猪猪侠 发表于 2024-5-22 05:23:58


--@type table<VehicleType, table<'Garage' | 'Impound', BlipData>>
Config.Blips = {
    ['car'] = {
      Garage = {
            Name = 'Garage',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 17
      Impound = {
            Name = 'Impound',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 3
    ['air'] = {
      Garage = {
            Name = 'Air Garage',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 17
      Impound = {
            Name = 'Air Impound',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 3
    ['boat'] = {
      Garage = {
            Name = 'Boat Garage',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 17
      Impound = {
            Name = 'Boat Impound',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 3

---@class LocationData
---@field Visible boolean Blip visibility on map.
---@field Type VehicleType The vehicle type.
---@field Position? vector3 Needs to be defined if PedPosition isn't.
---@field PedPosition? vector4 Needs to be defined if Position isn't.
---@field Model? number | string Needs to be defined if PedPosition is defined.
---@field SpawnPosition vector4 The vehicle spawn position.
---@field Jobs? string | string[] Optionally limit to jobs.

---@class GarageData : LocationData
---@field Interior string? The interior name.

---@type GarageData[]
Config.Garages = {
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(220.1418, -800.1686, 30.7227),
      PedPosition = vector4(215.4677, -808.5453, 30.7597, 248.1795),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(229.3425, -801.4708, 30.5659, 161.8591),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(273.0, -343.85, 44.91),
      PedPosition = vector4(276.0835, -343.4283, 44.9198, 344.8690),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(270.75, -340.51, 44.92, 342.03),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(-71.46, -1821.83, 26.94),
      PedPosition = vector4(-71.1413, -1829.9701, 26.9420, 230.2688),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(-66.51, -1828.01, 26.94, 235.64),
      Interior = 'large'

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-22 05:24:05


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