Toyota 发表于 2024-4-18 11:54:09



["eatBaitText"] = "You've lost your fish bait.",
    ["catchFish"] = "You got caught!",
    ["youCantFishHere"] = "You can't fish here!",
    ["somethingStoppingFish"] = "Something's stopping you from fishing",
    ["movementOnRod"] = "There's movement on your fishing rod!",
    ["missedFish"] = "You missed the fish",
    ["noLeftBait"] = "No bait left at the end of the fishing rod!",
    ["fishingHBStopped"] = "Fishing has been stopped",
    ["illegalCant"] = "You can't catch illegal fish in this area!",
    ["useBaitNotFishing"] = "You must have the fishing rod in your hand to bait the bait!",
    ["youDontHaveItemUPGRADE"] = "You do not have the necessary item for the upgrade!",
    ["upgradedRod"] = "Your fishing rod has been upgraded to the next level!",
    ["brokenRod"] = "Your fishing rod is broken!",
    ["youDontHave"] = "You don't have!",
    ["youDontHaveMoney"] = "You don't have enough money!",
    ["youDontHaveEnoughSpace"] = "You don't have enough space to carry the item!",
    ["youDontHaveWantSell"] = "You don't have the item you want to sell!",
    ["succesBuy"] = "You bought: ",
    ["succesSold"] = "You Sold: ",

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-4-18 11:54:19

["eatBaitText"] = "你已经失去了鱼饵。",
    ["catchFish"] = "你被抓住了!",
    ["youCantFishHere"] = "你不能在这里钓鱼!",
    ["somethingStoppingFish"] = "有事情阻止你钓鱼",
    ["movementOnRod"] = "你的钓竿上有动静!",
    ["missedFish"] = "你错过了鱼",
    ["noLeftBait"] = "钓竿末端没有鱼饵了!",
    ["fishingHBStopped"] = "钓鱼已经停止",
    ["illegalCant"] = "你不能在这个区域捕捉非法鱼类!",
    ["useBaitNotFishing"] = "你必须手持钓竿才能给鱼饵增加鱼饵!",
    ["youDontHaveItemUPGRADE"] = "您没有升级所需的物品!",
    ["upgradedRod"] = "您的钓竿已升级到下一个级别!",
    ["brokenRod"] = "您的钓竿已经损坏!",
    ["youDontHave"] = "你没有!",
    ["youDontHaveMoney"] = "你没有足够的钱!",
    ["youDontHaveEnoughSpace"] = "你没有足够的空间来携带物品!",
    ["youDontHaveWantSell"] = "你没有想要出售的物品!",
    ["succesBuy"] = "你购买了:",
    ["succesSold"] = "你出售了:",
页: [1]
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