sss99 发表于 2024-4-8 11:14:53


['cloakroom'] = 'locker room',
['citizen_wear'] = 'civilian Outfit',
['fbi_wear'] = 'police Outfit',
['gilet_wear'] = 'orange reflective jacket',
['bullet_wear'] = 'bulletproof vest',
['no_outfit'] = 'there\'s no uniform that fits you!',
['open_cloackroom'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to change ~y~clothes~s~.',
-- Armory
['remove_object'] = 'withdraw object',
['deposit_object'] = 'deposit object',
['get_weapon'] = 'withdraw weapon from armory',
['put_weapon'] = 'store weapon in armory',
['buy_weapons'] = 'buy weapons',
['armory'] = 'armory',
['open_armory'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to access the ~y~Armory~s~.',
['armory_owned'] = 'owned',
['armory_free'] = 'free',
['armory_item'] = '$%s',
['armory_weapontitle'] = 'armory - Buy weapon',
['armory_componenttitle'] = 'armory - Weapon attatchments',
['armory_bought'] = 'you bought an ~y~%s~s~ for ~g~$%s~s~',
['armory_money'] = 'you cannot afford that weapon',
['armory_hascomponent'] = 'you have that attatchment equiped!',
['get_weapon_menu'] = 'armory - Withdraw Weapon',
['put_weapon_menu'] = 'armory - Store Weapon',
-- Vehicles
['vehicle_menu'] = 'vehicle',
['vehicle_blocked'] = 'all available spawn points are currently blocked!',
['garage_prompt'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to access the ~y~Vehicle Actions~s~.',
['garage_title'] = 'vehicle Actions',
['garage_stored'] = 'stored',
['garage_notstored'] = 'not in garage',
['garage_storing'] = 'we\'re attempting to remove the vehicle, make sure no players are around it.',
['garage_has_stored'] = 'the vehicle has been stored in your garage',
['garage_has_notstored'] = 'no nearby owned vehicles were found',
['garage_notavailable'] = 'your vehicle is not stored in the garage.',
['garage_blocked'] = 'there\'s no available spawn points!',
['garage_empty'] = 'you dont have any vehicles in your garage.',
['garage_released'] = 'your vehicle has been released from the garage.',
['garage_store_nearby'] = 'there is no nearby vehicles.',
['garage_storeditem'] = 'open garage',
['garage_storeitem'] = 'store vehicle in garage',
['garage_buyitem'] = 'vehicle shop',
['garage_notauthorized'] = 'you\'re not authorized to buy this kind of vehicles.',
['helicopter_prompt'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to access the ~y~Helicopter Actions~s~.',
['shop_item'] = '$%s',
['vehicleshop_title'] = 'vehicle Shop',
['vehicleshop_confirm'] = 'do you want to buy this vehicle?',
['vehicleshop_bought'] = 'you have bought ~y~%s~s~ for ~r~$%s~s~',
['vehicleshop_money'] = 'you cannot afford that vehicle',
['vehicleshop_awaiting_model'] = 'the vehicle is currently ~g~DOWNLOADING & LOADING~s~ please wait',
['confirm_no'] = 'no',
['confirm_yes'] = 'yes',
-- Service
['service_max'] = 'you cannot enter service, max officers in service: %s/%s',
['service_not'] = 'you have not entered service! You\'ll have to get changed first.',
['service_anonunce'] = 'service information',
['service_in'] = 'you\'ve entered service, welcome!',
['service_in_announce'] = 'operator ~y~%s~s~ has entered service!',
['service_out'] = 'you have left service.',
['service_out_announce'] = 'operator ~y~%s~s~ has left their service.',
-- Action Menu
['citizen_interaction'] = 'citizen Interaction',
['vehicle_interaction'] = 'vehicle Interaction',
['object_spawner'] = 'object Spawner',

['id_card'] = 'ID Card',
['search'] = 'search',
['handcuff'] = 'cuff / Uncuff',
['drag'] = 'escort',
['put_in_vehicle'] = 'put in Vehicle',
['out_the_vehicle'] = 'drag out from vehicle',
['fine'] = 'fine',
['unpaid_bills'] = 'manage unpaid bills',
['license_check'] = 'manage license',
['license_revoke'] = 'revoke license',
['license_revoked'] = 'your ~b~%s~s~ has been ~y~revoked~s~!',
['licence_you_revoked'] = 'you revoked a ~b~%s~s~ which belonged to ~y~%s~s~',
['no_players_nearby'] = 'there is no player(s) nearby!',
['being_searched'] = 'you are being ~y~searched~s~ by the ~b~Police~s~',
-- Vehicle interaction
['vehicle_info'] = 'vehicle Info',
['pick_lock'] = 'lockpick Vehicle',
['vehicle_unlocked'] = 'vehicle ~g~Unlocked~s~',
['no_vehicles_nearby'] = 'there is no vehicles nearby',
['impound'] = 'impound vehicle',
['impound_prompt'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to cancel the ~y~impound~s~',
['impound_canceled'] = 'you canceled the impound',
['impound_canceled_moved'] = 'the impound has been canceled because the vehicle moved',
['impound_successful'] = 'you have impounded the vehicle',
['search_database'] = 'vehicle information',
['search_database_title'] = 'vehicle information - search with registration number',
['search_database_error_invalid'] = 'that is ~r~not~s~ a ~y~valid~s~ registration number',
-- Traffic interaction
['traffic_interaction'] = 'interaction Traffic',
['cone'] = 'cone',
['barrier'] = 'barrier',
['spikestrips'] = 'spikestrips',
['box'] = 'box',
['cash'] = 'box of cash',
-- ID Card Menu
['name'] = 'name: %s',
['job'] = 'job: %s',
['sex'] = 'sex: %s',
['dob'] = 'DOB: %s',
['height'] = 'height: %s',
['bac'] = 'BAC: %s',
['unknown'] = 'unknown',
['male'] = 'male',
['female'] = 'female',
-- Body Search Menu
['guns_label'] = '--- Guns ---',
['inventory_label'] = '--- Inventory ---',
['license_label'] = ' --- Licenses ---',
['confiscate'] = 'confiscate %s',
['confiscate_weapon'] = 'confiscate %s with %s bullets',
['confiscate_inv'] = 'confiscate %sx %s',
['confiscate_dirty'] = 'confiscate dirty money: <span style="color:red;">$%s</span>',
['you_confiscated'] = 'you confiscated ~y~%sx~s~ ~b~%s~s~ from ~b~%s~s~',
['got_confiscated'] = '~y~%sx~s~ ~b~%s~s~ were confiscated by ~y~%s~s~',
['you_confiscated_account'] = 'you confiscated ~g~$%s~s~ (%s) from ~b~%s~s~',
['got_confiscated_account'] = '~g~$%s~s~ (%s) was confiscated by ~y~%s~s~',
['you_confiscated_weapon'] = 'you confiscated ~b~%s~s~ from ~b~%s~s~ with ~o~%s~s~ bullets',
['got_confiscated_weapon'] = 'your ~b~%s~s~ with ~o~%s~s~ bullets was confiscated by ~y~%s~s~',
['traffic_offense'] = 'traffic Offense',
['minor_offense'] = 'minor Offense',
['average_offense'] = 'average Offense',
['major_offense'] = 'major Offense',
['fine_total'] = 'fine: %s',
-- Vehicle Info Menu
['plate'] = 'plate: %s',
['owner_unknown'] = 'owner: Unknown',
['owner'] = 'owner: %s',
-- Boss Menu
['open_bossmenu'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the menu',
['quantity_invalid'] = 'invalid quantity',
['have_withdrawn'] = 'you have withdrawn ~y~%sx~s~ ~b~%s~s~',
['have_deposited'] = 'you have deposited ~y~%sx~s~ ~b~%s~s~',
['quantity'] = 'quantity',
['inventory'] = 'inventory',
['fbi_stock'] = 'police Stock',
-- Misc
['remove_prop'] = 'press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to delete the object',
['map_blip'] = 'police Station',
['unrestrained_timer'] = 'you feel your handcuffs slowly losing grip and fading away.',
-- Notifications
['alert_fbi'] = 'police alert',
['phone_fbi'] = 'police',

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-4-8 11:15:52

['locker room'] = '更衣室',
['civilian Outfit'] = '平民服装',
['police Outfit'] = '警察制服',
['orange reflective jacket'] = '橙色反光夹克',
['bulletproof vest'] = '防弹背心',
['there\'s no uniform that fits you!'] = '没有适合你的制服!',
['press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to change ~y~clothes~s~.'] = '按下 ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ 来更换 ~y~衣服~s~。',
-- 武器库
['withdraw object'] = '取出物品',
['deposit object'] = '存入物品',
['withdraw weapon from armory'] = '从武器库取出武器',
['store weapon in armory'] = '将武器存入武器库',
['buy weapons'] = '购买武器',
['armory'] = '武器库',
['press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to access the ~y~Armory~s~.'] = '按下 ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ 来进入 ~y~武器库~s~。',
['owned'] = '已拥有',
['free'] = '免费',
['$%s'] = '$%s',
['armory - Buy weapon'] = '武器库 - 购买武器',
['armory - Weapon attachments'] = '武器库 - 武器配件',
['you bought an ~y~%s~s~ for ~g~$%s~s~'] = '你购买了一个 ~y~%s~s~,花费 ~g~$%s~s~',
['you cannot afford that weapon'] = '你买不起那把武器',
['you have that attachment equipped!'] = '你已经装备了该配件!',
['armory - Withdraw Weapon'] = '武器库 - 取出武器',
['armory - Store Weapon'] = '武器库 - 存储武器',
-- 车辆
['vehicle'] = '车辆',
['all available spawn points are currently blocked!'] = '所有可用的刷新点目前被堵住了!',
['press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to access the ~y~Vehicle Actions~s~.'] = '按下 ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ 来进入 ~y~车辆操作~s~。',
['vehicle Actions'] = '车辆操作',
['stored'] = '已存储',
['not in garage'] = '不在车库里',
['we\'re attempting to remove the vehicle, make sure no players are around it.'] = '我们正在尝试移除车辆,请确保周围没有玩家。',
['the vehicle has been stored in your garage'] = '车辆已存入你的车库',
['no nearby owned vehicles were found'] = '附近没有找到拥有的车辆',
['your vehicle is not stored in the garage.'] = '你的车辆未存入车库。',
['there\'s no available spawn points!'] = '没有可用的刷新点!',
['you dont have any vehicles in your garage.'] = '你的车库里没有任何车辆。',
['your vehicle has been released from the garage.'] = '你的车辆已从车库中释放。',
['there is no nearby vehicles.'] = '附近没有车辆。',
['open garage'] = '打开车库',
['store vehicle in garage'] = '将车辆存入车库',
['vehicle shop'] = '车辆商店',
['you\'re not authorized to buy this kind of vehicles.'] = '你没有权限购买这种类型的车辆。',
['press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to access the ~y~Helicopter Actions~s~.'] = '按下 ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ 来进入 ~y~直升机操作~s~。',
['$%s'] = '$%s',
['vehicle Shop'] = '车辆商店',
['do you want to buy this vehicle?'] = '你想购买这辆车吗?',
['you have bought ~y~%s~s~ for ~r~$%s~s~'] = '你已购买 ~y~%s~s~,花费 ~r~$%s~s~',
['you cannot afford that vehicle'] = '你买不起那辆车',
['the vehicle is currently ~g~DOWNLOADING & LOADING~s~ please wait'] = '车辆当前正在 ~g~下载 & 载入~s~ 请稍候',
['no'] = '否',
['yes'] = '是',
-- 服务
['you cannot enter service, max officers in service: %s/%s'] = '你无法进入服务,已有警员人数达到上限:%s/%s',
['you have not entered service! You\'ll have to get changed first.'] = '你没有进入服务!你必须先更换服装。',
['service information'] = '服务信息',
['you\'ve entered service, welcome!'] = '你已进入服务,欢迎!',
['operator ~y~%s~s~ has entered service!'] = '操作员 ~y~%s~s~ 已进入服务!',
['you have left service.'] = '你已离开服务。',
['operator ~y~%s~s~ has left their service.'] = '操作员 ~y~%s~s~ 已离开服务。',
-- 动作菜单
['citizen Interaction'] = '市民交互',
['vehicle Interaction'] = '车辆交互',
['object Spawner'] = '物体生成器',
['ID Card'] = '身份证',
['search'] = '搜查',
['cuff / Uncuff'] = '铐手 / 解铐',
['escort'] = '押送',
['put in Vehicle'] = '放入车辆',
['drag out from vehicle'] = '从车辆拖出',
['fine'] = '罚款',
['manage unpaid bills'] = '管理未支付账单',
['manage license'] = '管理许可证',
['revoke license'] = '撤销许可
页: [1]
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