved $",
      ["to"] = " to ",
      ["from"] = " from ",
      ["you_gave"] = "You gave ",
      ["you_got"] = "You got $",
      ["invoice_start"] = " Paid their $",
      ["invoice_end"] = " invoice",
      ["rec_rec"] = "Receipt received",
      ["commission"] = " in Commission",
      ["trade_ticket_start"] = "Tickets traded: ",
      ["trade_ticket_end"] = " Total: $",
      ["inv_succ"] = "Invoice Successfully Sent",
      ["inv_recieved"] = "New Invoice Received",
      ["declined"] = "You declined the payment",
      ["accepted_pay"] = " accepted the $",
      ["payment"] = " payment",
      ["charged"] = " was charged for $",
      ["you_charged"] = "You were charged for $",
      ["charge_end"] = " charge",
    blip = {
      ["blip_atm"] = "ATM",
      ["blip_bank"] = "Bank",
    command = {
      ["pay_user"] = "Pay a user nearby",
      ["cash_reg"] = "Use mobile cash register",
      ["charge"] = "Charge another person",
    target = {
      ["atm"] = "Use ATM",
      ["bank"] = "Use Bank",
      ["transfer"] = "Transfer Money",
      ["saving"] = "Access Savings",
      ["soc_saving"] = "Access Society Account",
      ["soc_trans"] = "Society Money Transfer",
      ["gang_acct"] = "Gang Society Account",
      ["gang_trans"] = "Gang Money Transfer",
      ["charge"] = "Charge Customer",
      ["cashin_boss"] = "Cash in Job Receipts",
      ["cashin_gang"] = "Cash in Gang Receipts",
    menu = {
      ["close"] = "Close",
      ["withdraw"] = "Withdrawl",
      ["deposit"] = "Deposit",
      ["transfer"] = "Transfer",
      ["transfer_money"] = "Transfer Money",
      ["header_atm"] = "

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-20 08:44:05

Loc["zh"] = {
    error = {
      ["cancel"] = "取消",
      ["no_one"] = "附近无人可收费",
      ["not_onduty"] = "未打卡上班!",
      ["no_job"] = "你没有所需的工作",
      ["no_ticket"] = "你没有任何交易票据",
      ["bank_low"] = "银行余额不足",
      ["no_cash"] = "现金不足",
      ["saving_low"] = "储蓄余额不足",
      ["soc_low"] = "社会账户余额不足",
      ["nomoney_bank"] = "银行账户里的钱不足",
      ["error_start"] = "错误:账号 '",
      ["error_end"] = "' 未找到",
      ["not_enough"] = "你没有足够的现金给出",
      ["zero"] = "你不能给 $0",
      ["charge_zero"] = "你不能收费 $0",
      ["no_ticket_to"] = "没有票据可交易",
      ["customer_nocash"] = "客户没有足够的现金支付",
      ["you_nocash"] = "你没有足够的现金支付",
      ["decline_pay"] = "拒绝了 $",
      ["declined_payment"] = "你拒绝了支付",
    success = {
      ["draw"] = "取出 $",
      ["from_bank"] = " 从银行",
      ["deposited"] = "存入 $",
      ["into_bank"] = " 到银行",
      ["draw_save"] = " 从储蓄账号取出到银行账户",
      ["depos_save"] = " 从银行账户存入到储蓄账号",
      ["fromthe"] = " 从 ",
      ["into"] = " 到 ",
      ["account"] = " 账户",
      ["sent"] = "发送 $",
      ["recieved"] = "收到 $",
      ["to"] = " 给 ",
      ["from"] = " 从 ",
      ["you_gave"] = "你给了 ",
      ["you_got"] = "你得到了 $",
      ["invoice_start"] = " 支付了他们的 $",
      ["invoice_end"] = " 发票",
      ["rec_rec"] = "收据已收到",
      ["commission"] = " 的佣金",
      ["trade_ticket_start"] = "交易票据:",
      ["trade_ticket_end"] = " 总计:$",
      ["inv_succ"] = "发票成功发送",
      ["inv_recieved"] = "收到新发票",
      ["declined"] = "你拒绝了支付",
      ["accepted_pay"] = " 接受了 $",
      ["payment"] = " 支付",
      ["charged"] = " 被收费 $",
      ["you_charged"] = "你被收费了 $",
      ["charge_end"] = " 收费",
    blip = {
      ["blip_atm"] = "自动取款机",
      ["blip_bank"] = "银行",
    command = {
      ["pay_user"] = "支付附近的用户",
      ["cash_reg"] = "使用移动收银机",
      ["charge"] = "向他人收费",
    target = {
      ["atm"] = "使用自动取款机",
      ["bank"] = "使用银行",
      ["transfer"] = "转账",
      ["saving"] = "访问存款",
      ["soc_saving"] = "访问社会账户",
      ["soc_trans"] = "社会资金转账",
      ["gang_acct"] = "帮派账户",
      ["gang_trans"] = "帮派资金转账",
      ["charge"] = "向客户收费",
      ["cashin_boss"] = "现金交易回收",
      ["cashin_gang"] = "帮派现金交易回收",
    menu = {
      ["close"] = "关闭",
      ["withdraw"] = "取款",
      ["deposit"] = "存款",
      ["transfer"] = "转账",
      ["transfer_money"] = "转账",
      ["header_atm"] = "自动取款机"

wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 08:54:51

local Translations = {
    error = {
      ["blips_deactivated"] = "Blips deactivated",
      ["names_deactivated"] = "Names deactivated",
      ["changed_perm_failed"] = "Choose a group!",
      ["missing_reason"] = "You must give a reason!",
      ["invalid_reason_length_ban"] = "You must give a Reason and set a Length for the ban!",
      ["no_store_vehicle_garage"] = "You cant store this vehicle in your garage..",
      ["no_vehicle"] = "You are not in a vehicle..",
      ["no_weapon"] = "You dont have a weapon in your hands..",
      ["no_free_seats"] = "The vehicle has no free seats!",
      ["failed_vehicle_owner"] = "This vehicle is already yours..",
      ["not_online"] = "This player is not online",
      ["no_receive_report"] = "You are not receiving reports",
      ["failed_set_speed"] = "You did not set a speed.. (`fast` for super-run, `normal` for normal)",
      ["failed_set_model"] = "You did not set a model..",
      ["failed_entity_copy"] = "No freeaim entity info to copy to clipboard!",
    success = {
      ["blips_activated"] = "Blips activated",
      ["names_activated"] = "Names activated",
      ["coords_copied"] = "Coordinates copied to clipboard!",
      ["heading_copied"] = "Heading copied to clipboard!",
      ["changed_perm"] = "Authority group changed",
      ["entered_vehicle"] = "Entered vehicle",
      ["success_vehicle_owner"] = "The vehicle is now yours!",
      ["receive_reports"] = "You are receiving reports",
      ["entity_copy"] = "Freeaim entity info copied to clipboard!",
      ["sucess.entered_vehicle"] = "success Entered vehicle",
      ["spawn_weapon"] = "You have spawned a Weapon ",
      ["noclip_enabled"] = "No-clip enabled",
      ["noclip_disabled"] = "No-clip disabled",
    info = {
      ["ped_coords"] = "Ped Coordinates:",
      ["vehicle_dev_data"] = "Vehicle Developer Data:",
      ["ent_id"] = "Entity ID:",
      ["net_id"] = "Net ID:",
      ["net_id_not_registered"] = "Not registered",
      ["model"] = "Model",
      ["hash"] = "Hash",
      ["eng_health"] = "Engine Health:",
      ["body_health"] = "Body Health:",
      ["goto"] = "Go to",
      ["remove"] = "Remove",
      ["confirm"] = "Confirm",
      ["reason_title"] = "Reason",
      ["length"] = "Length",
      ["options"] = "Options",
      ["position"] = "Position",
      ["your_position"] = "to your position",
      ["open"] = "Open",
      ["inventories"] = "inventories",
      ["reason"] = "you need to give a reason",
      ["give"] = "give",
      ["id"] = "ID:",
      ["player_name"] = "Player Name",
      ["obj"] = "Obj",
      ["ammoforthe"] = "+%{value} Ammo for the %{weapon}",
      ["kicked_server"] = "You have been kicked from the server",
      ["check_discord"] = "

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-20 08:55:06

wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 08:54
local Translations = {
    error = {
      ["bli ...

local Translations = {
    error = {
      ["blips_deactivated"] = "标记已禁用",
      ["names_deactivated"] = "名字已禁用",
      ["changed_perm_failed"] = "请选择一个组!",
      ["missing_reason"] = "你必须提供理由!",
      ["invalid_reason_length_ban"] = "你必须提供理由并设置封禁时间!",
      ["no_store_vehicle_garage"] = "你不能将此车辆存放在车库中。",
      ["no_vehicle"] = "你不在车辆内。",
      ["no_weapon"] = "你手中没有武器。",
      ["no_free_seats"] = "车辆没有空座位!",
      ["failed_vehicle_owner"] = "这辆车已经是你的。",
      ["not_online"] = "该玩家未在线",
      ["no_receive_report"] = "你未接收报告",
      ["failed_set_speed"] = "你未设置速度.. (`fast`为超级跑步,`normal`为正常)",
      ["failed_set_model"] = "你未设置模型。",
      ["failed_entity_copy"] = "没有可复制到剪贴板的实体信息!",
    success = {
      ["blips_activated"] = "标记已启用",
      ["names_activated"] = "名字已启用",
      ["coords_copied"] = "坐标已复制到剪贴板!",
      ["heading_copied"] = "方向已复制到剪贴板!",
      ["changed_perm"] = "权限组已更改",
      ["entered_vehicle"] = "已进入车辆",
      ["success_vehicle_owner"] = "车辆现在是你的了!",
      ["receive_reports"] = "你正在接收报告",
      ["entity_copy"] = "自由瞄准实体信息已复制到剪贴板!",
      ["sucess.entered_vehicle"] = "成功进入车辆",
      ["spawn_weapon"] = "你已生成一把武器 ",
      ["noclip_enabled"] = "无敌模式已启用",
      ["noclip_disabled"] = "无敌模式已禁用",
    info = {
      ["ped_coords"] = "行人坐标:",
      ["vehicle_dev_data"] = "车辆开发数据:",
      ["ent_id"] = "实体ID:",
      ["net_id"] = "网络ID:",
      ["net_id_not_registered"] = "未注册",
      ["model"] = "模型",
      ["hash"] = "哈希",
      ["eng_health"] = "引擎健康值:",
      ["body_health"] = "车身健康值:",
      ["goto"] = "前往",
      ["remove"] = "移除",
      ["confirm"] = "确认",
      ["reason_title"] = "理由",
      ["length"] = "长度",
      ["options"] = "选项",
      ["position"] = "位置",
      ["your_position"] = "到你的位置",
      ["open"] = "打开",
      ["inventories"] = "库存",
      ["reason"] = "你需要提供理由",
      ["give"] = "给予",
      ["id"] = "ID:",
      ["player_name"] = "玩家名称",
      ["obj"] = "对象",
      ["ammoforthe"] = "+%{value} %{weapon}的弹药",
      ["kicked_server"] = "你已被踢出服务器",
      ["check_discord"] = "检查Discord",


wx363880556 发表于 2024-8-20 10:21:19

Loc["en"] = {
    error = {
      ["cancelled"] = "Cancelled!",
      ["no_drill"] = "You dont have a drill",
      ["no_drill_bit"] = "You don't have a Hand Drill or Drill Bit",
      ["no_stone"] = "You don't have any Stone",
      ["no_ingredients"] = "You don't have the correct ingredients",
      ["dont_have"] = "You don't have any ",
    success = {},
    info = {
      ["blip_mining"] = "Mining",
      ["browse_store"] = "Browse Store",
      ["use_smelter"] = "Use Smelter",
      ["sell_ores"] = "Sell Ores",
      ["jewelcut"] = "Use Jewel Cutting Bench",
      ["jewelbuyer"] = "Talk To Jewel Buyer",
      ["crackingbench"] = "Use Cracking Bench",
      ["mine_ore"] = "Mine ore",
      ["drilling_ore"] = "Drilling Ore..",
      ["cracking_stone"] = "Cracking Stone..",
      ["smelting"] = "Smelting ",
      ["cutting"] = "Cutting ",
      ["header_oresell"] = "Ore Selling",
      ["oresell_txt"] = "Sell Batches of Ore for cash",
      ["close"] = "✘ Close",
      ["return"] = "⬅ Return",
      ["copper_ore"] = "Copper Ore",
      ["iron_ore"] = "Iron Ore",
      ["gold_ore"] = "Gold Ore",
      ["carbon"] = "Carbon",
      ["emeralds"] = "Emeralds",
      ["uncut_emerald"] = "Uncut Emeralds",
      ["rubys"] = "Rubys",
      ["uncut_ruby"] = "Uncut Rubys",
      ["diamonds"] = "Diamonds",
      ["uncut_diamond"] = "Uncut Diamonds",
      ["sapphires"] = "Sapphires",
      ["uncut_sapphire"] = "Uncut Sapphires",
      ["rings"] = "Rings",
      ["gold_rings"] = "Gold Rings",
      ["diamond_rings"] = "Diamond Rings",
      ["emerald_rings"] = "Emerald Rings",
      ["ruby_rings"] = "Ruby Rings",
      ["sapphire_rings"] = "Sapphire Rings",
      ["necklaces"] = "Necklaces",
      ["gold_chains"] = "Gold Chains",
      ["10kgold_chain"] = "10K Gold Chains",
      ["diamond_neck"] = "Diamond Necklace",
      ["emerald_neck"] = "Emerald Necklace",
      ["ruby_neck"] = "Ruby Necklace",
      ["sapphire_neck"] = "Sapphire Necklace",
      ["smelter"] = "Smelter",
      ["smelt_ores"] = "Smelt ores down into usable materials",
      ["sell_jewel"] = "Sell your jewellery here",
      ["see_options"] = "See all selling options",
      ["jewel_buyer"] = "Jewellery Buyer",
      ["sell_all"] = "Sell ALL at $",
      ["sell_each"] = "each",
      ["craft_bench"] = "Jewellery Crafting Bench",
      ["req_drill_bit"] = "Requires Hand Drill & Drill Bit",
      ["gem_cut"] = "Gem Cutting",
      ["gem_cut_section"] = "Go to Gem Cutting Section",
      ["make_ring"] = "Make Rings",
      ["ring_craft_section"] = "Go to Ring Crafting Section",
      ["make_neck"] = "Make Necklaces",
      ["neck_craft_section"] = "Go to Necklace Crafting Section",
    warning = {},

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-20 10:21:43

wx363880556 发表于 2024-08-20 10:21
Loc["en"] = {
    error = {

Loc["zh"] = {
    error = {
      ["cancelled"] = "已取消!",
      ["no_drill"] = "你没有钻机",
      ["no_drill_bit"] = "你没有手钻或钻头",
      ["no_stone"] = "你没有石头",
      ["no_ingredients"] = "你没有正确的材料",
      ["dont_have"] = "你没有任何",
    success = {},
    info = {
      ["blip_mining"] = "采矿",
      ["browse_store"] = "浏览商店",
      ["use_smelter"] = "使用熔炉",
      ["sell_ores"] = "卖矿石",
      ["jewelcut"] = "使用珠宝切割台",
      ["jewelbuyer"] = "与珠宝买家谈话",
      ["crackingbench"] = "使用破碎台",
      ["mine_ore"] = "开采矿石",
      ["drilling_ore"] = "正在钻矿石..",
      ["cracking_stone"] = "正在破碎石头..",
      ["smelting"] = "冶炼",
      ["cutting"] = "切割",
      ["header_oresell"] = "矿石出售",
      ["oresell_txt"] = "批量出售矿石换取现金",
      ["close"] = "✘ 关闭",
      ["return"] = "⬅ 返回",
      ["copper_ore"] = "铜矿石",
      ["iron_ore"] = "铁矿石",
      ["gold_ore"] = "金矿石",
      ["carbon"] = "碳",
      ["emeralds"] = "翡翠",
      ["uncut_emerald"] = "未切割的翡翠",
      ["rubys"] = "红宝石",
      ["uncut_ruby"] = "未切割的红宝石",
      ["diamonds"] = "钻石",
      ["uncut_diamond"] = "未切割的钻石",
      ["sapphires"] = "蓝宝石",
      ["uncut_sapphire"] = "未切割的蓝宝石",
      ["rings"] = "戒指",
      ["gold_rings"] = "金戒指",
      ["diamond_rings"] = "钻石戒指",
      ["emerald_rings"] = "翡翠戒指",
      ["ruby_rings"] = "红宝石戒指",
      ["sapphire_rings"] = "蓝宝石戒指",
      ["necklaces"] = "项链",
      ["gold_chains"] = "金链",
      ["10kgold_chain"] = "10K金链",
      ["diamond_neck"] = "钻石项链",
      ["emerald_neck"] = "翡翠项链",
      ["ruby_neck"] = "红宝石项链",
      ["sapphire_neck"] = "蓝宝石项链",
      ["smelter"] = "熔炉",
      ["smelt_ores"] = "将矿石冶炼成可用材料",
      ["sell_jewel"] = "在此出售你的珠宝",
      ["see_options"] = "查看所有销售选项",
      ["jewel_buyer"] = "珠宝买家",
      ["sell_all"] = "全部出售,每个 $",
      ["sell_each"] = "每个",
      ["craft_bench"] = "珠宝制作台",
      ["req_drill_bit"] = "需要手钻和钻头",
      ["gem_cut"] = "宝石切割",
      ["gem_cut_section"] = "进入宝石切割区",
      ["make_ring"] = "制作戒指",
      ["ring_craft_section"] = "进入戒指制作区",
      ["make_neck"] = "制作项链",
      ["neck_craft_section"] = "进入项链制作区",
    warning = {},

页: [1]
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