请翻译中文 保留原有代码
UniqersMarriage.Translate = {
divorcetext = "Divorce ",
engagedtext = "Engaged ",
marriagetext = "Marriage ",
engagednotify = "These two beautiful people are now engaged. Congratulations to both of them! ",
weddingnotify = "They got married and we congratulate them on this happy day! ",
divorcenotify = "We didnt want to announce this sad news, but these two beautiful people are divorced.",
updateditem = "This item has been updated due to a name change.",
custombutton = "Custom",
customsurname = "If you want to create your surnames specially. Click 'Custom'.",
dontwantsurname = "If you do not want the surnames to be changed, click 'No'.",
writesurname = "Please write your new surname below and press the claim button.",
takespousesurname = "If you want to have the same surname as your spouse, click 'yes'.",
selectyourspouse = "Select your spouse.",
yourdocu = "Your documents are being prepared, be here when they are ready and let's finish the process.",
wantcancel = "If you want to cancel, you can press cancel.",
cancelbutton = "Cancel",
fordocument = "for the documents required for marriage and the hassle fee and start the process?",
payamount = "250$",
areyouready = "Are you ready to pay ?",
douyouagg = "Do you agree to marry",
mrs = "Mrs",
mr = "Mr.",
claim = "Claim",
getcertif = "You can get a marriage certificate by making a claim.",
cong = "Your documents are ready. Congratulations on your marriage!",
minleft = "min left",
gotmarried = "got married",
andtext = "and",
douyouwant = "Do you want to get married?",
divorce = "Divorce",
doyoudivorce = "If you want to divorce, you can press Divorce.",
alreadymarried = "You are already married, if you want a divorce, you know.",
yesbutton = "Yes",
nobutton = "No",
engaged = "You have successfully engaged.",
notcity = "Your spouse is not in city!",
withyou = "Your spouse is not with you!",
divorced = "You have successfully divorced.",
married = "Congratulations, you got married.",
canceled = "You have successfully canceled.",
started = "Documents started to be prepared.",
deniedrequest = "The request was denied.",
certifnotyou = "This certificate not own you.",
blankcert = "Blank certificate",
notcity = "Your spouse not in city.",
smartring = "Your spouse marked at map. via smart Ring",
dontmoney = "You dont have a money for this.",
noone = "No one nearby.",
blipname = "Marriage",
appstatus = "Application Status",
mariageapp = "Marriage application",
clotheschange = "Wedding dress",
noapp = "There are no applications in process.",
inorder = "In order to complete the marriage procedures, your spouse must be engaged and approved.",
yourapp = "Your application has been processed, please check the process section.",
succesclothes = "Your clothing succes changed.",
ringputting = "You put the ring on your finger.",
donthaveitem = "You dont have a ring",
needengaged = "You have to be engaged to use the ring.",
ringoff = "You took the ring off your finger",
allowcommand = "You are not authorized to do this.",
idtrue = "Enter the Male and Female IDs correctly and completely.",
notmarried = "You cannot divorce someone who is not married.",
divorcedcommand = "The divorce process is successful.",
notengaged = "This couple is not engaged.",
weddingstyle = "You must choose marriage style.",
divorcehelp = "Player ID Man and Player ID Women like /divorce 1 2",
weddinghelp = "Player ID Man and Player ID Women and styl and surname like /givemarriage 1 2 normal or /givemarriage 1 2 custom > UniqersScripts < this is surname",
marriagestyle = "Marriage Style",
customsurname = "Custom Surname",
manid = "Man ID",
womenid = "Women ID",
ringdeliver = "Cargo employee: I wish you success on this beautiful journey... You have bought our most luxurious ring, have a good day. Here is your ring.",
onetimering = "You can only buy a ring once at a time.",
ringbusy = "We are currently serving our other customers, please wait.",
orderring = "Your order has been confirmed and we are on our way. We come as quickly as possible with our most luxurious service.",
freedelivery = "Free and Fast Delivery!",
ringname = "Ring",
ringprice = "5,000$",
buyring = "Buy Now",
alreadymarried = "This couple is already married.",
done = "DONE",
gettingready = "Getting Ready...",
hours = "", -- If you leave it blank it looks like this. 03:25 If you fill it looks like this. > the text you filled out Let's say you wrote hours and minutes > 03hour:23:minutes. or you wrote h and m. > 03h:23:m
minutes = "", -- -- If you leave it blank it looks like this. 03:25 If you fill it looks like this. > the text you filled out Let's say you wrote hours and minutes > 03hour:23:minutes. or you wrote h and m. > 03h:23:m
UniqersMarriage.Translate = {
divorcetext = "离婚 ",
engagedtext = "订婚 ",
marriagetext = "结婚 ",
engagednotify = "这两位美丽的人现在已经订婚了。恭喜他们两位! ",
weddingnotify = "他们结婚了,祝贺他们度过这个幸福的日子! ",
divorcenotify = "我们不想宣布这个悲伤的消息,但这两位美丽的人已经离婚。",
updateditem = "由于名称变更,此物品已更新。",
custombutton = "自定义",
customsurname = "如果您想特别创建您的姓氏,请点击'自定义'。",
dontwantsurname = "如果您不希望更改姓氏,请点击'否'。",
writesurname = "请输入您的新姓氏并按申领按钮。",
takespousesurname = "如果您想与配偶拥有相同的姓氏,请点击'是'。",
selectyourspouse = "选择您的配偶。",
yourdocu = "您的文件正在准备中,请在它们准备好时到这里完成流程。",
wantcancel = "如果您想取消,可以按取消。",
cancelbutton = "取消",
fordocument = "用于结婚所需文件和麻烦费用并开始流程?",
payamount = "250$",
areyouready = "您准备好付款吗?",
douyouagg = "您同意结婚吗",
mrs = "夫人",
mr = "先生",
claim = "申领",
getcertif = "您可以通过申请获取结婚证书。",
cong = "您的文件已准备好。恭喜您结婚!",
minleft = "分钟剩余",
gotmarried = "结婚了",
andtext = "和",
douyouwant = "您想结婚吗?",
divorce = "离婚",
doyoudivorce = "如果您想离婚,可以按离婚。",
alreadymarried = "您已经结婚,如果想离婚,请知晓。",
yesbutton = "是",
nobutton = "否",
engaged = "您已成功订婚。",
notcity = "您的配偶不在城市中!",
withyou = "您的配偶不在您身边!",
divorced = "您已成功离婚。",
married = "恭喜您,您结婚了。",
canceled = "您已成功取消。",
started = "文件开始准备。",
deniedrequest = "请求被拒绝。",
certifnotyou = "此证书并不属于您。",
blankcert = "空白证书",
notcity = "您的配偶不在城市。",
smartring = "您的配偶已在地图上标记,通过智能戒指",
dontmoney = "您没有足够的钱。",
noone = "附近没有人。",
blipname = "婚姻",
appstatus = "申请状态",
mariageapp = "结婚申请",
clotheschange = "婚礼服",
noapp = "目前没有任何申请在处理。",
inorder = "为了完成结婚手续,您的配偶必须已订婚并获得批准。",
yourapp = "您的申请已处理,请检查流程部分。",
succesclothes = "您的衣物成功更改。",
ringputting = "您将戒指戴在手指上。",
donthaveitem = "您没有戒指",
needengaged = "您必须先订婚才能使用戒指。",
ringoff = "您将戒指从手指上取下。",
allowcommand = "您没有权限执行此操作。",
idtrue = "请正确完整地输入男性和女性的ID。",
notmarried = "您不能与未婚者离婚。",
divorcedcommand = "离婚流程成功。",
notengaged = "这对情侣尚未订婚。",
weddingstyle = "您必须选择婚礼风格。",
divorcehelp = "玩家ID男性和女性像 /divorce 1 2",
weddinghelp = "玩家ID男性和女性和风格和姓氏像 /givemarriage 1 2 normal 或 /givemarriage 1 2 custom > UniqersScripts < 这是姓氏",
marriagestyle = "婚礼风格",
customsurname = "自定义姓氏",
manid = "男性ID",
womenid = "女性ID",
ringdeliver = "货运员工:祝您在这段美好的旅程中顺利... 您购买了我们最奢华的戒指,祝您有个好日子。这里是您的戒指。",
onetimering = "您一次只能购买一个戒指。",
ringbusy = "我们正在为其他客户服务,请稍候。",
orderring = "您的订单已确认,我们正在赶往您的方向。我们会尽快以最奢华的服务到达。",
freedelivery = "免费快速送货!",
ringname = "戒指",
ringprice = "5,000$",
buyring = "立即购买",
alreadymarried = "这对夫妇已经结婚。",
done = "完成",
gettingready = "准备中...",
hours = "", -- 如果留空,看起来像这样。03:25 如果填写,看起来像这样。> 您填写的文本,比如您写了小时和分钟 > 03小时:23分钟。或者您写h和m。> 03h:23:m
minutes = "", -- 如果留空,看起来像这样。03:25 如果填写,看起来像这样。> 您填写的文本,比如您写了小时和分钟 > 03小时:23分钟。或者您写h和m。> 03h:23:m