404514312 发表于 2024-5-7 23:16:11


Config.Texts = {
    ["notify_title"] = "DOCUMENTS",
    ["notify_title_photo"] = "PHOTO",
    ["no_have_photo"] = "You do not have an picture to the document. You have to make them first.",
    ["you_paid_for_photo"] = "You paid %s$ to take a photo for documents",
    ["you_do_photo"] = "You took a picture for your documents.",
    ["not_have_money"] = "You don't have enough money to take a picture.",
    ['interact_paid_photo'] = "TAKE A PHOTO ($"..Config.PhotoPrice..")",
    ['interact_free_photo'] = "TAKE A PHOTO"

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-5-7 23:16:20

Config.Texts = {
    Document = "文件",
    Photo = "照片",
    NoPictureForDocument = "您没有为文件拍照。您首先必须拍照。",
    PaidForPhoto = "您支付了%s美元来为文件拍照",
    PictureTaken = "您为您的文件拍摄了一张照片。",
    NotEnoughMoneyForPicture = "您没有足够的钱来拍照。",
    TakePhoto = "拍照(价格$"..Config.PhotoPrice..")",
    TakePhotoShort = "拍照"

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