qazw01 发表于 2024-5-19 11:54:27


Please do the following instructions properly for installation

create a folder in resource before starting the process
Extract the rar files into the file you created
and do the steps one by one in a way that suits you

1. Read the gks_gotur/esx_goturjob.sql file into your database
2. Read the esx_lapraces/lapraces.sql file into your database
3. Read the gksphone/gksphone.sql file into your database

5. ESX version and Config.lua settings

There is "Config.ESXVersion" in the gksphone/config.lua and gks_gotur/config.lua file, type whatever ESX version you are using (1.1 or 1.2)

6. To take a photo: Open gksphone/html/static/config/config.json Fill in the "PhotoWebHook" field on line 4

7. What you need to set in config.json

When you false ValePoup, you can only show vehicles

When you turn off Facetime, the icons for Facetime calls and the call will be turned off.

If you are not going to use voicemail
Leave "RecordSite" blank
Make "MessageRecordMic" false
If you want to use voicemail, download the file in the link and read the installation guide in that file. ( )

If you turn "BottomNotif" off, you will turn off the logos that appear at the bottom in the middle of the game.

"RealTime" real-time time zone works, if you turn it off, Fivem's own game clock will be active

Set "BlockNumber" to false if you don't want to use Phone number blocking function ( This will just make it send the notification accordingly. )

"BankTransferCom" Bank transfer fee is calculated as %

If the news application is to be used, use the profession code "NewsPerm" in this field.

You need to give permission to create the map in the race application, set the "Race Identifier" field in the config.json as in the example. (Only people you authorize can create a racecourse.)
"RaceIdentifier" : {
    "0": "char1:39bf1c13e9ce1d00453d549ceed37a08f54e0768",
    "1": "identifier"

Job Notice application;
You can add profession like examples in "JobMessages" field
(1st area code
The second field is the text written in the profession application.)
For the picture: it is enough to put the picture of the profession in the folder "gksphone\html\static\img\jobs". ( image name : jobcode.png - example : police.png)

"JobMessages": {
    "police": "PD",
    "ambulance": "EMS",
    "mechanic": "GKS Mechanic"

To close the applications you do not want, set the "MenuPage" close of the application you want to close from the applications section.

Close application by job: you should write the profession code in the "blockedjobs" section of the application you want in the apps section.
"blockedjobs": {
      "police": "police",
      "ambulance": "ambulance"

If you want to translate language, just change the texts under "language" section in config.json

8. The important part you need to adjust in config.lua is which sound program you use, you need to true it.
Mumble, PMAvoice, Tokovoip, Saltychat are compatible, you need to make one of them true.

9. To set item images in Gotur;
You must add the images as "itemname.png" in the "gks_gotur/img/" folder

10. Finally, you must start the phone and add-ons in server.cfg.
You can start it at the bottom of server.cfg please note it should start after es_extended and required scripts

ensure gks_gotur
ensure esx_lapraces
ensure xsound
ensure gksphone

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-19 11:54:42



1. 将gks_gotur/esx_goturjob.sql文件读入您的数据库
2. 将esx_lapraces/lapraces.sql文件读入您的数据库
3. 将gksphone/gksphone.sql文件读入您的数据库

4. ESX版本和Config.lua设置


5. 拍照:打开gksphone/html/static/config/config.json,在第4行填写“PhotoWebHook”字段

6. 在config.json中需要设置的内容



如果您要使用语音信箱,请下载链接中的文件,并阅读该文件中的安装指南。 (






您需要授予权限在赛车应用程序中创建地图,在config.json中设置“Race Identifier”字段,如示例所示。 (只有您授权的人才能创建赛道。)
"RaceIdentifier" : {
    "0": "char1:39bf1c13e9ce1d00453d549ceed37a08f54e0768",
    "1": "identifier"

对于图片:只需将职业的图片放入“gksphone\html\static\img\jobs”文件夹中。(图片名称:jobcode.png - 例如:police.png)

"JobMessages": {
    "police": "PD",
    "ambulance": "EMS",
    "mechanic": "GKS Mechanic"


"blockedjobs": {
    "police": "police",
    "ambulance": "ambulance"


7. 在config.lua中需要调整的重要部分是您使用哪种声音程序,您需要将其设置为true。

8. 设置Gotur中的项目图片;

9. 最后,您必须在server.cfg中启动手机和附加组件。

ensure gks_gotur
ensure esx_lapraces
ensure xsound
ensure gksphone

qazw01 发表于 2024-5-19 12:58:51

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-19 11:54


Config = {}
Config.OpenPhone = 'f1'   --## Phone open key ##
Config.Phones = {"phone"}-- # item name
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.Fahrenheit = false

Config.ESXVersion = "1.1" -- 1.1 OR 1.2

-- Discord WebHook - start --
Config.Carseller = 'Discord Webhook'
Config.JobNotif = 'Discord Webhook'
Config.TwitterWeb = 'Discord Webhook'
Config.YellowWeb = 'Discord Webhook'
Config.InstagramWeb = 'Discord Webhook'
Config.Crypto = 'Discord Webhook'
Config.BankTrasnfer = 'Discord Webhook'
Config.BankLimit = 5000 -- # Minimum money transfer for discord webhook
-- Discord WebHook - end --

-- Phone Settings - Start --

Config.UseMumbleVoIP    = false -- Use Frazzle's Mumble-VoIP Resource (Recomended!)
Config.PMAVoice         = false
Config.UseTokoVoIP      = false
Config.SaltyChat      = false

Config.CallPhone      = true-- If the player is not in the game or there is no item on it, it will give a warning.

-- Phone Settings - Finish --

Config.ValePrice      = 100    -- Vale Price
Config.TaxiPrice      = 75   -- Taxi Price ( 75$/KM )

qazw01 发表于 2024-5-19 12:59:44


本帖最后由 qazw01 于 2024-5-19 13:09 编辑

Locales['en'] = {
['gotur_time']            = 'Time Left: Order forecast time',
['gotur_cancel']            = 'canceled the order',
['gotur_productbuy']      = ' Order arrived',
['gotur_offline']         = 'The shop is closed, try again later',
['gotur_nomoney']         = 'you dont have enough money',
['gotur_cancelorder']       = 'The persons order has been canceled because it did not arrive.',
['gotur_refund']            = 'Your money has been refunded because your order did not arrive on time.',
['gotur_orderway']          = 'Order is on its way ',
['gotur_orderdelivered']    = 'Your order has been delivered',
['gotur_map']               = 'The order location has been added to the map and you must deliver the order within ',
['gotur_itemadd']         = '~r~You cannot add more items than you have',
['gotur_itemsell']         = '~r~You cant sell more than you own',

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-19 13:01:07

qazw01 发表于 2024-05-19 12:58
Config = {}
Config.OpenPhone = 'f1'   --## Phone o ...


- `Config.OpenPhone = 'f1'`:打开手机的按键
- `Config.Phones = {"phone"}`:手机物品名称
- `Config.Locale = 'en'`:语言设置为英语
- `Config.Fahrenheit = false`:温度单位为摄氏度

- `Config.ESXVersion = "1.1"`:ESX版本设置为1.1或1.2

- Discord WebHook部分:用于设置不同功能的Discord Webhook链接
    - `Config.Carseller = 'Discord Webhook'`
    - `Config.JobNotif = 'Discord Webhook'`
    - `Config.TwitterWeb = 'Discord Webhook'`
    - `Config.YellowWeb = 'Discord Webhook'`
    - `Config.InstagramWeb = 'Discord Webhook'`
    - `Config.Crypto = 'Discord Webhook'`
    - `Config.BankTrasnfer = 'Discord Webhook'`
    - `Config.BankLimit = 5000`:最低金额转账为5000时触发Discord Webhook

- Phone Settings部分:关于电话设置的一些参数
    - `Config.UseMumbleVoIP = false`:是否使用Frazzle的Mumble-VoIP资源
    - `Config.PMAVoice = false`
    - `Config.UseTokoVoIP = false`
    - `Config.SaltyChat = false`
    - `Config.CallPhone = true`:如果玩家不在游戏中或没有物品,则会发出警告

- 其他一些配置:
    - `Config.ValePrice = 100`:Vale价格
    - `Config.TaxiPrice = 75`:出租车价格(每公里75美元)

qazw01 发表于 2024-5-19 13:10:58

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-19 13:01

- `Config.Ope ...


Locales['en'] = {
['gotur_time']            = 'Time Left: Order forecast time',
['gotur_cancel']            = 'canceled the order',
['gotur_productbuy']      = ' Order arrived',
['gotur_offline']         = 'The shop is closed, try again later',
['gotur_nomoney']         = 'you dont have enough money',
['gotur_cancelorder']       = 'The persons order has been canceled because it did not arrive.',
['gotur_refund']            = 'Your money has been refunded because your order did not arrive on time.',
['gotur_orderway']          = 'Order is on its way ',
['gotur_orderdelivered']    = 'Your order has been delivered',
['gotur_map']               = 'The order location has been added to the map and you must deliver the order within ',
['gotur_itemadd']         = '~r~You cannot add more items than you have',
['gotur_itemsell']         = '~r~You cant sell more than you own',

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-19 13:11:07

qazw01 发表于 2024-05-19 13:10

Locales = {
                = 'Time...

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