Toyota 发表于 2024-4-23 20:41:24



    ["take_picture"] = "Take Picture",
    ["rot_left_right"] = "Left/Right",
    ["rot_up_down"] = "Up/Down",
    ["zoom"] = "Zoom In/Out",
    ["zoom_level"] = "Zoom Level: %s %%",
    ["night_vision"] = "Toggle Night Vision",
    ["clipboard"] = "Link Copied To ~b~Cipboard",
    ["picture_taken"] = "Picture Taken!",
    ["please_wait"] = "Please Wait Before taking another ~b~Picture",
    ["exit"] = "Exit",

    --- Furniture Strings ------

    ["height"] = "Height",
    ["rotate"] = "Rotation",
    ["place"] = "Place Furniture",
    ["delete_furni"] = "Delete",
    ["confirm_buy"] = "Do You Want To Buy %s ?",
    ["price"] = "Price: $%s",
    ["yes"] = "Yes",
    ["no"] = "No",
    ["action"] = "You %s ~b~%s~s~ !",
    ["bought_furni"] = "You Have ~g~Bought~s~ A ~b~%s~s~ !",
    ["edited_furni"] = "You Have Edited ~b~%s~s~ !",
    ["cannot_buy"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Buy This!",
    ["cannot_edit"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Edit This!",
    ["store_title"] = "Store - %s",
    ["back"] = "Return",
    ["edit_title"] = "Editing - %s",
    ["move_title"] = "Move",
    ["deleted_confirm"] = "Deleting ~b~%s~s~!",
    ["deleted_error"] = "Cannot Delete ~b~%s~s~!",
    ["owned_furni"] = "Owned Furniture",
    ["menu_stores"] = "Furniture Stores",
    ["menu_stores_desc"] = "Buy Furniture",
    ["menu_reset"] = "Reset",
    ["menu_reset_desc"] = "Clears All Furniture",
    ["menu_edit"] = "Edit",
    ["menu_edit_desc"] = "Move and/or Delete furniture items",
    ["furni_command"] = "furniture",
    ["furni_command_desc"] = "(ESX Property) Open Furniture Menu",
    ["furni_command_permission"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Access This Menu!",
    ["furni_reset_success"] = "Furniture Reset!",
    ["furni_cannot_afford"] = "You Cannot Afford Todo this!",
    ["furni_reset_error"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~Reset This Property!",
    ["furni_management"] = "Manage Furniture",

    --------- Key Strings ---------------

    ["you_granted"] = 'You Have Been Granted Keys To ~b~%s~s~.',
    ["already_has"] = "This Player Already Has Keys!",
    ["do_not_own"] = 'You do ~r~not~s~ own this property.',
    ["key_revoked"] = 'Your Key Access To ~b~%s~s~. Has Been ~r~Revoked~s~',
    ["no_keys"] = "This Player Does Not Have Keys!",
    ["nearby"] = "Nearby Players",
    ["gave_key"] = "Giving Keys to %s!",
    ["key_cannot_give"] = "You Cannot Give This Player A ~r~Key",
    ["remove_title"] = "Remove Keys From Player",
    ["key_revoke_success"] = "Revoking Keys From ~b~%s~s~.",
    ["key_revoke_error"] = "You Cannot ~b~Remove~s~ A ~r~Key~s~ From this Person",
    ["key_management"] = "Key Management",
    ["key_management_desc"] = "Control Property Access.",
    ["give_keys"] = "Give Keys",
    ["remove_keys"] = "Remove Keys",

      --------- Real Estate Strings ---------------
      ["office_blip"] = "%s Office",
      ["actions"] = "Real Estate Actions",
      ["property_create"] = "Create Property",
      ["property_manage"] = "Manage Properties",
      ["realestate_command"] = "realestatequickmenu",
      ["realestate_command_desc"] = "(ESX Property) Open Real Estate Quick Actions",
      ["enter_office"] = "~b~Entering~s~ Office.",
      ["enter_office_error"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Enter The Office!",
      ["exit_office"] = "~b~Exiting~s~ Office.",
      ["exit_office_error"] = "You ~r~Cannot~s~ Exit The Office!",
      ["realestate_textui"] = "Press ~b~~s~ to Access ~b~%s",

    ------------Command Strings-----------------------
      ["refresh_name"] = "property:refresh",
      ["refresh_desc"] = "Refresh to Server Start State",
      ["save_name"] = "property:save",
      ["save_desc"] = "Force Save Properties",
      ["create_name"] = "property:create",
      ["create_desc"] = "Create A New Property",
      ["admin_name"] = "property:admin",
      ["admin_desc"] = "Manage/view all properties",

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-4-23 20:41:46

["take_picture"] = "拍照",
["rot_left_right"] = "左/右",
["rot_up_down"] = "上/下",
["zoom"] = "放大/缩小",
["zoom_level"] = "放大级别:%s%%",
["night_vision"] = "切换夜视模式",
["clipboard"] = "链接已复制到剪贴板",
["picture_taken"] = "拍照成功!",
["please_wait"] = "请等待,然后再拍一张图片",
["exit"] = "退出",

--- 家具相关 ------
["height"] = "高度",
["rotate"] = "旋转",
["place"] = "放置家具",
["delete_furni"] = "删除",
["confirm_buy"] = "你确定要购买%s吗?",
["price"] = "价格:%s美元",
["yes"] = "是",
["no"] = "否",
["action"] = "你%s了~b~%s~s~!",
["bought_furni"] = "你已经~g~购买了~s~一件~b~%s~s~!",
["edited_furni"] = "你编辑了~b~%s~s~!",
["cannot_buy"] = "你~r~不能~s~购买这个!",
["cannot_edit"] = "你~r~不能~s~编辑这个!",
["store_title"] = "商店 - %s",
["back"] = "返回",
["edit_title"] = "编辑中 - %s",
["move_title"] = "移动",
["deleted_confirm"] = "正在删除~b~%s~s~!",
["deleted_error"] = "不能删除~b~%s~s~!",
["owned_furni"] = "已拥有的家具",
["menu_stores"] = "家具商店",
["menu_stores_desc"] = "购买家具",
["menu_reset"] = "重置",
["menu_reset_desc"] = "清除所有家具",
["menu_edit"] = "编辑",
["menu_edit_desc"] = "移动和/或删除家具项",
["furni_command"] = "furniture",
["furni_command_desc"] = "(ESX属性)打开家具菜单",
["furni_command_permission"] = "你~r~不能~s~访问此菜单!",
["furni_reset_success"] = "家具已重置!",
["furni_cannot_afford"] = "你买不起这个!",
["furni_reset_error"] = "你~r~不能~s~重置此属性!",
["furni_management"] = "管理家具",

--------- 按键相关 ---------------

["you_granted"] = '你已被授予对~b~%s~s~的钥匙。',
["already_has"] = "此玩家已经有了钥匙!",
["do_not_own"] = '你~r~没有~s~拥有此房产。',
["key_revoked"] = '你的对~b~%s~s~的钥匙权限已被~r~撤销~s~。',
["no_keys"] = "此玩家没有钥匙!",
["nearby"] = "附近的玩家",
["gave_key"] = "给予%s钥匙!",
["key_cannot_give"] = "你无法给这个玩家一个~r~钥匙",
["remove_title"] = "从玩家那里收回钥匙",
["key_revoke_success"] = "正在收回从~b~%s~s~的钥匙。",
["key_revoke_error"] = "你~b~不能~s~从这个人那里~r~移除~s~一把钥匙",
["key_management"] = "钥匙管理",
["key_management_desc"] = "控制房产访问权限。",
["give_keys"] = "给予钥匙",
["remove_keys"] = "收回钥匙",

-------- 房地产相关 ---------------
["office_blip"] = "%s办公室",
["actions"] = "房地产行动",
["property_create"] = "创建房产",
["property_manage"] = "管理房产",
["realestate_command"] = "realestatequickmenu",
["realestate_command_desc"] = "(ESX属性)打开房地产快速操作菜单",
["enter_office"] = "进入办公室。",
["enter_office_error"] = "你~r~不能~s~进入办公室!",
["exit_office"] = "离开办公室。",
["exit_office_error"] = "你~r~不能~s~离开办公室!",
["realestate_textui"] = "按下~b~~s~以访问~b~%s",

------------ 命令相关-----------------------
["refresh_name"] = "property:refresh",
["refresh_desc"] = "刷新到服务器启动状态",
["save_name"] = "property:save",
["save_desc"] = "强制保存房产",
["create_name"] = "property:create",
["create_desc"] = "创建新的房产",
["admin_name"] = "property:admin",
["admin_desc"] = "管理/查看所有房产",
页: [1]
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