泪雨123 发表于 2024-5-23 06:43:09


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Strings = {
    -- Notifications / Alerts
    success = 'Success',
    success_desc = 'Your action was a success!',
    success_hire = 'You successfully hired %s!',
    unsuccessful = 'Unsuccessful',
    unsuccessful_hire = 'No one found with this ID! Please try again.',
    hired_header = 'You\'ve been Hired!',
    hired_content = 'A job has been awarded in your job menu.',
    deposit_successful = 'Deposit Successful',
    deposit_successful_desc = 'You have successfully deposited $%s in to the business account.',
    invalid_amount = 'Invalid Amount',
    invalid_amount_desc = 'Please input a valid amount!',
    withdrawal_successful = 'Withdrawal Successful',
    withdrawal_successful_desc = 'You have successfully withdrawaled $%s from the business account.',
    bonus_titlef = 'Bonus Received!',
    bonus_desc = 'You were granted a $%s employment bonus from %s.',
    bonus_success_desc = 'You successfully sent %s a $%s bonus.',
    lacking_funds = 'Lacking Funds',
    lacking_funds_desc = 'There are not enough funds to support this transaction!',
    went_wrong_desc = 'Something went wrong! Please try again.',
    delete_confirm = 'Caution!',
    delete_confirm_desc = 'Are you sure you wish to delete this job?',
    fire_confirm_desc = 'Are you sure you wish to fire this employee?',
    fired_desc = 'Employee has been successfully terminated!',
    cancelled = 'Cancelled',
    cancelled_desc = 'You cancelled your previous action.',
    clocked_out = 'Clocked Out',
    clocked_out_desc = 'You have successfully clocked out.',
    alr_clocked = 'Already Clocked In',
    alr_clocked_desc = 'You are already clocked in to this job.',
    deleted = 'Deleted',
    deleted_desc = 'Job successfully deleted.',

    -- Menu options
    go_back = '< Go Back',
    amount = 'Amount:',

    -- Job Menu
    jobs_menu = 'Jobs Menu',
    offduty_header = 'Off Duty',
    clockedin_job = 'Current Job:',
    grade_label = 'Position:',
    no_jobs = 'No Saved Jobs!',
    nojob_desc = 'Try applying at local businesses',
    clock_in = 'Clock In',
    clock_out = 'Clock Out',
    delete_job = 'Quit Job',

    -- Boss Menu
    society_funds = 'Manage Funds',
    society_funds_desc = 'Total Funds:',
    employee_list = 'Employee List',
    employee_count = 'You currently have %s employees',
    hire_employee = 'Hire Employee',
    hire_employee_desc = 'Hire someone by ID',
    id = 'ID:',
    deposit_funds = 'Deposit Funds',
    withdrawal_funds = 'Withdrawal Funds',
    job_position = 'Position:',
    edit_rank = 'Promote/Demote',
    edit_rank_desc = 'Position: %s | Salary: $%s',
    give_bonus = 'Give Bonus',
    give_bonus_desc = 'Send an employee a bonus',
    fire_employee = 'Terminate Employment',
    job_salary = 'Salary:',
    current_position = '(Current)',


    currency = '$',
    keymap_text = 'Open job menu',
    work_bonus = 'Work Bonus',


ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-23 06:43:17

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