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["meatdeer"] = {["name"] = "meatdeer", ["label"] = "Deer Horns", ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "deerhorns.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Deer Horns"},
["meatpig"] = {["name"] = "meatpig", ["label"] = "Pig Meat", ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "pigpelt.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Pig Meat"},
["meatboar"] = {["name"] = "meatboar", ["label"] = "Boar Tusks", ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "boartusks.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Boar Tusks"},
["meatlion"] = {["name"] = "meatlion", ["label"] = "Cougar Claws", ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "cougarclaw.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Cougar Claw"},
["meatcow"] = {["name"] = "meatcow", ["label"] = "Cow Pelt", ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "cowpelt.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Cow Pelt"},
["meatrabbit"] = {["name"] = "meatrabbit", ["label"] = "Rabbit Fur", ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "rabbitfur.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Rabbit Fur"},
["meatbird"] = {["name"] = "meatbird", ["label"] = "Bird Feather", ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "birdfeather.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Bird Feather"},
["meatcoyote"] = {["name"] = "meatcoyote", ["label"] = "Coyote Pelt", ["weight"] = 100, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "coyotepelt.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Coyote Pelt"},
["huntingbait"] = {["name"] = "huntingbait", ["label"] = "Hunting Bait", ["weight"] = 150, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "huntingbait.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Hunting Bait"},
['drone'] = {['name'] = 'drone', ['label'] = 'drone', ['weight'] = 500, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'drone.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'I like drone'},
["spray"] = {["name"] = "spray", ["label"] = "Bomboletta Spray", ["weight"] = 300, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "spray.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = false, ["shouldClose"] = false, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Una bomboletta spray di vernice"},
["spray_remover"] = {["name"] = "spray_remover", ["label"] = "Kit rimozione Spray", ["weight"] = 300, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "spray_remover.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Un kit di rimozione vernice spray"},
['burner_phone'] = {['name'] = 'burner_phone', ['label'] = 'Burner Phone', ['weight'] = 10, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'burner_phone.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Use Burner Phone'},
['begging_box'] = {['name'] = 'begging_box', ['label'] = 'Begging Box', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'begging_box.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'A box for begging money!'},
['begging_guitar'] = {['name'] = 'begging_guitar', ['label'] = 'Begging Guitar', ['weight'] = 1000, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'begging_guitar.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = false, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'A musical guitar!'},
['vehiclekey'] = {['name'] = 'vehiclekey', ['label'] = 'Vehicle Key', ['weight'] = 0, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'vehiclekey.png', ['unique'] = true, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'This is a car key, take good care of it, if you lose it you probably won\'t be able to use your car' },
-- jim mechanic
["mechanic_tools"] = {["name"] = "mechanic_tools", ["label"] = "Mechanic tools", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "mechanic_tools.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Needed for vehicle repairs"},
["toolbox"] = {["name"] = "toolbox", ["label"] = "Toolbox", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "toolbox.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Needed for Performance part removal"},
["ducttape"] = {["name"] = "ducttape", ["label"] = "Duct Tape", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "bodyrepair.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Good for quick fixes"},
["mechboard"] = {["name"] = "mechboard", ["label"] = "Mechanic Sheet", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "mechboard.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["turbo"] = {["name"] = "turbo", ["label"] = "Supercharger Turbo", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "turbo.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Who doesn't need a 65mm Turbo??"},
["car_armor"] = {["name"] = "car_armor", ["label"] = "Vehicle Armor", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "armour.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["nos"] = {["name"] = "nos", ["label"] = "NOS Bottle", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "nos.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "A full bottle of NOS"},
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["noscolour"] = {["name"] = "noscolour", ["label"] = "NOS Colour Injector", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "noscolour.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = false,["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Make that purge spray"},
["engine1"] = {["name"] = "engine1", ["label"] = "Shonen Engine", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "shonen.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["engine2"] = {["name"] = "engine2", ["label"] = "V8 Engine", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "v8engine.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["engine3"] = {["name"] = "engine3", ["label"] = "V10 Engine", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "v10engine.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["engine4"] = {["name"] = "engine4", ["label"] = "V12 Engine", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "v12engine.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
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["transmission2"] = {["name"] = "transmission2", ["label"] = "Transmission Lvl 2", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "transmission2.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["transmission3"] = {["name"] = "transmission3", ["label"] = "Transmission Lvl 3", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "transmission3.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["brakes1"] = {["name"] = "brakes1", ["label"] = "Performance Brakes", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "brakes1.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["brakes2"] = {["name"] = "brakes2", ["label"] = "GT Big Brakes", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "brakes2.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["brakes3"] = {["name"] = "brakes3", ["label"] = "Competition Brakes", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "brakes3.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["suspension1"] = {["name"] = "suspension1", ["label"] = "Lowered Suspension", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "suspension1.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["suspension2"] = {["name"] = "suspension2", ["label"] = "Street Suspension", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "suspension2.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Street Racing level Suspension"},
["suspension3"] = {["name"] = "suspension3", ["label"] = "Racing Suspension", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "suspension3.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Street Racing level Suspension"},
["suspension4"] = {["name"] = "suspension4", ["label"] = "Rally Suspension", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "suspension4.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Street Racing level Suspension"},
["bprooftires"] = {["name"] = "bprooftires", ["label"] = "Bulletproof Tires", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "bprooftires.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["drifttires"] = {["name"] = "drifttires", ["label"] = "Drift Tires", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "drifttires.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["underglow_controller"] = {["name"] = "underglow_controller", ["label"] = "Neon Controller", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "underglow_controller.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "RGB LED Vehicle Remote"},
["headlights"] = {["name"] = "headlights", ["label"] = "Xenon Headlights", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "headlights.png", ["unique"] = true,["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "8k HID headlights"},
["tint_supplies"] = {["name"] = "tint_supplies", ["label"] = "Tint Supplies", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "tint_supplies.png", ["unique"] = false, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = "Supplies for window tinting"},
["customplate"] = {["name"] = "customplate", ["label"] = "Customized Plates", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "plate.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["hood"] = {["name"] = "hood", ["label"] = "Vehicle Hood", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "hood.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["roof"] = {["name"] = "roof", ["label"] = "Vehicle Roof", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "roof.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["spoiler"] = {["name"] = "spoiler", ["label"] = "Vehicle Spoiler", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "spoiler.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["bumper"] = {["name"] = "bumper", ["label"] = "Vehicle Bumper", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "bumper.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["skirts"] = {["name"] = "skirts", ["label"] = "Vehicle Skirts", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "skirts.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["exhaust"] = {["name"] = "exhaust", ["label"] = "Vehicle Exhaust", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "exhaust.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["seat"] = {["name"] = "seat", ["label"] = "Seat Cosmetics", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "seat.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["rollcage"] = {["name"] = "rollcage", ["label"] = "Roll Cage", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "rollcage.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["rims"] = {["name"] = "rims", ["label"] = "Custom Wheel Rims", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "rims.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["livery"] = {["name"] = "livery", ["label"] = "Livery Roll", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "livery.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["paintcan"] = {["name"] = "paintcan", ["label"] = "Vehicle Spray Can", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "spraycan.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["tires"] = {["name"] = "tires", ["label"] = "Drift Smoke Tires", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "tires.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["horn"] = {["name"] = "horn", ["label"] = "Custom Vehicle Horn", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "horn.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["internals"] = {["name"] = "internals", ["label"] = "Internal Cosmetics", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "internals.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},
["externals"] = {["name"] = "externals", ["label"] = "Exterior Cosmetics", ["weight"] = 0, ["type"] = "item", ["image"] = "mirror.png", ["unique"] = true, ["useable"] = true, ["shouldClose"] = true, ["combinable"] = nil, ["description"] = ""},<
['illegalmap'] = {
['name'] = 'illegalmap',
["decay"] = 1.0,
['label'] = '非法地图'
以上是将`İllegal Harita`翻译成简体中文的结果,原代码片段是一个Lua表(table),通常用于配置或数据存储。这个代码应该放到哪里取决于它在脚本中的实际用途,但一般这样的配置更可能出现在共享的配置文件或服务器端脚本 (server.lua) 中。