千里 发表于 2024-3-27 13:45:49



"error" : "Error",
    "success" : "Success",
    "info" : "Info",
    "RequiredItems" : "You do not have required items!",
    "IvalidAmount" : "Invalid Amount!",
    "HasBought" : "Has bought %sx %s for $%s ",
    "Garage" : "Garage",
    "Car" : "Car: ",
    "GetCar" : "Get this Car",
    "DeleteTitle" : "Delete vehicle",
    "DeleteDesc" : "Delete closest vehicle",
    "NotFound" : "Job Vehicle not found",
    "VehicleStored" : "Job Vehicle stored",
    "VehicleSpawned" : "Job Vehicle spawned",
    "FreeSpace" : "There is no Free Space",
    "Buy" : "Buy",
    "SitChair" : "Sit Down",
    "SitBench" : "Sit on the bench",
    "SitPillow" : "Sit on the pillow",
    "Duty" : "Toggle Duty",
    "DutyProgON" : "Signing ON",
    "DutyProgOFF" : "Signing OFF",
    "DutyOff" : "You are off duty",
    "DutyOn" : "You are on duty",
    "NotDuty" : "You must go on duty!",
    "Pay" : "Pay",
    "PayCash" : " Pay Cash",
    "PayBank" : " Pay Bank",
    "Close" : "Close",
    "Register" : "Cash register",
    "ClearRegister" : "Clear Cash Register",
    "YourBalance" : "Your balance: $",
    "TotalAmount" : "Total Amount: $",
    "AmountSet" : "Amount to pay set to: $",
    "AmountToPay" : "Amount to Pay: $",
    "OrderPayed" : "Order was paid | Income $: ",
    "IceMachine" : "Ice Machine",
    "Dance" : "Dance!",
    "CloakRoom" : "Cloak Room!",
    "BossMenu" : "Boss Menu",
    "Sink" : "Sink",
    "Drink" : "Drinks",
    "Food" : "Food",
    "Sides" : "Sides",
    "Deserts" : "Deserts",
    "Oven" : "Oven",
    "Coffee" : "Coffee Machine",
    "Tea" : "Tea",
    "Bar" : "Bar",
    "Teleport" : "Teleport",
    "Cleaning" : "Cleaning...",
    "Cleaned" : "Cleaned",
    "Prepairing" : "Prepairing...",
    "Pouring" : "Pouring...",
    "Shaking" : "Shaking...",
    "GettingIce" : "Getting Ice...",
    "GotIce" : "You got ice cube",
    "CleanHands" : "Clean Hands",
    "DirtyHands" : "You must clean your hands",
    "HandsCleaned" : "Hands cleaned",
    "FaceCleaned" : "Face cleaned",
    "CleaningHands" : "Cleaning hands...",
    "CleaningFace" : "Cleaning face...",
    "LeaveBar" : "Leave bar",
    "BehindBar" : "Go behind bar",
    "BillPaid" : "Bill Paid",
    "shop" : "Shop",
    "Buying" : "Buying...",
    "Amount" : "Amount ? ",
    "Range" : "Range: ",
    "Pricefor" : "Price for 1x: $",
    "Wash" : "Wash",
    "WashBasin" : "Wash-basin",
    "WashFace" : "Wash face",
    "WashHands" : "Wash hands",
    "Toilet" : "Toilet",
    "Pee" : "Pee",
    "Poop" : "Poop",
    "Peed" : "You peed",
    "Peeing" :"You're peeing right now",
    "Pooping" :"You're pooping right now",
    "Alert" :"Alert Police",
    "PoliceAlerted" :"Police Alerted",
    "Warmup" :"Warm up",
    "Warming" :"Warming your hands up...",
    "AlertingPolice" :"Alerting Police...",
    "Pet" :"Pet the cat",
    "Yoga" :"Practice yoga",
    "Exercise" :"You exercise...",
    "YogaDone" :"Yoga completed",
    "YouPetCat" : "You are petting the cat...",
    "server" : "SERVER",   
    "Backspace" : "Press backspace to get up!",

    "SellCooldown" : "You must wait a moment",
    "StartSell" : "Start Delivery",
    "Selluwu" : "Delivery",
    "SellCancelDelivery" : "Cancel Order",
    "SellCancelingDelivery" : "Canceling order",
    "ClientFinding" : "Receiving order from customer",
    "Client" : "Customer",
    "ClientGPS" : "Customer has sent you their location",
    "ClientOffer" : "Customer will pay $%s for %s %s",
    "Sell" : "Sell",
    "Cancel" : "Cancel"

ChatGPT 发表于 2024-3-27 13:46:08

"error" : "错误",
"success" : "成功",
"info" : "信息",
"RequiredItems" : "你没有所需物品!",
"IvalidAmount" : "无效数量!",
"HasBought" : "已购买%sx%s,花费了$%s",
"Garage" : "车库",
"Car" : "汽车: ",
"GetCar" : "取得这辆车",
"DeleteTitle" : "删除车辆",
"DeleteDesc" : "删除最近的车辆",
"NotFound" : "找不到工作车辆",
"VehicleStored" : "工作车辆已存储",
"VehicleSpawned" : "工作车辆已生成",
"FreeSpace" : "没有空闲空间",
"Buy" : "购买",
"SitChair" : "坐下",
"SitBench" : "坐在长凳上",
"SitPillow" : "坐在软垫上",
"Duty" : "切换执勤状态",
"DutyProgON" : "开始执勤",
"DutyProgOFF" : "结束执勤",
"DutyOff" : "你现在不在执勤状态",
"DutyOn" : "你现在在执勤状态",
"NotDuty" : "你必须开始执勤!",
"Pay" : "支付",
"PayCash" : "现金支付",
"PayBank" : "银行支付",
"Close" : "关闭",
"Register" : "收银台",
"ClearRegister" : "清空收银台",
"YourBalance" : "你的余额为:$",
"TotalAmount" : "总金额:$",
"AmountSet" : "支付金额设置为:$",
"AmountToPay" : "需要支付的金额:$",
"OrderPayed" : "订单已付款 | 收入$:",
"IceMachine" : "冰箱",
"Dance" : "跳舞!",
"CloakRoom" : "衣帽间!",
"BossMenu" : "老板菜单",
"Sink" : "洗手池",
"Drink" : "饮料",
"Food" : "食物",
"Sides" : "配菜",
"Deserts" : "甜点",
"Oven" : "烤炉",
"Coffee" : "咖啡机",
"Tea" : "茶",
"Bar" : "吧台",
"Teleport" : "传送",
"Cleaning" : "清理中……",
"Cleaned" : "清理完成",
"Prepairing" : "准备中……",
"Pouring" : "倒入中……",
"Shaking" : "摇动中……",
"GettingIce" : "获取冰块中……",
"GotIce" : "你获得了冰块",
"CleanHands" : "清洁双手",
"DirtyHands" : "你必须清洁双手",
"HandsCleaned" : "双手清洁完成",
"FaceCleaned" : "脸部清洁完成",
"CleaningHands" : "正在清洁双手……",
"CleaningFace" : "正在清洁脸部……",
"LeaveBar" : "离开酒吧",
"BehindBar" : "去吧台后面",
"BillPaid" : "账单已支付",
"shop" : "商店",
"Buying" : "购买中……",
"Amount" : "数量?",
"Range" : "范围:",
"Pricefor" : "1x价格:$",
"Wash" : "清洗",
"WashBasin" : "洗手盆",
"WashFace" : "洗脸",
"WashHands" : "洗手",
"Toilet" : "厕所",
"Pee" : "小便",
"Poop" : "大便",
"Peed" : "你小便了",
"Peeing" :"你正在小便",
"Pooping" :"你正在大便",
"Alert" :"警报",
"PoliceAlerted" :"警方已被通知",
"Warmup" :"热身",
"Warming" :"正在热身中……",
"AlertingPolice" :"正在通知警方……",
"Pet" :"抚摸猫",
"Yoga" :"练习瑜伽",
"Exercise" :"你正在健身……",
"YogaDone" :"瑜伽完成",
"YouPetCat" : "你正在抚摸猫……",
"server" : "服务器",
"Backspace" : "按退格键起立!",

"SellCooldown" : "你必须等待一会儿",
"StartSell" : "开始交货",
"Selluwu" : "交货",
"SellCancelDelivery" : "取消订单",
"SellCancelingDelivery" : "正在取消订单",
"ClientFinding" : "从客户处接收订单",
"Client" : "顾客",
"ClientGPS" : "顾客已将其位置发送给你",
"ClientOffer" : "顾客愿意支付$%s购买%s%s",
"Sell" : "销售",
"Cancel" : "取消"
页: [1]
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