Locales['en'] = {
housingtype = 'Housing Type',
housinginfo = 'Housing Info',
houseprice = 'Price of the house',
houseinv = 'Inventory weight',
houseweed = 'Max weed plant',
setshellexit = 'Set exit point',
setshellentry = 'Set entry point',
setboard = 'Set board point',
setgarage = 'Set garage point',
needagent = 'Need agent to purchase?',
agentname = 'Agent name (optional)',
agentnameplaceholder = 'your name',
agentphone = 'Agent phone number (optional)',
agentphoneplaceholder = 'phone number',
agentnotice = 'Notice (optional)',
agentnoticeplaceholder = 'Your notice',
hasgarage = 'Has garage?',
blipmy = 'My House',
blipneighbour = 'Neighbour House',
blipempty = 'Empty House',
blipfamily = 'Family House',
boardagentname = 'AGENT: %s',
boardphone = 'CALL NOW: %s',
boardprice = '$%s',
boardnotice = '%s',
enterhouse = ' - Enter',
exithouse = ' - Exit',
hid = 'HID: #%s',
visithouse = ' - Visit',
purchaseconfirm = 'Do you want to purchase this house for $%s',
knockdoor = ' - Doorbell',
options = ' - Options',
optiontitle = 'House Options',
sellhouse = 'Sell house',
notenoughcash = 'Not enough cash!',
notenoughbank = 'Not enough money in your bank!',
housesold = 'Your house has been sold. You received $%s',
managemembers = 'Manage Members',
manageaccess = 'Manage Access',
addmember = 'Add Member',
removemember = 'Remove Member',
playerid = 'User id',
playeridplaceholder = 'Player server id',
playername = 'User name',
playernameplaceholder = 'Player name',
usernotonline = 'This person is not nearby',
alreadykey = 'This person already has a key of you house',
selectkey = 'Select key to remove',
keyinventory = 'Inventory',
keydoors = 'Doors',
keygarage = 'Garage',
keycam = 'Door Cam',
keyfurni = 'Furniture',
keywardrobe = 'Wardrobe',
capacity = 'Available: %skg\nWeight: %skg\nSlots: %s',
speed = '~INPUT_MAP_POI~SPEED: %s',
nomoney = 'Not enough money',
doorcam = 'Door Cam',
exitcam = "Exit Cam",
exterior = "Exterior",
restoredel = "Restore Deleted Items",
cleaningmode = "Toggle Cleaning Mode",
object = "Object: %s",
removeobject = " - Remove Object",
movegarage = "Move Garage",
accessgarage = " - Garage",
garage = "Garage",
notinside = "This position is not inside your housing area",
openstash = " - Stash",
openwardrobe = " - Wardrobe",
dooroptions = "Door Options",
reposition = "Auto reposition door",
accessinvehicle = "Can access when in vehicle?",
lockbydefault = "Lock by default",
rdist = "Render distance",
idist = "Interact distance",
addanother = "Add another door?",
lock = " - Lock",
unlock = " - Unlock",
manage = " - Manage",
managetitle = "Manage Access",
nodooraccess = "You don't have access of this door!",
noinvaccess = "You don't have access of this stash!",
shelllock = "Lock Door",
shellunlock = "Unlock Door",
brokenlock = " - Fix Lock",
elserob = "Someone is already robbing this house!",
nolockpick = "You don't have lockpick!",
alreadybroken = "A door is already broken!",
nomembers = "You don't have any house members!",
cmdcreatehouse = "Create house",
cmddeletehouse = "Delete house",
cmdfurniture = "Furnish your house",
cmdrealestate = "Open realestate boss menu",
cmdhouserob = "Rob player house",
cmdhouseraid = "Raid player house",
cmdexterior = "Clean exterior objects",
notenoughcapacity = "Your house don't have this much storage capacity. Now this is just a furniture.",
nopermissiontoplacestorage = "You don't have inventory permission. Now this is just a furniture.",
nopermissiontodeletestorage = "You are not allowed to remove any storage!",
raidprograss = "...",
robprograss = "...",
robblip = "House Rob",
raidblip = "House Raid",
nomemberonline = "No online house members!",
nopermission = "You don't have permission to do this action!",
doormanage = "Door manage",
doorsetting = "Door setting",
sellfurni = "Item sold for $%s",
canclerent = "Cancle Rent",
canclerentalert = "Are you sure you want to cancle you rented house?",
buyhouse = "Buy House",
buyhousedesc = "Price: $%s | Capacity: %skg",
renthouse = "Rent House",
renthousedesc = "Price: $%s/week(prepaid) | Capacity: %skg",
rentconfirm = 'Do you want to rent this house for $%s',
installmenthouse = "Buy On Installment",
installmenthousedesc = "Pay: $%s/week | Down Payment: $%s | Capacity: %skg | Installments: x%s",
installmentconfirm = 'Do you want to sign the installment agreement?',
setuppurchase = 'Setup Purchase',
enablepurchase = 'Enable Purchase',
setuprent = 'Setup Rent',
enablerent = 'Enable Rent',
rentprice = 'Rent Price',
setuplabs = 'Setup Labs',
setupweed = 'Setup Weed',
setupinstallment = 'Setup Installment',
enableinstallment = 'Enable Installment',
installmentprice = 'Installment Price',
numinstallment = 'Number Of Installments',
cancleinstallment = 'Cancle Installment Agreement',
cancleinstallmentalert = 'Are you sure you want to cancle you installment agreement?',
plant_stage = '~b~:~s~ %s',
status_growing = '~g~:~s~ Growing...',
status_not_growing = '~r~:~s~ Not Growing',
status_ready = '~g~:~s~ Ready to harvest',
fertilize = '~g~~s~ - ~b~Fertilize~s~',
fertilizing = 'Fertilizing...',
water = '~g~~s~ - ~b~Water~s~',
watering = 'Watering...',
spray = '~g~~s~ - ~b~Spray~s~',
harvest = '~g~~s~ - ~b~Harvest~s~',
harvesting = 'Harvesting',
nowater = "You don't have water",
nofertilizer = "You don't have fertilizer",
noseed = "You don't have weed seed",
maxweed = "No more weed plant for this house",
process = "~b~~s~ - ~b~Process~s~",
collect = "~b~~s~ - ~b~Collect~s~",
setuplab = "~y~~s~ - ~y~Setup~s~",
labmanageaccess = "~g~~s~ - ~g~Access~s~",
selectlab = "Select Lab",
selectlabtype = "Select Type",
typecollect = "Collect",
typeprocess = "Process",
collecting = "Collecting...",
processing = "Processing...",
noinv = "Not enough space in inventory",
noitem = "Not enough %s (%sx) required!",
nocollect = "Collect is not available for this lab",
noprocess = "Process is not available for this lab",
nomorehouse = "You already have enough house",
noshell = "You don't have any shell",
loadshellfailed = "Failed to load housing shell: %s. Contact with the server owner!",
shellcat = "Shell Category",
字典定义['en'] = {
housingtype = '房屋类型',
housinginfo = '房屋信息',
houseprice = '房屋价格',
houseinv = '房屋库存重量',
houseweed = '最大大麻植物数量',
setshellexit = '设置出口点',
setshellentry = '设置入口点',
setboard = '设置公告牌点',
setgarage = '设置车库点',
needagent = '需要中介购买?',
agentname = '中介名称(可选)',
agentnameplaceholder = '你的名字',
agentphone = '中介电话号码(可选)',
agentphoneplaceholder = '电话号码',
agentnotice = '公告(可选)',
agentnoticeplaceholder = '你的公告',
hasgarage = '有车库吗?',
blipmy = '我的房子',
blipneighbour = '邻居房子',
blipempty = '空房子',
blipfamily = '家庭房子',
boardagentname = '中介: %s',
boardphone = '现在呼叫: %s',
boardprice = '$%s',
boardnotice = '%s',
enterhouse = ' - 进入',
exithouse = ' - 退出',
hid = '房屋ID: #%s',
visithouse = ' - 参观',
purchaseconfirm = '您是否要购买这套房子,价格为$%s',
knockdoor = ' - 敲门',
options = ' - 选项',
optiontitle = '房屋选项',
sellhouse = '出售房屋',
notenoughcash = '现金不足!',
notenoughbank = '银行余额不足!',
housesold = '您的房子已经卖出,您获得$%s',
managemembers = '管理成员',
manageaccess = '管理访问权限',
addmember = '添加成员',
removemember = '移除成员',
playerid = '玩家ID',
playeridplaceholder = '玩家服务器ID',
playername = '玩家名称',
playernameplaceholder = '玩家名称',
usernotonline = '此人不在线',
alreadykey = '此人已经有您房子的钥匙了',
selectkey = '选择要移除的钥匙',
keyinventory = '库存',
keydoors = '门',
keygarage = '车库',
keycam = '门摄像头',
keyfurni = '家具',
keywardrobe = '衣柜',
capacity = '可用: %skg\n重量: %skg\n栏位: %s',
speed = '~INPUT_MAP_POI~速度: %s',
nomoney = '金钱不足',
doorcam = '门摄像头',
exitcam = '出口摄像头',
exterior = '外部',
restoredel = '恢复已删除物品',
cleaningmode = '切换清洁模式',
object = '物品: %s',
removeobject = ' - 移除物品',
movegarage = '移动车库',
accessgarage = ' - 车库',
garage = '车库',
notinside = '此位置不在您的房屋区域内',
openstash = ' - 储藏室',
openwardrobe = ' - 衣柜',
dooroptions = '门选项',
reposition = '自动重置门位置',
accessinvehicle = '在车内可访问?',
lockbydefault = '默认锁定',
rdist = '渲染距离',
idist = '互动距离',
addanother = '添加另一扇门?',
lock = ' - 锁定',
unlock = ' - 解锁',
manage = ' - 管理',
managetitle = '管理访问权限',
nodooraccess = '您无权访问此门!',
noinvaccess = '您无权访问此储藏室!',
shelllock = '锁定门',
shellunlock = '解锁门',
brokenlock = ' - 修复锁',
elserob = '有人正在抢劫这个房子!',
nolockpick = '您没有撬锁工具!',
alreadybroken = '已经有一扇门被打破了!',
nomembers = '您没有任何房屋成员!',
cmdcreatehouse = "创建房屋",
cmddeletehouse = "删除房屋",
cmdfurniture = "装修您的房屋",
cmdrealestate = "打开房地产老板菜单",
cmdhouserob = "抢劫玩家房屋",
cmdhouseraid = "突袭玩家房屋",
cmdexterior = "清理外部物品",
notenoughcapacity = "您的房屋没有这么大的储存容量。这只是一件家具.",
nopermissiontoplacestorage = "您没有存储权限。这只是一件家具.",
nopermissiontodeletestorage = "您无权删除任何存储!",
raidprograss = "...",
robprograss = "...",
robwarning = "有人正试图破门而入进入您的房子 #%s",
robwarningpolice = "有人正试图破门而入进入一处房子",
raidwarning = "警察正在突袭您的房子 #%s",
robblip = "房屋抢劫",
raidblip = "房屋突袭",
nomemberonline = "没有在线的房屋成员!",
nopermission = "您没有权限执行此操作!",
doormanage = "门管理",
doorsetting = "门设置",
sellfurni = "物品已卖出,获得$%s",
canclerent = "取消租赁",
canclerentalert = "您确定要取消您租赁的房子吗?",
buyhouse = "购买房屋",
buyhousedesc = "价格: $%s | 容量: %skg",
renthouse = "租赁房屋",
renthousedesc = "价格: $%s/周(预付) | 容量: %skg",
rentconfirm = '您要以$%s的价格租赁这套房子吗?',
installmenthouse = "分期付款购买",
installmenthousedesc = "每周支付: $%s | 首付: $%s | 容量: %skg | 分期数: x%s",
installmentconfirm = '您要签订分期协议吗?',
setuppurchase = '设置购买',
enablepurchase = '启用购买',
setuprent = '设置租赁',
enablerent = '启用租赁',
rentprice = '租金价格',
setuplabs = '设置实验室',
setupweed = '设置大麻',
setupinstallment = '设置分期付款',
enableinstallment = '启用分期付款',
installmentprice = '分期价格',
numinstallment = '分期数量',
cancleinstallment = '取消分期协议',
cancleinstallmentalert = '您确定要取消您的分期协议吗?',
plant_stage = '~b~:~s~ %s',
status_growing = '~g~:~s~ 生长中...',
status_not_growing = '~r~:~s~ 未生长',
status_ready = '~g~:~s~ 可收获',
fertilize = '~g~~s~ - ~b~施肥~s~',
fertilizing = '施肥中...',
water = '~g~~s~ - ~b~浇水~s~',
watering = '浇水中...',
spray = '~g~~s~ - ~b~喷洒~s~',
harvest = '~g~~s~ - ~b~收获~s~',
harvesting = '收获中',
nowater = "您没有水",
nofertilizer = "您没有肥料",
noseed = "您没有大麻种子",
maxweed = "此房屋已达到最大大麻植物数量",
process = "~b~~s~ - ~b~加工~s~",
collect = "~b~~s~ - ~b~收集~s~",
setuplab = "~y~~s~ - ~y~设置~s~",
labmanageaccess = "~g~~s~ - ~g~访问~s~",
selectlab = "选择实验室",
selectlabtype = "选择类型",
typecollect = "收集",
typeprocess = "加工",
collecting = "收集中...",
processing = "加工中...",
noinv = "背包空间不足",
noitem = "没有足够的%s (%sx)!",
nocollect = "此实验室无法收集",
noprocess = "此实验室无法加工",
nomorehouse = "您已经拥有足够的房屋",
noshell = "您没有任何房屋外壳",
loadshellfailed = "加载房屋外壳失败: %s. 请联系服务器管理员!",
shellcat = "外壳类别",