Toyota 发表于 2024-8-19 17:25:40


editor = {
            alt_tip = 'Drag to resize',
            input_tip = 'Drag to resize',
            float_left = 'Align Left',
            float_right = 'Align Right',
            center = 'Center',
            restore = 'Reset',
      inputs = {
            enabled = 'Enabled',
            label = 'Label',
            key = 'Key',
            order_number = 'Order number',
            expanded = 'Expanded',
            content = 'Content',
            submit = 'Submit',
            delete = 'Delete',
            create = 'Create',
            cancel = 'Cancel',
            deleting = 'Deleting: {name}',
            can_navigate = 'Can navigate',
            blip_enabled = 'Blip enabled',
            blip_sprite = 'Blip sprite',
            blip_display_type = 'Blip display type',
            blip_color = 'Blip color',
            blip_size = 'Blip size',
            marker_enabled = 'Marker Enabled',
            marker_size = 'Marker size',
            marker_rotation = 'Marker rotation',
            marker_color = 'Marker color',
            marker_type = 'Marker type',
            marker_draw_distance = 'Marker Draw Distance',
            size = 'Text size',
            color = 'Text color',
            draw_distance = 'Draw distance',
            open_page = 'Open page',
            marker_font = 'Text font',
            position = 'Position',
            custom_content = 'Custom content',
            nav_btn = 'Create GPS Button',
            nav_btn_description = 'Create a button that will set waypoint when clicked!',
            iframe = 'Embed website',
            iframe_description =
            'Embed a website into the guidebook! Useful to show server rules from website, documents etc.',
            iframe_warning =
            ' Warning: This feature is experimental! Not all websites support embedding (it can be broken or not show at all)!',
            search = 'Search...',
            category = 'Category',
            url = 'URL',
            is_full_size = 'Stretch to full size',
            is_full_size_description =
            "If enabled, the embed frame will stretch to full size of the guidebook page. (You won't be able to resize it manually.)",
            add = 'Add',
      exceptions = {
            success = 'Success',
            error = 'Error',
            must_be_length_3 = "Must be at least 3 characters long",
            no_spaces = "Can't contain spaces",
            equal_higher_than = 'Must equal or be higher than {number}',
            cant_be_edited = "Can't be edited",
            field_required = 'This field is required!',
            warning = 'Warning!',
      notification = {
            data_save_success = 'Data saved successfully!',
            data_save_error = 'Data failed to save!',
            data_delete_success = 'Data deleted successfully!',
            data_delete_error = 'Data failed to delete!',
            teleport_success = 'Successfully teleported!',
            teleport_error = 'Teleportation failed!',
            link_copied = 'Link copied to clipboard!',
            key_copied_success = 'Key copied to clipboard!',
            key_copied_error = 'Key failed to copy to clipboard!',
            gps_set = 'Navigating to location',
            image_paste_error = "Images can't be pasted, please use the image button in the editor's toolbar.",
            collision = "This page has been edited by someone else just now! Please refresh it.",
            search_too_short = 'Search query must be at least 3 characters long!',
            non_existing_page = 'Page linked to this point does not exist anymore!',
            job_already_defined = 'This job with same grade is already defined!',
            search_too_fast = 'Please wait a moment before searching again!',
            key_exists = 'A category/page/point with this key already exists!',
      point = {
            points = 'Points',
            points_help = 'Create in-game markers or 3D texts with custom content or directly open help page',
            editing_point = 'Editing point',
            creating_point = 'Creating point',
            teleport = "You will be teleported into point location of help point: <strong>{point}</strong>",
            teleportNow = 'Teleport',
            new_point_cta = 'New point',
      placeholders = {
            category_label = 'Gangs...',
            category_key = 'gangs...',
            page_label = 'Getting a gun...',
            page_key = 'gangs-gun...',
            point_label = 'Guns for free here!...',
            point_key = 'get_gun...',
            nav_btn_label = 'Maze bank...',
            iframe_url = '',
            order_number = 'Insert order number...',
      search = {
            title = "Search Results",
            result_count = "Found <strong>{count}</strong> results for <strong>{query}</strong>.",

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-8-19 17:26:08

editor = {
    alt_tip = '拖动以调整大小',-- Drag to resize
    input_tip = '拖动以调整大小',-- Drag to resize
    float_left = '左对齐',-- Align Left
    float_right = '右对齐',-- Align Right
    center = '居中',-- Center
    restore = '重置',-- Reset
inputs = {
    enabled = '启用',-- Enabled
    label = '标签',-- Label
    key = '键',-- Key
    order_number = '序号',-- Order number
    expanded = '展开',-- Expanded
    content = '内容',-- Content
    submit = '提交',-- Submit
    delete = '删除',-- Delete
    create = '创建',-- Create
    cancel = '取消',-- Cancel
    deleting = '正在删除: {name}',-- Deleting: {name}
    can_navigate = '可导航',-- Can navigate
    blip_enabled = '启用标记',-- Blip enabled
    blip_sprite = '标记图标',-- Blip sprite
    blip_display_type = '标记显示类型',-- Blip display type
    blip_color = '标记颜色',-- Blip color
    blip_size = '标记大小',-- Blip size
    marker_enabled = '启用标记',-- Marker Enabled
    marker_size = '标记大小',-- Marker size
    marker_rotation = '标记旋转',-- Marker rotation
    marker_color = '标记颜色',-- Marker color
    marker_type = '标记类型',-- Marker type
    marker_draw_distance = '标记绘制距离',-- Marker Draw Distance
    size = '文字大小',-- Text size
    color = '文字颜色',-- Text color
    draw_distance = '绘制距离',-- Draw distance
    open_page = '打开页面',-- Open page
    marker_font = '文字字体',-- Text font
    position = '位置',-- Position
    custom_content = '自定义内容',-- Custom content
    nav_btn = '创建GPS按钮',-- Create GPS Button
    nav_btn_description = '创建一个点击后会设置航点的按钮!',-- Create a button that will set waypoint when clicked!
    iframe = '嵌入网站',-- Embed website
    iframe_description = '在指南书中嵌入一个网站! 可用于展示服务器规则、文档等。',-- Embed a website into the guidebook! Useful to show server rules from website, documents etc.
    iframe_warning = ' 警告: 此功能为实验性! 并非所有网站都支持嵌入(可能会损坏或完全不显示)!',-- Warning: This feature is experimental! Not all websites support embedding (it can be broken or not show at all)!
    search = '搜索...',-- Search...
    category = '类别',-- Category
    url = 'URL',-- URL
    is_full_size = '全屏显示',-- Stretch to full size
    is_full_size_description = "如果启用,嵌入框架将拉伸到指南书页面的全尺寸。(无法手动调整大小)",-- If enabled, the embed frame will stretch to full size of the guidebook page. (You won't be able to resize it manually.)
    add = '添加',-- Add
exceptions = {
    success = '成功',-- Success
    error = '错误',-- Error
    must_be_length_3 = "必须至少3个字符长度",-- Must be at least 3 characters long
    no_spaces = "不能包含空格",-- Can't contain spaces
    equal_higher_than = '必须等于或大于 {number}',-- Must equal or be higher than {number}
    cant_be_edited = "不能编辑",-- Can't be edited
    field_required = '此字段为必填!',-- This field is required!
    warning = '警告!',-- Warning!
notification = {
    data_save_success = '数据保存成功!',-- Data saved successfully!
    data_save_error = '数据保存失败!',-- Data failed to save!
    data_delete_success = '数据删除成功!',-- Data deleted successfully!
    data_delete_error = '数据删除失败!',-- Data failed to delete!
    teleport_success = '传送成功!',-- Successfully teleported!
    teleport_error = '传送失败!',-- Teleportation failed!
    link_copied = '链接已复制到剪贴板!',-- Link copied to clipboard!
    key_copied_success = '密钥已复制到剪贴板!',-- Key copied to clipboard!
    key_copied_error = '密钥复制到剪贴板失败!',-- Key failed to copy to clipboard!
    gps_set = '正在导航至目的地',-- Navigating to location
    image_paste_error = "无法粘贴图片,请使用编辑器工具栏中的图片按钮。",-- Images can't be pasted, please use the image button in the editor's toolbar.
    collision = "此页面刚刚被其他人编辑过! 请刷新。",-- This page has been edited by someone else just now! Please refresh it.
    search_too_short = '搜索查询必须至少3个字符长!',-- Search query must be at least 3 characters long!
    non_existing_page = '链接到此点的页面已不存在!',-- Page linked to this point does not exist anymore!
    job_already_defined = '具有相同等级的工作已定义!',-- This job with same grade is already defined!
    search_too_fast = '请稍候再进行搜索!',-- Please wait a moment before searching again!
    key_exists = '具有此键的类别/页面/点已存在!',-- A category/page/point with this key already exists!
point = {
    points = '点',-- Points
    points_help = '创建游戏内标记或带有自定义内容的3D文字或直接打开帮助页面',-- Create in-game markers or 3D texts with custom content or directly open help page
    editing_point = '正在编辑点',-- Editing point
    creating_point = '正在创建点',-- Creating point
    teleport = "你将被传送到帮助点的位置: {point}",-- You will be teleported into point location of help point: {point}
    teleportNow = '传送',-- Teleport
    new_point_cta = '新点',-- New point
placeholders = {
    category_label = '帮派...',-- Gangs...
    category_key = '帮派...',-- gangs...
    page_label = '获取枪支...',-- Getting a gun...
    page_key = '帮派-枪支...',-- gangs-gun...
    point_label = '这里免费领取枪支!...',-- Guns for free here!...
    point_key = '获取枪支...',-- get_gun...
    nav_btn_label = '迷宫银行...',-- Maze bank...
    iframe_url = '',--
    order_number = '输入订单编号...',-- Insert order number...
search = {
    title = "搜索结果",-- Search Results
    result_count = "找到 {count} 个关于 {query} 的结果。",-- Found {count} results for {query}.

这段代码可以放在 `client.lua` 或者 `server.lua` 中,因为它只是定义了一个包含UI和配置内容的表,可以根据具体的需求引用和使用。
页: [1]
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