请翻译中文 保留原有代码
["EN"] = {
["Blip_Name"] ="Farmer Job Center",
["Blip_Crop"] ="Crops",
["Blip_Bale"] ="Pile of crops",
["Blip_Delivery"] ="Delivery point",
["ped_text"] ="Field manager: Alfred ",
["area"] ="Field: ",
["clothe_action"] ="Clothing section",
["job_action"] ="Job actions",
["change_clothe"] ="Change clothes",
["start_job"] ="Choose a field",
["gardrope"] ="Clothes",
["citizen_clothe"] ="Daily clothes",
["work_clothe"] ="Job clothes",
["canable_area"] ="Available fields",
["only_farmer"] ="Only farmers can use this command",
["cancelfordead"] ="Job cancelled. because you are dead",
["cancel"] ="Cancel",
["canceled"] ="You have cancalled",
["cleararea"] ="Vehicle spawn points are not empty, please make room",
["not_yours"] ="This isn't your vehicle",
["not_yours_cant"] ="This is a farmer vehicle and you don't have permission to drive it",
["selecet_correct"] ="Someone is already working at this field",
["cant_this_veh"] ="You can't fix this vehicle",
["can_workout"] ="You cant do that while not working at the farm.",
["wait_some"] ="You have to wait a little longer to do that again.",
["cant_select"] ="Someone else just took the field you selected, please choose another field.",
["won"] ="$ Received",
["for_action"] ="Press E to start the action",
["getin_harvester"] ="Get in the harvester",
["getin_tractor"] ="Get in the tractor",
["getin_truck"] ="Get in the truck",
["tractor_to_romork"] ="Combine the tractor to the baletrailer",
["traktortodorce"] ="Place the baletrailer as marked.",
["dorcetotruck"] ="Combine the truck to the trailer",
["hartoaction"] ="Harvest crops in the marked location with the harvester",
["gonewaypoint"] ="Go to the marked area",
["takebale"] ="Pick up the marked pile of crops",
["outbale"] ="Load the pile of crops to the baletrailer",
["getbalewaypoint"] ="Bring the pile of crops to the marked area",
["getdorcetoromork"] ="Pick up the marked pile of crops",
["baletodorce"] ="Load the pile of crops to the trailer",
["followtomarker"] ="Follow the markers",
["balefromdorce"] ="Pick up the marked pile of crops",
["outbalemark"] ="Deliver the pile of crops to the warehouse",
["movetruckback"] ="Bring the truck back.",
["traktor_park"] ="Park the tractor in a suitable location close to the field and get in the harvester.",
["trctor_go_newpoint"]="Drive the tractor to the marked field",
["getdelivery"] ="Go to the marked warehouse for the delivery.",
["canceled_harvester"]="Job canceled because you went too far from the harvester.",
["warning__harvester"]="You're too far from the harvester, if you don't come back, your job will be cancelled.",
["canceled_tractor"] ="Job canceled because you went too far from the tractor.",
["warning__tractor"] ="You're too far from the tractor, if you don't come back, your job will be cancelled.",
["canceled_romork"] ="Job canceled because you went too far from the baletrailer.",
["warning__romork"] ="You're too far from the baletrailer, if you don't come back, your job will be cancelled.",
["canceled_tir"] ="Job canceled because you went too far from the truck.",
["warning__tir"] ="You're too far from the truck, if you don't come back, your job will be cancelled.",
["canceled_dorce"] ="Job canceled because you went too far from the trailer.",
["warning__dorce"] ="You're too far from the trailer, if you don't come back, your job will be cancelled.",
["canceled_area"] ="Job canceled because you went too far from the area.",
["warning__area"] ="You're too far from the area, if you don't come back, your job will be cancelled.",
["ask_menu"] ="Would you like to continue?",
["menu_go"] ="Continue working",
["menu_go_desc"] ="If you deliver the pile of crops with the truck, the amount of the money you will receive will be:",
["menu_finish"] ="Stop working",
["menu_finish_desc"] ="If you stop working here, the amount of the money you will receive will be:",
["selectable"] ="The crops of this field are ready for harvesting",
["no_selectable"] ="There are already people working at this field",
["CN"] = {
["Blip_Name"] ="农民工作中心",
["Blip_Crop"] ="农作物",
["Blip_Bale"] ="一堆农作物",
["Blip_Delivery"] ="送货点",
["ped_text"] ="田间管理员: 阿尔弗雷德",
["area"] ="田地: ",
["clothe_action"] ="衣物区域",
["job_action"] ="工作操作",
["change_clothe"] ="换衣服",
["start_job"] ="选择一个田地",
["gardrope"] ="衣服",
["citizen_clothe"] ="日常衣物",
["work_clothe"] ="工作服",
["canable_area"] ="可用田地",
["only_farmer"] ="只有农民可以使用此命令",
["cancelfordead"] ="工作已取消,因为你已经死亡",
["cancel"] ="取消",
["canceled"] ="你已取消",
["cleararea"] ="车辆生成点不为空,请腾出空间",
["not_yours"] ="这不是你的车辆",
["not_yours_cant"] ="这是农民的车辆,你没有驾驶权限",
["selecet_correct"] ="这个田地已经有人在工作",
["cant_this_veh"] ="你不能修理这辆车辆",
["can_workout"] ="你不能在不工作的情况下这样做。",
["wait_some"] ="你需要再等一段时间才能再次执行此操作。",
["cant_select"] ="刚刚有人选择了你选定的田地,请选择其他田地。",
["won"] ="$ 收到",
["for_action"] ="按 E 开始操作",
["getin_harvester"] ="进入收割机",
["getin_tractor"] ="进入拖拉机",
["getin_truck"] ="进入卡车",
["tractor_to_romork"] ="将拖拉机连接到打包拖车",
["traktortodorce"] ="将打包拖车放置在标记的位置。",
["dorcetotruck"] ="将卡车连接到拖车",
["hartoaction"] ="在标记地点用收割机收割农作物",
["gonewaypoint"] ="前往标记区域",
["takebale"] ="捡起标记的农作物堆",
["outbale"] ="将农作物堆装载到打包拖车上",
["getbalewaypoint"] ="将农作物堆送到标记区域",
["getdorcetoromork"] ="捡起标记的农作物堆",
["baletodorce"] ="将农作物堆装载到拖车上",
["followtomarker"] ="跟随标记",
["balefromdorce"] ="捡起标记的农作物堆",
["outbalemark"] ="将农作物堆送到仓库",
["movetruckback"] ="把卡车开回来。",
["traktor_park"] ="将拖拉机停在靠近田地的合适位置,并进入收割机。",
["getdelivery"] ="前往标记的仓库进行送货。",
["canceled_tractor"] ="工作已取消,因为你离拖拉机太远。",
["warning__tractor"] ="你离拖拉机太远,如果不回来,你的工作将被取消。",
["canceled_romork"] ="工作已取消,因为你离打包拖车太远。",
["warning__romork"] ="你离打包拖车太远,如果不回来,你的工作将被取消。",
["canceled_tir"] ="工作已取消,因为你离卡车太远。",
["warning__tir"] ="你离卡车太远,如果不回来,你的工作将被取消。",
["canceled_dorce"] ="工作已取消,因为你离拖车太远。",
["warning__dorce"] ="你离拖车太远,如果不回来,你的工作将被取消。",
["canceled_area"] ="工作已取消,因为你离区域太远。",
["warning__area"] ="你离区域太远,如果不回来,你的工作将被取消。",
["ask_menu"] ="你想继续吗?",
["menu_go"] ="继续工作",
["menu_go_desc"] ="如果你用卡车送达农作物堆,收到的钱数为:",
["menu_finish"] ="停止工作",
["menu_finish_desc"] ="如果你在这里停止工作,收到的钱数为:",
["selectable"] ="该田地的农作物已准备好收割",
["no_selectable"] ="已经有人在这个田地工作",