猪猪侠 发表于 2024-5-16 08:42:43


Config.MaxDealershipsPerPlayer = 2 -- How many vehicle shops a player can own

Config.MaxEmployeesPerDealership = 10 -- How many employees a vehicle shop can hire

Config.EnableSellVehicle = true -- Allows players to sell their vehicles for a percentage of the vehicle's min price

Config.VehicleShopBuyVehicle = true -- true = when selling a bought vehicle the money will be discounted from the vehicle shop and the vehicle added to the stock | false = vehicle shop will not be charged or receive the vehicle

Config.VehicleSellPercentage = 40 -- 40 = seller will receive 40% of the vehicle min. price

Config.EnableOkokBankingTransactions = true -- true = when you buy a vehicle a transaction is added (okokBanking)

Config.AdminGroups = { -- Admin groups that can access the admin menu

Config.JobRanks = { -- These are the ranks available on the vehicle shops, you can add or remove as many as you want but leave at least 1
        "Newbie",                -- ID: 1
        "Experienced",        -- ID: 2
        "Expert",                -- ID: 3
        "Sub-Owner"                -- ID: 4

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-16 08:42:58

Config.MaxDealershipsPerPlayer = 2 -- 玩家可以拥有的车辆店铺数量

Config.MaxEmployeesPerDealership = 10 -- 车辆店铺可以雇佣的员工数量

Config.EnableSellVehicle = true -- 允许玩家以车辆最低价格的一定比例卖掉他们的车辆

Config.VehicleShopBuyVehicle = true -- true = 卖出购买的车辆时,金钱将从车辆店铺扣除,并将车辆添加到库存中 | false = 车辆店铺不会被扣费或获得车辆

Config.VehicleSellPercentage = 40 -- 40 = 卖家将获得车辆最低价格的40%

Config.EnableOkokBankingTransactions = true -- true = 当您购买车辆时,会添加交易(okokBanking)

Config.AdminGroups = { -- 可以访问管理员菜单的管理员组

Config.JobRanks = { -- 这些是车辆店铺可用的等级,你可以添加或移除任意数量,但至少留下一个
        "新手",                -- ID: 1
        "经验丰富",        -- ID: 2
        "专家",                -- ID: 3
        "副店长"                -- ID: 4
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