sss99 发表于 2024-4-24 05:47:23


["setWoodpileHeadingMarker"] ="The direction of the pallet of lumbers has to be like blue lines.",
["parkForliftToTrailer"]   ="Park the forklift on to the trailer.",
["nearSeatShouldEmpty"]      ="The passenger seat has to be empty!",
["trailerParallelToTrailer"] ="The truck and the trailer has to be parallel.",
["truckHeadingNeedParallel"] ="The direction of the truck has to be just like shown with the marks.",
["parkTruckLikeMarker"]      ="Park the truck on the marked zone.",
["goToJobCenter"]            ="Drive and deliver the truck back.",
["getOutOfForklift"]         ="Get off the Forklift.",
["clearAreaForWoodpile"]   ="Make room for the upcoming pallet of lumbers.",
["clearAreaForTruck"]      ="~w~This area is for the trucks only. Do not leave your vehicle here!!!",
["interactionToAction"]      ={key=46,button={{"Interaction:", 46}},text ="Interact to take action."},
["interactionToDelivery"]    ={key=46,button={{"Interaction:", 46}},text ="The truck is ready for delivery of lumbers. Interact to start the job."},
["interactionCompltCutting"] ={key=46,button={{"Interaction:", 46}},text ="Interact to deliver the telehandler and to finish the job."},
["interactionWantCuttinTree"]={key=46,button={{"Interaction:", 46}},text ="Interact to start cutting down the tree."},
["interactionCuttinWood"]    ={key=46,button={{"Interaction:", 46}},text ="Interact to start cutting."},
["interactionDropToWoodPile"]={key=46,button={{"Interaction:", 46}},text ="Interact to leave the pallet of lumbers."},
["interactionCompltStacking"]={key=46,button={{"Interaction:", 46}},text ="Interact to deliver the forklift and finish the job."},
["interactionForUseForklift"]={key={33,32},button={{"Interactions:", {33,32}}},text ="Interact to start driving the forklift."},
["interactionForkliftToPark"]={key=46,button={{"Interaction:", 46}},text ="Interact to park the forklift on to the trailer."},
["interactionCancelAnim"]    ={key=177,button={{"Interactions :", {177,25,202}}},text ="Interact to cancel the process. Chainsaw sound volume is '%s' if you want to change type; '/%s 15.2'"},
["interactionForApprovePos"] ={key=46,button={{"Approve :", 46},{"Speed up", 21},{"",{207,208,109,108,110,111}}},text ="Would you like to add this tree to this position?"},
["interactionForAddAngle"]   ={key=46,button={{"Add:", 46},{"don't add:", 177}},text ="Do you want to approve the angle of the falling tree?"},
["interactionNewConsBlip"]   ={key=46,button={{"Interaction:", 46}},text ="Interact to add construction delivery blip."},
["interactionNewConsFirst"]={key=46,button={{"Interaction:", 46}},text ="Interact to add the first pallet of lumber position."},
["interactionNewConsPos"]    ={key=46,button={{"Approve:",46},{"Finish",73},{"Speed up",21},{"",{172,174,173,175,207,208,108,109,110,111,117,118,314}}},text ="Set the position of the pallet of lumbers, approve or finish if you are done adding."},
["interactionNewConsSide"]   ={key=46,button={{" Approve:",46},{"Speed up",21},{"",{172,173,174,175}}},text ="Where would be the new pallet of lumbers be, please choose."},
["deliveyWoodToStand"]       ={type="error",duration=10000,text="To finish the job deliver the logs to the '/%s' on the GPS."},
["cantFellingThisHeading"]   ={type="error",duration=15000,text="There is a vehicle at the place the tree will fall. Plase remove the vehicle or change the tree's falling direction."},
["startCuttingJob"]          ={type="inform", duration=15000,text="A random tree is marked on your GPS. You can cut another tree as well if you would like to."},
["startStackingJob"]         ={type="inform", duration=15000,text="Pick up the marked pallet of lumbers. Place the lumbers on a marked trailer or park the forklift on a marked trailer."},
["startDeliveryJob"]         ={type="inform", duration=15000,text="A random construction is marked on your GPS. You can deliver to a different construction if you would like to."},
["vehicleSpawnPointsFull"]   ={type="error",duration=10000,text="All the vehicle spawn points are full!"},
["noAnyWoodpile"]            ={type="error",duration=10000,text="There are none pallet of lumbers available right now."},
["woodpileCantloadToTruck"]={type="error",duration=10000,text="All the trucks are not avaible for placing the pallet of lumbers to trailer."},
["forkliftCantPartToTruck"]={type="error",duration=10000,text="All the trucks are not avaible for parking the forklift to trailer."},
["newChainSawVolume"]      ={type="inform", duration=20000,text="New voice level of chainsaw is set to '%s' ",},
["wrongChainSawVolume"]      ={type="warning",duration=20000,text="Please enter a number between 0.0 and 100. For example '/%s 15.2' "},
["clothesForYou"]            ={type="error",duration=10000,text="There are no clothes for your size!"},
["jobCancelledDied"]         ={type="error",duration=15000,text="!!! ERROR Your job was cancelled because you died!"},
["jobWillCancelAwayToCenter"]={type="warning",duration=4000 ,text="!!! WARNING You've gone too far from the job center. If you go further, the job will be cancelled!"},
["jobWillCancelAwayToEntity"]={type="warning",duration=2000 ,text="!!! WARNING You are getting too far away from '%s'!"},
["jobCancelledAwayToCenter"] ={type="error",duration=25000,text="!!! ERROR Your job was cancelled because you've gone too far from the job center!"},
["jobCancelledAwayToEntity"] ={type="error",duration=25000,text="!!! ERROR Your job was cancelled because you've gone too far from the'%s'!"},
["jobCancelledEntityNtFound"]={type="error",duration=25000,text="!!! ERROR Your job was cancelled because '%s' is no more!"},
["jobWillCancelEngine"]      ={type="warning",duration=2000 ,text="!!! WARNING The engine of the '%s' received too much damage!"},
["jobCancelledEngine"]       ={type="error",duration=25000,text="!!! ERROR Your job was cancelled. because the engine of the '%s' received too much damage!"},
["jobWillCancelBody"]      ={type="warning",duration=15000,text="!!! WARNING Warning '%s' took too much body damage! Receiving more damage can couse your job to be cancelled."},
["FailedToLoadAnim"]         ={type="error",duration=25000,text="!!! ERROR '%s' Failed to load Animation Dictionary please make sure you have uploaded the all stream files."},
["FailedToLoadProp"]         ={type="error",duration=25000,text="!!! ERROR '%s' Failed to load asset please make sure you have uploaded the all stream files.!"},
["FailedToLoadVehicle"]      ={type="error",duration=25000,text="!!! ERROR '%s' Failed to load vehicle please make sure you have uploaded the all stream files.!"},
["angleAdded"]               ={type="inform", duration=10000,text="'%s' angle is saved."},
["angleNotAdded"]            ={type="warning",duration=10000,text="'%s' angle is not saved."},
["DatasCopied"]            ={type="success",duration=25000,text="Datas copied! Please add this data to the bottom of the Config.lua. Data also sent to server console, you can always copy from cmd."},
["alreadyHaveJob"]         ={type="error",duration=10000,text="You are occupied with a different work."},
["noAnyTruckForDelivery"]    ={type="error",duration=10000,text="There is no available truck at this moment."},
["willPayCutting"]         ={type="inform", duration=15000,text="You will get +'%s$' for cutting down the tree and delivering the logs. You can cut more trees if you'd like to or you can finish the job by delivering the telehandler. You will receive the cash once you deliver the telehandler"},
["willPayWoodpile"]          ={type="inform", duration=15000,text="You will get +'%s$' for loading the pallet of lumbers to the trailer. You will receive the cash once you deliver the forklift."},
["willPayforklift"]          ={type="inform", duration=15000,text="You will get +'%s$' for parking the forklift on to the trailer."},
["willPayGasolineFirst"]   ={type="inform", duration=15000,text="You will get +'%s$' extra for travel expenses. You will receive the cash once you deliver the truck.."},
["willPayGasolineSecond"]    ={type="inform", duration=15000,text="You will get +'%s$' extra for travel expenses for returning. You will receive the cash once you deliver the truck."},
["paidCutting"]            ={type="success",duration=25000,text="You received +'%s$' for all the wood cutting and delivering."},
["paidStacking"]             ={type="success",duration=25000,text="You received +'%s$' for all the loading lumbers and loading forklifts to the trailers."},
["paidDelivery"]             ={type="success",duration=25000,text="You received +'%s$' for delivering the lumbers to constructions and you also received +'%s$' for the traveling expenses. Your total gain is '%s$'"},

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-4-24 05:47:58

      ={key=46,button={{"交互:", 46}},text ="交互以行动。"},
      ={key=46,button={{"交互:", 46}},text ="卡车已经准备好运输木材。交互以开始工作。"},
   ={key=46,button={{"交互:", 46}},text ="交互以交付伸缩叉车并完成工作。"},
={key=46,button={{"交互:", 46}},text ="交互以开始砍树。"},
      ={key=46,button={{"交互:", 46}},text ="交互以开始切割。"},
={key=46,button={{"交互:", 46}},text ="交互以放下木材托盘。"},
={key=46,button={{"交互:", 46}},text ="交互以交付叉车并完成工作。"},
={key={33,32},button={{"交互:", {33,32}}},text ="交互以开始驾驶叉车。"},
={key=46,button={{"交互:", 46}},text ="交互以将叉车停放到拖车上。"},
      ={key=177,button={{"交互:", {177,25,202}}},text ="交互以取消过程。链锯声音音量为'%s',如果您想更改类型,请输入'/ % s 15.2'"},
   ={key=46,button={{"批准:", 46},{"加速", 21},{"",{207,208,109,108,110,111}}},text ="您是否要将此树添加到此位置?"},
   ={key=46,button={{"添加:", 46},{"不添加:", 177}},text ="您是否要批准倒下的树的角度?"},
   ={key=46,button={{"交互:", 46}},text ="交互以添加施工交付提示。"},
    ={key=46,button={{"交互:", 46}},text ="交互以添加第一个木材托盘的位置。"},
      ={key=46,button={{"批准:", 46},{"结束",73},{"加速",21},{"",{172,174,173,175,207,208,108,109,110,111,117,118,314}}},text ="设置木材托盘的位置,如果添加操作完成,请批准或结束。"},
   ={key=46,button={{" 批准:", 46},{"加速",21},{"",{172,173,174,175}}},text ="新的木材托盘将放在哪里,请选择。"},
         ={type="错误",duration=10000,text="要完成工作,请将原木运送到GPS上的'/ % s'。"},
            ={type="通知", duration=15000,text="你的GPS上标记了一棵随机的树。如果愿意,你也可以再砍一棵树。"},
         ={type="通知", duration=15000,text="拿起标记的木材托盘。将木材放在标记的拖车上或将叉车停在标记的拖车上。"},
         ={type="通知", duration=15000,text="你的GPS上标记了一个随机的建筑物。如果愿意,你可以交付给其他建筑物。"},
          ={type="通知", duration=20000,text="链锯的新音量级别设置为'%s' ",},
      ={type="警告",duration=20000,text="请输入0.0和100之间的数字。例如'/ % s 15.2' "},
         ={type="错误",duration=15000,text="!错误 您的工作因死亡而被取消!"},
={type="警告",duration=4000 ,text="!警告 您离开了工作中心太远。如果再走得更远,工作将被取消!"},
={type="警告",duration=2000 ,text="!警告 您离'%s' 过远了!"},
   ={type="错误",duration=25000,text="!错误 您的工作因离开工作中心太远而被取消!"},
   ={type="错误",duration=25000,text="!错误 您的工作因离开'%s' 太远而被取消!"},
={type="错误",duration=25000,text="!错误 您的工作因为'%s'不存在而被取消!"},
      ={type="警告",duration=2000 ,text="!警告 '%s' 的引擎受到了严重损坏!"},
         ={type="错误",duration=25000,text="!错误 您的工作因为'%s'的引擎受到严重损坏而被取消!"},
          ={type="警告",duration=15000,text="!警告 车辆'%s'受到了严重的车身损坏!继续受损会导致工作被取消。"},
               ={type="通知", duration=10000,text="'%s'角度已保存。"},
             ={type="通知", duration=15000,text="你将获得'+%s$'来砍树和交付原木。如果愿意,您可以砍更多的树,或者通过交付伸缩叉车来完成工作。一旦交付伸缩叉车,您将收到现金。"},
            ={type="通知", duration=15000,text="您将获得'+%s$'来将木材托盘装载到拖车上。一旦您交付叉车,您将收到现金。"},
            ={type="通知", duration=15000,text="您将额外获得'+%s$'用于差旅费用。一旦您交付卡车,您将收到现金。"},
       ={type="通知", duration=15000,text="您将额外获得'+%s$'用于返回的差旅费用。一旦您交付卡车,您将收到现金。"},
页: [1]
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