猪猪侠 发表于 2024-5-16 08:51:12


                radius = 1, -- Interaction radius for the markers
                price = 10000, -- Price of the vehicle shop
                blip = {blipId = 225, blipColor = 3, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Vehicleshop"}, -- Blip informations for vehicleshop blip
                ownerBlip = {blipId = 225, blipColor = 2, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Vehicleshop Panel"}, -- Blip informations for shops you own/work for
                buyBlip = {blipId = 225, blipColor = 1, blipScale = 0.9, blipText = "Vehicleshop to buy"}, -- Blip informations for shop on sale
                marker = {id = 20, color = {r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90}, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0}, -- Marker informations for the vehicle shop
                ownerMarker = {id = 21, color = {r = 31, g = 94, b = 255, a = 90}, size = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.5}, bobUpAndDown = 0, faceCamera = 0, rotate = 1, drawOnEnts = 0}, -- Marker informations for the owning menu
                bigVehicles = false, -- Set to true if it's airplanes/helicopters/etc... it'll use a truck instead of a flatbed to get the ordered vehicles
                type = "vehicles", -- Type of shop (will change displayed vehicles) | CAN be repeated on other shops
                id = "vehicles1", -- ID of the shop, it's used to get what shop is opened | needs to be DIFFERENT for each shop

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-16 08:51:20

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