Locales['en'] = {
-- Cloakroom
['cloakroom'] = 'Locker Room',
['ems_clothes_civil'] = 'Civilian Clothes',
['ems_clothes_ems'] = 'EMS Clothes',
-- Vehicles
['ambulance'] = 'Ambulance',
['helicopter_prompt'] = 'Press to access the Helicopter Actions.',
['garage_prompt'] = 'Press to access the Vehicle Actions.',
['garage_title'] = 'Vehicle Actions',
['garage_stored'] = 'Stored',
['garage_notstored'] = 'Not in garage',
['garage_storing'] = 'We\'re attempting to remove the vehicle, make sure no players are around it.',
['garage_has_stored'] = 'The vehicle has been stored in your garage',
['garage_has_notstored'] = 'No nearby owned vehicles were found',
['garage_notavailable'] = 'Your vehicle is not stored in the garage.',
['garage_blocked'] = 'There\'s no available spawn points!',
['garage_empty'] = 'You don\'t have any vehicles in your garage.',
['garage_released'] = 'Your vehicle has been released from the garage.',
['garage_store_nearby'] = 'There is no nearby vehicles.',
['garage_storeditem'] = 'Open garage',
['garage_storeitem'] = 'Store vehicle in garage',
['garage_buyitem'] = 'Vehicle shop',
['shop_item'] = '$%s',
['vehicleshop_title'] = 'Yehicle Shop',
['vehicleshop_confirm'] = 'Yo you want to buy this vehicle?',
['vehicleshop_bought'] = 'You have bought %s for $%s',
['vehicleshop_money'] = 'You cannot afford that vehicle',
['vehicleshop_awaiting_model'] = 'The vehicle is currently DOWNLOADING & LOADING please wait',
['confirm_no'] = 'No',
['confirm_yes'] = 'Yes',
-- Action Menu
['revive_inprogress'] = 'A revive is in progress!',
['revive_complete'] = 'You have revived %s',
['revive_complete_award'] = 'You have revived %s and earned $%s!',
['revive_fail_offline'] = 'That player is no longer online',
['heal_inprogress'] = 'You are healing!',
['heal_complete'] = 'You have healed %s',
['no_players'] = 'No players nearby',
['player_not_unconscious'] = 'That player is not unconscious!',
['player_not_conscious'] = 'That player is not conscious!',
-- Boss Menu
['boss_actions'] = 'Boss Actions',
-- Misc
['invalid_amount'] = 'Invalid amount',
['actions_prompt'] = 'Press access the Ambulance Actions.',
['deposit_amount'] = 'Deposit Amount',
['money_withdraw'] = 'Amount withdrawn',
['fast_travel'] = 'press to fast travel.',
['open_pharmacy'] = 'Press to open the pharmacy.',
['pharmacy_menu_title'] = 'Pharmacy',
['pharmacy_take'] = 'Take <span style="color:blue;">%s</span>',
['medikit'] = 'Medikit',
['bandage'] = 'Bandage',
['max_item'] = 'You are already carrying enough.',
-- F6 Menu
['ems_menu'] = 'EMS Menu',
['ems_menu_title'] = 'Ambulance - EMS Menu',
['ems_menu_revive'] = 'Revive Player',
['ems_menu_putincar'] = 'Put in Vehicle',
['ems_menu_small'] = 'Heal small wounds',
['ems_menu_big'] = 'Treat serious injuries',
['ems_menu_search'] = 'Patient not found',
-- Phone
['alert_ambulance'] = 'Alert Ambulance',
-- Death
['respawn_available_in'] = 'Respawn available in %s minutes %s seconds',
['respawn_bleedout_in'] = 'You will bleed out in %s minutes %s seconds\n',
['respawn_bleedout_prompt'] = 'Hold to respawn',
['respawn_bleedout_fine'] = 'Hold to respawn for $%s',
['respawn_bleedout_fine_msg'] = 'You paid $%s to respawn.',
['distress_send'] = 'Press to send distress signal',
['distress_sent'] = 'Distress signal has been sent to available units!',
-- Revive
['revive_help'] = 'revive a player',
-- Item
['used_medikit'] = 'You have used 1x medikit',
['used_bandage'] = 'You have used 1x bandage',
['not_enough_medikit'] = 'You do not have medikit.',
['not_enough_bandage'] = 'You do not have bandage.',
['healed'] = 'You have been treated.',
-- Blips
['blip_hospital'] = 'Hospital',
['blip_dead'] = 'Dying Player',
Locales['zh'] = {
-- 衣帽间
['cloakroom'] = '更衣室',
['ems_clothes_civil'] = '便装',
['ems_clothes_ems'] = '急救服',
-- 车辆
['ambulance'] = '救护车',
['helicopter_prompt'] = '按开启直升机操作菜单。',
['garage_prompt'] = '按进入车辆操作菜单。',
['garage_title'] = '车辆操作',
['garage_stored'] = '已存放',
['garage_notstored'] = '未存放',
['garage_storing'] = '正在尝试移除车辆,请确保附近没有玩家。',
['garage_has_stored'] = '车辆已存放在车库中',
['garage_has_notstored'] = '未找到附近拥有的车辆',
['garage_notavailable'] = '你的车辆未存放在车库中。',
['garage_blocked'] = '没有可用的生成点!',
['garage_empty'] = '你的车库里没有任何车辆。',
['garage_released'] = '你的车辆已从车库中释放。',
['garage_store_nearby'] = '附近没有车辆。',
['garage_storeditem'] = '打开车库',
['garage_storeitem'] = '将车辆存放在车库中',
['garage_buyitem'] = '车辆商店',
['shop_item'] = '$%s',
['vehicleshop_title'] = '车辆商店',
['vehicleshop_confirm'] = '你确定要购买这辆车辆吗?',
['vehicleshop_bought'] = '你花费了%s购买了%s',
['vehicleshop_money'] = '你买不起这辆车',
['vehicleshop_awaiting_model'] = '车辆正在下载中,请等待',
['confirm_no'] = '否',
['confirm_yes'] = '是',
-- 动作菜单
['revive_inprogress'] = '正在进行复活!',
['revive_complete'] = '你复活了%s',
['revive_complete_award'] = '你复活了%s并获得了%s美元的奖励!',
['revive_fail_offline'] = '该玩家已下线',
['heal_inprogress'] = '你正在进行治疗!',
['heal_complete'] = '你为%s进行了治疗',
['no_players'] = '附近没有玩家',
['player_not_unconscious'] = '该玩家没有失去意识!',
['player_not_conscious'] = '该玩家没有苏醒!',
-- 老板菜单
['boss_actions'] = '老板操作',
-- 杂项
['invalid_amount'] = '金额无效',
['actions_prompt'] = '按进入救护车操作菜单。',
['deposit_amount'] = '存款金额',
['money_withdraw'] = '提取金额',
['fast_travel'] = '按进行快速旅行。',
['open_pharmacy'] = '按打开药房。',
['pharmacy_menu_title'] = '药房',
['pharmacy_take'] = '拿取%s',
['medikit'] = '急救包',
['bandage'] = '绷带',
['max_item'] = '你已经携带足够的物品。',
-- F6菜单
['ems_menu'] = '救护车菜单',
['ems_menu_title'] = '救护车 - EMS菜单',
['ems_menu_revive'] = '复活玩家',
['ems_menu_putincar'] = '放入车辆',
['ems_menu_small'] = '治疗轻伤',
['ems_menu_big'] = '处理严重伤势',
['ems_menu_search'] = '未找到病人',
-- 手机
['alert_ambulance'] = '呼叫救护车',
-- 死亡
['respawn_available_in'] = '重新生成将在%s分钟%s秒内可用',
['respawn_bleedout_in'] = '你将在%s分钟%s秒内失血致死\n',
['respawn_bleedout_prompt'] = '按住重新生成',
['respawn_bleedout_fine'] = '按住以%s美元重新生成',
['respawn_bleedout_fine_msg'] = '你支付了%s美元重新生成。',
['distress_send'] = '按发送求救信号',
['distress_sent'] = '求救信号已发送至可用单位!',
-- 复活
['revive_help'] = '复活玩家',
-- 物品
['used_medikit'] = '你使用了1个急救包',
['used_bandage'] = '你使用了1个绷带',
['not_enough_medikit'] = '你没有急救包。',
['not_enough_bandage'] = '你没有绷带。',
['healed'] = '你已经接受了治疗。',
-- 地标
['blip_hospital'] = '医院',
['blip_dead'] = '垂危玩家',
} Facture = "Facture",
Revive = "Réanimer",
Heal = "Soigner une personne",
Putveh = "Mettre dans le véhicule", king1204 发表于 2024-06-01 02:07
Facture = "Facture",
Revive = "Réanimer",
Facture = "发票",
Réanimer = "复活",
Soigner une personne = "治疗患者",
Mettre dans le véhicule = "放入车辆" Facture = "Facturation",
Reanimation = "Réanimer",
Heal = "Soigner",
Putveh = "Mettre dans le véhicule", king1204 发表于 2024-06-01 02:08
Facture = "Facturation",
Reanimation = "Réani ...
Facturation = "发票",
Réanimer = "复苏",
Soigner = "治疗",
Mettre dans le véhicule = "放入车辆" DescriptionFacture = "Faire une facture",
DescriptionReanimation = "Réanimer une personne",
DescriptionHeal = "Soigner une personne",
DescriptionPutveh = "Mettre une personne de force dans un véhicule" king1204 发表于 2024-06-01 02:08
DescriptionFacture = "Faire une facture",
Desc ...
DescriptionFacture = "创建发票",
DescriptionReanimation = "复苏一个人",
DescriptionHeal = "治疗一个人",
DescriptionPutveh = "强行将一个人放进车辆" ['used_food'] = 'You have eaten 1x %s',
['used_drink'] = 'You have drinked 1x %s',
['got_healed'] = 'You have been healed.' king1204 发表于 2024-06-01 02:11
= 'You have eaten 1x %s',
= 'You have drinked 1 ...
= '你已经食用了1个%s',
= '你已经喝了1个%s',
= '你已被治愈。' ['used_beer'] = 'you used 1x Beer', {
"check_society_balance" : "Money in society: %s$",
"withdraw_society_money" : "Withdraw society money",
"withdraw_description" : "Retirer de l'argent du compte de l'entreprise",
"withdraw_amount" : "Witdraw amount",
"boss_menu" : "Boss menu",
"money_generic" : "%s | Salaire: %s$",
"deposit_amount" : "Deposit amount",
"deposit_society_money" : "Deposit society money",
"employee_list" : "Employee list",
"employee_management" : "Employee management",
"fire" : "Fire",
"promote" : "Promote",
"recruit" : "Recruit",
"recruiting" : "Recruiting",
"no_player" : "No players",
"salary_management" : "Salary management",
"grade_management" : "Grade label management",
"deposit_description" : "Deposit some money into the society account",
"amount_title" : "Amount",
"withdraw_amount_placeholder" : "Amount to withdraw..",
"deposit_amount_placeholder" : "Amount to deposit..",
"change_salary_description" : "Change a grade salary amount",
"change_salary_placeholder" : "Amount to change grade salary..",
"change_label_title" : "Label",
"change_label_placeholder" : "Label to change job grade label..",
"change_label_description" : "Change a grade label",
"money_remove_reason" : "Society Deposit",
"money_add_reason" : "Society Withdraw",
"employees_title" : "Employees"
} king1204 发表于 2024-06-01 02:12
= 'you used 1x Beer',
= '你使用了1瓶啤酒', Locales['en'] = {
['application_name'] = 'Citizen Registration',
['first_name'] = 'First name',
['first_name_description'] = 'The first name of your character.',
['last_name'] = 'Last name',
['last_name_description'] = 'The last name of your character.',
['height'] = 'Height',
['height_description'] = 'The height of your character in centimeter.',
['dob'] = 'Date of birth',
['dob_description'] = 'The date of birth of your character.',
['gender'] = 'Gender',
['gender_description'] = 'The gender of your character.',
['gender_male'] = 'Male',
['gender_female'] = 'Female',
['prepared_to_rp'] = 'I am willing to roleplay according to the rules.',
['application_accepted'] = 'Application accepted. Welcome!',
['show_active_character'] = 'Show Active Character',
['active_character'] = 'Active character: %s',
['error_active_character'] = 'There was an error obtaining your data.',
['delete_character'] = 'Delete Your Current Character.',
['deleted_character'] = 'Character Deleted',
['error_delete_character'] = 'There was a problem deleting your character.',
['thank_you_for_registering'] = 'Registration Successful. Enjoy!',
['no_identifier'] = '\nThere was an issue while loading your character!\nError Code: identifier-missing\n\nThis is caused by your identifier being missing. Please come back later or report this problem to the Server Owner.',
['missing_identity'] = '\nThere was an issue loading your character!\nError Code: identity-missing\n\nIt seems like your identity is missing, try connecting again.',
['deleted_identity'] = 'Character deleted. Please rejoin to create a new character.',
['already_registered'] = 'You have already registered.',
king1204 发表于 2024-06-01 02:16
Locales = {
= 'Citizen Registration',
= 'Fi ...
Locales = {
= '公民注册',
= '名字',
= '你的角色的名字。',
= '姓氏',
= '你的角色的姓氏。',
= '身高',
= '你的角色的身高(厘米)。',
= '出生日期',
= '你的角色的出生日期。',
= '性别',
= '你的角色的性别。',
= '男性',
= '女性',
= '我愿意按照规则进行角色扮演。',
= '申请已接受。欢迎!',
= '显示活跃角色',
= '活跃角色:%s',
= '获取您的数据时出现错误。',
= '删除当前角色。',
= '角色已删除',
= '删除角色时出现问题。',
= '注册成功。祝您玩得愉快!',
= '\n加载您的角色时出现问题!\n错误代码:标识符丢失\n\n这是因为您的标识符丢失导致的。请稍后回来或向服务器所有者报告此问题。',
= '\n加载您的角色时出现问题!\n错误代码:身份丢失\n\n看起来您的身份信息丢失了,请尝试重新连接。',
= '角色已删除。请重新加入以创建新角色。',
= '您已经注册过了。',
} Locales["en"] = {
["male"] = "Male",
["female"] = "Female",
["select_char"] = "Select Character",
["select_char_description"] = "Select a character to play as.",
["create_char"] = "New Character",
["char_play"] = "Play",
["char_play_description"] = "Continue Into The City.",
["char_disabled"] = "Disabled",
["char_disabled_description"] = "This Character Is Unusable.",
["char_delete"] = "Delete",
["char_delete_description"] = "Permanently Remove This Character.",
["char_delete_confirmation"] = "Delete Confirmation",
["char_delete_confirmation_description"] = "Are you sure removing selected character?",
["char_delete_yes_description"] = "Yes, I am sure removing selected character",
["char_delete_no_description"] = "No, return to character options",
["character"] = "Character: %s",
["return"] = "Return",
["return_description"] = "Return To Character Selection.",
["command_setslots"] = "Set multicharacter slots number of a player",
["command_remslots"] = "Remove multicharacter slots number of a player",
["command_enablechar"] = "Enable a given character of a player",
["command_disablechar"] = "Disable a given character of a player",
["command_charslot"] = "Slot number of the character",
["command_identifier"] = "Player identifier",
["command_slots"] = "# of slots",
["slotsadd"] = "You set %s slots to %s",
["slotsrem"] = "You removed slots to %s",
["charenabled"] = "You enabled character #%s of %s",
["chardisabled"] = "You disabled character #%s of %s",
["charnotfound"] = "Character #%s of %s doesn't exist",
["char_delete_alert_dialog_title"] = "Warning",
["char_delete_alert_dialog_desc"] = "if you delete your character this action will be irreversible",
} king1204 发表于 2024-06-01 02:17
Locales = {
= "Male",
= "Female",
= "Select...
Locales = {
= "男性",
= "女性",
= "选择角色",
= "选择一个要扮演的角色。",
= "新角色",
= "开始游戏",
= "继续进入城市。",
= "已禁用",
= "该角色无法使用。",
= "删除",
= "永久删除该角色。",
= "确认删除",
= "确定删除所选角色吗?",
= "是的,我确定删除所选角色",
= "不,返回角色选项",
= "角色:%s",
= "返回",
= "返回到角色选择。",
= "设置玩家的多角色槽位数",
= "移除玩家的多角色槽位数",
= "启用玩家的特定角色",
= "禁用玩家的特定角色",
= "角色槽位号码",
= "玩家标识",
= "槽位数量",
= "你将%s个槽位设置为%s",
= "你移除了%s的槽位",
= "你已启用了%s的第%s个角色",
= "你已禁用了%s的第%s个角色",
= "第%s个角色的%s不存在",
= "警告",
= "如果你删除你的角色,此操作将无法撤销",
} "check_society_balance" : "Money in society: %s$",
"withdraw_society_money" : "Withdraw society money",
"withdraw_description" : "Retirer de l'argent du compte de l'entreprise",
"withdraw_amount" : "Witdraw amount",
"boss_menu" : "Boss menu",
"money_generic" : "%s | Salaire: %s$",
"deposit_amount" : "Deposit amount",
"deposit_society_money" : "Deposit society money",
"employee_list" : "Employee list",
"employee_management" : "Employee management",
"fire" : "Fire",
"promote" : "Promote",
"recruit" : "Recruit",
"recruiting" : "Recruiting",
"no_player" : "No players",
"salary_management" : "Salary management",
"grade_management" : "Grade label management",
"deposit_description" : "Deposit some money into the society account",
"amount_title" : "Amount",
"withdraw_amount_placeholder" : "Amount to withdraw..",
"deposit_amount_placeholder" : "Amount to deposit..",
"change_salary_description" : "Change a grade salary amount",
"change_salary_placeholder" : "Amount to change grade salary..",
"change_label_title" : "Label",
"change_label_placeholder" : "Label to change job grade label..",
"change_label_description" : "Change a grade label",
"money_remove_reason" : "Society Deposit",
"money_add_reason" : "Society Withdraw",
"employees_title" : "Employees" king1204 发表于 2024-06-01 02:18
"check_society_balance" : "Money in societ ...
"check_society_balance" : "公司账户余额:%s$",
"withdraw_society_money" : "提取公司资金",
"withdraw_description" : "从公司账户提取资金",
"withdraw_amount" : "提取金额",
"boss_menu" : "老板菜单",
"money_generic" : "%s | 工资:%s$",
"deposit_amount" : "存款金额",
"deposit_society_money" : "存款公司资金",
"employee_list" : "员工列表",
"employee_management" : "员工管理",
"fire" : "解雇",
"promote" : "晋升",
"recruit" : "招聘",
"recruiting" : "招聘中",
"no_player" : "无玩家",
"salary_management" : "工资管理",
"grade_management" : "职级标签管理",
"deposit_description" : "向公司账户存入一些资金",
"amount_title" : "金额",
"withdraw_amount_placeholder" : "要提取的金额..",
"deposit_amount_placeholder" : "要存入的金额..",
"change_salary_description" : "更改职级工资金额",
"change_salary_placeholder" : "要更改的职级工资金额..",
"change_label_title" : "标签",
"change_label_placeholder" : "要更改的职级标签..",
"change_label_description" : "更改职级标签",
"money_remove_reason" : "公司存款",
"money_add_reason" : "公司取款",
"employees_title" : "员工" ['answer'] = 'RÉPONSE',
['noreports'] = 'Aucun report',
['senditems'] = 'ENVOYER DES OBJETS',
['senditem'] = 'ENVOYER UN OBJET',
['replied'] = 'ADMIN [ %s ] a répondu à votre report %s',
['hassended'] = 'ADMIN [ %s ] vous a envoyé un(e) %s',
['help'] = 'AIDE',
['askedforhelp'] = 'Vous avez demandé de l\'aide, l\'administrateur actif répondra bientôt',
['askedforhelpadmin'] = 'Le joueur [ %s ] a demandé de l\'aide : %s',
['pleasewait'] = 'Veuillez attendre %s secondes pour renvoyer la demande',
['reason'] = 'Raison : %s',
['reports'] = 'Reports | EpicLife',
['deleterep'] = 'Supprimer le report',
['successfullyteleported'] = 'Vous vous êtes téléporté(e) avec succès vers le joueur %s',
['succtepplayer'] = 'Vous avez téléporté avec succès le joueur %s vers vous',
['tptotheperson'] = 'TP vers la personne',
['bringperson'] = 'Amener la personne vers vous',
['answerperson'] = 'Répondre au joueur %s',
['yourreply'] = 'Votre réponse',
['succanswered'] = 'Vous avez répondu avec succès au joueur %s avec le message : %s',
['sendpersonmed'] = 'Envoyer un kit médical à la personne',
['succsentmed'] = 'Vous avez envoyé avec succès un kit médical au joueur %s',
['sendpersontool'] = 'Envoyer un outil à la personne',
['succsenttool'] = 'Vous avez envoyé avec succès l\'outil au joueur %s',
['sendpersoncar'] = 'Envoyer une voiture à la personne',
['succsentcar'] = 'Vous avez envoyé avec succès la voiture au joueur %s',
['sendpersonmotorcycle'] = 'Envoyer une moto à la personne',
['succsentmotorcycle'] = 'Vous avez envoyé avec succès la moto au joueur %s',
['revive'] = 'Réanimer une personne',
['succrevive'] = 'Vous avez réanimé avec succès la personne %s',
['healperson'] = 'Soigner la personne',
['succheal'] = 'Vous avez soigné avec succès la personne %s',
['donthaveperm'] = "Vous n'avez pas les permissions",