waaaa 发表于 2024-4-29 13:25:23


Config = {}
Config.MaxDistance = 10.0 -- 最大交互距离
Config.UseKeySystem = false -- 仅针对qb-vehiclekeys实现,您可以在cl_edit.lua中为其他系统实现它
Config.SpawnpointCheck = false -- 在生成车辆之前检查生成点是否为空

-- 全局设置目标,但您仍然可以通过省略车库/扣押数据中的Position或PedPosition来结合目标/TextUI
Config.Target = true

---@alias VehicleType string

---@class BlipData
---@field Name string
---@field Sprite integer
---@field Size number
---@field Color integer

---@type table<VehicleType, table<'Garage' | 'Impound', BlipData>>
Config.BlipData = {
    ['Car'] = {
      ['Garage'] = {
            Name = '车库',
            Sprite = 1,
            Size = 0.7,
            Color = 4
      ['Impound'] = {
            Name = '扣押',
            Sprite = 2,
            Size = 0.7,
            Color = 1
    ['Motorcycle'] = {
      ['Garage'] = {
            Name = '车库',
            Sprite = 3,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 4
      ['Impound'] = {
            Name = '扣押',
            Sprite = 4,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 1
Config.Blips = {
    ['car'] = {
      Garage = {
            Name = '车库',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 17
      Impound = {
            Name = '扣押',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 3
    --[[['air'] = {
      Garage = {
            Name = '空中车库',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 17
      Impound = {
            Name = '空中扣押',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 3
    ['boat'] = {
      Garage = {
            Name = '船坞',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 17
      Impound = {
            Name = '船只扣押',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 3

---@class LocationData
---@field Visible boolean Blip visibility on map.
---@field Type VehicleType The vehicle type.
---@field Position? vector3 Needs to be defined if PedPosition isn't.
---@field PedPosition? vector4 Needs to be defined if Position isn't.
---@field Model? number | string Needs to be defined if PedPosition is defined.
---@field SpawnPosition vector4 The vehicle spawn position.
---@field Jobs? string | string[] Optionally limit to jobs.

---@class GarageData : LocationData
---@field Interior string? The interior name.

---@type GarageData[]
Config.Garages = {
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(220.1418, -800.1686, 30.7227),
      PedPosition = vector4(218.3666, -802.1810, 30.7534, 71.2216),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(229.3425, -801.4708, 30.5659, 161.8591),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = false,
      Type = 'car',
      PedPosition = vector4(225.6874, -782.4013, 30.7409, 70.1834),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(240.3340, -777.7951, 30.6574, 155.8707),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(273.0, -343.85, 44.91),
      PedPosition = vector4(276.0835, -343.4283, 44.9198, 344.8690),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(270.75, -340.51, 44.92, 342.03),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(-71.46, -1821.83, 26.94),
      PedPosition = vector4(-71.1413, -1829.9701, 26.9420, 230.2688),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(-66.51, -1828.01, 26.94, 235.64),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(1032.84, -765.1, 58.18),
      PedPosition = vector4(1035.1685, -765.1791, 57.9946, 152.8775),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(1023.2, -764.27, 57.96, 319.66),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(-1248.69, -1425.71, 4.32),
      PedPosition = vector4(-1253.3109, -1420.1212, 4.3231, 306.8438),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(-1244.27, -1422.08, 4.32, 37.12),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(-2961.58, 375.93, 15.02),
      PedPosition = vector4(-2961.7307, 375.5100, 14.8210, 171.7270),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(-2964.96, 372.07, 14.78, 86.07),
      Interior = 'small'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(217.33, 2605.65, 46.04),
      PedPosition = vector4(217.9141, 2602.0601, 45.7792, 13.1270),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(216.94, 2608.44, 46.33, 14.07),
      Interior = 'small'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(1878.44, 3760.1, 32.94),
      PedPosition = vector4(1873.9102, 3752.6917, 32.9840, 306.1647),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(1880.14, 3757.73, 32.93, 215.54),
      Interior = 'small'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(365.21, 295.6, 103.46),
      PedPosition = vector4(363.3373, 296.9839, 103.5044, 251.6143),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(364.84, 289.73, 103.42, 164.23),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(1713.06, 4745.32, 41.96),
      PedPosition = vector4(1713.2983, 4742.9219, 42.0254, 16.6958),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(1710.64, 4746.94, 41.95, 90.11),
      Interior = 'small'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(107.32, 6611.77, 31.98),
      PedPosition = vector4(106.0233, 6613.0356, 31.9787, 230.0135),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(110.84, 6607.82, 31.86, 265.28),
      Interior = 'small'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(328.6457, -210.4855, 54.0863),
      PedPosition = vector4(337.9874, -214.8659, 54.0863, 73.4874),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(325.5470, -211.0033, 54.0863, 156.9495),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(-176.8074, -1305.2096, 31.2980),
      PedPosition = vector4(-167.2547, -1310.2228, 31.3727, 8.5375),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(-164.0872, -1306.4490, 31.3066, 9.2604),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(408.0792, -998.0554, 29.2663),
      PedPosition = vector4(410.2025, -1005.1442, 29.2667, 96.4086),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(408.0792, -998.0554, 29.2663, 50.8039),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(2422.3440, 4959.5835, 45.9706),
      PedPosition = vector4(2425.1272, 4960.6118, 46.1977, 140.0077),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(2421.7756, 4959.3447, 46.0200, 44.8010),
      Interior = 'small'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(-608.2778, -875.6619, 25.2812),
      PedPosition = vector4(-613.7393, -881.1906, 25.1290, 327.8892),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(-608.2778, -875.6619, 25.2812, 230.8461),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(-1480.0311, -496.4789, 32.8068),
      PedPosition = vector4(-1471.2198, -490.6253, 32.8068, 129.3045),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(-1480.0311, -496.4789, 32.8068, 215.6816),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(-1667.8083, 72.3026, 63.5343),
      PedPosition = vector4(-1677.5203, 66.0455, 63.9183, 317.4938),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(-1667.8083, 72.3026, 63.5343, 48.9008),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(-387.9319, -107.0117, 38.6853),
      PedPosition = vector4(-389.6788, -101.4820, 38.7576, 212.3671),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(-387.9319, -107.0117, 38.6853, 215.1336),
      Interior = 'large'
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'air',
      Position = vector3(-1182.7245, -2852.9495, 14.0404),
      PedPosition = vector4(-1186.2985, -2841.2820, 13.9461, 236.5903),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(-1178.4406, -2845.8442, 13.9457, 333.0016),
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'boat',
      Position = vector3(-802.3275, -1415.8136, 1.5952),
      PedPosition = vector4(-797.7064, -1419.6964, 1.5952, 54.2872),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(-803.2337, -1421.8733, -0.4749, 230.6403)

Config.GarageInteriors = {
    ['small'] = {
      -- The teleport coords
      Coords = vector4(637.1520, 4750.6572, -59.0000, 91.4643),
      -- The vehicle spot coords array
      Vehicles = {
            vector4(623.0, 4750.4780, -59.5000, 179.0),
            vector4(626.0, 4750.4790, -59.5000, 179.0),
            vector4(629.0, 4750.5620, -59.5000, 179.0),
            vector4(632.0, 4750.5078, -59.5000, 179.0),
    ['large'] = {
      -- The teleport coords
      Coords = vector4(238.0297, -1004.8235, -99.0000, 90.0),
      -- The vehicle spot coords array
      Vehicles = {
            vector4(232.7722, -984.5818, -99.0000, 90.0),
            vector4(232.7722, -988.5818, -99.0000, 90.0),
            vector4(232.7722, -992.5818, -99.0000, 90.0),
            vector4(232.7722, -996.5818, -99.0000, 90.0),
            vector4(232.7722, -1000.5818, -99.0000, 90.0),
            vector4(223.7722, -984.5818, -99.0000, -90.0),
            vector4(223.7722, -988.5818, -99.0000, -90.0),
            vector4(223.7722, -992.5818, -99.0000, -90.0),
            vector4(223.7722, -996.5818, -99.0000, -90.0),
            vector4(223.7722, -1000.5818, -99.0000, -90.0),

Config.ImpoundPrice = 1000 --Price to return your vehicle.

---@class ImpoundData : LocationData

---@type ImpoundData[]
Config.Impounds = {
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(401.7906, -1631.6171, 29.2920),
      PedPosition = vector4(399.1730, -1629.3943, 29.2919, 232.0665),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(407.8341, -1645.6790, 29.2921, 228.1345)
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'air',
      Position = vector3(-1150.4854, -2871.9438, 13.9459),
      PedPosition = vector4(-1153.9452, -2860.0886, 13.9460, 241.3252),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(-1146.0892, -2864.6094, 13.9460, 331.5881)
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'boat',
      Position = vector3(-844.2191, -1366.7213, 1.6052),
      PedPosition = vector4(-848.3743, -1368.4086, 1.6052, 291.1638),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(-843.4146, -1372.2310, -0.4749, 114.3669)

Config.Contract = {
    Duration = 5000, -- The animation duration
    Item = 'contract' -- The item name

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-4-29 13:25:50

Config = {}
Config.MaxDistance = 10.0 -- 最大交互距离
Config.UseKeySystem = false -- 仅针对qb-vehiclekeys实现,您可以在cl_edit.lua中为其他系统实现它
Config.SpawnpointCheck = false -- 在生成车辆之前检查生成点是否为空

-- 全局设置目标,但您仍然可以通过省略车库/扣押数据中的Position或PedPosition来结合目标/TextUI
Config.Target = true

---@alias VehicleType string

---@class BlipData
---@field Name string
---@field Sprite integer
---@field Size number
---@field Color integer

---@type table
Config.BlipData = {
    garages = {
      garage = {
            Name = '车库',
            Sprite = 1,
            Size = 0.7,
            Color = 4
      impound = {
            Name = '扣押',
            Sprite = 2,
            Size = 0.7,
            Color = 1
    impounds = {
      garage = {
            Name = '车库',
            Sprite = 3,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 4
      impound = {
            Name = '扣押',
            Sprite = 4,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 1
Config.Blips = {
    garage = {
      Garage = {
            Name = '车库',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 17
      Impound = {
            Name = '扣押',
            Sprite = 357,
            Size = 0.5,
            Color = 3

---@class LocationData
---@field Visible boolean Blip visibility on map.
---@field Type VehicleType The vehicle type.
---@field Position? vector3 Needs to be defined if PedPosition isn't.
---@field PedPosition? vector4 Needs to be defined if Position isn't.
---@field Model? number | string Needs to be defined if PedPosition is defined.
---@field SpawnPosition vector4 The vehicle spawn position.
---@field Jobs? string | string Optionally limit to jobs.

---@class GarageData : LocationData
---@field Interior string? The interior name.

---@type GarageData
Config.Garages = {
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(220.1418, -800.1686, 30.7227),
      PedPosition = vector4(218.3666, -802.1810, 30.7534, 71.2216),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(229.3425, -801.4708, 30.5659, 161.8591),
      Interior = 'large'

Config.GarageInteriors = {
    garages = {
      Coords = vector4(637.1520, 4750.6572, -59.0000, 91.4643),
      Vehicles = {
            vector4(623.0, 4750.4780, -59.5000, 179.0),
    impounds = {
      Coords = vector4(238.0297, -1004.8235, -99.0000, 90.0),
      Vehicles = {
            vector4(232.7722, -984.5818, -99.0000, 90.0),

Config.ImpoundPrice = 1000 --Price to return your vehicle.

---@class ImpoundData : LocationData

---@type ImpoundData
Config.Impounds = {
      Visible = true,
      Type = 'car',
      Position = vector3(401.7906, -1631.6171, 29.2920),
      PedPosition = vector4(399.1730, -1629.3943, 29.2919, 232.0665),
      Model = `s_m_m_armoured_01`,
      SpawnPosition = vector4(407.8341, -1645.6790, 29.2921, 228.1345)

Config.Contract = {
    Duration = 5000, -- The animation duration
    Item = 'contract' -- The item name

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