vehicleinfo3dvip = ' 这段代码是用来定义一个变量 vehicleinfo3dvip。 setpriceinput='Price',
setviponly = 'VIP Only',
swapvehicle = 'Swap Vehicle',
modification = 'Modification',
setcolor = 'Set Color',
toggleextra = 'Toggle Extra',
changelivery = 'Change Livery',
extra = 'Extra %s',
movedisplay = 'Move Display',
removedisplay = 'Remove Display',
removedisplayconfirm = 'Are you sure you want to remove this display?',
loadingmodel = 'Loading vehicle model',
rotation = 'Rotation',
active = 'Active',
yes = 'Yes',
no = 'No',
createjob = 'Create Job',
jobname = 'Job Name',
jobnamedesc = 'Small letters & no space',
joblabel = 'Job Label',
modmissing = "Failed to add new job because you didn't apply the necessary modification. Check script documentation.",
jobadded = "New job added",
jobremoveddatabase = "Do you want to remove the job from database also?",
jobremoved = "Job removed",
testtime = "You have ~b~%s~s~s to return the vehicle",
return_test_veh = '~r~~s~ TO RETURN ~y~TEST VEHICLE~s~',
cmdadddealerjob = 'Create a job',
cmdcreatedealer = 'Create a cardealer',
cmddeletedealer = 'Delete a cardealer',
cmddeletedealer = 'Delete current cardealer',
cmdadddisplay = 'Add display point',
notadmin = 'You are not an admin!',
specialcoin = 'Special Coin',
novehicledealer = 'You don\'t have any vehicle in this dealership!',
managefinance = 'Manage Finance',
enablefinance = 'Enable Finance',
downpayment = 'Down Payment',
interestrate = 'Interest Rate',
loanterm = 'Loan Term (week)',
purchaseption = 'Purchase Option',
buynow = 'Buy Now',
buynowdesc = 'Price: $%s',
buyfinance = 'Finance',
buyfinancedesc = "Pay: $%s/week | Down Payment: $%s | Installments: x%s | Interest Rate: %s",
financepaytitle = "Finance Payment",
financepaysuccessmsg = "Great news! We've successfully processed your car finance payment of $%s for the vehicle with plate number [%s]. Thank you for your punctuality in payments. Your commitment is highly valued.",
financepayfailmsg = "We wanted to inform you that your recent car finance payment of $%s for the vehicle with plate number [%s] has been processed. However, this transaction has resulted in your bank account balance becoming negative. Please review your account and add funds to avoid car removal.",
financepayfailtookvehicle = "We regret to inform you that due to consistent non-payment, your vehicle with plate number [%s] has been repossessed as per the terms of your finance agreement.",
king1204 发表于 2024-05-16 21:02
s ...
1. 与车辆相关的操作,如设置价格、VIP、颜色、改装等。
2. 与工作相关的操作,如创建新工作、删除工作等。
3. 与车商相关的操作,如创建新车商、删除车商等。
4. 与金融相关的操作,如贷款、分期付款等。
5. 一些提示信息,如无管理员权限、无车辆等。
这些字符串可以直接在FiveM模组的服务器端或客户端脚本中使用,用于显示相关的功能和信息。 movedisplay = 'Move Display',
removedisplay = 'Remove Display',
removedisplayconfirm = 'Are you sure you want to remove this display?',
loadingmodel = 'Loading vehicle model',
rotation = 'Rotation',
active = 'Active',
yes = 'Yes',
no = 'No', king1204 发表于 2024-05-16 21:04
movedisplay = 'Move Display',
removedisplay =...
这些字符串是与操作界面和用户交互相关的文本,用于在客户端脚本中显示给玩家。例如,"Move Display" 用于移动显示器,在客户端脚本中显示给玩家进行操作指引。