本帖最后由 随缘 于 2025-3-9 17:25 编辑rank_level = 'Your Permission Level Is Now ',
admin_report = 'Admin Report - ',
staffchat = 'STAFFCHAT - ',
warning_chat_message= '^8WARNING ^7 You have been warned by',
warning_staff_message = '^8WARNING ^7 You have warned ',
no_reason_specified = 'No reason specified',
server_restart = 'Server restart, check our Discord for more information: ',
entity_view_distance= 'Entity view distance set to: %{distance} meters',
entity_view_info = 'Entity Information',
entity_view_title = 'Freeaim Mode',
entity_freeaim_delete = 'Delete Entity',
entity_freeaim_freeze = 'Freeze Entity',
entity_freeaim_coords = 'Copy Vec3',
coords_copied = 'Copied Coords',
entity_frozen = 'Frozen',
entity_unfrozen = 'Unfrozen',
model_hash = 'Model hash:',
obj_name = 'Object name:',
ent_owner = 'Entity owner:',
cur_health = 'Current Health:',
max_health = 'Max Health:',
armour = 'Armour:',
rel_group = 'Relation Group:',
rel_to_player = 'Relation to Player:',
rel_group_custom = 'Custom Relationship',
veh_acceleration = 'Acceleration:',
veh_cur_gear = 'Current Gear:',
veh_speed_kph = 'Kph:',
veh_speed_mph = 'Mph:',
veh_rpm = 'Rpm:',
dist_to_obj = 'Dist:',
obj_heading = 'Heading:',
obj_coords = 'Coords:',
obj_rot = 'Rotation:',
obj_velocity = 'Velocity:',
obj_unknown = 'Unknown',
you_have = 'You have ',
freeaim_entity = ' the freeaim entity',
entity_del = 'Entity deleted',
entity_del_error = 'Error deleting entity',
menu = {
admin_menu = 'Admin Menu',
admin_options = 'Admin Options',
online_players = 'Online Players',
manage_server = 'Manage Server',
weather_conditions = 'Available Weather Options',
dealer_list = 'Dealer List',
ban = 'Ban',
kick = 'Kick',
local Translations = {
error = {
blips_deactivated = '已禁用标记',
names_deactivated = '已禁用名称',
changed_perm_failed = '请选择一个组!',
missing_reason = '你必须给出一个理由!',
invalid_reason_length_ban = '你必须给出一个理由并设置禁令的时长!',
no_store_vehicle_garage = '你不能将这辆车存入车库..',
no_vehicle = '你不在车辆内..',
no_weapon = '你手上没有武器..',
no_free_seats = '车辆没有空座位!',
failed_vehicle_owner = '这辆车已经是你的了..',
not_online = '该玩家不在线',
no_receive_report = '你未接收报告',
failed_set_speed = '你没有设置速度..(`fast`为超快,`normal`为正常)',
failed_set_model = '你没有设置模型..',
failed_entity_copy = '没有自由瞄准实体信息可以复制到剪贴板!',
success = {
blips_activated = '已启用标记',
names_activated = '已启用名称',
coords_copied = '坐标已复制到剪贴板!',
heading_copied = '方向已复制到剪贴板!',
changed_perm = '权限组已更改',
entered_vehicle = '进入车辆',
success_vehicle_owner = '这辆车现在是你的了!',
receive_reports = '你正在接收报告',
entity_copy = '自由瞄准实体信息已复制到剪贴板!',
spawn_weapon = '你已生成武器 ',
noclip_enabled = '无碰撞已启用',
noclip_disabled = '无碰撞已禁用',
info = {
ped_coords = '角色坐标:',
vehicle_dev_data = '车辆开发数据:',
ent_id = '实体ID:',
net_id = '网络ID:',
net_id_not_registered = '未注册',
model = '模型',
hash = '哈希值',
eng_health = '引擎健康:',
body_health = '车身健康:',
go_to = '前往',
remove = '移除',
confirm = '确认',
reason_title = '理由',
length = '时长',
options = '选项',
position = '位置',
your_position = '到你的当前位置',
open = '打开',
inventories = '库存',
reason = '你需要给出一个理由',
give = '给予',
id = 'ID:',
player_name = '玩家名称',
obj = '物体',
ammoforthe = '+%{value} 子弹给 %{weapon}',
kicked_server = '你已被踢出服务器',
check_discord = '检查 Discord',