千里 发表于 2024-3-31 17:47:23



    ["male"] = "Male",
    ["female"] = "Female",
    ["select_char"] = "Select Character",
    ["select_char_description"] = "Select a character to play as.",
    ["create_char"] = "New Character",
    ["char_play"] = "Play",
    ["char_play_description"] = "Continue Into The City.",
    ["char_disabled"] = "Disabled",
    ["char_disabled_description"] = "This Character Is Unusable.",
    ["char_delete"] = "Delete",
    ["char_delete_description"] = "Permanently Remove This Character.",
    ["char_delete_confirmation"] = "Delete Confirmation",
    ["char_delete_confirmation_description"] = "Are you sure removing selected character?",
    ["char_delete_yes_description"] = "Yes, I am sure removing selected character",
    ["char_delete_no_description"] = "No, return to character options",
    ["character"] = "Character: %s",
    ["return"] = "Return",
    ["return_description"] = "Return To Character Selection.",
    ["command_setslots"] = "Set multicharacter slots number of a player",
    ["command_remslots"] = "Remove multicharacter slots number of a player",
    ["command_enablechar"] = "Enable a given character of a player",
    ["command_disablechar"] = "Disable a given character of a player",
    ["command_charslot"] = "Slot number of the character",
    ["command_identifier"] = "Player identifier",
    ["command_slots"] = "# of slots",
    ["slotsadd"] = "You set %s slots to %s",
    ["slotsrem"] = "You removed slots to %s",
    ["charenabled"] = "You enabled character #%s of %s",
    ["chardisabled"] = "You disabled character #%s of %s",
    ["charnotfound"] = "Character #%s of %s doesn't exist",

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-3-31 17:47:35

["male"] = "男性",
["female"] = "女性",
["select_char"] = "选择角色",
["select_char_description"] = "选择一个要扮演的角色。",
["create_char"] = "新建角色",
["char_play"] = "开始游戏",
["char_play_description"] = "继续进入城市。",
["char_disabled"] = "禁用",
["char_disabled_description"] = "此角色无法使用。",
["char_delete"] = "删除",
["char_delete_description"] = "永久删除该角色。",
["char_delete_confirmation"] = "删除确认",
["char_delete_confirmation_description"] = "确定要删除所选角色吗?",
["char_delete_yes_description"] = "是的,我确定要删除所选角色",
["char_delete_no_description"] = "不,返回角色选项",
["character"] = "角色:%s",
["return"] = "返回",
["return_description"] = "返回角色选择。",
["command_setslots"] = "设置玩家多角色槽位数量",
["command_remslots"] = "移除玩家多角色槽位数量",
["command_enablechar"] = "启用玩家的指定角色",
["command_disablechar"] = "禁用玩家的指定角色",
["command_charslot"] = "角色的槽位编号",
["command_identifier"] = "玩家标识符",
["command_slots"] = "槽位数量",
["slotsadd"] = "您将%s个角色槽位设置为%s",
["slotsrem"] = "您已从%s中移除槽位",
["charenabled"] = "您已启用%s的第%s个角色",
["chardisabled"] = "您已禁用%s的第%s个角色",
["charnotfound"] = "%s的第%s个角色不存在",
页: [1]
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