king1204 发表于 2024-5-17 00:30:49


    ["repair"] = {
      browse = "Browse Stash",
      materials = "You don't have enough materials",
      checkeng = "Checking the Engine damage..",
      checkbody = "Checking the Body damage..",

      engine = "Engine",
      body = "Body",
      radiator = "Oil Level",
      driveshaft = "Axle Shaft",
      brakes = "Spark Plugs",
      clutch = "Car Battery",
      tank = "Fuel Tank",
      replacetire = "Replace Tires",
      tire = "Wheels",

      repairing = "Repairing ",
      changing = "Changing ",
      repaired = " fully repaired",
      cancel = " Repair cancelled!",
      nomaterials = "There Are Not Enough Materials In The Safe",
      failinfo = "Failed to retreive car info, try using the tools again",

      cost = "<br>Cost: ",
      status = "Status: ",
      doyou = "Do you want to repair the ",

      applyduct = "Applying Duct Tape..",
      ductfull = "You can't use any more Duct Tape on this car",
      nocar = "There is no vehicle nearby",

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-17 00:31:02

["repair"] = {
    browse = "浏览储藏室",
    materials = "你没有足够的材料",
    checkeng = "检查引擎损坏..",
    checkbody = "检查车身损坏..",
    engine = "引擎",
    body = "车身",
    radiator = "机油液位",
    driveshaft = "传动轴",
    brakes = "火花塞",
    clutch = "汽车电池",
    tank = "燃油箱",
    replacetire = "更换轮胎",
    tire = "车轮",
    repairing = "修理中",
    changing = "更换中",
    repaired = " 已完全修复",
    cancel = " 取消修理!",
    nomaterials = "保险柜里的材料不足",
    failinfo = "无法获取车辆信息,请尝试再次使用工具",
    cost = "花费: ",
    status = "状态: ",
    doyou = "你想要修理 ",
    applyduct = "使用管道胶带..",
    ductfull = "你不能在这辆车上再使用管道胶带了",
    nocar = "附近没有车辆",

king1204 发表于 2024-5-17 00:32:34

        ["police"] = {
                userepair = "Use Repair Station",
                repair = "Repair",
                extras = "Extras",
                plates = "Plates",
                livery = "Livery",
                spoiler = "Spoilers",
                cleaning = "Cleaning Vehicle...",
                engine = "Repairing Engine...",
                body = "Repairing Body...",
                complete = "Repair Complete",
        ["manual"] = {
                tyres = "Replacing Damaged Tyres",
                window = "Removing Damaged Windows",
                doors = "Repairing Doors",
        ["carwax"] = {
                head1 = "Clean Vehicle",
                head2 = "Clean and Wax",
                head3 = "Clean and Premium Wax",
                head4 = "Clean and Ultimate Wax",
        ["extras"] = {
                clean = "Vehicle Clean",
                doorerr = "Door Error",
                locked = "Vehicle Doors Locked",
                flipping = "Flipping Vehicle",
                flipped = "Success! Vehicle Flipped",
                failed = "Vehicle flip failed!",
                noseat = "No seat number entered",
                moveseat = "You move to seat ",
                fastseat = "This vehicle is going too fast..",
                notseat = "This seat isn't available..",
                harness = "You have a race harness on you cant switch..",

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-17 00:32:50

king1204 发表于 2024-05-17 00:32
= {
                userepair = "Use Repair Station",
                repair = ...


    userepair = "使用修理站",
    repair = "修理",
    extras = "附加功能",
    plates = "车牌",
    livery = "涂装",
    spoiler = "尾翼",
    cleaning = "清洗车辆...",
    engine = "修理引擎...",
    body = "修理车身...",
    complete = "修理完成",

    tyres = "更换损坏轮胎",
    window = "更换损坏车窗",
    doors = "修理车门",

    head1 = "清洁车辆",
    head2 = "清洁并打蜡",
    head3 = "清洁并高级打蜡",
    head4 = "清洁并终极打蜡",

    clean = "车辆已清洁",
    doorerr = "车门错误",
    locked = "车门已锁定",
    flipping = "翻转车辆",
    flipped = "成功!车辆已翻转",
    failed = "车辆翻转失败!",
    noseat = "未输入座位号",
    moveseat = "您移动到了座位 ",
    fastseat = "车辆行驶太快..",
    notseat = "此座位不可用..",
    harness = "您正在使用赛车安全带,无法切换..",
页: [1]
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