king1204 发表于 2024-6-14 20:17:31


Locales['en'] = {
['application_name'] = 'Citizen Registration',

['first_name'] = 'First name',
['first_name_description'] = 'The first name of your character.',

['last_name'] = 'Last name',
['last_name_description'] = 'The last name of your character.',

['height'] = 'Height',
['height_description'] = 'The height of your character in centimeter.',

['dob'] = 'Date of birth',
['dob_description'] = 'The date of birth of your character.',

['gender'] = 'Gender',
['gender_description'] = 'The gender of your character.',
['gender_male'] = 'Male',
['gender_female'] = 'Female',

['prepared_to_rp'] = 'I am willing to roleplay according to the rules.',

['application_accepted'] = 'Application accepted. Welcome!',

['show_active_character'] = 'Show Active Character',
['active_character'] = 'Active character: %s',
['error_active_character'] = 'There was an error obtaining your data.',
['delete_character'] = 'Delete Your Current Character.',
['deleted_character'] = 'Character Deleted',
['error_delete_character'] = 'There was a problem deleting your character.',
['thank_you_for_registering'] = 'Registration Successful. Enjoy!',
['no_identifier'] = '\nThere was an issue while loading your character!\nError Code: identifier-missing\n\nThis is caused by your identifier being missing. Please come back later or report this problem to the Server Owner.',
['missing_identity'] = '\nThere was an issue loading your character!\nError Code: identity-missing\n\nIt seems like your identity is missing, try connecting again.',
['deleted_identity'] = 'Character deleted. Please rejoin to create a new character.',
['already_registered'] = 'You have already registered.',

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-6-15 17:31:25

Locales['zh'] = {
['application_name'] = '市民注册',

['first_name'] = '名字',
['first_name_description'] = '你的角色的名字。',

['last_name'] = '姓氏',
['last_name_description'] = '你的角色的姓氏。',

['height'] = '身高',
['height_description'] = '你的角色的身高(以厘米为单位)。',

['dob'] = '出生日期',
['dob_description'] = '你的角色的出生日期。',

['gender'] = '性别',
['gender_description'] = '你的角色的性别。',
['gender_male'] = '男',
['gender_female'] = '女',

['prepared_to_rp'] = '我愿意按规定进行角色扮演。',

['application_accepted'] = '申请已接受。欢迎!',

['show_active_character'] = '显示活跃角色',
['active_character'] = '活跃角色:%s',
['error_active_character'] = '获取您的数据时出现错误。',
['delete_character'] = '删除当前角色。',
['deleted_character'] = '角色已删除',
['error_delete_character'] = '删除您的角色时出现问题。',
['thank_you_for_registering'] = '注册成功。享受游戏吧!',
['no_identifier'] = '\n加载您的角色时出现问题!\n错误代码:缺少标识符\n\n这是由于您的标识符丢失造成的。请稍后再试或将此问题报告给服务器所有者。',
['missing_identity'] = '\n加载您的角色时出现问题!\n错误代码:缺少身份\n\n看起来您的身份信息丢失了,请尝试重新连接。',
['deleted_identity'] = '角色已删除。请重新加入以创建新角色。',
['already_registered'] = '您已经注册过了。',
页: [1]
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