Locales['en'] = {
cmdcreategarage = 'Create Garage',
cmdgaragesetting = 'Create Setting',
noaccess = "You don't have permission to do this!",
setpos = "Set Position",
remove = "Remove",
removeconfirm = "Are you sure you want to remove this garage?",
garageinfo = 'Garage Info',
garagename = "Garage Name",
garagetype = 'Garage Type',
garagetype1 = 'Car Garage',
garagetype2 = 'Boat Garage',
garagetype3 = 'Heli Garage',
garagetype4 = 'Plane Garage',
enableparkingfee = 'Enable Parking Fee',
parkingfeehour = 'Hourly Fee (If Parking Fee Enabled)',
realparking = 'Real Parking',
enableparkinglimit = 'Enable Parking Limit',
maxvehicle = 'Max Vehicle (If Parking Limit Enabled)',
transferfee = 'Transfer Fee',
enableblip = 'Enable Blip',
setrepos = 'Set Reposition',
currentgarage = '%s',
carnamegarage = '%s (%s)',
accesspark = ' - Park',
accessgarage = ' - Garage',
novehicle = "You don't have any vehicle!",
garagedescription = "Plate: %s | Fuel : %s%% | Body Health: %s%% | Engine Health: %s%% | Dirt: %s%%",
nospawn = 'No empty space!',
notwowner = "You don't own this vehicle!",
garageempty = "You don't have any vehicle in this garage!",
fuel = "Fuel Level: %s%%",
bhealth = "Body Health: %s%%",
ehealth = "Engine Health: %s%%",
dirt = "Dirt Level: %s%%",
drive = "Drive [%s]",
garages = "Garages",
garagetransfer = "Transfer Garage",
fee = " (Fee: $%s)",
parkingfee = "Parking Fee: $%s",
select = "Select",
nootthergarage = "There are no other garage!",
notmoney = "Not enough money in your bank!",
notmoneyreal = "Not enough money in your bank. You need $%s!",
gtransfersuccess = "Garage transfer successful",
state = "State: %s",
parked = "Parked",
impound = "Impound",
seized = "Seized",
notparked = "This vehicle is not parked in this garage!",
notgarage = "This vehicle is not in the garage!",
vehicleseized = "This vehicle has been seized by police!",
incompgarage = "Incompatible Garage!",
setimpoundfee = "Set Impound Fee",
isimpound = "Is Impound",
paynow = "Pay Now: $%s",
paysuccess = "You Paid $%s",
impoundfee = "Impound Fee: $%s",
fine = "Fine: $%s",
vexist = "A vehicle with his plate number has been found outside. Check your minimap.",
blipcar = "Car Garage",
blipboat = "Boat Garage",
blipheli = "Heli Garage",
blipplane = "Plane Garage",
exist = "A Garage already exists with this name!",
garagefull = "No empty space available in this garage!",
deleteconfirm = "Are you sure you want to remove %s",
-- 本地化字符串
Locales['cn'] = {
cmdcreategarage = '创建车库',
cmdgaragesetting = '创建设置',
noaccess = '您没有权限执行此操作!',
setpos = '设置位置',
remove = '删除',
removeconfirm = '您确定要删除这个车库吗?',
garageinfo = '车库信息',
garagename = '车库名称',
garagetype = '车库类型',
garagetype1 = '汽车车库',
garagetype2 = '船舶车库',
garagetype3 = '直升机车库',
garagetype4 = '飞机车库',
enableparkingfee = '启用停车费',
parkingfeehour = '每小时费用(如启用停车费)',
realparking = '真实停车',
enableparkinglimit = '启用停车限制',
maxvehicle = '最大车辆数(如启用停车限制)',
transferfee = '转让费',
enableblip = '启用小地图标记',
setrepos = '设置重新定位',
currentgarage = '%s',
carnamegarage = '%s (%s)',
accesspark = ' - 停车',
accessgarage = ' - 车库',
novehicle = '您没有任何车辆!',
garagedescription = "车牌: %s | 油量: %s%% | 车身状况: %s%% | 引擎状况: %s%% | 车辆脏污: %s%%",
nospawn = '没有可用的空间!',
notwowner = '这不是您的车辆!',
garageempty = '这个车库里没有任何车辆!',
fuel = "油量: %s%%",
bhealth = "车身状况: %s%%",
ehealth = "引擎状况: %s%%",
dirt = "车辆脏污: %s%%",
drive = "驾驶 ",
garages = "车库",
garagetransfer = "转移车库",
fee = " (费用: $%s)",
parkingfee = "停车费: $%s",
select = "选择",
nootthergarage = "没有其他可用的车库!",
notmoney = "您的银行存款不足!",
notmoneyreal = "您的银行存款不足, 需要$%s!",
gtransfersuccess = "车库转移成功",
state = "状态: %s",
parked = "已停放",
impound = "已扣押",
seized = "已被没收",
notparked = "此车辆未停放在此车库!",
notgarage = "此车辆不在车库中!",
vehicleseized = "此车辆已被警方扣押!",
incompgarage = "不兼容的车库!",
setimpoundfee = "设置扣押费用",
isimpound = "是否扣押",
paynow = "立即支付: $%s",
paysuccess = "您支付了$%s",
impoundfee = "扣押费用: $%s",
fine = "罚款: $%s",
vexist = "已在地图上发现一辆车与此车牌号相符。",
blipcar = "汽车车库",
blipboat = "船舶车库",
blipheli = "直升机车库",
blipplane = "飞机车库",
exist = "已存在同名车库!",
garagefull = "此车库已满, 没有可用空间!",
deleteconfirm = "您确定要删除%s吗?",
以上是对上述代码的中文翻译和注释。该代码定义了一个FiveM插件的本地化字符串,用于在游戏中显示各种车库相关的文本信息。根据注释,这些字符串可能会出现在服务器端的脚本文件(server.lua)或客户端的脚本文件中。 Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.Debug = false
Config.OwnedVehiclesTable = 'player_vehicles' --in database
Config.OnlyShowParkedVehicles = false --if enabled then you only see parked vehicles in garage menu
Config.AnyGarage = false --If enabled, player will be able to take out vehicle from any garage
Config.ApplyVisualDamage = true --apply visual damage of door, tier, window, engine & body
Config.HousingGarageLimit = 5 --store 5 vehicle in house garage. set -1 to unlimited
Config.Commands = {
creategarage = 'creategarage',
deletegarage = 'deletegarage',
garagesetting = 'garagesetting',
Config.AnyGarage = false --if true then player will be able to retrive vehicle from any garage
--You can set admin in alternative ways-------------------
--Ace Permission
Config.AdminWithAce = true
--Or group (Only works in my qb base)
Config.AdminWithGroup = {
['admin'] = true,
['god'] = true,
--Or license
Config.AdminWithLicense = {
['license:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'] = true,
--Or citizen id
Config.AdminWithIdentifier = {
['xxxxxxxx'] = true,
Config.Blips = {
car = {sprite = 357, color = 3, size = 0.6},
boat = {sprite = 356, color = 3, size = 0.6},
heli = {sprite = 360, color = 3, size = 0.6},
plane = {sprite = 359, color = 3, size = 0.6},
impound = {color = 5, size = 0.6},
} king1204 发表于 2024-05-16 21:21
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.Debug = fa ...
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'-- 设置默认语言为英文
Config.Debug = false-- 用于调试,设置为false时不输出调试信息
Config.OwnedVehiclesTable = 'player_vehicles'-- 数据库中的玩家车辆表
Config.OnlyShowParkedVehicles = false-- 如果启用,则在车库菜单中只显示已停放的车辆
Config.AnyGarage = false-- 如果启用,玩家将能够从任意车库取出车辆
Config.ApplyVisualDamage = true-- 应用门、轮胎、窗户、引擎和车身的视觉损坏
Config.HousingGarageLimit = 5-- 在房屋车库中存储5辆车。将其设置为-1表示无限制
Config.Commands = {
creategarage = 'creategarage',-- 创建车库命令
deletegarage = 'deletegarage',-- 删除车库命令
garagesetting = 'garagesetting',-- 车库设置命令
Config.AdminWithAce = true-- 使用Ace权限进行管理
Config.AdminWithGroup = {-- 管理员所在的群组
group1 = true,
group2 = true,
Config.AdminWithLicense = {-- 具有特定许可证的管理员
license1 = true,
Config.AdminWithIdentifier = {-- 具有特定身份证的管理员
identifier1 = true,
-- 或者其他管理方式
Config.Blips = {
car = {sprite = 357, color = 3, size = 0.6},-- 汽车车库的小地图标记
boat = {sprite = 356, color = 3, size = 0.6},-- 船舶车库的小地图标记
heli = {sprite = 360, color = 3, size = 0.6},-- 直升机车库的小地图标记
plane = {sprite = 359, color = 3, size = 0.6},-- 飞机车库的小地图标记
impound = {color = 5, size = 0.6},-- 扣押车辆的小地图标记
以上是对上述代码的中文翻译和注释。该代码包含了一些配置变量和命令,用于定义车库插件的行为和参数。这些配置可以影响物品、权限和界面等方面。根据注释,此配置信息可能用于服务器端的脚本文件(server.lua)。 Locales['en'] = {
housingtype = 'Housing Type',
housinginfo = 'Housing Info',
houseprice = 'Price of the house',
houseinv = 'Inventory weight',
houseweed = 'Max weed plant',
setshellexit = 'Set exit point',
setshellentry = 'Set entry point',
setboard = 'Set board point',
setgarage = 'Set garage point',
needagent = 'Need agent to purchase?',
agentname = 'Agent name (optional)',
agentnameplaceholder = 'your name',
agentphone = 'Agent phone number (optional)',
agentphoneplaceholder = 'phone number',
agentnotice = 'Notice (optional)',
agentnoticeplaceholder = 'Your notice',
hasgarage = 'Has garage?',
blipmy = 'My House',
blipneighbour = 'Neighbour House',
blipempty = 'Empty House',
blipfamily = 'Family House',
boardagentname = 'AGENT: %s',
boardphone = 'CALL NOW: %s',
boardprice = '$%s',
boardnotice = '%s',
enterhouse = ' - Enter',
exithouse = ' - Exit',
hid = 'HID: #%s',
visithouse = ' - Visit',
purchaseconfirm = 'Do you want to purchase this house for $%s',
knockdoor = ' - Doorbell',
options = ' - Options',
optiontitle = 'House Options',
sellhouse = 'Sell house',
notenoughcash = 'Not enough cash!',
notenoughbank = 'Not enough money in your bank!',
housesold = 'Your house has been sold. You received $%s',
managemembers = 'Manage Members',
manageaccess = 'Manage Access',
addmember = 'Add Member',
removemember = 'Remove Member',
playerid = 'User id',
playeridplaceholder = 'Player server id',
playername = 'User name',
playernameplaceholder = 'Player name',
usernotonline = 'This person is not nearby',
alreadykey = 'This person already has a key of you house',
selectkey = 'Select key to remove',
keyinventory = 'Inventory',
keydoors = 'Doors',
keygarage = 'Garage',
keycam = 'Door Cam',
keyfurni = 'Furniture',
keywardrobe = 'Wardrobe',
capacity = 'Available: %skg\nWeight: %skg\nSlots: %s',
speed = '~INPUT_MAP_POI~SPEED: %s',
nomoney = 'Not enough money',
doorcam = 'Door Cam',
exitcam = "Exit Cam",
exterior = "Exterior",
restoredel = "Restore Deleted Items",
cleaningmode = "Toggle Cleaning Mode",
object = "Object: %s",
removeobject = " - Remove Object",
movegarage = "Move Garage",
accessgarage = " - Garage",
garage = "Garage",
notinside = "This position is not inside your housing area",
openstash = " - Stash",
openwardrobe = " - Wardrobe",
dooroptions = "Door Options",
reposition = "Auto reposition door",
accessinvehicle = "Can access when in vehicle?",
lockbydefault = "Lock by default",
rdist = "Render distance",
idist = "Interact distance",
addanother = "Add another door?",
lock = " - Lock",
unlock = " - Unlock",
manage = " - Manage",
managetitle = "Manage Access",
nodooraccess = "You don't have access of this door!",
noinvaccess = "You don't have access of this stash!",
shelllock = "Lock Door",
shellunlock = "Unlock Door",
brokenlock = " - Fix Lock",
elserob = "Someone is already robbing this house!",
nolockpick = "You don't have lockpick!",
alreadybroken = "A door is already broken!",
nomembers = "You don't have any house members!",
cmdcreatehouse = "Create house",
cmddeletehouse = "Delete house",
cmdfurniture = "Furnish your house",
cmdrealestate = "Open realestate boss menu",
cmdhouserob = "Rob player house",
cmdhouseraid = "Raid player house",
cmdexterior = "Clean exterior objects",
notenoughcapacity = "Your house don't have this much storage capacity. Now this is just a furniture.",
nopermissiontoplacestorage = "You don't have inventory permission. Now this is just a furniture.",
nopermissiontodeletestorage = "You are not allowed to remove any storage!",
raidprograss = "...",
robprograss = "...",
robblip = "House Rob",
raidblip = "House Raid",
nomemberonline = "No online house members!",
nopermission = "You don't have permission to do this action!",
doormanage = "Door manage",
doorsetting = "Door setting",
sellfurni = "Item sold for $%s",
canclerent = "Cancle Rent",
canclerentalert = "Are you sure you want to cancle you rented house?",
buyhouse = "Buy House",
buyhousedesc = "Price: $%s | Capacity: %skg",
renthouse = "Rent House",
renthousedesc = "Price: $%s/week(prepaid) | Capacity: %skg",
rentconfirm = 'Do you want to rent this house for $%s',
installmenthouse = "Buy On Installment",
installmenthousedesc = "Pay: $%s/week | Down Payment: $%s | Capacity: %skg | Installments: x%s",
installmentconfirm = 'Do you want to sign the installment agreement?',
setuppurchase = 'Setup Purchase',
enablepurchase = 'Enable Purchase',
setuprent = 'Setup Rent',
enablerent = 'Enable Rent',
rentprice = 'Rent Price',
setuplabs = 'Setup Labs',
setupweed = 'Setup Weed',
setupinstallment = 'Setup Installment',
enableinstallment = 'Enable Installment',
installmentprice = 'Installment Price',
numinstallment = 'Number Of Installments',
cancleinstallment = 'Cancle Installment Agreement',
cancleinstallmentalert = 'Are you sure you want to cancle you installment agreement?',
plant_stage = '~b~:~s~ %s',
status_growing = '~g~:~s~ Growing...',
status_not_growing = '~r~:~s~ Not Growing',
status_ready = '~g~:~s~ Ready to harvest',
fertilize = '~g~~s~ - ~b~Fertilize~s~',
fertilizing = 'Fertilizing...',
water = '~g~~s~ - ~b~Water~s~',
watering = 'Watering...',
spray = '~g~~s~ - ~b~Spray~s~',
harvest = '~g~~s~ - ~b~Harvest~s~',
harvesting = 'Harvesting',
nowater = "You don't have water",
nofertilizer = "You don't have fertilizer",
noseed = "You don't have weed seed",
maxweed = "No more weed plant for this house",
process = "~b~~s~ - ~b~Process~s~",
collect = "~b~~s~ - ~b~Collect~s~",
setuplab = "~y~~s~ - ~y~Setup~s~",
labmanageaccess = "~g~~s~ - ~g~Access~s~",
selectlab = "Select Lab",
selectlabtype = "Select Type",
typecollect = "Collect",
typeprocess = "Process",
collecting = "Collecting...",
processing = "Processing...",
noinv = "Not enough space in inventory",
noitem = "Not enough %s (%sx) required!",
nocollect = "Collect is not available for this lab",
noprocess = "Process is not available for this lab",
nomorehouse = "You already have enough house",
noshell = "You don't have any shell",
loadshellfailed = "Failed to load housing shell: %s. Contact with the server owner!",
shellcat = "Shell Category",
} king1204 发表于 2024-05-16 21:24
Locales = {
housingtype = 'Housing Type',
Locales = {
housingtype = '住宅类型',
housinginfo = '住宅信息',
houseprice = '房屋价格',
houseinv = '存储空间',
houseweed = '最大大麻植株数',
setshellexit = '设置出口点',
setshellentry = '设置入口点',
setboard = '设置看板点',
setgarage = '设置车库点',
needagent = '需要代理购买吗?',
agentname = '代理名称(可选)',
agentnameplaceholder = '您的姓名',
agentphone = '代理电话号码(可选)',
agentphoneplaceholder = '电话号码',
agentnotice = '通知(可选)',
agentnoticeplaceholder = '您的通知',
hasgarage = '有车库?',
blipmy = '我的房子',
blipneighbour = '邻居的房子',
blipempty = '空置的房子',
blipfamily = '家庭房子',
boardagentname = '代理: %s',
boardphone = '现在打电话: %s',
boardprice = '$%s',
boardnotice = '%s',
enterhouse = ' - 进入',
exithouse = ' - 退出',
hid = 'HID: #%s',
visithouse = ' - 参观',
purchaseconfirm = '您要花费$%s购买此房屋吗?',
knockdoor = ' - 门铃',
options = ' - 选项',
optiontitle = '房屋选项',
sellhouse = '出售房屋',
notenoughcash = '现金不足!',
notenoughbank = '您的银行账户余额不足!',
housesold = '您的房屋已售出。您收到了$%s',
managemembers = '管理成员',
manageaccess = '管理访问',
addmember = '添加成员',
removemember = '移除成员',
playerid = '用户ID',
playeridplaceholder = '玩家服务器ID',
playername = '用户名称',
playernameplaceholder = '玩家名称',
usernotonline = '此人不在附近',
alreadykey = '此人已经拥有您房屋的钥匙',
selectkey = '选择要移除的钥匙',
keyinventory = '库存',
keydoors = '门',
keygarage = '车库',
keycam = '门禁摄像头',
keyfurni = '家具',
keywardrobe = '衣柜',
capacity = '可用: %s千克\n重量: %s千克\n槽位: %s',
speed = '~INPUT_MAP_POI~速度: %s',
nomoney = '资金不足',
doorcam = '门禁摄像头',
exitcam = "出口摄像头",
exterior = "外部",
restoredel = "恢复已删除的物品",
cleaningmode = "切换清洁模式",
object = "物品: %s",
removeobject = " - 移除物品",
movegarage = "移动车库",
accessgarage = " - 车库",
garage = "车库",
notinside = "此位置不在您的住宅区域内",
openstash = " - 隐藏处",
openwardrobe = " - 衣柜",
dooroptions = "门选项",
reposition = "自动重新定位门",
accessinvehicle = "在车辆内是否可访问?",
lockbydefault = "默认锁定",
rdist = "渲染距离",
idist = "交互距离",
addanother = "添加另一个门?",
lock = " - 锁定",
unlock = " - 解锁",
manage = " - 管理",
managetitle = "管理访问",
nodooraccess = "您没有此门的访问权限!",
noinvaccess = "您无权访问此隐藏处!",
shelllock = "锁定门",
shellunlock = "解锁门",
brokenlock = " - 修复锁",
elserob = "已有其他人正在抢劫这所房子!",
nolockpick = "您没有撬锁工具!",
alreadybroken = "一个门已经被损坏!",
nomembers = "您没有任何房屋成员!",
cmdcreatehouse = "创建房屋",
cmddeletehouse = "删除房屋",
cmdfurniture = "装饰你的房屋",
cmdrealestate = "打开地产老板菜单",
cmdhouserob = "抢劫玩家房屋",
cmdhouseraid = "突袭玩家房屋",
cmdexterior = "清理外部物体",
notenoughcapacity = "您的房屋没有这么大的存储空间。现在这只是一件家具。",
nopermissiontoplacestorage = "您没有库存权限。现在这只是一件家具。",
nopermissiontodeletestorage = "您无权移除任何存储!",
raidprograss = "...",
robprograss = "...",
robwarning = "有人正试图闯入您的房子 #%s",
robwarningpolice = "有人正试图闯入一所房子",
raidwarning = "警方正在闯入您的房子 #%s",
robblip = "抢劫房屋",
raidblip = "突袭房屋",
nomemberonline = "没有在线的房屋成员!",
nopermission = "您无权执行此操作!",
doormanage = "门管理",
doorsetting = "门设置",
sellfurni = "物品售出,售价$%s",
canclerent = "取消租约",
canclerentalert = "您确定要取消您已租赁的房屋吗?",
buyhouse = "购买房屋",
buyhousedesc = "价格: $%s | 容量: %s千克",
renthouse = "租赁房屋",
renthousedesc = "价格: $%s/周(预付) | 容量: %s千克",
rentconfirm = '您要以$%s租赁此房屋吗?',
installmenthouse = "分期购买",
installmenthousedesc = "每周支付: $%s | 首付: $%s | 容量: %s千克 | 分期付款: x%s",
installmentconfirm = '您要签署分期协议吗?',
setuppurchase = '设置购买',
enablepurchase = '启用购买',
setuprent = '设置租赁',
enablerent = '启用租赁',
rentprice = '租赁价格',
setuplabs = '设置实验室',
setupweed = '设置大麻',
setupinstallment = '设置分期付款',
enableinstallment = '启用分期付款',
installmentprice = '分期价格',
numinstallment = '分期次数',
cancleinstallment = '取消分期协议',
cancleinstallmentalert = '您确定要取消您的分期协议吗?',
plant_stage = '~b~:~s~ %s',
status_growing = '~g~:~s~ 成长中...',
status_not_growing = '~r~:~s~ 未生长',
status_ready = '~g~:~s~ 已准备好收获',
fertilize = '~g~~s~ - ~b~施肥~s~',
fertilizing = '施肥中...',
water = '~g~~s~ - ~b~浇水~s~',
watering = '浇水中...',
spray = '~g~~s~ - ~b~喷雾~s~',
harvest = '~g~~s~ - ~b~收获~s~',
harvesting = '收获中',
nowater = "您没有水",
nofertilizer = "您没有肥料",
noseed = "您没有大麻种子",
maxweed = "这所房子没有更多的大麻植株",
process = "~b~~s~ - ~b~处理~s~",
collect = "~b~~s~ - ~b~收集~s~",
setuplab = "~y~~s~ - ~y~设置~s~",
labmanageaccess = "~g~~s~ - ~g~访问~s~",
selectlab = "选择实验室",
selectlabtype = "选择类型",
typecollect = "收集",
typeprocess = "处理",
collecting = "收集中...",
processing = "处理中...",
noinv = "库存空间不足",
noitem = "不足%s (%s个)!",
nocollect = "此实验室无法进行收集",
noprocess = "此实验室无法进行处理",
nomorehouse = "您已经有足够的房屋",
noshell = "您没有任何外壳",
loadshellfailed = "加载住宅外壳失败: %s。请与服务器所有者联系!",
shellcat = "外壳类别",
以上是对上述代码的中文翻译和注释。该代码定义了一个包含多个键值对的本地化字符串,用于在游戏中显示各种与住宅相关的文本信息。根据注释,这些字符串可能会出现在服务器端的脚本文件(server.lua)或客户端的脚本文件中。 ['fertilizer'] = {['name'] = 'fertilizer', ['label'] = 'Fertilizer', ['weight'] = 100, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'fertilizer.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Your description here'},
['lockpick'] = {['name'] = 'lockpick', ['label'] = 'Lockpick', ['weight'] = 100, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'lockpick.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Your description here'},
['seed_weed'] = {['name'] = 'seed_weed', ['label'] = 'Weed Seed', ['weight'] = 100, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'seed_weed.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Your description here'},
['water'] = {['name'] = 'water', ['label'] = 'Water', ['weight'] = 100, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'water.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Your description here'},
['weed_leaf'] = {['name'] = 'weed_leaf', ['label'] = 'Weed Leaf', ['weight'] = 100, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'weed_leaf.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Your description here'},
['pooch_bag'] = {['name'] = 'pooch_bag', ['label'] = 'Pooch Bag', ['weight'] = 100, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'pooch_bag.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Your description here'},
['lighter'] = {['name'] = 'lighter', ['label'] = 'Lighter', ['weight'] = 100, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'lighter.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Your description here'},
['weed_pooch'] = {['name'] = 'weed_pooch', ['label'] = 'Weed Pooch', ['weight'] = 100, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'weed_pooch.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Your description here'},
['cokebrick'] = {['name'] = 'cokebrick', ['label'] = 'Coke Brick', ['weight'] = 100, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'cokebrick.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Your description here'},
['coke_pooch'] = {['name'] = 'coke_pooch', ['label'] = 'Coke Pooch', ['weight'] = 100, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'coke_pooch.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Your description here'},
['meth_raw'] = {['name'] = 'meth_raw', ['label'] = 'Raw Meth', ['weight'] = 100, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'meth_raw.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Your description here'},
['meth_pooch'] = {['name'] = 'meth_pooch', ['label'] = 'Meth Pooch', ['weight'] = 100, ['type'] = 'item', ['image'] = 'meth_pooch.png', ['unique'] = false, ['useable'] = true, ['shouldClose'] = true, ['combinable'] = nil, ['description'] = 'Your description here'}, king1204 发表于 2024-05-16 21:28
= { = 'fertilizer',= 'Fertilizer',= 100,= 'i ...
= { = 'fertilizer',= 'Fertilizer',= 100,= 'item',= 'fertilizer.png',= false,= true,= true,= nil,= '您的描述'},-- 肥料
= { = 'lockpick',= 'Lockpick',= 100,= 'item',= 'lockpick.png',= false,= true,= true,= nil,= '您的描述'},-- 撬锁器
= { = 'seed_weed',= 'Weed Seed',= 100,= 'item',= 'seed_weed.png',= false,= true,= true,= nil,= '您的描述'},-- 大麻种子
= { = 'water',= 'Water',= 100,= 'item',= 'water.png',= false,= true,= true,= nil,= '您的描述'},-- 水
= { = 'weed_leaf',= 'Weed Leaf',= 100,= 'item',= 'weed_leaf.png',= false,= true,= true,= nil,= '您的描述'},-- 大麻叶
= { = 'pooch_bag',= 'Pooch Bag',= 100,= 'item',= 'pooch_bag.png',= false,= true,= true,= nil,= '您的描述'},-- 草袋
= { = 'lighter',= 'Lighter',= 100,= 'item',= 'lighter.png',= false,= true,= true,= nil,= '您的描述'},-- 打火机
= { = 'weed_pooch',= 'Weed Pooch',= 100,= 'item',= 'weed_pooch.png',= false,= true,= true,= nil,= '您的描述'},-- 大麻包
= { = 'cokebrick',= 'Coke Brick',= 100,= 'item',= 'cokebrick.png',= false,= true,= true,= nil,= '您的描述'},-- 可卡因砖
= { = 'coke_pooch',= 'Coke Pooch',= 100,= 'item',= 'coke_pooch.png',= false,= true,= true,= nil,= '您的描述'},-- 可卡因包
= { = 'meth_raw',= 'Raw Meth',= 100,= 'item',= 'meth_raw.png',= false,= true,= true,= nil,= '您的描述'},-- 未加工冰毒
= { = 'meth_pooch',= 'Meth Pooch',= 100,= 'item',= 'meth_pooch.png',= false,= true,= true,= nil,= '您的描述'},-- 冰毒包
以上是我的翻译和解释,希望对您有所帮助。 Locales['en'] = {
cmdcreatejobgarage = 'Create Job Garage',
cmddeletejobgarage = 'Delete Garage',
cmdjobgaragesetting = 'Job Garage Setting',
noaccess = "You don't have permission to do this!",
garageinfo = 'Garage Info',
garagename = "Garage Name",
vehicletype = 'Vehicle Type',
garagetype = 'Garage Type',
vehicletype1 = 'Car',
vehicletype2 = 'Boat',
vehicletype3 = 'Heli',
vehicletype4 = 'Plane',
enableblip = 'Enable Blip',
blipsprite = 'Blip Sprite',
blipcolor = 'Blip Color',
blipsize = 'Blip Size',
setrepos = 'Set Reposition',
accesspark = ' - Park',
accessparkoption = ' - Park\n - Options',
accessgarage = ' - Garage',
nospawn = 'No empty space!',
incompgarage = "Incompatible Garage!",
deleteconfirm = "Are you sure you want to remove %s",
datanotfound = "Garage data not found. Set garage type from setting.",
extra = "Extra: %s",
livery = "Livery: %s",
modification = "Modification",
garageoptions = "Garage Options",
fixvehicle = "Fix Vehicle",
toggleextra = "Toggle Extra",
changelivery = "Change Livery",
cleanvehicle = "Clean Vehicle",
refuelvehicle = "Refuel Vehicle",
jobnotallowed = "Your job is not allowed to use this garage.",
settingliv = "Livery Option",
settingext = "Extra Option",
settingfix = "Fix Option",
settingclean = "Clean Option",
settingrefill = "Refill Option",
king1204 发表于 2024-05-16 21:42
Locales = {
cmdcreatejobgarage = 'Create Job G ...
Locales = {
cmdcreatejobgarage = '创建工作车库',
cmddeletejobgarage = '删除车库',
cmdjobgaragesetting = '工作车库设置',
noaccess = "您无权执行此操作!",
garageinfo = '车库信息',
garagename = "车库名称",
vehicletype = '车辆类型',
garagetype = '车库类型',
vehicletype1 = '车辆',
vehicletype2 = '船只',
vehicletype3 = '直升机',
vehicletype4 = '飞机',
enableblip = '启用小地图标记',
blipsprite = '小地图标记图标',
blipcolor = '小地图标记颜色',
blipsize = '小地图标记大小',
setrepos = '设置重新定位点',
accesspark = ' - 停车',
accessparkoption = ' - 停车\n - 选项',
accessgarage = ' - 车库',
nospawn = '没有空间可用!',
incompgarage = "不兼容的车库!",
deleteconfirm = "您确定要删除%s吗?",
datanotfound = "未找到车库数据。请在设置中设置车库类型。",
extra = "额外: %s",
livery = "车型: %s",
modification = "改装",
garageoptions = "车库选项",
fixvehicle = "修理车辆",
toggleextra = "切换额外选项",
changelivery = "更换车型",
cleanvehicle = "清洁车辆",
refuelvehicle = "加油",
jobnotallowed = "您的工作不允许使用此车库。",
settingliv = "车型设置",
settingext = "额外选项设置",
settingfix = "修理设置",
settingclean = "清洁设置",
settingrefill = "加油设置",
} Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.Debug = false
Config.Commands = {
createjobgarage = 'createjobgarage',
deletejobgarage = 'deletejobgarage',
jobgaragesetting = 'jobgaragesetting',
--You can set admin in alternative ways-------------------
--Ace Permission
Config.AdminWithAce = true
--Or group
Config.AdminWithGroup = {
['admin'] = true,
['superadmin'] = true,
['god'] = true,
--Or license
Config.AdminWithLicense = {
['license:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'] = true,
--Or character id
Config.AdminWithIdentifier = {
['xxxxxxxx'] = true,
Config.UpperRankCanAccessLowerRankVehicles = true
--If you change the garage order, existing garages will be affected. Always add new type at the bottom. You can add new vehicles in existing type with no issue
Config.GarageType = {
TempName = 'Police Car',
JobName = 'police',
Vehicles = {
{model = 'police',name = 'Police', rank = 0,mods = {}},
{model = 'police2', name = 'Police 2', rank = 1,mods = {}},
{model = 'police3', name = 'Police 3', rank = 2,mods = {}},
{model = 'policeb', name = 'Police Bike',rank = 3,mods = {}},
{model = 'fbi', name = 'F.B.I', rank = 4,mods = {}},
TempName = 'Police Heli',
JobName = 'police',
Vehicles = {
{model = 'polmav', name = 'Police Heli', rank = 0,mods = {modLivery = 0}},
TempName = 'Police Boat',
JobName = 'police',
Vehicles = {
{model = 'dinghy', name = 'Dinghy', rank = 0,mods = {modLivery = 0}},
TempName = 'EMS Car',
JobName = 'ambulance',
Vehicles = {
{model = 'ambulance', name = 'Ambulance', rank = 0,mods = {}},
TempName = 'EMS Heli',
JobName = 'ambulance',
Vehicles = {
{model = 'polmav', name = 'EMS Heli', rank = 0,mods = {modLivery = 1}},
TempName = 'Mechanic Car',
JobName = 'mechanic',
Vehicles = {
{model = 'flatbed',name = 'Flatbed', rank = 0,mods = {}},
{model = 'towtruck', name = 'Towtruck',rank = 1,mods = {}},
{model = 'minivan',name = 'Minivan', rank = 2,mods = {}},
{model = 'blista', name = 'Blista', rank = 3,mods = {}},
Config.Blips = {
car = {sprite = 357, color = 3, size = 0.6},
boat = {sprite = 356, color = 3, size = 0.6},
heli = {sprite = 360, color = 3, size = 0.6},
plane = {sprite = 359, color = 3, size = 0.6},
} king1204 发表于 2024-05-16 21:44
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.Debug = fa ...
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'-- 设置默认语言为英文
Config.Debug = false-- 调试模式,设置为false时不输出调试信息
Config.Commands = {
createjobgarage = 'createjobgarage',-- 创建工作车库
deletejobgarage = 'deletejobgarage',-- 删除车库
jobgaragesetting = 'jobgaragesetting',-- 工作车库设置
-- 其他设置管理员的方式 -------------------
-- Ace 权限
Config.AdminWithAce = true
-- 或者群组
Config.AdminWithGroup = {
= true,
= true,
= true,
-- 或者许可证
Config.AdminWithLicense = {
= true,
-- 或者角色 ID
Config.AdminWithIdentifier = {
= true,
Config.UpperRankCanAccessLowerRankVehicles = true
-- 如果更改车库顺序,现有车库将受到影响。总是在底部添加新类型。您可以在现有类型中添加新车辆而不会出现问题。
Config.GarageType = {
TempName = '警车库',
JobName = 'police',
Vehicles = {
{model = 'police',name = '警车', rank = 0,mods = {}},
{model = 'police2', name = '警车 2号', rank = 1,mods = {}},
{model = 'police3', name = '警车 3号', rank = 2,mods = {}},
{model = 'policeb', name = '警用摩托',rank = 3,mods = {}},
{model = 'fbi', name = '联邦调查局车辆', rank = 4,mods = {}},
TempName = '警用直升机库',
JobName = 'police',
Vehicles = {
{model = 'polmav', name = '警用直升机', rank = 0,mods = {modLivery = 0}},
TempName = '警用船坞',
JobName = 'police',
Vehicles = {
{model = 'dinghy', name = '小艇', rank = 0,mods = {modLivery = 0}},
TempName = '急救车库',
JobName = 'ambulance',
Vehicles = {
{model = 'ambulance', name = '救护车', rank = 0,mods = {}},
TempName = '救护直升机库',
JobName = 'ambulance',
Vehicles = {
{model = 'polmav', name = '救护直升机', rank = 0,mods = {modLivery = 1}},
TempName = '修理工车库',
JobName = 'mechanic',
Vehicles = {
{model = 'flatbed',name = '平板拖车', rank = 0,mods = {}},
{model = 'towtruck', name = '拖车',rank = 1,mods = {}},
{model = 'minivan',name = '面包车', rank = 2,mods = {}},
{model = 'blista', name = '聚光灯车', rank = 3,mods = {}},
Config.Blips = {
car = {sprite = 357, color = 3, size = 0.6},-- 汽车车库的图标
boat = {sprite = 356, color = 3, size = 0.6},-- 船只车库的图标
heli = {sprite = 360, color = 3, size = 0.6},-- 直升机车库的图标
plane = {sprite = 359, color = 3, size = 0.6},-- 飞机车库的图标
} Locales['en'] = {
cmdcreateshop = 'Create Shop',
cmddeleteshop = 'Delete Shop',
nopermission = 'You don\'t have permissions for this!',
businesstype = 'Select Business Type',
typeshop = 'Shop',
shopname = 'Shop Name',
shopprice = 'Shop Price',
shopblip = 'Blip ID',
shopkeeperpos = 'Shopkeeper Possition',
shopaction = 'Shop Action',
bossaction = 'Boss Action',
shopbuypos = 'Shop Buy/Sell Possition',
setgarage = 'Set Garage',
addanother = "Add another door?",
dooroptions = "Door Options",
reposition = "Auto reposition door",
accessinvehicle = "Auto reposition door",
rdist = "Render distance",
idist = "Interact distance",
lock = " - Lock",
unlock = " - Unlock",
manage = " - Manage",
doormanage = "Door manage",
doorsetting = "Door setting",
blipshop = 'Business Shop',
manageemployees = 'Manage Employees',
shopaccount = 'Shop Account',
balance = 'Balance: $%s',
withdraw = 'Withdraw',
withdrawsuccess = 'Withdraw successful',
amount = 'Amount',
notenoughboss = 'Not enough money in your shop account!',
deposit = 'Deposit',
depositsuccess = 'Deposit successful',
addemployee = 'Add Employee',
playerid = 'User id',
playeridplaceholder = 'Player server id',
playername = 'User name',
playernameplaceholder = 'Player name',
usernotonline = 'This person is not nearby',
manageaccess = 'Manage Access',
accessdoors = 'Doors',
accessgarage = 'Garage',
accessshopkeeper = 'Shopkeeper',
accessmanage = 'Manage Employees',
accessaccount = 'Boss Account',
removeemployee = 'Remove Employee',
selectemployee = 'Select Employee',
alreadyemployee = 'This person is already in the list',
employeeadded = 'Employee added',
employeeremoved = 'Employee removed',
accessupdated = 'Access updated',
paybill = 'Pay Bill',
openshop = 'Open Shop',
manageitems = 'Manage Items (Admin)',
manageshop = 'Manage Shop',
shopupgrades = 'Shop Upgrades',
notenoughbank = 'Not enough money in your bank!',
purchaseconfirm = 'Do you want to purchase this upgrade for $%s',
upgradesuccess = 'Upgrade successful. Your shop is now level %s',
notenoughitem = 'Not enough %s in the stock!',
notenoughcash = 'Not enough cash!',
purchasecomplete = 'Purchase complete',
nospawn = 'Garage is not empty!',
selectitem = 'Select Item',
shipment = 'Shipment',
shipmentaccess = ' - Shipment',
currentstock = 'Current Stock: %s/%s',
regarage = ' - Reposition (Admin)',
shipmentsuccess = 'Shipment complete',
shipmentcancel = 'Shipment cancelled',
loadvehicle = ' - Load Vehicle',
loadingvehicle = 'Loading Goods...',
returnshop = 'Return to your shop now',
autoshop = 'Auto Shop',
autoshopstatus = 'Auto Shop Enabled',
createbill = 'Create Bill',
additem = 'Add Item',
quantity = 'Quantity',
quantityprice = 'Quantity: %s | Price: $%s',
cartremove = 'Do you want to remove this item from cart?',
clearcart = 'Clear Cart',
clearbill = 'Clear Bill',
opencart = 'Open Cart',
confirm = 'Confirm',
cart = 'Cart',
cash = 'Cash',
card = 'Card',
selectpayment = 'Select Payment Option',
pay = 'Pay $%s',
doorsetting = 'Door Setting',
doorautolock = 'Door Auto Lock',
shipmentcost = '(x%s) Shipment Cost: $%s',
managesalary = 'Manage Salary',
setsalary = 'Set Salary',
salaryupdated = 'Salary updated',
receivedpaycheck = 'You received a paycheck of $%s from %s',
paycheckfail = '%s is too poor to give your salary',
shipmentnot = 'Shipment location not found! Contact with administrator, they will set a new location for you!',
shipmentlocation = 'Shipment Location',
changeshipmentlocation = 'Shipment Location (Admin)',
shipmentupdated = 'Shipment updated',
stockfull = 'You can\'t stock more of this item!',
stockempty = 'You don\'t have this item in your stock stock!',
sellshop = ' - Sell Shop',
sellshopconfirm = 'Do you want to sell the shop for $%s?',
buyshop = ' - Buy Shop',
buyshopconfirm = 'Do you want to buy the shop for $%s?',
purchasesuccess = 'You purchased the shop for $%s',
sellsuccess = 'You sold the shop for $%s',
infinitestock = 'Infinite Stock (Admin)',
enabled = 'Enabled',
managestock = 'Manage Stock',
addstock = 'Add Stock',
removestock = 'Remove Stock',
notenoughitem = 'Not enough %s in your inventory!',
notenoughitemstock = 'Not enough %s in your stock!',
itemadded = 'Item added',
itemremoved = 'Item removed',
billaction = 'Billing Possition',
anothershopaction = 'Do you want to add another shop action?',
selectitems = 'Select Items',
priceaccess = 'Price Access (Admin)',
ownerchangeprice = 'Owner can change price',
changeprice = 'Change Price',
price = 'Price',
price2 = ' ($%s)',
} king1204 发表于 2024-05-16 21:49
Locales = {
cmdcreateshop = 'Create Shop',
Locales = {
cmdcreateshop = '创建商店',
cmddeleteshop = '删除商店',
nopermission = '您没有权限执行此操作!',
businesstype = '选择商业类型',
typeshop = '商店',
shopname = '商店名称',
shopprice = '商店价格',
shopblip = '地图标记ID',
shopkeeperpos = '店主位置',
shopaction = '商店操作',
bossaction = '老板操作',
shopbuypos = '购买/出售位置',
setgarage = '设置车库',
addanother = "添加另一个门?",
dooroptions = "门选项",
reposition = "自动重新定位门",
accessinvehicle = "自动重新定位门",
rdist = "渲染距离",
idist = "交互距离",
lock = " - 锁定",
unlock = " - 解锁",
manage = " - 管理",
doormanage = "门管理",
doorsetting = "门设置",
blipshop = '商业商店',
manageemployees = '管理员工',
shopaccount = '商店账户',
balance = '余额: $%s',
withdraw = '提现',
withdrawsuccess = '提现成功',
amount = '金额',
notenoughboss = '您商店账户中没有足够的资金!',
deposit = '存款',
depositsuccess = '存款成功',
addemployee = '添加员工',
playerid = '用户ID',
playeridplaceholder = '玩家服务器ID',
playername = '用户名',
playernameplaceholder = '玩家名称',
usernotonline = '该玩家当前不在线',
manageaccess = '管理访问权限',
accessdoors = '门',
accessgarage = '车库',
accessshopkeeper = '店主',
accessmanage = '管理员工',
accessaccount = '老板账户',
removeemployee = '移除员工',
selectemployee = '选择员工',
alreadyemployee = '该玩家已经是员工了',
employeeadded = '员工添加成功',
employeeremoved = '员工移除成功',
accessupdated = '访问权限已更新',
paybill = '支付账单',
openshop = '开放商店',
manageitems = '管理商品 (管理员)',
manageshop = '管理商店',
shopupgrades = '商店升级',
notenoughbank = '您的银行余额不足!',
purchaseconfirm = '您确定要花费$%s购买此升级吗?',
upgradesuccess = '升级成功。您的商店现在是 %s 级',
notenoughitem = '库存中 %s 数量不足!',
notenoughcash = '现金不足!',
purchasecomplete = '购买完成',
nospawn = '车库不为空!',
selectitem = '选择商品',
shipment = '货物',
shipmentaccess = ' - 货物',
currentstock = '当前库存: %s/%s',
regarage = ' - 重新定位 (管理员)',
shipmentsuccess = '货物送达成功',
shipmentcancel = '货物送达取消',
loadvehicle = ' - 装载车辆',
loadingvehicle = '正在装载货物...',
returnshop = '现在返回您的商店',
autoshop = '自动商店',
autoshopstatus = '自动商店已启用',
createbill = '创建账单',
additem = '添加商品',
quantity = '数量',
quantityprice = '数量: %s | 价格: $%s',
cartremove = '您要从购物车中删除这件商品吗?',
clearcart = '清空购物车',
clearbill = '清空账单',
opencart = '打开购物车',
confirm = '确认',
cart = '购物车',
cash = '现金',
card = '银行卡',
selectpayment = '选择付款方式',
pay = '支付 $%s',
doorsetting = '门设置',
doorautolock = '门自动锁定',
shipmentcost = '(x%s) 货物运费: $%s',
managesalary = '管理工资',
setsalary = '设置工资',
salaryupdated = '工资已更新',
receivedpaycheck = '您从 %s 那里收到了 $%s 的工资',
paycheckfail = '%s 太穷了,无法支付您的工资',
shipmentnot = '货物位置未找到! 请联系管理员,他们将为您设置新的位置!',
shipmentlocation = '货物位置',
changeshipmentlocation = '货物位置 (管理员)',
shipmentupdated = '货物位置已更新',
stockfull = '您无法再存储更多这种商品!',
stockempty = '您的库存中没有这件商品!',
sellshop = ' - 出售商店',
sellshopconfirm = '您确定要以 $%s 的价格出售商店吗?',
buyshop = ' - 购买商店',
buyshopconfirm = '您确定要以 $%s 的价格购买商店吗?',
purchasesuccess = '您以 $%s 的价格购买了该商店',
sellsuccess = '您以 $%s 的价格出售了该商店',
infinitestock = '无限库存 (管理员)',
enabled = '已启用',
managestock = '管理库存',
addstock = '添加库存',
removestock = '移除库存',
notenoughitem = '您的库存中 %s 数量不足!',
notenoughitemstock = '您的商店库存中 %s 数量不足!',
itemadded = '商品已添加',
itemremoved = '商品已移除',
billaction = '账单操作位置',
anothershopaction = '您想添加另一个商店操作吗?',
selectitems = '选择商品',
priceaccess = '价格权限 (管理员)',
ownerchangeprice = '店主可以更改价格',
changeprice = '更改价格',
price = '价格',
price2 = ' ($%s)',
} Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.Debug = false
Config.InvImgLink = "nui://qb-inventory/html/images/" -- qb-inventoy
Config.InvImgLink = "nui://ps-inventoy/html/images/" -- ps-inventoy
Config.InvImgLink = "nui://lj-inventoy/html/images/" -- lj-inventoy
Config.InvImgLink = "nui://ox_inventory/web/images/" -- ox_inventory
Config.InvImgLink = "nui://ak47_inventory/html/img/items/" -- ak47_inventory
Config.TargetScript = 'qb-target'
--You can set admin in alternative ways-------------------
--Ace Permission
Config.AdminWithAce = true
--Or group
Config.AdminWithGroup = {
['admin'] = true,
['superadmin'] = true,
['god'] = true,
--Or license
Config.AdminWithLicense = {
['license:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'] = true,
--Or character id
Config.AdminWithIdentifier = {
['xxxxxxxx'] = true,
Config.Commands = {
createshop = 'createshop',
deleteshop = 'deleteshop',
Config.ShopSellValuePercent = 75 --75% of total price including upgrades
Config.PayCheckInterval = 15 * 60 --15 minutes
Config.LoadDelay = 30 --seconds
Config.Shipments = {
['Docks'] = {location = vector3(1201.44, -3182.96, 5.85), CostPercentage = 15}, --cost 15% of the item price
['Weapon Depo'] = {location = vector3(211.4, -3327.18, 5.87), CostPercentage = 30}, --cost 30% of the item price
--['Any Name']= {location = vector3(1201.44, -3182.96, 5.85), CostPercentage = 30}, --cost 30% of the item price
Config.ShipmentByItem = { --you can make specific shipment location for an item
['water'] = {location = vector3(1201.44, -3182.96, 5.85), CostPercentage = 30},
['bread'] = {location = vector3(1201.44, -3182.96, 5.85), CostPercentage = 30},
Config.ShopkeeperPed = 'mp_m_shopkeep_01'
Config.ShopUpgrades = {
= {--default state
upgradename = 'Level 1',
upgradedescription= 'Stock: 25 | Vehicle: Speedo | Vehicle Capacity: 10 | Cost: $0',
itemcapacity = 25,
upgradecost = 0,
vehicledata = {model = 'speedo', capacity = 10},
= {
upgradename = 'Level 2',
upgradedescription= 'Stock: 35 | Vehicle: Gburrito | Vehicle Capacity: 20 | Cost: $75000',
itemcapacity = 35,
upgradecost = 75000,
vehicledata = {model = 'gburrito', capacity = 20},
= {
upgradename = 'Level 3',
upgradedescription= 'Stock: 45 | Vehicle: Mule | Vehicle Capacity: 30 | Cost: $150000',
itemcapacity = 45,
upgradecost = 150000,
vehicledata = {model = 'mule', capacity = 30},
= {
upgradename = 'Level 4',
upgradedescription= 'Stock: 55 | Vehicle: Mule 3 | Vehicle Capacity: 30 | Cost: $275000',
itemcapacity = 55,
upgradecost = 275000,
vehicledata = {model = 'mule3', capacity = 40},
= {
upgradename = 'Level 5',
upgradedescription= 'Stock: 70 | Vehicle: Pounder | Vehicle Capacity: 50 | Cost: $500000',
itemcapacity = 70,
upgradecost = 500000,
vehicledata = {model = 'pounder', capacity = 50},
Config.Blips = {
empty = {
color = 39, size = 0.8, singlename = false,
sold = {
color = 2, size = 0.8, singlename = false,
} king1204 发表于 2024-05-16 21:50
Config = {}
Config.Locale = 'en'
Config.Debug = fa ...
1. 语言设置和调试模式配置
2. 依赖的 QoL-target 脚本的配置
3. 管理员权限设置,包括 Ace 权限、群组、许可证和角色标识符等
4. 命令配置,包括创建和删除商店的命令
5. 商店出售价值比例设置
6. 发工资间隔设置
7. 货物装载延迟设置
8. 货物发货点配置,包括具体位置和费用百分比
9. 商店管理员NPC设置
10. 商店升级配置,包括库存、运输车辆和升级费用等
这些配置项可以根据实际需求进行调整,以满足不同的商店管理需求。 Loc["en"] = {
["common"] = { --commonly used strings
owned = "Vehicle isn't owned, cannot modify",
close = "Close",
ret = "Return",
stock = "Stock", -- Default, Original, whatever word you use for this
current = "Currently Installed",
noOptions = "No options available for this item",
installing = "Installing ",
amountoption = "Amount of Options: ",
already = " already installed", -- eg. "Stock Bumper already Installed"
menuinstalled = " Options] Installed: ", --eg " Installed: Grille 1"
nearwheel = "You need to move closer to a wheel",
nearengine = "You need to move closer to the engine"
--Performance Items
["armour"] = { --armour.lua
cant = "Armor can't be installed on this vehicle",
already = "Armour already installed",
install = "Installing Armour..",
installed = "Success! Armour Installed..",
failed = "Armour installation failed!",
removed = "Success! Armour Removed",
removing = "Removing Armour..",
remfail = "Armour removal failed!",
["brakes"] = { --brakes.lua
cant = "Brakes can't be installed on this vehicle",
already = "Brakes already installed",
install = "Installing Brakes Level: ",
installed = "Success! Brakes Installed..",
failed = "Brakes installation failed!",
remove = "Success! Brakes Removed",
removing = "Removing Brakes..",
remfail = "Brakes removal failed!",
["engines"] = { --engines.lua
cant = "Engines can't be installed on this vehicle",
already = "Engine already installed",
install = "Installing Engine Level: ",
installed = "Success! Engine Installed..",
failed = "Engine installation failed!",
remove = "Success! Engine Removed",
removing = "Removing Engine..",
remfail = "Engine removal failed!",
["suspension"] = { --suspension.lua
cant = "Suspension can't be installed on this vehicle",
already = "Suspension already installed",
install = "Installing Suspension Level: ",
installed = "Success! Suspension Installed..",
failed = "Suspension installation failed!",
removed = "Success! Suspension Removed",
removing = "Removing Suspension..",
remfail = "Suspension removal failed!",
["transmission"] = { --transmission.lua
cant = "Transmission can't be installed on this vehicle",
already = "Transmission already installed",
install = "Installing Transmission Level: ",
installed = "Success! Transmission Installed..",
failed = "Transmission installation failed!",
remove = "Success! Transmission Removed",
removing = "Removing Transmission..",
remfail = "Transmission removal failed!",
["tires"] = { --tires.lua
already = "Drift Tires already installed",
install = "Installing Drift Tires..",
installed = "Success! Drift Tires Installed",
failed = "Drift Tires installation failed!",
remove = "Success! Drift Tires Removed",
removing = "Removing Drift Tires..",
remfail = "Drift Tire removal failed!",
swap = "BulletProof Tires removed!",
already2 = "Bulletproof Tires already installed",
install2 = "Installing Bulletproof Tires..",
installed2 = "Success! Bulletproof Tires Installed",
failed2 = "Bulletproof Tires installation failed!",
remove2 = "Success! Bulletproof Tires Removed",
removing2 = "Removing BulletProof Tires",
remfail2 = "Bulletproof Tire removal failed!",
swap2 = "Drift Tires removed!",
["turbo"] = { --turbo.lua
already = "Turbo already installed",
install = "Installing Turbo..",
installed = "Success! Turbo Installed..",
failed = "Turbo installation failed!",
remove = "Success! Turbo Removed",
removing = "Removing Turbo..",
remfail = "Turbo removal failed!",
["xenons"] = { --xenons.lua
already = "Xenon Headlights already installed",
install = "Installing Xenons..",
installed = "Success! Xenon Headlights Installed",
failed = "Xenon Headlight installation failed!",
remove = "Success! Xenon Removed",
removing = "Removing Xenon..",
remfail = "Xenon removal failed!",
closer = "Move closer to the headlights",
notinstall = "Xenons Headlights Not Installed",
neonheader1 = "Lighting Controls",
neonheader2 = "Underglow Lighting Controls",
neonheader3 = "Underglow Color Controls",
neonheader4 = "Xenon Headlight Controls",
customheader = "Custom RBG",
customconfirm = "APPLY",
neontxt1 = "Fine control of Neon Lighting",
toggle = "Toggle ALL",
front = "Front",
right = "Right",
left = "Left",
back = "Back",
neontxt2 = "Change Underglow Color",
xenonheader = "Xenon Controls",
xenontxt = "Adjust vehicle headlight color",
--Cosmetic Items
["bumpers"] = { --bumpers.lua
stockMod = "Stock Bumpers..",
installed = "Success! Bumpers Installed",
failed = "Bumpers installation failed!",
menuheader = " Grille and Bumper Cosmetics", --eg "Sultan RS Grille and Bumper Cosmetics"
menugrille = "Grille",
menuFBumper = "Front Bumper",
menuBBumper = "Back Bumper",
["exhaust"] = { --exhaust.lua
stockMod = "Stock Exhaust..",
already = " already installed", -- eg. "Stock Bumper already Installed"
installed = "Success! Exhaust Installed",
failed = "Exhaust installation failed!",
menuheader = " Exhaust Modification", --eg "Sultan RS Grille and Bumper Cosmetics"
["exterior"] = { --exterior.lua
stockMod = "Stock Exterior Mod..",
installed = "Success! Exterior Mod Installed",
failed = "Exterior Mod installation failed!",
menuheader = " Exterior Modification", --eg "Sultan RS Grille and Bumper Cosmetics"
label1 = "Trim A",
label2 = "Trim B",
label3 = "Trunk",
label4 = "Engine Block",
label5 = "Filter",
label6 = "Struts",
label7 = "Hydraulics",
label8 = "Arch Covers",
label9 = "Fuel Tanks",
label10 = "Aerials",
["hood"] = { --hood.lua
stockMod = "Stock Hood..",
installed = "Success! Hood Installed",
failed = "Hood installation failed!",
menuheader = " Hood Modification", --eg "Sultan RS Grille and Bumper Cosmetics"
["horns"] = { --horns.lua
installed = "Success! Horn Installed",
failed = "Horn installation failed!",
menuheader = " Horn Modification", --eg "Sultan RS Grille and Bumper Cosmetics"
["interior"] = { --interior.lua
stockMod = "Stock Interior Mod..",
installed = "Success! Interior Mod Installed",
failed = "Interior Mod installation failed!",
menuheader = " Interior Modification", --eg "Sultan RS Grille and Bumper Cosmetics"
label1 = "Roll Cages",
label2 = "Ornaments",
label3 = "Dashboards",
label4 = "Dials",
label5 = "Door Speakers",
label6 = "Steering Wheels",
label7 = "Shifter Leavers",
label8 = "Plaques",
label9 = "Speakers",
["livery"] = { --exhaust.lua
oldMod = "old",
already = " already installed", -- eg. "Stock Bumper already Installed"
installed = "Success! Livery Installed",
failed = "Livery installation failed!",
menuheader = " Livery Modification", --eg "Sultan RS Grille and Bumper Cosmetics"
["nos"] = { --exhaust.lua
notinstalled = "Turbo isn't installed",
installing = "Success! Installing NOS",
installed = "Success! NOS Installed",
failed = "NOS installation failed!",
removing = "Removing NOS Bottle",
removed = "NOS Bottle Removed",
remfail = "Failed to remove NOS bottle",
nosColour = "NOS Purge Colour",
boostmode = "Boost Mode",
purgemode = "Purge Mode",
boost = "Boost Power: ",
spray = "Spray Strength: ",
["paint"] = { --paints.lua
primary = "Primary",
secondary = "Secondary",
pearl = "Pearlescent",
wheel = "Wheel",
dashboard = "Dashboard",
interior = "Interior",
classic = "Classic",
metallic = "Metallic",
matte = "Matte",
metals = "Metals",
chameleon = "Chameleon",
installing = "Success! Installing Paint",
installed = "Success! Paint Installed",
failed = "Paint installation failed!",
menuheader = " Respray",
["paintrgb"] = {
select = "Selection:",
finish = "Finish Select:",
error = "Hex Code input needs to be 6 characters",
customheader = "Custom HEX and RGB",
chrome = "Chrome",
hex = "HEX Picker",
rgb = "RGB Picker",
["plates"] = { --paints.lua
already = "Plate Already Installed!",
installing = "Installing Plates..",
installed = "Success! Plates Installed",
failed = "Plates installation failed!",
menuheader = " Plates Modification",
label1 = "Plate Holder",
label2 = "Vanity Plates",
label3 = "Custom Plates",
menuheader2 = " Custom Plate Styles",
["rims"] = {
installing = "Installing Rims..",
installed = "Success! Rims Installed",
failed = "Rims installation failed!",
menuheader = "Rims Modification",
label1 = "Sport",
label2 = "Muscle",
label3 = "Lowrider",
label4 = "SUV",
label5 = "Offroad",
label6 = "Tuner",
label7 = "Highend",
label8 = "Benny's Originals",
label9 = "Benny's Bespoke",
label10 = "Open Wheel",
label11 = "Street",
label12 = "Track",
label13 = "Front Wheel",
label14 = "Back Wheel",
label15 = "Motorcycle",
labelcustom = "Custom Rims",
["rollcage"] = { --rollcage.lua
installed = "Success! Roll Cage Installed",
failed = "Roll Cage installation failed!",
menuheader = " Roll Cage Modification",
["roof"] = { --roof.lua
installed = "Success! Roof Installed",
failed = "Roof installation failed!",
menuheader = " Roof Modification",
["seat"] = { --seat.lua
installed = "Success! Seat Installed",
failed = "Seat installation failed!",
menuheader = " Seat Modification",
["skirts"] = { --skirts.lua
installed = "Success! Skirt Installed",
failed = "Skirt installation failed!",
menuheader = " Skirt and Fender Cosmetics",
menuskirt = "Skirts",
menuRF = "Right Fender",
menuLF = "Left Fender",
["spoilers"] = { --spoilers.lua
installed = "Success! Spoiler Installed",
failed = "Spoiler installation failed!",
menuheader = " Spoiler Modification",
["smoke"] = { --tiresmoke.lua
already = "This colour is currently applied!",
installing = "Installing Tire Smoke..",
installed = "Success! Smoke Installed",
failed = "Smoke installation failed!",
menuheader = " Tire Smoke Modification",
remove = "Remove Smoke",
custom = "CUSTOM RBG",
black = "Black",
white = "White",
blue = "Blue",
eblue = "Electric Blue",
mgreen = "Mint Green",
lgreen = "Lime Green",
yellow = "Yellow",
gshower = "Golden Shower",
orange = "Orange",
red = "Red",
ppink = "Pony Pink",
hpink = "Hot Pink",
purple = "Purple",
blacklight = "Blacklight",
submit = "Submit",
["windows"] = { --windows.lua
installed = "Success! Tint Installed",
failed = "Tint installation failed!",
menuheader = " Window Tints",
label1 = "Tint Removal",
label2 = "Limo",
label3 = "Green",
label4 = "Light Smoke",
label5 = "Dark Smoke",
label6 = "Pure Black",
["stores"] = {
browse = "Browse Store",
tools = "Mechanic Tools",
perform = "Performance Items",
cosmetic = "Cosmetic Items",
["crafting"] = { --crafting.lua
menuheader = "Mechanic Crafting",
toolheader = "Mechanics Tools",
performheader = "Performance Items",
cosmetheader = "Cosmetic Items",
numitems = " items", --for menu. eg. "11 items"
ingredients = "You don't have the correct ingredients",
["payments"] = { --payments.lua
charge = "Charge Customer",
["check"] = { --check_tunes.lua
plate = "Plate: [",
value = "]<br>Value: $",
unavail = "❌ Unavailable",
notinstall = "Not Installed",
reinforced = "Reinforced Body",
xenoninst = "Xenon Installed",
tireinst = "Installed",
label1 = "Engines:",
label2 = "Brakes:",
label3 = "Suspension:",
label4 = "Transmission:",
label5 = "Armor:",
label6 = "Turbo:",
label7 = "Xenon:",
label8 = "Drift Tyres:",
label9 = "Bulletproof Tyres:",
label10 = "List of Possible Cosmetics",
label11 = "Vehicle: ",
label12 = " options ]",
label13 = "- External Cosmetics -",
label14 = "- Internal Cosmetics - ",
label15 = "Spoilers - [ ",
label16 = "Front Bumpers - [ ",
label17 = "Rear Bumpers - [ ",
label18 = "Skirts - [ ",
label19 = "Exhausts - [ ",
label20 = "Grilles - [ ",
label21 = "Hoods - [ ",
label22 = "Left Fender - [ ",
label23 = "Right Fender - [ ",
label24 = "Roof - [ ",
label25 = "Plate Holders - [ ",
label26 = "Vanity Plates - [ ",
label27 = "Trim A - [ ",
label28 = "Trim B - [ ",
label29 = "Trunks - [ ",
label30 = "Engine Blocks - [ ",
label31 = "Air Filters - [ ",
label32 = "Engine Strut - [ ",
label33 = "Arch Covers - [ ",
label34 = "Roll Cages - [ ",
label35 = "Ornaments - [ ",
label36 = "Dashboards - [ ",
label37 = "Dials - [ ",
label38 = "Door Speakers - [ ",
label39 = "Seats - [ ",
label40 = "Steering Wheels - [ ",
label41 = "Shifter Leavers - [ ",
label42 = "Plaques - [ ",
label43 = "Speakers - [ ",
label44 = "Hydraulics - [ ",
label45 = "Aerials - [ ",
label46 = "Fuel Tanks - [ ",
label47 = "Yes",
label48 = "No",
label49 = "Do you want to remove the Brakes?",
label50 = "Do you want to remove the Engine?",
label51 = "Do you want to remove the Suspension?",
label52 = "Do you want to remove the transmission?",
label53 = "Do you want to remove the Armor?",
label54 = "Do you want to remove the Turbo?",
label55 = "Do you want to remove the Xenon?",
label56 = "Do you want to remove the Tires?",
label57 = "Do you want to unload the Nitrous?",
label58 = "Nitrous:",
}, king1204 发表于 2024-05-17 00:24
Loc = {
= { --commonly used strings
owned = " ...
1. 包括一些常用的字符串以及提示信息,比如操作成功、操作失败等。