请翻译中文 保留原有代码
本帖最后由 jinjin 于 2024-8-12 18:11 编辑Langs['en'] = {
-- * Elevator
['general.elevator'] = '~r~~s~ Elevator',
['general.elevator_header'] = 'Elevator',
['general.elevator_description'] = 'Maybe you can go anywhere.',
['general.elevator_teleported_msg'] = 'You came to the %s floor',
['general.floor'] = 'Floor - %s',
-- * Auto Changer
['auto.sql_type_changed'] = 'Sql Type Changed to %s',
['auto.inventory_changed'] = 'Inventory Type Changed to %s',
['auto.metasystem_changed'] = 'Meta System Changed to %s',
['auto.framework_changed'] = 'Framework Changed to %s',
-- * Room Sharing
['sharing.does_not_have_room'] = 'You don\'t have a room. so you cant use this command',
['sharing.maximum'] = 'You can\'t share your key with more friends!',
['sharing.target_not_have_key'] = 'Target doesn\'t have the key',
['sharing.you_unshared_key'] = 'Someone took your key back from you.',
['sharing.key_unshared'] = 'You got your key back.',
['sharing.you_shared_key'] = 'You now have the key to the %s',
['sharing.key_shared'] = 'You shared your key.',
['general.not_useable'] = 'Do a crazy and give your motelkey.',
['general.share_key'] = 'Share Key',
['general.share_key_desc'] = 'Closest Players',
['general.share_key_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to share your key?',
['general.un_share_key'] = 'Unshare Your Key',
['general.un_share_key_desc'] = 'Select the player you want to unshare your key',
['general.un_share_key_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to get the key back?',
['general.room_sharing'] = 'Room Sharing',
['general.room_sharing_desc'] = 'You can share your key with the friends',
-- * Creator
['creator.title'] = 'Creator Menu',
['creator.sale'] = 'Motel sale percentage',
['creator.sale.tooltip'] = 'How much times of the sale price. Example: 1.5 = 150% of the sale price.',
['creator.room_count'] = 'Room Count',
['creator.warning.expense.title'] = 'Warning Expenses',
['creator.warning.first'] = 'First Warning',
['creator.warning.second'] = 'Second Warning',
['creator.warning.third'] = 'Third Warning',
['creator.warning.last'] = 'Last Warning',
['creator.warning_expense.tooltip'] = 'If the rent is not paid, how much will the rent price increase?',
['creator.motel_type'] = 'Motel Type',
['creator.popup'] = 'Do you want to create a motel?',
['creator.error.name.exists'] = 'Motel with this name already exists',
['creator.deleted_room'] = 'You deleted the room. Room: %s',
['creator.text.door'] = 'Room - %s',
['creator.text.stash'] = 'Room - %s Stash',
['creator.text.gardrobe'] = 'Room - %s Gardrobe',
['creator.select.door'] = 'You must to select a door!',
['creator.complete.room'] = 'You must add at least one room! And don\'t forget to add a gardrobe and stash!',
['creator.point.near'] = 'This point is too close to other point!',
['creator.add.door'] = 'Add Door',
['creator.add.stash'] = 'Add Stash',
['creator.add.gardrobe'] = 'Add Gardrobe',
['creator.select.reception'] = 'Select reception point',
['creator.select.room.management'] = 'Set Room Management Point',
['creator.select.shell.point'] = 'Set Shell Point',
['creator.select.exit.point'] = 'Set Exit Point',
['creator.select.entry.point'] = 'Set Entry Point',
['creator.select.room_management'] = 'Awesome, now select the room management point',
['creator.select.rooms'] = 'Last step, create rooms',
['creator.point.busy'] = 'This point is selected. Select another point',
['creator.inside.text.stash'] = 'Stash - %s',
['creator.inside.text.gardrobe'] = 'Gardrobe - %s',
['creator.inside.complete'] = 'You must add at least one stash and gardrobe!',
['creator.door.create'] = 'You must add at least one door',
['creator.select.ipl'] = 'Select a ipl',
['creator.select.shell'] = 'Select a shell',
['creator.select.exit'] = 'Select exit position',
['creator.select.inside'] = 'Select stash and gardrobe points',
['creator.select.entry'] = 'Select room entry point',
['creator.inside.point.outside'] = 'Point is outside of shell',
['creator.forward'] = 'Forward +/-',
['creator.right'] = 'Right +/-',
['creator.increase_speed'] = 'Increase Speed',
['creator.next_state'] = 'Change State',
['creator.up'] = 'Up +/-',
['creator.add_point'] = 'Add Point',
['creator.set_any'] = 'Set',
['creator.undo_point'] = 'Undo Last',
['creator.set_position'] = 'Set Position',
['creator.rotate_z'] = 'RotateZ +/-',
['creator.rotate_z_scroll'] = 'RotateZ +/-',
['creator.increase_z'] = 'Z Boundary +/-',
['creator.decrease_z'] = 'Z Boundary +/-',
['creator.change_shell'] = 'Change Shell +/-',
['creator.cancel'] = 'Cancel',
['creator.leftApt'] = 'Previous Apartment',
['creator.rightApt'] = 'Next Apartment',
['creator.hide_texts'] = 'Toggle Texts',
['creator.coords_not_in_shell'] = 'Coords is not in shell',
['creator.default_motel'] = 'You can\'t edit default motels! Go to server > motels.lua and edit it',
-- * Creator Blips
['creator.blip.sprite'] = 'Sprite',
['creator.blip.sprite.help'] = 'Blip\'s sprite',
['creator.blip.color'] = 'Color',
['creator.blip.color.help'] = 'Blip\'s color',
['creator.blip.scale'] = 'Scale',
['creator.blip.scale.help'] = 'Blip\'s scale',
['creator.blip.name'] = 'Name',
['creator.blip.name.help'] = 'Blip\'s name',
-- * Creator Checkboxes
['creator.checkbox.sell'] = 'Motel is salable',
['creator.checkbox.purchasable'] = 'Purchasable',
['creator.checkbox.auto'] = 'Auto System',
['creator.checkbox.blip'] = 'Blip',
-- * Creator Inputs
['creator.input.name'] = 'Motel Name',
['creator.input.name.help'] = 'Motel\'s awesome name',
['creator.input.cost'] = 'Cost',
['creator.input.cost.help'] = 'Room cost per minute',
['creator.input.key_cost'] = 'Key Cost',
['creator.input.key_cost.help'] = 'Cost of a new key',
['creator.input.sale'] = 'Sale Price',
['creator.input.sale.help'] = 'Motel\'s sale price',
-- * Inventory
['general.item_putted'] = 'Item putted to room. Item: %s amount: %s',
['general.item_taken'] = 'Item taked to room. Item: %s amount: %s',
['general.cant_get_item'] = 'You cannot get this item!',
['general.stash_does_not_have_item'] = 'This item is not in stash?',
['general.stash_cant_take_item'] = 'Stash can\'t get any more items!',
['general.not_enough_item'] = 'You don\'t own this item!',
['general.take_item'] = 'Take Item: %s',
['general.your_inventory'] = 'Your Inventory',
['general.your_inventory_description'] = 'So you see your items. What do you want to do?',
['general.stash'] = 'Motel Inventory',
['general.stash_description'] = 'You see the room\'s items. Maybe these are not yours?',
['general.store_item'] = 'Store Item: %s',
['general.inventory_header'] = 'Room Stash',
['general.inventory_description'] = 'Don\'t forget to get your items back kiddo.',
['general.inventory_warn'] = 'Stash is being viewed by someone else...',
-- * General
['general.sended_message'] = 'Message sent',
['general.no_players_nearby'] = 'No players nearby.',
['general.no_shared_player'] = 'You didn\'t share your room with anyone!',
['general.cant_leave_room'] = 'You can\'t leave your room without paying your rent!.',
['general.rent_room_text'] = '[~r~E~s~] to rent a room',
['general.salary'] = 'Salary',
['general.confirm'] = 'Confirm',
['general.refuse'] = 'Refuse',
['general.cancel'] = 'Cancel',
['general.time'] = 'Time',
['general.price'] = 'Price',
['general.count'] = 'Count',
['general.payment'] = 'Payment - ',
['general.day'] = 'Day',
['general.hour'] = 'Hour',
['general.minute'] = 'Minute',
['general.reception_successfullyquit'] = 'You succesfully quit your job',
['general.welcome'] = 'Hi, Welcome Back',
['general.utc'] = 'UTC',
['general.quit_job_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to quit your job?',
['general.sell_motel_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to sell the motel for ',
['general.are_you_sure'] = 'Are You Sure?',
['general.modal_confirm'] = 'Yes, I\'m sure',
['general.modal_cancel'] = 'No, cancel',
['general.message'] = 'Message',
['general.access_denied'] = 'You do not have permission to do this action',
['general.not_enough_money'] = 'You don\'t have enough money.',
['general.not_enough_money_count'] = 'You don\'t have enough money. Required $%s',
['general.have_already_room'] = 'This person have already a motel room.',
['general.room_have_owner'] = 'This room have already a owner',
['general.teleported_msg'] = 'You teleported the front of the door',
['general.not_closest_room'] = 'You are not near the room',
['general.nearby_motel'] = 'There is another motel nearby.',
['general.not_exists_shell'] = 'You don\'t have a shell. Please add it to the Config.Shells',
-- * Raid
['raid.not_job'] = 'You can\'t use this',
['raid.success'] = 'You broked',
-- * Admin Modal
['admin.select_motel'] = 'Select Motel',
['admin.select_player'] = 'Select Player',
['admin.show_all_motels'] = 'Show also owned motels.',
['admin.modal'] = 'Are you sure want to give the motel?',
-- * Validations
['validation.number'] = 'Value must be a number',
['validation.required'] = 'This field is required',
['validation.min'] = 'Value must be greater than ',
['validation.max'] = 'Value must be less than ',
-- * Reception Menu
['general.reception'] = '~r~~s~ Reception',
['general.dashboard'] = 'Dashboard',
['general.employees'] = 'Employees',
['general.customers'] = 'Customers',
['general.nearby'] = 'Nearby Players',
['general.storage'] = 'Motel Storage',
['general.requests'] = 'Customer Requests',
['general.sell_motel'] = 'Sell Motel',
['general.my_room'] = 'My Room',
['general.rent_room'] = 'Rooms',
-- * Dashboard
['dashboard.employee_header'] = 'Employees',
['dashboard.empty_rooms'] = 'Empty Rooms',
['dashboard.customers'] = 'Customers',
['dashboard.transactions'] = 'Last Transactions',
-- * Rooms
['room.header'] = 'Room',
['room.desc'] = 'Room - ',
['room.change_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to change the room?',
-- * Employees
['employees.employee'] = 'Employee',
['employees.fire'] = 'Fire',
['employees.fire_person'] = 'Fire the person',
['employees.fire_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to fire this person?',
['employees.message'] = 'Message',
['employees.send_message'] = 'Send Message',
['employees.prize'] = 'Prize',
['employees.give_prize'] = 'Give the prize',
['employees.prize_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to give the prize?',
['employees.salary'] = 'Update Salary',
['employees.update_salary'] = 'Update Salary',
['employees.salary_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to update the salary?',
['employees.kick'] = 'Out Of The Room',
['employees.change'] = 'Change Room',
['employees.refresh'] = 'Refresh time',
['employees.create_key'] = 'Create a new key',
['employees.send_message_perm'] = 'Send Message',
['employees.rent'] = 'Motel Room Rental',
['employees.show_requests'] = 'View Requests',
['employees.withdraw'] = 'Withdraw Money',
['employees.deposit'] = 'Deposit Money',
['employees.update_status'] = 'Update Motel Status',
['employees.open_room'] = 'Access To Rooms',
-- * Customers
['customers.debt'] = 'Debt: ',
['customers.update_status'] = 'Update Room Status',
['customers.update_status_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to update the room status?',
['customers.kick'] = 'Kick',
['customers.kick_desc'] = 'Kick The Person Out Of The Room',
['customers.kick_modal'] = 'If you do this. The person does not pay the rent for the motel room.',
['customers.change_room'] = 'Change Room',
['customers.rem_time'] = 'Remaining Time',
['customers.create_key'] = 'Create Key',
['customers.create_key_desc'] = 'Create a new key',
['customers.create_key_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to create a new key?',
['customers.send_message'] = 'Send Message',
['customers.send_message_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to send a message?',
['customers.message'] = 'Message',
['customers.have_unpaid_bill'] = 'You can\'t rent a room because you have an unpaid bill!',
-- * Nearby Players
['nearby.header'] = 'Nearby Player',
['nearby.recruit'] = 'Recruit',
['nearby.recruit_desc'] = 'Recruit The Person',
['nearby.modal_sure_recruit'] = 'Are you sure want recruit this player?',
['nearby.rent_room'] = 'Rent Room',
['nearby.rent_room_desc'] = 'Rent A Room For The Person',
['nearby.dropdown_employee_perms_header'] = 'Employee Permissions',
['nearby.has_bill'] = 'The person has an unpaid bill. Still sure you want to rent the room?',
['nearby.modal_rent_room'] = 'Are you sure you want to rent the room to the player?',
['nearby.target_has_bill'] = 'You can\'t rent a room to the person because they have an unpaid bill!',
-- * Storage
['storage.current'] = 'Current Money',
['storage.quantity'] = 'Enter Quantity',
['storage.not_data'] = 'No data found for the motel',
['storage.deposit'] = 'Deposit Money',
['storage.deposit_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to deposit ',
['storage.withdraw'] = 'Withdraw Money',
['storage.withdraw_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to withdraw',
['storage.not_enough_money_for_employee'] = 'You didn\'t get your salary because there is not enough money in the storage.',
['storage.notEnoughtMoney'] = 'Not enough money on storage',
['storage.not_enough_deposit'] = 'Not enough money in the storage to deposit',
['storage.success_withdraw'] = 'Money was taken. Amount withdrawn: %s',
['storage.success_deposit'] = 'The money has been deposited. Your deposit amount: %s',
-- * Customer Requests
['requests.header'] = 'Customer Request',
['requests.request'] = 'Request',
['requests.employee'] = 'Employee',
['requests.modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to accept the request?',
['requests.modal_confirm'] = 'Confirm, Request',
['requests.modal_cancel'] = 'Cancel, Request',
['requests.new_key'] = 'New Key',
['requests.room_change'] = 'Room Change',
-- * Self Room
['self.rent'] = 'Rent Debt ',
['self.pay_rent'] = 'Pay Your Rent',
['self.pay_amount'] = 'Amount',
['self.leave_header'] = 'Leave The Motel',
['self.leave'] = 'Leave Motel',
['self.leave_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to leave the room?',
['self.create_key'] = 'Create Key',
['self.create_key_desc'] = 'Create a new key',
['self.create_key_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to create a new key?',
['self.valid'] = 'Please enter a valid amount',
['self.rent_less_debt'] = 'You cant pay more than your debt!',
['self.rent_modal'] = 'Are you sure you want to pay the rent?',
['self.req_man'] = 'Request Management',
['self.call_employee'] = 'Call Employee',
['self.req_key'] = 'Request Key',
['self.room_change'] = 'Request Room Change',
['self.max_time'] = 'You can not increase your rent time more than 30 days',
['self.error'] = 'Unexpected error',
['self.increase_time_success'] = 'Time increased successfully',
['self.increase_time_popup_header'] = 'Are you sure you want to increase time?',
['self.increase_time_header'] = 'Increase Time',
['self.increase_time'] = 'Increase Time',
-- * Self Rent
['self.modal_rent_room'] = 'Are you sure you want to rent the room?',
['general.reception_notplayerfound'] = 'Player not found!',
['general.reception_notplayerdata'] = 'Player data not found ?',
['changed_room'] = 'Motel room changed, new room - %s',
['general.reception_deletedMotelRoom'] = '%s\'s motel room was deleted',
['general.reception_changedMotel'] = 'The motel room was changed.',
['general.reception_succesfullytakeemploye'] = 'You hired the person.',
['general.reception_succesfullytakeemployeTarget'] = 'You are now an employee at the %s. Your salary: %s',
['general.reception_open'] = 'Open',
['general.reception_close'] = 'Close',
['general.reception_accessdenied'] = 'insufficient Permissions',
['general.reception_createdRoomKey'] = 'You Created New Key.',
['general.reception_successfullykicked'] = 'Person successfully fired',
['general.reception_rewardSenderMsg'] = 'You successfully awarded $ %s',
['general.reception_rewardTakerMsg'] = 'You received an award from the owner of the motel. Amount you received %s',
['general.reception_updateSalarySenderMsg'] = 'You successfully set the person\'s salary $ %s',
['general.reception_updateSalaryTakerMsg'] = 'Your salary has been updated. Your new salary: %s',
['general.reception_ownedRoom'] = 'Someone else rented this motel room.',
['general.reception_notPay'] = 'You have no rent to pay.',
['general.reception_notReqPay'] = 'The amount you want to pay is more than your rent.',
['general.reception_payed'] = 'Paid the rent.',
['general.reception_leftedRoom'] = 'You Left The Motel Room.',
['general.reception_buyMotel'] = '~r~~s~ Buy Motel',
['general.reception_requestgetEmployee'] = 'Call employee',
['general.reception_requestKey'] = 'Request Key',
['general.reception_requestMain'] = 'Request Management',
['general.reception_requestChangeRoom'] = 'Request room change',
['general.reception_requestExtendTime'] = 'Request extension',
['general.suspended'] = 'Suspended',
['general.active'] = 'Active',
['general.reception_updatedSuspended'] = 'Your motel room has been suspended by the motel management',
['general.reception_updatedBeat'] = 'Your motel room has been restored by the motel management',
['general.reception_urNotRoom'] = 'You don\'t have a motel room.',
['general.reception_kickAreyouSure'] = 'Do you want to throw this person out?',
['general.reception_Employeekicked'] = 'You got fired by the boss.',
['reception.customer_kicked'] = 'Your motel room was deleted by the worker. But don\'t worry. You don\'t have to pay your rent.',
['general.reception_notIngame'] = 'The person is not in the game.',
['general.static.motel'] = 'This motel is static. You can\'t delete it. You can only delete motels created in-game',
['general.no_nearby_motel'] = 'You are not close to any motels. Make sure you\'re close to the reception',
['general.open.room_menu'] = '~r~~s~ Open Room Menu',
['general.not_exist_available_room'] = 'There are no rooms in the motel that you can enter.',
['general.room.menu'] = 'Room Menu',
['general.room.menu.description'] = 'You can go to your room or u.u',
['general.room'] = 'Room',
['general.owner'] = '(Yours)',
['general.unlocked'] = ' Langs['zh'] = {
-- * 电梯
['general.elevator'] = '~r~~s~ 电梯',
['general.elevator_header'] = '电梯',
['general.elevator_description'] = '也许你可以去任何地方。',
['general.elevator_teleported_msg'] = '你到达了 %s 楼',
['general.floor'] = '楼层 - %s',
-- * 自动切换
['auto.sql_type_changed'] = 'SQL类型已更改为 %s',
['auto.inventory_changed'] = '库存类型已更改为 %s',
['auto.metasystem_changed'] = '元系统已更改为 %s',
['auto.framework_changed'] = '框架已更改为 %s',
-- * 房间共享
['sharing.does_not_have_room'] = '你没有房间,无法使用此命令',
['sharing.maximum'] = '你不能与更多朋友共享你的钥匙!',
['sharing.target_not_have_key'] = '目标没有钥匙',
['sharing.you_unshared_key'] = '有人从你那里收回了钥匙。',
['sharing.key_unshared'] = '你收回了你的钥匙。',
['sharing.you_shared_key'] = '你现在拥有 %s 的钥匙',
['sharing.key_shared'] = '你共享了你的钥匙。',
['general.not_useable'] = '做点疯狂的事并给出你的旅馆钥匙。',
['general.share_key'] = '共享钥匙',
['general.share_key_desc'] = '最近的玩家',
['general.share_key_modal'] = '你确定要共享你的钥匙吗?',
['general.un_share_key'] = '取消共享你的钥匙',
['general.un_share_key_desc'] = '选择要取消共享钥匙的玩家',
['general.un_share_key_modal'] = '你确定要收回钥匙吗?',
['general.room_sharing'] = '房间共享',
['general.room_sharing_desc'] = '你可以与朋友共享你的钥匙',
-- * 创建者
['creator.title'] = '创建者菜单',
['creator.sale'] = '旅馆销售百分比',
['creator.sale.tooltip'] = '销售价格的多少倍。例如:1.5 = 销售价格的150%。',
['creator.room_count'] = '房间数量',
['creator.warning.expense.title'] = '警告费用',
['creator.warning.first'] = '第一次警告',
['creator.warning.second'] = '第二次警告',
['creator.warning.third'] = '第三次警告',
['creator.warning.last'] = '最后一次警告',
['creator.warning_expense.tooltip'] = '如果租金未支付,租金将增加多少?',
['creator.motel_type'] = '旅馆类型',
['creator.popup'] = '你想创建一个旅馆吗?',
['creator.error.name.exists'] = '此名称的旅馆已存在',
['creator.deleted_room'] = '你删除了房间。房间: %s',
['creator.text.door'] = '房间 - %s',
['creator.text.stash'] = '房间 - %s 储物柜',
['creator.text.gardrobe'] = '房间 - %s 衣橱',
['creator.select.door'] = '你必须选择一扇门!',
['creator.complete.room'] = '你必须至少添加一个房间!不要忘记添加衣橱和储物柜!',
['creator.point.near'] = '此点太接近其他点!',
['creator.add.door'] = '添加门',
['creator.add.stash'] = '添加储物柜',
['creator.add.gardrobe'] = '添加衣橱',
['creator.select.reception'] = '选择接待点',
['creator.select.room.management'] = '设置房间管理点',
['creator.select.shell.point'] = '设置外壳点',
['creator.select.exit.point'] = '设置出口点',
['creator.select.entry.point'] = '设置入口点',
['creator.select.room_management'] = '太棒了,现在选择房间管理点',
['creator.select.rooms'] = '最后一步,创建房间',
['creator.point.busy'] = '此点已被选择。选择另一个点',
['creator.inside.text.stash'] = '储物柜 - %s',
['creator.inside.text.gardrobe'] = '衣橱 - %s',
['creator.inside.complete'] = '你必须至少添加一个储物柜和衣橱!',
['creator.door.create'] = '你必须至少添加一扇门',
['creator.select.ipl'] = '选择一个IPL',
['creator.select.shell'] = '选择一个外壳',
['creator.select.exit'] = '选择出口位置',
['creator.select.inside'] = '选择储物柜和衣橱点',
['creator.select.entry'] = '选择房间入口点',
['creator.inside.point.outside'] = '点在外壳外部',
['creator.forward'] = '前进 +/-',
['creator.right'] = '右侧 +/-',
['creator.increase_speed'] = '增加速度',
['creator.next_state'] = '改变状态',
['creator.up'] = '上升 +/-',
['creator.add_point'] = '添加点',
['creator.set_any'] = '设置',
['creator.undo_point'] = '撤销最后一次',
['creator.set_position'] = '设置位置',
['creator.rotate_z'] = '旋转Z +/-',
['creator.rotate_z_scroll'] = '旋转Z +/-',
['creator.increase_z'] = 'Z边界 +/-',
['creator.decrease_z'] = 'Z边界 +/-',
['creator.change_shell'] = '更改外壳 +/-',
['creator.cancel'] = '取消',
['creator.leftApt'] = '上一个公寓',
['creator.rightApt'] = '下一个公寓',
['creator.hide_texts'] = '切换文本',
['creator.coords_not_in_shell'] = '坐标不在外壳内',
['creator.default_motel'] = '你不能编辑默认旅馆!前往服务器 > motels.lua 并编辑它',
-- * 创建者标记
['creator.blip.sprite'] = '标记图形',
['creator.blip.sprite.help'] = '标记的图形',
['creator.blip.color'] = '颜色',
['creator.blip.color.help'] = '标记的颜色',
['creator.blip.scale'] = '缩放',
['creator.blip.scale.help'] = '标记的缩放',
['creator.blip.name'] = '名称',
['creator.blip.name.help'] = '标记的名称',
-- * 创建者复选框
['creator.checkbox.sell'] = '旅馆可出售',
['creator.checkbox.purchasable'] = '可购买',
['creator.checkbox.auto'] = '自动系统',
['creator.checkbox.blip'] = '标记',
-- * 创建者输入
['creator.input.name'] = '旅馆名称',
['creator.input.name.help'] = '旅馆的精彩名称',
['creator.input.cost'] = '成本',
['creator.input.cost.help'] = '每分钟房费',
['creator.input.key_cost'] = '钥匙费用',
['creator.input.key_cost.help'] = '新钥匙的费用',
['creator.input.sale'] = '销售价格',
['creator.input.sale.help'] = '旅馆的销售价格',
-- * 库存
['general.item_putted'] = '物品放入房间。物品: %s 数量: %s',
['general.item_taken'] = '物品取自房间。物品: %s 数量: %s',
['general.cant_get_item'] = '你无法获取此物品!',
['general.stash_does_not_have_item'] = '此物品不在储物柜中?',
['general.stash_cant_take_item'] = '储物柜无法再放置任何物品!',
['general.not_enough_item'] = '你不拥有此物品!',
['general.take_item'] = '取物品: %s',
['general.your_inventory'] = '你的库存',
['general.your_inventory_description'] = '查看你的物品。你想做什么?',
['general.stash'] = '旅馆库存',
['general.stash_description'] = '你看到房间的物品。也许这些不是你的?',
['general.store_item'] = '存储物品: %s',
['general.inventory_header'] = '房间储物柜',
['general.inventory_description'] = '别忘了把物品拿回来,小家伙。',
['general.inventory_warn'] = '储物柜正在被其他人查看...',
-- * 一般
['general.sended_message'] = '消息已发送',
['general.no_players_nearby'] = '附近没有玩家。',
['general.no_shared_player'] = '你没有与任何人共享你的房间!',
['general.cant_leave_room'] = '你不能在不支付租金的情况下离开你的房间!',
['general.rent_room_text'] = ' 租一间房',
['general.salary'] = '工资',
['general.confirm'] = '确认',
['general.refuse'] = '拒绝',
['general.cancel'] = '取消',
['general.time'] = '时间',
['general.price'] = '价格',
['general.count'] = '数量',
['general.payment'] = '支付 - ',
['general.day'] = '天',
['general.hour'] = '小时',
['general.minute'] = '分钟',
['general.reception_successfullyquit'] = '你成功退出了工作',
['general.welcome'] = '嗨,欢迎回来',
['general.utc'] = 'UTC',
['general.quit_job_modal'] = '你确定要辞职吗?',
['general.sell_motel_modal'] = '你确定要以此价格出售旅馆吗?',
['general.are_you_sure'] = '你确定吗?',
['general.modal_confirm'] = '是的,我确定',
['general.modal_cancel'] = '不,取消',
['general.message'] = '消息',
['general.access_denied'] = '你没有权限执行此操作',
['general.not_enough_money'] = '你没有足够的钱。',
['general.not_enough_money_count'] = '你没有足够的钱。需要 $%s',
['general.have_already_room'] = '此人已经有一个旅馆房间。',
['general.room_have_owner'] = '此房间已经有主人',
['general.teleported_msg'] = '你传送到了门前',
['general.not_closest_room'] = '你不在房间附近',
['general.nearby_motel'] = '附近有另一家旅馆。',
['general.not_exists_shell'] = '你没有外壳。请将其添加到 Config.Shells 中',
-- * 突袭
['raid.not_job'] = '你无法使用此功能',
['raid.success'] = '你成功破坏了',
-- * 管理员模态
['admin.select_motel'] = '选择旅馆',
['admin.select_player'] = '选择玩家',
['admin.show_all_motels'] = '也显示已拥有的旅馆。',
['admin.modal'] = '你确定要给这个旅馆吗?',
-- * 验证
['validation.number'] = '值必须是数字',
['validation.required'] = '此字段是必填项',
['validation.min'] = '值必须大于',
['validation.max'] = '值必须小于',
-- * 接待菜单
['general.reception'] = '~r~~s~ 接待',
['general.dashboard'] = '仪表板',
['general.employees'] = '员工',
['general.customers'] = '客户',
['general.nearby'] = '附近玩家',
['general.storage'] = '旅馆储物',
['general.requests'] = '客户请求',
['general.sell_motel'] = '出售旅馆',
['general.my_room'] = '我的房间',
['general.rent_room'] = '房间',
-- * 仪表板
['dashboard.employee_header'] = '员工',
['dashboard.empty_rooms'] = '空房间',
['dashboard.customers'] = '客户',
['dashboard.transactions'] = '最近交易',
-- * 房间
['room.header'] = '房间',
['room.desc'] = '房间 - ',
['room.change_modal'] = '你确定要更改房间吗?',
-- * 员工
['employees.employee'] = '员工',
['employees.fire'] = '解雇',
['employees.fire_person'] = '解雇此人',
['employees.fire_modal'] = '你确定要解雇此人吗?',
['employees.message'] = '消息',
['employees.send_message'] = '发送消息',
['employees.prize'] = '奖励',
['employees.give_prize'] = '给予奖励',
['employees.prize_modal'] = '你确定要给予奖励吗?',
['employees.salary'] = '更新工资',
['employees.update_salary'] = '更新工资',
['employees.salary_modal'] = '你确定要更新工资吗?',
['employees.kick'] = '踢出房间',
['employees.change'] = '更换房间',
['employees.refresh'] = '刷新时间',
['employees.create_key'] = '创建新钥匙',
['employees.send_message_perm'] = '发送消息',
['employees.rent'] = '旅馆房间租赁',
['employees.show_requests'] = '查看请求',
['employees.withdraw'] = '提取资金',
['employees.deposit'] = '存入资金',
['employees.update_status'] = '更新旅馆状态',
['employees.open_room'] = '访问房间',
-- * 客户
['customers.debt'] = '债务: ',
['customers.update_status'] = '更新房间状态',
['customers.update_status_modal'] = '你确定要更新房间状态吗?',
['customers.kick'] = '踢出',
['customers.kick_desc'] = '将此人踢出房间',
['customers.kick_modal'] = '如果你这样做,这个人将不会支付旅馆房间的租金。',
['customers.change_room'] = '更换房间',
['customers.rem_time'] = '剩余时间',
['customers.create_key'] = '创建钥匙',
['customers.create_key_desc'] = '创建新钥匙',
['customers.create_key_modal'] = '你确定要创建新钥匙吗?',
['customers.send_message'] = '发送消息',
['customers.send_message_modal'] = '你确定要发送消息吗?',
['customers.message'] = '消息',
['customers.have_unpaid_bill'] = '你无法租房,因为你有未支付的账单!',
-- * 附近玩家
['nearby.header'] = '附近玩家',
['nearby.recruit'] = '招募',
['nearby.recruit_desc'] = '招募此人',
['nearby.modal_sure_recruit'] = '你确定要招募此玩家吗?',
['nearby.rent_room'] = '租用房间',
['nearby.rent_room_desc'] = '为此人租一间房',
['nearby.dropdown_employee_perms_header'] = '员工权限',
['nearby.has_bill'] = '此人有未支付的账单。你仍然确定要租用房间吗?',
['nearby.modal_rent_room'] = '你确定要将房间租给该玩家吗?',
['nearby.target_has_bill'] = '由于此人有未支付的账单,你无法向他们出租房间!',
-- * 储存
['storage.current'] = '当前资金',
['storage.quantity'] = '输入数量',
['storage.not_data'] = '未找到该旅馆的数据',
['storage.deposit'] = '存入资金',
['storage.deposit_modal'] = '你确定要存入',
['storage.withdraw'] = '提取资金',
['storage.withdraw_modal'] = '你确定要提取',
['storage.not_enough_money_for_employee'] = '你没能获得工资,因为储存中没有足够的资金。',
['storage.notEnoughtMoney'] = '储存中资金不足',
['storage.not_enough_deposit'] = '储存中的资金不足以存入',
['storage.success_withdraw'] = '资金提取成功。提取金额: %s',
['storage.success_deposit'] = '资金存入成功。你的存入金额: %s',
-- * 客户请求
['requests.header'] = '客户请求',
['requests.request'] = '请求',
['requests.employee'] = '员工',
['requests.modal'] = '你确定要接受此请求吗?',
['requests.modal_confirm'] = '确认,请求',
['requests.modal_cancel'] = '取消,请求',
['requests.new_key'] = '新钥匙',
['requests.room_change'] = '更换房间',
-- * 自我房间
['self.rent'] = '租金债务 ',
['self.pay_rent'] = '支付你的租金',
['self.pay_amount'] = '金额',
['self.leave_header'] = '离开旅馆',
['self.leave'] = '离开旅馆',
['self.leave_modal'] = '你确定要离开房间吗?',
['self.create_key'] = '创建钥匙',
['self.create_key_desc'] = '创建新钥匙',
['self.create_key_modal'] = '你确定要创建新钥匙吗?',
['self.valid'] = '请输入有效金额',
['self.rent_less_debt'] = '你不能支付超过你的债务!',
['self.rent_modal'] = '你确定要支付租金吗?',
['self.req_man'] = '请求管理',
['self.call_employee'] = '呼叫员工',
['self.req_key'] = '请求钥匙',
['self.room_change'] = '请求更换房间',
['self.max_time'] = '你不能将你的租赁时间延长超过30天',
['self.error'] = '意外错误',
['self.increase_time_success'] = '时间延长成功',
['self.increase_time_popup_header'] = '你确定要延长时间吗?',
['self.increase_time_header'] = '延长时间',
['self.increase_time'] = '延长时间',
-- * 自我租赁
['self.modal_rent_room'] = '你确定要租用此房间吗?',
['general.reception_notplayerfound'] = '未找到玩家!',
['general.reception_notplayerdata'] = '未找到玩家数据?',
['changed_room'] = '旅馆房间已更改,新房间 - %s',
['general.reception_deletedMotelRoom'] = '%s 的旅馆房间已被删除',
['general.reception_changedMotel'] = '旅馆房间已更改。',
['general.reception_succesfullytakeemploye'] = '你成功雇佣了此人。',
['general.reception_succesfullytakeemployeTarget'] = '你现在是 %s 的员工。你的工资: %s',
['general.reception_open'] = '开启',
['general.reception_close'] = '关闭',
['general.reception_accessdenied'] = '权限不足',
['general.reception_createdRoomKey'] = '你创建了新钥匙。',
['general.reception_successfullykicked'] = '成功解雇此人',
['general.reception_rewardSenderMsg'] = '你成功奖励了 $ %s',
['general.reception_rewardTakerMsg'] = '你从旅馆老板那里获得了奖励。你获得的金额 %s',
['general.reception_updateSalarySenderMsg'] = '你成功设置了此人的工资 $ %s',
['general.reception_updateSalaryTakerMsg'] = '你的工资已更新。你的新工资: %s',
['general.reception_ownedRoom'] = '此旅馆房间已被他人租用。',
['general.reception_notPay'] = '你没有租金要支付。',
['general.reception_notReqPay'] = '你想支付的金额超过了你的租金。',
['general.reception_payed'] = '已支付租金。',
['general.reception_leftedRoom'] = '你离开了旅馆房间。',
['general.reception_buyMotel'] = '~r~~s~ 购买旅馆',
['general.reception_requestgetEmployee'] = '呼叫员工',
['general.reception_requestKey'] = '请求钥匙',
['general.reception_requestMain'] = '请求管理',
['general.reception_requestChangeRoom'] = '请求更换房间',
['general.reception_requestExtendTime'] = '请求延长时间',
['general.suspended'] = '已暂挂',
['general.active'] = '活跃',
['general.reception_updatedSuspended'] = '你的旅馆房间已被旅馆管理方暂挂',
['general.reception_updatedBeat'] = '你的旅馆房间已被旅馆管理方恢复',
['general.reception_urNotRoom'] = '你没有旅馆房间。',
['general.reception_kickAreyouSure'] = '你要把此人踢出去吗?',
['general.reception_Employeekicked'] = '你被老板解雇了。',
['reception.customer_kicked'] = '你的旅馆房间已被工作人员删除。但别担心。你不需要支付你的租金。',
['general.reception_notIngame'] = '该人员不在游戏中。',
['general.static.motel'] = '此旅馆是静态的。你无法删除它。你只能删除游戏中创建的旅馆',
['general.no_nearby_motel'] = '你没有靠近任何旅馆。确保你靠近接待处',
['general.open.room_menu'] = '~r~~s~ 打开房间菜单',
['general.not_exist_available_room'] = '旅馆中没有你可以进入的房间。',
['general.room.menu'] = '房间菜单',
['general.room.menu.description'] = '你可以去你的房间或干什么',
['general.room'] = '房间',
['general.owner'] = '(你的)',
['general.unlocked'] = '钥匙已解锁',