千里 发表于 2024-5-21 19:42:15


   "phone_details": "Phone Details",
      "phone_is_up_to_date": "Phone is up to date",
      "phone_number": "Phone Number",
      "phone_number_copied": "Phone number copied",
      "phone_size": "Phone Size",
      "phone_version": "Phone Version",
      "pick_media": "Pick Media",
      "pick_receiver": "Pick Receiver",
      "pick_thumbnail": "Pick Thumbnail",
      "please_pick_a_thumbnail": "Please pick a thumbnail",
      "portfolio_value": "Portfolio Value",
      "position": "Position",
      "post": "Post",
      "posts": "Posts",
      "preview": "Preview",
      "price": "Price",
      "private_mode": "Private Mode",
      "private_race_creator": "Private Race Creator",
      "prize": "Prize",
      "profile": "Profile",
      "promote": "Promote",
      "promote_to": "Promote to",
      "promoted": "Promoted",
      "provider": "Provider",
      "publish": "Publish",
      "purchase_some_crypto_on_the_market": "Purchase some crypto on the market",
      "race_code": "Race Code",
      "race_creator": "Race Creator",
      "race_details": "Race Details",
      "race_finished": "Race Finished",
      "race_invalid": "Race Invalid",
      "radio": "Radio",
      "rank": "Rank",
      "receive_calls": "Receive Calls",
      "receiver": "Receiver",
      "recent": "Recent",
      "reference_id": "Reference ID",
      "register": "Register",
      "reject": "Reject",
      "reject_job_application_confirmation": "Reject Job Application Confirmation",
      "reject_message": "Reject Message",
      "remove": "Remove",
      "remove_article": "Remove Article",
      "reply": "Reply",
      "request_success": "Request Success",
      "reset": "Reset",
      "restore_phone_from_backup": "Restore Phone from Backup",
      "right": "Right",
      "ringtone": "Ringtone",
      "ringtone_volume": "Ringtone Volume",
      "ringtones": "Ringtones",
      "route_creator": "Route Creator",
      "route_needs_at_least_2_points": "Route needs at least 2 points",
      "saturday": "Saturday",
      "saved": "Saved",
      "search": "Search",
      "select": "Select",
      "select_media": "Select Media",
      "select_route": "Select Route",
      "select_the_identifier": "Select the identifier",
      "selected": "Selected",
      "send": "Send",
      "september": "September",
      "services": "Services",
      "settings": "Settings",
      "share_contact": "Share Contact",
      "show": "Show",
      "show_delete": "Show Delete",
      "snooze": "Snooze",
      "something_went_wrong": "Something went wrong",
      "sound": "Sound",
      "start": "Start",
      "start_working": "Start Working",
      "stop": "Stop",
      "stop_working": "Stop Working",
      "stopwatch": "Stopwatch",
      "stored": "Stored",
      "subject": "Subject",
      "submit": "Submit",
      "subtotal": "Subtotal",
      "success": "Success",
      "sunday": "Sunday",
      "swap_now": "Swap Now",
      "team": "Team",
      "team_on_duty": "Team on Duty",
      "tell_server_owner_to_update_the_phone": "Tell server owner to update the phone",
      "this_address_is_not_available": "This address is not available",
      "this_number_is_busy": "The number you are trying to reach is busy.",
      "this_number_is_not_available": "The number you are trying to reach is not available.",
      "thursday": "Thursday",
      "time": "Time",
      "time_left": "Time Left",
      "timer": "Timer",
      "timers": "Timers",
      "title": "Title",
      "title_must_be_between_3_and_100_characters": "Title must be between 3 and 100 characters",
      "title_or_descriptions_are_too_short": "Title or descriptions are too short",
      "to": "To",
      "today": "Today",
      "tomorrows_weather_forecast": "Tomorrow's Weather Forecast",
      "total": "Total",
      "total_balance": "Total Balance",
      "total_earned": "Total Earned",
      "track": "Track",
      "track_vehicle_error_message": "This vehicle cannot be located",
      "track_vehicle_success_message": "Your vehicle has been marked",
      "track_your_lost_stolen_devices": "Track your lost/stolen devices",
      "transactions": "Transactions",
      "transfer": "Transfer",
      "transfer_could_not_be_completed": "Transfer could not be completed",
      "transfer_funds_to_any_of_these_ids": "Transfer funds to any of these IDs",
      "transfer_money": "Transfer Money",
      "tuesday": "Tuesday",
      "type": "Type",
      "unavailable": "Unavailable",
      "unfollow": "Unfollow",
      "unknown": "Unknown",
      "unknown_vehicle_location": "Unknown Vehicle Location",
      "upcoming": "Upcoming",
      "upcoming_public_race": "Upcoming Public Race",
      "update": "Update",
      "update_photo": "Update Photo",
      "update_profile_picture": "Update Profile Picture",
      "use": "Use",
      "username": "Username",
      "username_already_exists": "Username already exists",
      "vat": "VAT",
      "vehicle_is_coming": "Your vehicle is on its way.",
      "verified": "Verified",
      "version": "Version",
      "video_call": "Video Call",
      "view": "View",
      "View": "View",
      "view_holdings": "View Holdings",
      "voice_message": "Voice Message",
      "voice_message_preview": "Voice Message Preview",
      "wallet": "Wallet",
      "wallpaper": "Wallpaper",
      "waypoint_defined": "Waypoint Defined",
      "waypoint_set_on_map": "Waypoint set on map",
      "waypoint_set_on_map_to_last_known_location": "Waypoint set on map to last known location",
      "weather": "Weather",
      "webhooks": "Webhooks",
      "wednesday": "Wednesday",
      "widgets": "Widgets",
      "winner_takes_all": "Winner Takes All",
      "withdraw": "Withdraw",
      "work": "Work",
      "year": "Year",
      "yesterday": "Yesterday",
      "you_already_have_an_application_pending": "You already have an application pending!",
      "you_bought": "You bought",
      "you_dont_have_enough": "You don't have enough",
      "you_dont_have_enough_to_deposit": "You don't have enough to deposit",
      "you_dont_have_enough_to_withdraw": "You don't have enough to withdraw",
      "you_got_fired": "You got fired",
      "you_got_promoted": "You got promoted",
      "you_have_no_transactions": "You have no transactions",
      "you_sent": "You sent",
      "you_sold": "You sold",
      "your_address": "Your Address",
      "your_address_was_changed_to": "Your address was changed to",
      "your_deposit_has_been_processed": "Your deposit has been processed",
      "your_job_application_has_been_approved": "Your job application has been approved",
      "your_wallet_is_empty": "Your wallet is empty",
      "your_withdrawal_has_been_processed": "Your withdrawal has been processed",
      "zoom_position": "Zoom & Position",
      "invalid_media_link": "Invalid media link",
      "no_available_worker": "No worker is available",
      "receive_work_calls": "Receive Work Calls" 翻译一下

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-21 19:42:49

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