Config = {}Config.DrawDistance = 10.0 -- How close do you need to be in order for the markers to be drawn (in GTA units).
Config.Debug = ESX.GetConfig().EnableDebug
Config.Marker = {type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false}
Config.ReviveReward = 700-- Revive reward, set to 0 if you don't want it enabled
Config.SaveDeathStatus = true -- Save Death Status?
Config.LoadIpl = true -- Disable if you're using fivem-ipl or other IPL loaders
Config.Locale = GetConvar('esx:locale', 'en')
Config.DistressBlip = {
Sprite = 310,
Color = 48,
Scale = 2.0
Config.EarlyRespawnTimer = 6000 * 1-- time til respawn is available
Config.BleedoutTimer = 6000 * 10 -- time til the player bleeds out
Config.EnablePlayerManagement = false -- Enable society managing (If you are using esx_society).
Config.RemoveWeaponsAfterRPDeath= false
Config.RemoveCashAfterRPDeath = false
Config.RemoveItemsAfterRPDeath = false
-- Let the player pay for respawning early, only if he can afford it.
Config.EarlyRespawnFine = false
Config.EarlyRespawnFineAmount = 5000
Config.OxInventory = ESX.GetConfig().OxInventory
Config.RespawnPoints = {
{coords = vector3(341.0, -1397.3, 32.5), heading = 48.5}, -- Central Los Santos
{coords = vector3(1836.03, 3670.99, 34.28), heading = 296.06} -- Sandy Shores
Config.PharmacyItems = {
title = "Medikit",
item = "medikit"
title = "Bandage",
item = "bandage"
Config.Hospitals = {
CentralLosSantos = {
Blip = {
coords = vector3(307.7, -1433.4, 28.9),
sprite = 61,
scale= 1.2,
color= 2
AmbulanceActions = {
vector3(270.5, -1363.0, 23.5)
Pharmacies = {
vector3(230.1, -1366.1, 38.5)
Vehicles = {
Spawner = vector3(307.7, -1433.4, 30.0),
InsideShop = vector4(452.3055, -1360.1731, 43.5538, 319.1165),
Marker = {type = 36, x = 1.0, y = 1.0, z = 1.0, r = 100, g = 50, b = 200, a = 100, rotate = true},
SpawnPoints = {
{coords = vector3(297.2, -1429.5, 29.8), heading = 227.6, radius = 4.0},
{coords = vector3(294.0, -1433.1, 29.8), heading = 227.6, radius = 4.0},
{coords = vector3(309.4, -1442.5, 29.8), heading = 227.6, radius = 6.0}
Helicopters = {
Spawner = vector3(317.5, -1449.5, 46.5),
InsideShop = vector4(343.7769, -1423.0913, 76.1742, 322.8178),
Marker = {type = 34, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.5, r = 100, g = 150, b = 150, a = 100, rotate = true},
SpawnPoints = {
{coords = vector3(313.5, -1465.1, 46.5), heading = 142.7, radius = 10.0},
{coords = vector3(299.5, -1453.2, 46.5), heading = 142.7, radius = 10.0}
FastTravels = {
From = vector3(294.7, -1448.1, 29.0),
To = {coords = vector3(272.8, -1358.8, 23.5), heading = 0.0},
Marker = {type = 1, x = 2.0, y = 2.0, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false}
From = vector3(275.3, -1361, 23.5),
To = {coords = vector3(295.8, -1446.5, 28.9), heading = 0.0},
Marker = {type = 1, x = 2.0, y = 2.0, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false}
From = vector3(247.3, -1371.5, 23.5),
To = {coords = vector3(333.1, -1434.9, 45.5), heading = 138.6},
Marker = {type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false}
From = vector3(335.5, -1432.0, 45.50),
To = {coords = vector3(249.1, -1369.6, 23.5), heading = 0.0},
Marker = {type = 1, x = 2.0, y = 2.0, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false}
From = vector3(234.5, -1373.7, 20.9),
To = {coords = vector3(320.9, -1478.6, 28.8), heading = 0.0},
Marker = {type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false}
From = vector3(317.9, -1476.1, 28.9),
To = {coords = vector3(238.6, -1368.4, 23.5), heading = 0.0},
Marker = {type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 1.0, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false}
FastTravelsPrompt = {
From = vector3(237.4, -1373.8, 26.0),
To = {coords = vector3(251.9, -1363.3, 38.5), heading = 0.0},
Marker = {type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false},
Prompt = TranslateCap('fast_travel')
From = vector3(256.5, -1357.7, 36.0),
To = {coords = vector3(235.4, -1372.8, 26.3), heading = 0.0},
Marker = {type = 1, x = 1.5, y = 1.5, z = 0.5, r = 102, g = 0, b = 102, a = 100, rotate = false},
Prompt = TranslateCap('fast_travel')
Config.AuthorizedVehicles = {
car = {
ambulance = {
{model = 'ambulance', price = 5000}
doctor = {
{model = 'ambulance', price = 4500}
chief_doctor = {
{model = 'ambulance', price = 3000}
boss = {
{model = 'ambulance', price = 2000}
helicopter = {
ambulance = {},
doctor = {
{model = 'buzzard2', price = 150000}
chief_doctor = {
{model = 'buzzard2', price = 150000},
{model = 'seasparrow', price = 300000}
boss = {
{model = 'buzzard2', price = 10000},
{model = 'seasparrow', price = 250000}