ttvv8866 发表于 2024-2-22 19:04:29


"modal": {
    "save": {
      "title": "Save customization",
      "description": "You will remain ugly"
    "exit": {
      "title": "Exit customization",
      "description": "No changes will be saved"
    "accept": "Yes",
    "decline": "No"
"ped": {
    "title": "Ped",
    "model": "Model"
"headBlend": {
    "title": "Inheritance",
    "shape": {
      "title": "Face",
      "firstOption": "Father",
      "secondOption": "Mother",
      "mix": "Mix"
    "skin": {
      "title": "Skin",
      "firstOption": "Father",
      "secondOption": "Mother",
      "mix": "Mix"
"faceFeatures": {
    "title": "Face Features",
    "nose": {
      "title": "Nose",
      "width": "Width",
      "height": "Height",
      "size": "Size",
      "boneHeight": "Bone height",
      "boneTwist": "Bone twist",
      "peakHeight": "Peak height"
    "eyebrows": {
      "title": "Eyebrows",
      "height": "Height",
      "depth": "Depth"
    "cheeks": {
      "title": "Cheeks",
      "boneHeight": "Bone height",
      "boneWidth": "Bone width",
      "width": "Width"
    "eyesAndMouth": {
      "title": "Eyes and Mouth",
      "eyesOpening": "Eyes opening",
      "lipsThickness": "Lip thickness"
    "jaw": {
      "title": "Jaw",
      "width": "Width",
      "size": "Size"
    "chin": {
      "title": "Chin",
      "lowering": "Lowering",
      "length": "Length",
      "size": "Size",
      "hole": "Hole size"
    "neck": {
      "title": "Neck",
      "thickness": "Thickness"
"headOverlays": {
    "title": "Appearance",
    "hair": {
      "title": "Hair",
      "style": "Style",
      "color": "Color",
      "highlight": "Highlight",
      "fade": "Fade"
    "opacity": "Opacity",
    "style": "Style",
    "color": "Color",
    "blemishes": "Blemishes",
    "beard": "Beard",
    "eyebrows": "Eyebrows",
    "ageing": "Ageing",
    "makeUp": "Make up",
    "blush": "Bblush",
    "complexion": "Complexion",
    "sunDamage": "Sun damage",
    "lipstick": "Lipstick",
    "moleAndFreckles": "Mole and Freckles",
    "chestHair": "Chest hair",
    "bodyBlemishes": "Body blemishes",
    "eyeColor": "Eye color"
"components": {
    "title": "Clothes",
    "drawable": "Drawable",
    "texture": "Texture",
    "mask": "Mask",
    "upperBody": "Hands",
    "lowerBody": "Legs",
    "bags": "Bags and parachute",
    "shoes": "Shoes",
    "scarfAndChains": "Scarf and chais",
    "shirt": "Shirt",
    "bodyArmor": "Body armor",
    "decals": "Decals",
    "jackets": "Jackets"
"props": {
    "title": "Props",
    "drawable": "Drawable",
    "texture": "Texture",
    "hats": "Hats and helmets",
    "glasses": "Glasses",
    "ear": "Ear",
    "watches": "Watches",
    "bracelets": "Bracelets"
"tattoos": {
    "title": "Tattoos",
    "items": {
      "ZONE_TORSO": "Torso",
      "ZONE_HEAD": "Head",
      "ZONE_LEFT_ARM": "Left arm",
      "ZONE_RIGHT_ARM": "Right arm",
      "ZONE_LEFT_LEG": "Left leg",
      "ZONE_RIGHT_LEG": "Right leg"
    "apply": "Apply",
    "delete": "Delete"


ChatGPT 发表于 2024-2-22 19:05:36

"modal": {
    "save": {
      "title": "保存定制",
      "description": "你将保持丑陋"
    "exit": {
      "title": "退出定制",
      "description": "不会保存任何更改"
    "accept": "是",
    "decline": "否"
"ped": {
    "title": "角色",
    "model": "模型"
"headBlend": {
    "title": "遗传特征",
    "shape": {
      "title": "面部形状",
      "firstOption": "父亲",
      "secondOption": "母亲",
      "mix": "混合"
    "skin": {
      "title": "肤色",
      "firstOption": "父亲",
      "secondOption": "母亲",
      "mix": "混合"
"faceFeatures": {
    "title": "面部特征",
    "nose": {
      "title": "鼻子",
      "width": "宽度",
      "height": "高度",
      "size": "大小",
      "boneHeight": "骨高",
      "boneTwist": "骨扭曲",
      "peakHeight": "峰高"
    "eyebrows": {
      "title": "眉毛",
      "height": "高度",
      "depth": "深度"
    "cheeks": {
      "title": "脸颊",
      "boneHeight": "骨高",
      "boneWidth": "骨宽",
      "width": "宽度"
    "eyesAndMouth": {
      "title": "眼睛和嘴巴",
      "eyesOpening": "眼睛张开程度",
      "lipsThickness": "嘴唇厚度"
    "jaw": {
      "title": "下巴",
      "width": "宽度",
      "size": "大小"
    "chin": {
      "title": "下颚",
      "lowering": "下降程度",
      "length": "长度",
      "size": "大小",
      "hole": "孔的大小"
    "neck": {
      "title": "脖子",
      "thickness": "粗细"
"headOverlays": {
    "title": "外貌特征",
    "hair": {
      "title": "头发",
      "style": "发型",
      "color": "颜色",
      "highlight": "亮点",
      "fade": "褪色"
    "opacity": "透明度",
    "style": "风格",
    "color": "颜色",
    "blemishes": "瑕疵",
    "beard": "胡须",
    "eyebrows": "眉毛",
    "ageing": "衰老",
    "makeUp": "化妆",
    "blush": "腮红",
    "complexion": "肤色",
    "sunDamage": "日晒损伤",
    "lipstick": "口红",
    "moleAndFreckles": "痣和雀斑",
    "chestHair": "胸毛",
    "bodyBlemishes": "身体瑕疵",
    "eyeColor": "眼睛颜色"
"components": {
    "title": "服装",
    "drawable": "可选项",
    "texture": "贴图",
    "mask": "面具",
    "upperBody": "上身",
    "lowerBody": "下身",
    "bags": "背包和降落伞",
    "shoes": "鞋子",
    "scarfAndChains": "围巾和链条",
    "shirt": "衬衫",
    "bodyArmor": "防弹衣",
    "decals": "贴花",
    "jackets": "夹克"
"props": {
    "title": "道具",
    "drawable": "可选项",
    "texture": "贴图",
    "hats": "帽子和头盔",
    "glasses": "眼镜",
    "ear": "耳饰",
    "watches": "手表",
    "bracelets": "手镯"
"tattoos": {
    "title": "纹身",
    "items": {
      "ZONE_TORSO": "躯干",
      "ZONE_HEAD": "头部",
      "ZONE_LEFT_ARM": "左臂",
      "ZONE_RIGHT_ARM": "右臂",
      "ZONE_LEFT_LEG": "左腿",
      "ZONE_RIGHT_LEG": "右腿"
    "apply": "应用",
    "delete": "删除"

ttvv8866 发表于 2024-2-25 18:10:44

    "model": "Model",
    "plate": "License Plate",
    "est_speed": "Estimated Speed",
    "seats": "Number of Seats",
    "price": "Price",
    "weight": "Weight",
    "currencySymbol": "$",
    "priceTag": "${price}: %s ${currencySymbol}",
    "open_shop": "Open Shop **%s**",
    "tip": "After selecting a vehicle, you can test the engine sound by pressing the throttle!!",
    "not_enough_money": "You don't have enough money to purchase the vehicle. The vehicle costs %s ${currencySymbol}",
    "transaction_error": "Transaction was unsuccessful",
    "error_while_saving": "An error occurred while saving the vehicle",
    "primary_color": "Primary Color",
    "secondary_color": "Secondary Color",
    "confirm_purchase": "> Are you sure you want to purchase **%s** for **%s** ${currencySymbol}?",
    "cancel": "Cancel",
    "confirm": "Confirm",
    "pay_in_cash": "Pay %s ${currencySymbol} in cash",
    "pay_in_bank": "Pay %s ${currencySymbol} by card",
    "cash": "Cash",
    "bank": "Card",
    "vehicle_pick_up": "Your vehicle **%s** with License Plate: %s is ready for pick-up in our garage",
    "added_to_garage": "Your vehicle **%s** with License Plate: %s has been added to your garage",
    "success_bought": "You have successfully purchased the vehicle **%s** with License Plate: %s",
    "vehicle_info": "Vehicle Information",
    "payment": "Payment",
    "testdrive": "Test Drive",
    "minute": "Minute of Drive",
    "ten_minutes": "Ten Minutes of Drive",
    "license": "We cannot sell this vehicle to you.",
    "colorize_vehicle": "Choose a Color",
    "primary_color_desc": "Customize the primary color of the vehicle",
    "secondary_color_desc": "Customize the secondary color of the vehicle",
    "trunk": "Trunk",
    "glovebox": "Glovebox",
    "slots": "slots",
    "notrunk": "This vehicle doesn't have a trunk",
    "noglove": "This vehicle doesn't have a glovebox",
    "buy_for_soc": "Purchase for Faction",
    "buy_for_soc_desc": "Purchase for Yourself",
    "compacts": "Compact Vehicles",
    "sedans": "Sedans",
    "suvs": "SUVs",
    "coupes": "Coupes",
    "muscles": "Muscle Cars",
    "sports classics": "Sports Classics",
    "sports": "Sports Cars",
    "super": "Super Sports Cars",
    "motorcycles": "Motorcycles",
    "off-road": "Off-Road Vehicles",
    "industrial": "Industrial Vehicles",
    "Utility": "Utility Vehicles",
    "vans": "Vans",
    "boats": "Boats",
    "cycles": "Bicycles",
    "helicopters": "Helicopters",
    "planes": "Planes",
    "service": "Service Vehicles",
    "emergency": "Emergency Vehicles",
    "military": "Military Vehicles",
    "commercial": "Commercial Vehicles",
    "open wheel": "Open Wheel Vehicles",
    "skis": "Skis",
    "cruise_boats": "Cruise Boats"
页: [1]
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