千里 发表于 2024-5-25 02:49:56


"start_job": "Press to engage with Jeff",
    "context_menu": "Bus Job Terminal Menu",
    "start_job_title": "Commence Job",
    "start_job_desc": "Begin your work shift by taking the bus out for service",
    "job_fund_title": "Job Points",
    "job_fund_desc": "Redeem your diligently earned points",
    "collecting_passengers": "Gathering passengers, please hold!",
    "destination_blip": "Next Stop",
    "quit_job_title": "Conclude the Job",
    "quit_job_desc": "Take a break for today (Your vehicle will be removed automatically)",
    "points": "Job Points",
    "not_correct_vehicle": "Incorrect vehicle detected",
    "already_job": "You're already on duty",
    "paid_and_reset": "Points redeemed and reset successfully!",
    "paid_failed": "You have no points; go and earn some",
    "quit_job": "Job successfully completed",
    "notify_title": "Bus Job",
    "earned_point": "You've earned a point! Proceed to the next destination",
    "current_payout": "Current payout for 1x coin",
    "not_enough_funds": "You need to have %s€ bank money for your deposit",
    "deposit_back": "You've received your deposit money back",
    "paid_for_deposit": "You paid %s€ for deposit",
    "currency_symbol": "€",
    "guidebook_title": "Guidebook",
    "guidebook_desc": "Having trouble with your job? Feel free to consult the provided guidebook.",
    "guidebook_content": "Hello newbie. You're going to earn money by driving your bus around the city and collecting passengers. For every bus station you visit, you'll receive one job point. After earning a satisfactory amount, you can return to the main bus terminal and speak with Jeff to convert your job points into money." 翻译一下

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-25 02:50:07

"start_job": "按下 以与Jeff交互",
    "context_menu": "公交工作终端菜单",
    "start_job_title": "开始工作",
    "start_job_desc": "通过驾驶公交车开始您的工作",
    "job_fund_title": "工作积分",
    "job_fund_desc": "兑换您努力赚取的积分",
    "collecting_passengers": "正在接载乘客,请稍等!",
    "destination_blip": "下一站",
    "quit_job_title": "结束工作",
    "quit_job_desc": "今天休息一下(您的车辆将被自动移除)",
    "points": "工作积分",
    "not_correct_vehicle": "检测到错误的车辆",
    "already_job": "您已经在岗位上",
    "paid_and_reset": "积分已成功兑换并重置!",
    "paid_failed": "您没有积分,请去赚取一些",
    "quit_job": "工作成功完成",
    "notify_title": "公交工作",
    "earned_point": "您已赚取一个积分!前往下一个目的地",
    "current_payout": "每枚硬币的当前支付",
    "not_enough_funds": "您需要有 %s€ 的银行存款来支付押金",
    "deposit_back": "您已收回押金",
    "paid_for_deposit": "您支付了 %s€ 作为押金",
    "currency_symbol": "€",
    "guidebook_title": "指南手册",
    "guidebook_desc": "在工作中遇到问题?随时参考提供的指南手册。",
    "guidebook_content": "您好,新手。您将通过驾驶公交车在城市内接载乘客来赚钱。每次您访问一个公交车站,您将获得一个工作积分。在赚取了满意的数量后,您可以返回主要的公交车站并与Jeff交谈,将您的积分兑换成货币。"
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