king1204 发表于 2024-5-17 19:27:06


Config.SitEmote = {
      name    = 'Lean Forward',
      dir   = 'timetable@ron@ig_3_couch',
      anim    = 'base',
      offset= {f = 0.0, l = 0.0}, -- f->forward, l->left
      name    = 'Leg Spread',
      dir   = 'timetable@ron@ig_5_p3',
      anim    = 'ig_5_p3_base',
      offset= {f = 0.2, l = 0.0},
      name    = 'Leg Crossed',
      dir   = 'timetable@reunited@ig_10',
      anim    = 'base_amanda',
      offset= {f = 0.3, l = -0.2},
      name    = 'Leg Crossed 2',
      dir   = 'mouse@female_smart_sitting_crossed',
      anim    = 'female_smart_sitting_crossed_clip',
      offset= {f = -0.45, l = 0.0},
      name    = 'Leg Crossed 3',
      dir   = 'timetable@jimmy@mics3_ig_15@',
      anim    = 'mics3_15_base_tracy',
      offset= {f = 0.32, l = 0.0},
      name    = 'Lean Side',
      dir   = 'timetable@ron@ron_ig_2_alt1',
      anim    = 'ig_2_alt1_base',
      offset= {f = 0.0, l = 0.1},
      name    = 'Smart',
      dir   = 'mouse@female_smart_sitting',
      anim    = 'female_smart_sitting_clip',
      offset= {f = -0.45, l = 0.0},
      name    = 'Leaning Forward',
      dir   = 'mouse@female_sitting_forward',
      anim    = 'female_sitting_forward_clip',
      offset= {f = -0.7, l = 0.0},
      name    = 'Arms Folded',
      dir   = 'mouse@female_sitting_folded',
      anim    = 'female_sitting_folded_clip',
      offset= {f = -0.45, l = 0.0},
      name    = 'Armchair',
      dir   = 'mouse@femalearmchair',
      anim    = 'female_armchair_clip_01',
      offset= {f = -0.5, l = 0.0},

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-17 19:28:22

Config.SitEmote = {
      name = '向前倾斜',
      dir = 'timetable@ron@ig_3_couch',
      anim = 'base',
      offset = {f = 0.0, l = 0.0}, -- f->向前, l->向左
      name = '摊开双腿',
      dir = 'timetable@ron@ig_5_p3',
      anim = 'ig_5_p3_base',
      offset = {f = 0.2, l = 0.0},
      name = '交叉双腿',
      dir = 'timetable@reunited@ig_10',
      anim = 'base_amanda',
      offset = {f = 0.3, l = -0.2},
      name = '交叉双腿2',
      dir = 'mouse@female_smart_sitting_crossed',
      anim = 'female_smart_sitting_crossed_clip',
      offset = {f = -0.45, l = 0.0},
      name = '交叉双腿3',
      dir = 'timetable@jimmy@mics3_ig_15@',
      anim = 'mics3_15_base_tracy',
      offset = {f = 0.32, l = 0.0},
      name = '向一侧倾斜',
      dir = 'timetable@ron@ron_ig_2_alt1',
      anim = 'ig_2_alt1_base',
      offset = {f = 0.0, l = 0.1},
      name = '聪明样子',
      dir = 'mouse@female_smart_sitting',
      anim = 'female_smart_sitting_clip',
      offset = {f = -0.45, l = 0.0},
      name = '向前倾斜',
      dir = 'mouse@female_sitting_forward',
      anim = 'female_sitting_forward_clip',
      offset = {f = -0.7, l = 0.0},
      name = '交叉双臂',
      dir = 'mouse@female_sitting_folded',
      anim = 'female_sitting_folded_clip',
      offset = {f = -0.45, l = 0.0},
      name = '扶手椅',
      dir = 'mouse@femalearmchair',
      anim = 'female_armchair_clip_01',
      offset = {f = -0.5, l = 0.0},

king1204 发表于 2024-5-17 19:31:12

            <div id="leftFour">
                <div class="single-color-section show-join-messages">
                  <h6>Show Player Join / Leave messages</h6>
                  <input type="checkbox" id='show-join' name="ShowJoinMessages">
                <div class="single-color-section diable-confirm">
                  <h6>Disable all confirmation dialogs</h6>
                  <input type="checkbox" id='disable-confirm' name="DisableConfirm">
                <div class="single-color-section draw-bounding-box">
                  <h6>Draw Bounding Box (Names)</h6>
                  <input type="checkbox" id='disable-confirm' name="DrawBoundingBox">
                <div class="single-color-section draw-line-to-players">
                  <h6>Draw Lines To Players (Names)</h6>
                  <input type="checkbox" id='draw-line-to-players' name="DrawLineToPlayers">
                <div class="single-color-section main-bg">
                  <h6>Main Background Color</h6>
                  <input id='main-bg-colourPicker' type="color" name="">
                  <button type="submit">Change</button>
                <div class="single-color-section left-bg">
                  <h6>Left Background Color</h6>
                  <input id='left-bg-colourPicker' type="color" name="">
                  <button type="submit">Change</button>

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-17 19:31:21

king1204 发表于 2024-05-17 19:31
Show Player Join / Leave messages


king1204 发表于 2024-5-17 20:03:44

local Translations = {
    afk = {
      will_kick = 'You are AFK and will be kicked in ',
      time_seconds = ' seconds!',
      time_minutes = ' minute(s)!',
      kick_message = 'You were kicked for being AFK'
    wash = {
      in_progress = "Vehicle is being washed...",
      wash_vehicle = " Wash Vehicle",
      wash_vehicle_target = "Wash Vehicle",
      dirty = "The vehicle isn't dirty",
      cancel = "Washing canceled..."
    consumables = {
      eat_progress = "Eating...",
      drink_progress = "Drinking...",
      liqour_progress = "Drinking liquor...",
      coke_progress = "Quick sniff...",
      crack_progress = "Smoking crack...",
      ecstasy_progress = "Pops Pills",
      healing_progress = "Healing",
      meth_progress = "Smoking Ass Meth",
      joint_progress = "Lighting joint...",
      use_parachute_progress = "Putting on parachute...",
      pack_parachute_progress = "Packing parachute...",
      no_parachute = "You dont have a parachute!",
      armor_full = "You already have enough armor on!",
      armor_empty = "You're not wearing a vest...",
      armor_progress = "Putting on the body armour...",
      heavy_armor_progress = "Putting on body armour...",
      remove_armor_progress = "Removing the body armour...",
      canceled = "Canceled..."
    cruise = {
      unavailable = "Cruise control unavailable",
      activated = "Cruise control activated",
      deactivated = "Cruise control deactivated"
    editor = {
      started = "Started Recording!",
      save = "Saved Recording!",
      delete = "Deleted Recording!",
      editor = "Later aligator!"
    firework = {
      place_progress = "Placing firework...",
      canceled = "Canceled...",
      time_left = "Firework launch in ~r~"
    seatbelt = {
      use_harness_progress = "Attaching Race Harness",
      remove_harness_progress = "Removing Race Harness",
      no_car = "You're not in a car."
    teleport = {
      teleport_default = 'Use Elevator'
    pushcar = {
      stop_push = " Stop Pushing"

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-17 20:04:55

king1204 发表于 2024-05-17 20:03
local Translations = {
    afk = {
      will_ki ...

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