乐乐乐 发表于 2024-7-6 23:54:09


Config = {}

Config.Debug = false

Config.UseCullingRadius = false-- true = use culling radius | false = don't use culling radius

Config.UseRoutingBuckets = false-- true = use routing buckets | false = don't use routing buckets

Config.PayForOrder = false-- true = pay for the vehicle when you order it | false = don't pay and only receive the profit when selling

Config.SetVisibility = false -- true = player will be invisible when chosing a vehicle

Config.SetInvincibility = false-- true = player will not die while test driving

Config.CheckForOfflineOrdersEvery = 0.5 -- In minutes | it'll check every x minutes for offline players with orders accepted, if someone is offline it'll cancel the order

Config.ShowVehicleShopBlip = false-- Activate/Deactivate Vehicle shop blips

Config.ShowOwnerBlip = false-- Activate/Deactivate owner blips

Config.ShowBuyVehicleShopBlip = false-- Activate/Deactivate buy shop blip

Config.ShowHasOwnerShopBlip = false-- Activate/Deactivate blip of shops with "hasOwner = false"

Config.TestDrive = false-- Activate/Deactivate test drive

Config.DevMode = false-- Allows you to restart the script (IMPORTANT: only set this to true if you are configuring the script)

Config.EventPrefix = "okokVehicleShop" -- this will change the prefix of the events name so if Config.EventPrefix = "example" the events will be "example:event"

Config.ESXPrefix = "esx" -- this will change the prefix of esx events such as esx:onPlayerDeath

Config.onPlayerDeath = "onPlayerDeath"

Config.playerLoaded = "playerLoaded"

Config.getSharedObject = "getSharedObject"

Config.TestDrivePlate = "TEST"

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-7-6 23:54:18

配置 = {}

配置.调试 = false

配置.使用视野半径 = false-- true = 使用视野半径 | false = 不使用视野半径

配置.使用路由桶 = false-- true = 使用路由桶 | false = 不使用路由桶

配置.下订单付款 = false-- true = 下订单时付款 | false = 下订单时不付款,只在售车时收益

配置.设置隐形 = false -- true = 在选择车辆时玩家将隐身

配置.设置无敌 = false-- true = 测试驾驶时玩家不会死亡

配置.每隔多少分钟检查离线订单 = 0.5 -- 以分钟为单位 | 每隔x分钟检查下订单但离线的玩家,如果有人离线则取消订单

配置.显示车辆商店图标 = false-- 启用/禁用 车辆商店图标

配置.显示拥有者图标 = false-- 启用/禁用 拥有者图标

配置.显示购买车辆商店图标 = false-- 启用/禁用 购买商店图标

配置.显示无拥有者商店图标 = false-- 启用/禁用 没有拥有者商店图标

配置.测试驾驶 = false-- 启用/禁用 测试驾驶

配置.开发模式 = false-- 允许重新启动脚本(重要:只有在配置脚本时将其设置为true)

配置.事件前缀 = "okokVehicleShop" -- 这将更改事件名称的前缀,如果配置.事件前缀 = "示例",则事件将是“示例:事件”

配置.ESX前缀 = "esx" -- 这将更改esx事件的前缀,例如 esx:onPlayerDeath

配置.玩家死亡事件 = "onPlayerDeath"

配置.玩家加载完成事件 = "playerLoaded"

配置.获取共享对象事件 = "getSharedObject"

配置.测试驾驶车牌 = "TEST"
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