king1204 发表于 2024-5-16 21:51:48


Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.Debug = false

Config.InvImgLink = "nui://qb-inventory/html/images/"         -- qb-inventoy
Config.InvImgLink = "nui://ps-inventoy/html/images/"            -- ps-inventoy
Config.InvImgLink = "nui://lj-inventoy/html/images/"            -- lj-inventoy
Config.InvImgLink = "nui://ox_inventory/web/images/"            -- ox_inventory
Config.InvImgLink = "nui://ak47_inventory/html/img/items/"      -- ak47_inventory

Config.TargetScript = 'qb-target'

--You can set admin in alternative ways-------------------
--Ace Permission
Config.AdminWithAce = true
--Or group
Config.AdminWithGroup = {
    ['admin'] = true,
    ['superadmin'] = true,
    ['god'] = true,
--Or license
Config.AdminWithLicense = {
    ['license:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'] = true,
--Or character id
Config.AdminWithIdentifier = {
    ['xxxxxxxx'] = true,

Config.Commands = {
    createshop = 'createshop',
    deleteshop = 'deleteshop',

Config.ShopSellValuePercent = 75 --75% of total price including upgrades

Config.PayCheckInterval = 15 * 60 --15 minutes

Config.LoadDelay = 30 --seconds

Config.Shipments = {
    ['Docks']       = {location = vector3(1201.44, -3182.96, 5.85), CostPercentage = 15}, --cost 15% of the item price
    ['Weapon Depo'] = {location = vector3(211.4, -3327.18, 5.87),   CostPercentage = 30}, --cost 30% of the item price
    --['Any Name']= {location = vector3(1201.44, -3182.96, 5.85), CostPercentage = 30}, --cost 30% of the item price

Config.ShipmentByItem = { --you can make specific shipment location for an item
    ['water'] = {location = vector3(1201.44, -3182.96, 5.85), CostPercentage = 30},
    ['bread'] = {location = vector3(1201.44, -3182.96, 5.85), CostPercentage = 30},

Config.ShopkeeperPed = 'mp_m_shopkeep_01'

Config.ShopUpgrades = {
    [1] = {--default state
      upgradename         = 'Level 1',
      upgradedescription= 'Stock: 25 | Vehicle: Speedo | Vehicle Capacity: 10 | Cost: $0',
      itemcapacity      = 25,
      upgradecost         = 0,
      vehicledata         = {model = 'speedo', capacity = 10},
    [2] = {
      upgradename         = 'Level 2',
      upgradedescription= 'Stock: 35 | Vehicle: Gburrito | Vehicle Capacity: 20 | Cost: $75000',
      itemcapacity      = 35,
      upgradecost         = 75000,
      vehicledata         = {model = 'gburrito', capacity = 20},
    [3] = {
      upgradename         = 'Level 3',
      upgradedescription= 'Stock: 45 | Vehicle: Mule | Vehicle Capacity: 30 | Cost: $150000',
      itemcapacity      = 45,
      upgradecost         = 150000,
      vehicledata         = {model = 'mule', capacity = 30},
    [4] = {
      upgradename         = 'Level 4',
      upgradedescription= 'Stock: 55 | Vehicle: Mule 3 | Vehicle Capacity: 30 | Cost: $275000',
      itemcapacity      = 55,
      upgradecost         = 275000,
      vehicledata         = {model = 'mule3', capacity = 40},
    [5] = {
      upgradename         = 'Level 5',
      upgradedescription= 'Stock: 70 | Vehicle: Pounder | Vehicle Capacity: 50 | Cost: $500000',
      itemcapacity      = 70,
      upgradecost         = 500000,
      vehicledata         = {model = 'pounder', capacity = 50},

Config.Blips = {
    empty = {
      color = 39, size = 0.8, singlename = false,
    sold = {
      color = 2, size = 0.8, singlename = false,

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-16 21:52:11

Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.Debug = false

Config.InvImgLink = "nui://qb-inventory/html/images/"         -- qb-inventoy
--[[Config.InvImgLink = "nui://ps-inventoy/html/images/"            -- ps-inventoy
Config.InvImgLink = "nui://lj-inventoy/html/images/"            -- lj-inventoy
Config.InvImgLink = "nui://ox_inventory/web/images/"            -- ox_inventory
Config.InvImgLink = "nui://ak47_inventory/html/img/items/"      -- ak47_inventory

Config.TargetScript = 'qb-target'

Config.AdminWithAce = true
Config.AdminWithGroup = {
    ['admin'] = true,
    ['superadmin'] = true,
    ['god'] = true,
Config.AdminWithLicense = {
    ['license:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'] = true,
Config.AdminWithIdentifier = {
    ['xxxxxxxx'] = true,

Config.Commands = {
    createshop = 'createshop',
    deleteshop = 'deleteshop',

Config.ShopSellValuePercent = 75 --总价的75%,包括升级

Config.PayCheckInterval = 15 * 60 --15分钟

Config.LoadDelay = 30 --秒

Config.Shipments = {
    ['Docks']       = {location = vector3(1201.44, -3182.96, 5.85), CostPercentage = 15}, --物品价格的15%
    ['Weapon Depo'] = {location = vector3(211.4, -3327.18, 5.87),   CostPercentage = 30}, --物品价格的30%
    --= {location = vector3(1201.44, -3182.96, 5.85), CostPercentage = 30}, --物品价格的30%
Config.ShipmentByItem = { --你可以为特定物品制定发货位置
    ['water'] = {location = vector3(1201.44, -3182.96, 5.85), CostPercentage = 30},
    ['bread'] = {location = vector3(1201.44, -3182.96, 5.85), CostPercentage = 30},

Config.ShopkeeperPed = 'mp_m_shopkeep_01'

Config.ShopUpgrades = {
    = {--默认状态
      upgradename         = '一级',
      upgradedescription= '库存:25 | 车辆:Speedo | 车辆容量:10 | 价格:$0',
      itemcapacity      = 25,
      upgradecost         = 0,
      vehicledata         = {model = 'speedo', capacity = 10},
    = {
      upgradename         = '二级',
      upgradedescription= '库存:35 | 车辆:Gburrito | 车辆容量:20 | 价格:$75000',
      itemcapacity      = 35,
      upgradecost         = 75000,
      vehicledata         = {model = 'gburrito', capacity = 20},
    = {
      upgradename         = '三级',
      upgradedescription= '库存:45 | 车辆:Mule | 车辆容量:30 | 价格:$150000',
      itemcapacity      = 45,
      upgradecost         = 150000,
      vehicledata         = {model = 'mule', capacity = 30},
    = {
      upgradename         = '四级',
      upgradedescription= '库存:55 | 车辆:Mule 3 | 车辆容量:30 | 价格:$275000',
      itemcapacity      = 55,
      upgradecost         = 275000,
      vehicledata         = {model = 'mule3', capacity = 40},
    = {
      upgradename         = '五级',
      upgradedescription= '库存:70 | 车辆:Pounder | 车辆容量:50 | 价格:$500000',
      itemcapacity      = 70,
      upgradecost         = 500000,
      vehicledata         = {model = 'pounder', capacity = 50},

Config.Blips = {
    empty = {
      color = 39, size = 0.8, singlename = false,
    sold = {
      color = 2, size = 0.8, singlename = false,

king1204 发表于 2024-5-16 21:55:41

Locales['en'] = {
    cmdcreatechair = 'Create Chair',
    noaccess = "You don't have permission to do this!",
    setpos = "Set Position",
    sit = "Sit",
    selectanim = "Style",
    presskey = "~INPUT_CONTEXT~ - Leave\n~INPUT_VEH_HEADLIGHT~ - Style",
    remove = "Remove",
    removeconfirm = "Are you sure you want to remove this chair?",


ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-16 21:55:53

king1204 发表于 2024-05-16 21:55
Locales = {
    cmdcreatechair = 'Create Chair',

Locales = {
    cmdcreatechair = '创建椅子',
    noaccess = "您没有权限进行此操作!",
    setpos = "设置位置",
    sit = "坐下",
    selectanim = "风格",
    presskey = "~INPUT_CONTEXT~ - 离开\n~INPUT_VEH_HEADLIGHT~ - 风格",
    remove = "移除",
    removeconfirm = "您确定要移除这把椅子吗?",

king1204 发表于 2024-5-16 21:57:04

Locales['en'] = {
    ['cannot_carry'] = '~r~You can\' carry more',
    ['you_get'] = '~g~You get %sx %s',
    ['crafting_notify'] = '~g~Rolling~s~ %s',
    ['crafting_progress'] = 'Rolling %s',
    ['not_enough_crafting'] = '~r~Not enough crafting item',
    ['you_need'] = '~y~You need %sx %s',
    ['or'] = '~b~OR~s~',
    ['cannot_carry_craft'] = '~r~You can\'t carry the crafted items',

    ['press_smoke_pass'] = "~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to Smoke ~INPUT_DETONATE~ to Pass ~INPUT_VEH_HEADLIGHT~ to Stop",
    ['lighting_notify'] = "~g~Lighting %s...",
    ['lighting_progress'] = "Lighting %s...",
    ['noplayer'] = '~r~No player nearby!',


ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-16 21:57:15

king1204 发表于 2024-05-16 21:57
Locales = {
   = '~r~You can\' carry more',

Locales = {
   = '~r~你不能再携带更多',
   = '~g~你获得了 %sx %s',
   = '~g~制作中~s~ %s',
   = '制作 %s',
   = '~r~制作物品不足',
   = '~y~你需要 %sx %s',
   = '~b~或~s~',
   = '~r~你无法携带制作出的物品',

   = "~g~点燃 %s...",
   = "点燃 %s...",
   = '~r~附近没有玩家!',
页: [1]
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