Config = {}
-------------------------- COMMANDS & FUNCTIONALITY
Config.InvoicesCommand = 'invoices' -- Command used to open the invoices menu
Config.VATPercentage = 23 -- Visual only, it won't influence the final invoice value, change it to your country VAT value
Config.LimitDate = true -- Used to enable/disable whether we want to have the payment limit date or not
Config.LimitDateDays = 10 -- If Config.LimitDate is enabled, it is used to define the days of the deadline for payment after issuing the invoice
Config.PayAutomaticallyAfterLimit = true -- It serves to enable/disable if we want the invoice to be automatically paid after the due date
-- (For this to work you need to set= true and add a number to LimitDateDays)
Config.FeeAfterEachDay = true -- Serves to enable/disable if we want unpaid invoices to increase in value after each day they are not paid
Config.FeeAfterEachDayPercentage = 5 -- If Config.FeeAfterEachDay is enabled, it is used to set the fee percentage after each day
Config.OnlyBossCanAccessSocietyInvoices = true -- Defines if only the boss can access the society invoices, if false all the employees will have access to it
Config.AllowedSocieties = { -- Allowed societies to open the 'Society Invoices' and 'Create Invoice' menus
-------------------------- DISCORD LOGS
-- To set your Discord Webhook URL go to server.lua, line 5
Config.BotName = 'ServerName' -- Write the desired bot name
Config.ServerName = 'ServerName' -- Write your server's name
Config.IconURL = '' -- Insert your desired image link
Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y [%X]' -- To change the date format check this website - https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html
-- To change a webhook color you need to set the decimal value of a color, you can use this website to do that - https://www.mathsisfun.com/hexadecimal-decimal-colors.html45518a
Config.CreateNewInvoiceWebhookColor = '16127'
Config.PayInvoiceWebhookColor = '65352'
Config.AutopayInvoiceWebhookColor = '4542858'
Config.CancelInvoiceWebhookColor = '9868950'
Config = {}
-------------------------- 命令和功能
Config.InvoicesCommand = 'invoices' -- 用于打开发票菜单的命令
Config.VATPercentage = 23 -- 仅用于显示,不会影响最终发票价值,将其更改为您国家的增值税率
Config.LimitDate = true -- 用于启用/禁用是否要有付款限期日期
Config.LimitDateDays = 10 -- 如果Config.LimitDate已启用,则用于定义发票发出后付款截止日期的天数
Config.PayAutomaticallyAfterLimit = true -- 用于启用/禁用是否希望在到期日后自动支付发票
--(为使其生效,您需要设置= true并在LimitDateDays中添加一个数字)
Config.FeeAfterEachDay = true -- 用于启用/禁用未支付发票在每天未付款后增加价值
Config.FeeAfterEachDayPercentage = 5 -- 如果Config.FeeAfterEachDay已启用,则用于在每天后设置费用百分比
Config.OnlyBossCanAccessSocietyInvoices = true -- 定义是否只有老板可以访问公司发票,如果为false,则所有雇员都可以访问
Config.AllowedSocieties = { -- 允许打开“公司发票”和“创建发票”菜单的公司
-------------------------- DISCORD 日志
-- 要设置您的Discord Webhook URL,请转到server.lua,第5行
Config.BotName = 'ServerName' -- 编写所需的机器人名字
Config.ServerName = 'ServerName' -- 编写您服务器的名称
Config.IconURL = '' -- 插入所需的图像链接
Config.DateFormat = '%d/%m/%Y ' -- 要更改日期格式,请查看此网站-https://www.lua.org/pil/22.1.html
-- 要更改Webhook颜色,您需要设置颜色的十进制值,您可以使用此网站来执行此操作-https://www.mathsisfun.com/hexadecimal-decimal-colors.html45518a
Config.CreateNewInvoiceWebhookColor = '16127'
Config.PayInvoiceWebhookColor = '65352'
Config.AutopayInvoiceWebhookColor = '4542858'
Config.CancelInvoiceWebhookColor = '9868950'