千里 发表于 2024-4-1 01:18:50



   ['garage'] = 'Garage',
      ['harbor'] = 'Harbor',
      ['hangar'] = 'Hangar',
      ['open_garage_1'] = ' Quick choose vehicle',
      ['open_garage_2'] = ' Enter garage',
      ['open_garage_3'] = ' Enter harbor',
      ['open_garage_4'] = ' Enter hangar',
      ['notif_storevehicle'] = ' Store your vehicle',
      ['vehicle_toolarge'] = 'This vehicle is too large for this garage : ',
      ['car_city_impound'] = 'Car Impound (city)',
      ['car_sandy_impound'] = 'Car Impound (sandy)',
      ['boat_impound'] = 'Boat Impound',
      ['air_impound'] = 'Air Impound',
      ['job_garage'] = 'Job Garage',
      ['gang_garage'] = 'Gang Garage',
      ['saving_cached_data'] = 'Saving all cached data please wait....',
      ['cached_data_saved'] = 'Saved all cached data.',
      ['vehicles'] = 'vehicles',
      ['pay_tax'] = 'You have been taxed on %s vehicles for a total of $%s',
      ['transfer_vehicle'] = 'You transferred a vehicle [%s] to ID : %s',
      ['recieve_vehicle'] = 'You have received a vehicle [%s] from ID : %s',
      ['dont_own_vehicle'] = 'You do not own this vehicle',
      ['unimpounded_vehicle'] = 'Successfully unimpounded the vehicle - %s',
      ['impound_fee_return'] = 'Pay a fee to return your vehicle from the impound as a civilian : $',
      ['transfer_success'] = 'Transferred successfully',
      ['not_owned_vehicle'] = 'This vehicle is not owned by a player',
      ['add_garageslot'] = 'You have added 1 more garage slot to %s',
      ['recieve_garageslot'] = 'You have purchased an extra garage slot. You now have %s',
      ['not_enough_money'] = 'You don\'t have enough money in your bank',
      ['garage_full'] = 'Transfer failed! This person does not have enough space in their garage',
      ['cant_transfer_yourself'] = 'You can not transfer a vehicle to yourself',
      ['incorrect_id'] = 'Incorrect player ID',
      ['garage_space_check'] = 'You have %s garage slots',
      ['no_permissions'] = 'You do not have permission to use this command',
      ['no_owned_vehicles'] = 'You do not own any vehicles',
      ['vehmanagment_added'] = '%s has been added to ID %s\'s garage',
      ['vehmanagment_deleted'] = 'Vehicle has been deleted from the database',
      ['vehmanagment_noperms'] = 'You do not have permission to use this command',
      ['vehmanagment_platechanged'] = 'Vehicle plate has been changed from %s to %s',
      ['owned_vehicle'] = 'The plate %s is already owned by another player',
      ['garage_title'] = 'Garage Logs',
      ['logs_exploit_message'] = '@everyone %s tried to spawn a vehicle [%s] with hash: %s. His original vehicle: %s\n```\nIdentifier: %s\n```',
      ['logs_impound_message'] = '**Plate:** %s\n**Vehicle Name:** %s\n**Impound Id:** %s\n\n**Source:**\nName: *%s*\nID: *%s*\nIdentifier: *%s*',
      ['logs_unimpound_message'] = '**Plate:** %s\n**Vehicle Name:** %s\n\n**Source:**\nName: *%s*\nID: *%s*\nIdentifier: *%s*',
      ['logs_transfer_title'] = 'Transfer Vehicle',
      ['logs_transfer_message'] = '**Plate:** %s\n**Label:** %s\n\n**Source:**\nName: *%s*\nID: *%s*\nIdentifier: *%s*\n\n**Target:**\n Name: *%s*\nID: *%s*\nIdentifier: *%s*',
      ['logs_vehiclemanagment_add'] = '**Plate:** %s\n**Garage Type:** %s\n\n**SOURCE**\n**Name:** %s\n**ID:** %s\n**Identifier:** %s\n\n**TAGET**\n**Name:** %s\n**ID:** %s\n**Identifier:** %s',
      ['logs_vehiclemanagment_delete'] = '**Plate:** %s\n\n**SOURCE**\n**Name:** %s\n**ID:** %s\n**Identifier:** %s',
      ['logs_vehiclemanagment_plate'] = '**Old Plate:** %s\n**New Plate:** %s\n\n**SOURCE**\n**Name:** %s\n**ID:** %s\n**Identifier:** %s',
      ['logs_vehiclemanagment_title'] = 'Vehicle Managment: %s',
      ['logs_garagespace_title'] = 'Garage Space',
      ['logs_garagespace_message'] = '**New Garage Slot Amount:** %s\n**Cost:** $%s\n\n**SOURCE**\n**Name:** %s\n**ID:** %s\n**Identifier:** %s\n\n**TAGET**\n**Name:** %s\n**ID:** %s\n**Identifier:** %s',
      ['already_has_fakeplate'] = 'This vehicle already has a fake plate attached',
      ['no_fakeplate'] = 'This vehicle does not have a fake plate attached',
      ['duplicate_private_garage'] = 'You already have a garage_id with the same name. Please choose another',
      ['invalid_format'] = 'Invalid format, please read the chat suggestions and try again',
      ['gave_keys_saved'] = 'You have given %s a saved vehicle key for [%s]',
      ['recieve_keys_saved'] = 'You have received a vehicle key for [%s]',
      ['gave_keys_temp'] = 'You have given %s a temporary vehicle key for [%s]',
      ['recieve_keys_temp'] = 'You have received a vehicle key for [%s]',
      ['fakeplate_add_success'] = 'Fake plate added successfully',
      ['fakeplate_remove_success'] = 'Fake plate removed successfully',
      ['garage'] = 'Garage',
      ['property'] = 'Property',
      ['notif_exitgarage'] = '<b>Garage</b></p>Press to exit the garage',
      ['no_permissions_impound'] = 'You do not have permission to use the impound',
      ['cant_enter_invehicle'] = 'You can not enter this garage in your vehicle',
      ['debug_insidegarage'] = 'The garage id for one of your vehicles is nill - please make a bug report so a developer can fix it',
      ['debug_quickgarage'] = 'The garage id for one of your vehicles is nill - please make a bug report so a developer can fix it',
      ['vehicle_stored'] = 'Vehicle Stored',
      ['exitlocation_notfound'] = 'You have been teleported back to garage I, as your previous position to teleport you back to is unknown',
      ['vehicle_is_in'] = 'Your vehicle is in',
      ['vehicle_is_in_the'] = 'Your vehicle is in the',
      ['vehicle_is_in_your'] = 'Your vehicle is in your',
      ['invalid_model'] = 'This model does not exist in-game',
      ['invalid_playerid'] = 'Invalid player ID',
      ['no_player_found'] = 'No player found',
      ['transfer_blacklisted'] = 'This vehicle can not be transferred to another player',
      ['transfer_disabled'] = 'Transfering vehicles has been disabled',
      ['get_inside_veh'] = 'You must be in a vehicle',
      ['transferveh_title'] = 'Enter the Players ID',
      ['advstats_nill'] = 'Adv_Stats are nil. Make a bug report',
      ['dont_own_veh'] = 'You do not own this vehicle',
      ['miles_check_miles'] = 'MILES : %s',
      ['miles_check_kilometers'] = 'KILOMETERS : %s',
      ['maxhealth_check'] = 'MAX HEALTH : %s',
      ['impound'] = 'Impound',
      ['open_impound'] = 'Press to open the Impound',
      ['no_permissions_impounding'] = 'You do not have permission to impound vehicles',
      ['no_vehicle_found'] = 'No vehicle found',
      ['get_out_veh'] = 'Get out of the vehicle and try again',
      ['wrong_garage_type'] = 'You are trying to put this vehicle in the wrong type of garage',
      ['chatsuggestion_impound'] = 'Send a vehicle to the impound',
      ['cancel_cam'] = 'Press to end the camera',
      ['loading_model'] = 'Loading Model',
      ['registering_entity'] = 'Registering Entity',
      ['registering_entity_failed'] = 'Could not register the entity - please try again',
      ['registering_network'] = 'Requesting Network Control',
      ['registering_network_failed'] = 'Could not request network control - please try again',
      ['registering_entitynetwork'] = 'Registering Entity as Networked',
      ['registering_entitynetwork_failed'] = 'Could not register the entity as networked - please try again',
      ['requesting_netid'] = 'Requesting Control of Network ID',
      ['vehicle_onstreets'] = 'This vehicle is already out on the streets. The waypoint has been set',
      ['return_vehicle'] = 'You may return your vehicle for $',
      ['entity_doesnot_exist'] = 'This entity does not exist',
      ['no_control_netid'] = 'Error - you do not have control of network entity. Try again',
      ['transfer_jobspawn'] = 'You can not transfer a job vehicle',
      ['loading_failed'] = 'The model took to long to load. Please try again',
      ['pre_livery'] = 'Previous Livery',
      ['next_livery'] = 'Next Livery',
      ['enter'] = 'ENTER',
      ['confirm'] = 'Confirm',
      ['vehicle'] = 'vehicle',
      ['job_restricted'] = 'This garage is only accessible to %s',
      ['chatsuggestion_mileage'] = 'Check the mileage of your vehicle',
      ['chatsuggestion_impound'] = 'Impound a vehicle',
      ['chatsuggestion_transferveh'] = 'Transfer your vehicle to another player',
      ['chatsuggestion_vehicle_add'] = 'Staff Only - Add a vehicle to a players garage',
      ['chatsuggestion_vehicle_delete'] = 'Staff Only - Delete a vehicle from a players garage',
      ['chatsuggestion_vehicle_plate'] = 'Staff Only - Change the plate of a vehicle',
      ['chatsuggestion_vehicle_keys'] = 'Staff Only - Give yourself keys to this vehicle',
      ['chatsuggestion_garagespace'] = 'Cardealers Only - Sell a garage slot to another player',
      ['chatsuggestion_garagespace_check'] = 'Check how many garage slots you have',
      ['chatsuggestion_closeui'] = 'This command force closes all menu\'s and UI\'s. - You can also use this command in F8 just without the /',
      ['chatsuggestion_fakeplate'] = 'Remove a fake plate from the closest vehicle',
      ['chatsuggestion_privategarage_1'] = 'Realestate Only - Sell a private garage to a player',
      ['chatsuggestion_privategarage_2'] = 'garage_type',
      ['chatsuggestion_privategarage_3'] = 'Enter a garage type for this garage (car/boat/air)',
      ['chatsuggestion_playerid_1'] = 'playerid',
      ['chatsuggestion_playerid_2'] = 'Enter the ID of a player',
      ['chatsuggestion_garagename_1'] = 'garage_name',
      ['chatsuggestion_garagename_2'] = 'The name of this private garage',
      ['chatsuggestion_vehiclelock'] = 'Toggle vehicle lock',
      ['chatsuggestion_keytemp'] = 'Give a temporary vehicle key to a player',
      ['chatsuggestion_keysave'] = 'Give a saved vehicle key to a player',
      ['chatsuggestion_keyremove'] = 'Remove your vehicle keys from other players',
      ['chatsuggestion_ui'] = 'Close all garage UI\'s',
      ['enter_plate'] = 'Enter the plate (8 characters max)',
      ['cant_transfergarage_impound'] = 'Your vehicle is in the %s',
      ['cant_transfergarage_property'] = 'Your vehicle is in your <b>Property Garage</b>',
      ['success'] = 'Success',
      ['fail'] = 'Fail',
      ['vehicle_locked'] = 'Vehicle Locked',
      ['vehicle_unlocked'] = 'Vehicle Unlocked',
      ['no_keys'] = 'You do not have the keys to this vehicle',
      ['hotwire_info'] = 'Press E to start hotwire, and ESCAPE to cancel',
      ['8_characters_needed'] = 'A minimum of 8 characters including spaces is required',
      ['invalid_plateformat'] = 'The new plate is either nil or longer than 8 characters',
      ['chatsuggestion_lockpick'] = 'Lockpick the closest vehicle',
      ['lock_cooldown'] = 'Vehicle lock is on a 1 second cooldown',
      ['return_vehicle_disabled'] = 'Return vehicle feature has been disabled',
      ['chatsuggestion_privategarage_4'] = 'Realestate Only - Delete a players private garage',
      ['chatsuggestion_privategarage_5'] = 'garage_name',
      ['chatsuggestion_privategarage_6'] = 'Enter the name of the garage as seen on the pause menu blip',
      ['privategarage_deleted'] = 'Private garage has been deleted',
      ['privategarage_not_found'] = 'Private garage not found',
      ['vehicle_not_locked'] = 'This vehicle is not locked',
      ['lockpicking_failed'] = 'Lockpicking failed',
      ['cant_transfergarage_same_garage'] = 'Can\'t transfer to same garage',
      ['unknown'] = 'Unknown',
      ['impound_vehicle_not_empty'] = 'You can not impound a vehicle with a player sitting inside',
      ['cant_lockpick_have_keys'] = 'You can\'t lockpick a vehicle you already have keys to',

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-4-1 01:19:43

['garage'] = '车库',
['harbor'] = '港口',
['hangar'] = '机库',
['open_garage_1'] = '快速选择车辆',
['open_garage_2'] = '进入车库',
['open_garage_3'] = '进入港口',
['open_garage_4'] = '进入机库',
['notif_storevehicle'] = '存储你的车辆',
['vehicle_toolarge'] = '这辆车对于这个车库来说太大了:',
['car_city_impound'] = '城市汽车扣押所',
['car_sandy_impound'] = '沙滩汽车扣押所',
['boat_impound'] = '船只扣押所',
['air_impound'] = '飞行器扣押所',
['job_garage'] = '工作车库',
['gang_garage'] = '黑帮车库',
['saving_cached_data'] = '正在保存所有缓存数据,请稍候……',
['cached_data_saved'] = '保存所有缓存数据。',
['vehicles'] = '辆车',
['pay_tax'] = '您已被征收%s辆车的总计%s美元的税款',
['transfer_vehicle'] = '您已将一辆车转移给ID:%s',
['recieve_vehicle'] = '您已从ID:%s接收到一辆车',
['dont_own_vehicle'] = '您不拥有这辆车',
['unimpounded_vehicle'] = '成功解除扣押车辆-%s',
['impound_fee_return'] = '作为平民,支付费用从扣押所取回车辆:$',
['transfer_success'] = '成功转移',
['not_owned_vehicle'] = '此车辆不属于任何玩家',
['add_garageslot'] = '您已将1个附加的车库槽添加到%s',
['recieve_garageslot'] = '您已购买额外的车库槽。现在您有%s',
['not_enough_money'] = '您的银行账户余额不足',
['garage_full'] = '转移失败!此人的车库空间不足',
['cant_transfer_yourself'] = '您不能将车辆转移给自己',
['incorrect_id'] = '错误的玩家ID',
['garage_space_check'] = '您有%s个车库槽',
['no_permissions'] = '您没有权限使用该命令',
['no_owned_vehicles'] = '您没有任何车辆',
['vehmanagment_added'] = '%s已添加到ID %s的车库中',
['vehmanagment_deleted'] = '车辆已从数据库中删除',
['vehmanagment_noperms'] = '您没有权限使用该命令',
['vehmanagment_platechanged'] = '车牌已从%s更改为%s',
['owned_vehicle'] = '车牌%s已由其他玩家所有',
['garage_title'] = '车库日志',
['logs_exploit_message'] = '@everyone %s试图使用哈希%s生成一辆车。他的原始车辆:%s\n\n标识符:%s\n',
['logs_impound_message'] = '**车牌:**%s\n**车辆名称:**%s\n**扣押ID:**%s\n\n**来源:**\n姓名:*%s*\nID:*%s*\n标识符:*%s*',
['logs_unimpound_message'] = '**车牌:**%s\n**车辆名称:**%s\n\n**来源:**\n姓名:*%s*\nID:*%s*\n标识符:*%s*',
['logs_transfer_title'] = '转移车辆',
['logs_transfer_message'] = '**车牌:**%s\n**标签:**%s\n\n**源:**\n姓名:*%s*\nID:*%s*\n标识符:*%s*\n\n**目标:**\n姓名:*%s*\nID:*%s*\n标识符:*%s*',
['logs_vehiclemanagment_add'] = '**车牌:**%s\n**车库类型:**%s\n\n**源**\n**姓名:**%s\n**ID:**%s\n**标识符:**%s\n\n**目的**\n**姓名:**%s\n**ID:**%s\n**标识符:**%s',
['logs_vehiclemanagment_delete'] = '**车牌:**%s\n\n**源**\n**姓名:**%s\n**ID:**%s\n**标识符:**%s',
['logs_vehiclemanagment_plate'] = '**旧车牌:**%s\n**新车牌:**%s\n\n**源**\n**姓名:**%s\n**ID:**%s\n**标识符:**%s',
['logs_vehiclemanagment_title'] = '车辆管理:%s',
['logs_garagespace_title'] = '车库空间',
['logs_garagespace_message'] = '**新车库槽数量:**%s\n**费用:**$%s\n\n**源**\n**姓名:**%s\n**ID:**%s\n**标识符:**%s\n\n**目的**\n**姓名:**%s\n**ID:**%s\n**标识符:**%s',
['already_has_fakeplate'] = '该车辆已附加假车牌',
['no_fakeplate'] = '该车辆没有附加假车牌',
['duplicate_private_garage'] = '您已经拥有一个具有相同名称的私人车库ID。请换一个',
['invalid_format'] = '无效的格式,请阅读聊天建议并重试',
['gave_keys_saved'] = '您为%s提供了一把保存的车辆钥匙',
['recieve_keys_saved'] = '您已收到一把车辆钥匙',
['gave_keys_temp'] = '您为%s提供了一把临时车辆钥匙',
['recieve_keys_temp'] = '您已收到一把车辆钥匙',
['fakeplate_add_success'] = '成功添加假车牌',
['fakeplate_remove_success'] = '成功移除假车牌',
['garage'] = '车库',
['property'] = '财产',
['notif_exitgarage'] = '按下退出车库',
['no_permissions_impound'] = '您没有使用扣押所的权限',
['cant_enter_invehicle'] = '您不能在车辆内进入此车库',
['debug_insidegarage'] = '其中一辆车的车库ID为空值-请提供错误报告以便开发人员修复它',
['debug_quickgarage'] = '其中一辆车的车库ID为空值-请提供错误报告以便开发人员修复它',
['vehicle_stored'] = '车辆已存储',
['exitlocation_notfound'] = '由于无法找到您的之前位置以进行传送,您已被传送回车库I',
['vehicle_is_in'] = '您的车辆在',
['vehicle_is_in_the'] = '您的车辆在',
['vehicle_is_in_your'] = '您的车辆在您的',
['invalid_model'] = '此模型在游戏中不存在',
['invalid_playerid'] = '无效的玩家ID',
['no_player_found'] = '未找到玩家',
['transfer_blacklisted'] = '无法将此车辆转移给其他玩家',
['transfer_disabled'] = '转移车辆已被禁用',
['get_inside_veh'] = '您必须在车辆中',
['transferveh_title'] = '请输入玩家ID',
['advstats_nill'] = 'Adv_Stats为空。提交错误报告',
['dont_own_veh'] = '您不拥有这辆车',
['miles_check_miles'] = '英里数:%s',
['miles_check_kilometers'] = '公里数:%s',
['maxhealth_check'] = '最大健康值:%s',
['impound'] = '扣押',
['open_impound'] = '按下打开扣押所',
['no_permissions_impounding'] = '您没有扣押车辆的权限',
['no_vehicle_found'] = '未找到车辆',
['get_out_veh'] = '离开车辆然后重试',
['wrong_garage_type'] = '您正在尝试将该车辆放入错误类型的车库',
['chatsuggestion_impound'] = '将车辆送往扣押所',
['cancel_cam'] = '按下结束摄像头',
['loading_model'] = '加载模型',
['registering_entity'] = '注册实体',
['registering_entity_failed'] = '无法注册实体-请重试',
['registering_network'] = '请求网络控制',
['registering_network_failed'] = '无法请求网络控制-请重试',
['registering_entitynetwork'] = '将实体注册为网络化',
['registering_entitynetwork_failed'] = '无法将实体注册为网络化-请重试',
['requesting_netid'] = '请求控制网络ID',
['vehicle_onstreets'] = '该车辆已经在街上了。路径点已设定',
['return_vehicle'] = '您可以支付$以归还您的车辆',
['entity_doesnot_exist'] = '此实体不存在',
['no_control_netid'] = '错误-您无法控制网络实体。请重试',
['transfer_jobspawn'] = '您不能转移工作车辆',
['loading_failed'] = '模型加载时间过长。请重试',
['pre_livery'] = '上一个图案',
['next_livery'] = '下一个图案',
['enter'] = '进入',
['confirm'] = '确认',
['vehicle'] = '车辆',
['job_restricted'] = '只有%s才能访问此车库',
['chatsuggestion_mileage'] = '检查您的车辆里程',
['chatsuggestion_impound'] = '扣押一辆车',
['chatsuggestion_transferveh'] = '将您的车辆转移到其他玩家',
['chatsuggestion_vehicle_add'] = '仅限工作人员-将车辆添加到玩家的车库',
['chatsuggestion_vehicle_delete'] = '仅限工作人员-从玩家的车库中删除车辆',
['chatsuggestion_vehicle_plate'] = '仅限工作人员-更改车辆的车牌',
['chatsuggestion_vehicle_keys'] = '仅限工作人员-给自己提供车辆钥匙',
['chatsuggestion_garagespace'] = '仅限汽车交易员-向其他玩家出售车库槽',
['chatsuggestion_garagespace_check'] = '检查您拥有的车库槽数量',
['chatsuggestion_closeui'] = '此命令强制关闭所有菜单和UI-您也可以在F8中使用此命令,只需不输入/',
['chatsuggestion_fakeplate'] = '从最接近的车辆中移除假车牌',
['chatsuggestion_privategarage_1'] = '仅限房地产-向玩家出售私人车库',
['chatsuggestion_privategarage_2'] = 'garage_type',
['chatsuggestion_privategarage_3'] = '请输入此车库的类型(car/boat/air)',
['chatsuggestion_playerid_1'] = 'playerid',
['chatsuggestion_playerid_2'] = '输入玩家ID',
['chatsuggestion_garagename_1'] = 'garage_name',
['chatsuggestion_garagename_2'] = '此私人车库的名称',
['chatsuggestion_vehiclelock'] = '切换车辆锁定',
['chatsuggestion_keytemp'] = '向玩家提供临时车辆钥匙',
['chatsuggestion_keysave'] = '向玩家提供保存的车辆钥匙',
['chatsuggestion_keyremove'] = '从其他玩家处删除您的车辆钥匙',
['chatsuggestion_ui'] = '关闭所有车库UI',
['enter_plate'] = '输入车牌(最多8个字符)',
['cant_transfergarage_impound'] = '您的车辆在%s',
['cant_transfergarage_property'] = '您的车辆在您的财产车库',
['success'] = '成功',
['fail'] = '失败',
['vehicle_locked'] = '车辆已锁定',
['vehicle_unlocked'] = '车辆已解锁',
['no_keys'] = '您没有该车辆的钥匙',
['hotwire_info'] = '按E开始点火,按ESC取消',
['8_characters_needed'] = '需要至少8个字符(包括空格)',
['invalid_plateformat'] = '新车牌要么为空值,要么超过8个字符',
['chatsuggestion_lockpick'] = '锁住最近的车辆',
['lock_cooldown'] = '车辆锁定处于1秒冷却状态',
['return_vehicle_disabled'] = '返回车辆功能已禁用',
['chatsuggestion_privategarage_4'] = '仅限房地产-删除玩家的私人车库',
['chatsuggestion_privategarage_5'] = 'garage_name',
['chatsuggestion_privategarage_6'] = '输入菜单暂停中看到的车库名称',
['privategarage_deleted'] = '私人车库已删除',
['privategarage_not_found'] = '未找到私人车库',
['vehicle_not_locked'] = '该车辆未锁定',
['lockpicking_failed'] = '锁住失败',
['cant_transfergarage_same_garage'] = '无法转移到同一个车库',
['unknown'] = '未知',
['impound_vehicle_not_empty'] = '您不能扣押有玩家坐在内的车辆',
['cant_lockpick_have_keys'] = '你不能撬锁你已经有钥匙的车辆',
页: [1]
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