翻译成中文 保留源代码
Locales['en'] = {
-- TextUI
['bossmenu'] = {
text = ' Open Boss Menu',
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['dutymenu'] = {
text = ' Open Duty Menu',
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
-- Error Notifications
['no_money'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You do not have enough money to deposit on the society",
time = 5000,
type = 'error'
['no_money_society'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You do not have enough money on the society",
time = 5000,
type = 'error'
['target_fired_employee'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You got fired from ${job}",
time = 5000,
type = 'error'
['near_error'] = {
title = 'Boss Menu',
text = 'There is no one nearby',
type = 'error',
time = 5000,
['same_job'] = {
title = 'Boss Menu',
text = '${player} is already on ${job}',
type = 'error',
time = 5000,
['cant_edit_chief'] = {
title = 'Boss Menu',
text = 'You can\'t edit the grade of a chief',
type = 'error',
time = 5000,
['cant_edit_self'] = {
title = 'Boss Menu',
text = 'You can\'t edit your own grade',
type = 'error',
time = 5000,
['cant_fire_chief'] = {
title = 'Boss Menu',
text = 'You can\'t firea chief',
type = 'error',
time = 5000,
['cant_fire_self'] = {
title = 'Boss Menu',
text = 'You can\'t fire yourself here',
type = 'error',
time = 5000,
['duty_ended'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You are now off duty",
time = 5000,
type = 'error'
['cant_open_menu'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You can't open the menu because you are not the boss",
time = 5000,
type = 'error'
-- Success Notifications
['deposited'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You have deposited ${money}" ..Config.Currency.." in the ${job} society",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['withdrawn'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You have withdrawn ${money}" ..Config.Currency.." from the ${job} society",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['edited_employee'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You have edited the grade from ${player} to ${grade}",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['target_edited_employee'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "Your grade has been edited to ${grade}",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['fired_employee'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You fired ${player} from ${job}",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['hired_employee'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You hired ${player} to ${job}",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['target_hired_employee'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You got hired to ${job}",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['duty_started'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You are now on duty",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['bonus_given'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You have given a bonus of ${money}" ..Config.Currency.." to ${player}",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['bonus_received'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "You have received a bonus of ${money}" ..Config.Currency.." from ${job}",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
-- Warning Notifications
['no_society'] = {
title = "Boss Menu",
text = "Society information not found, make sure that your society system is set in the config and verify that the society exists in the database",
time = 5000,
type = 'warning'
-- Translations
['translations'] = {
overview = "Overview",
employees = "Employees",
grades = "Grades",
storage = "Storage",
outfits = "Outfits",
logout = "Logout",
menu = "Menu",
finances = "Finances",
balance = "Balance",
deposit = "Deposit",
withdraw = "Withdraw",
mostActiveEmployees = "Most Active Employees",
grade = "Grade",
lastweek = "Last Week",
depositmoney = "Deposit Money",
withdrawmoney = "Withdraw Money",
amount = "Amount",
hireEmployee = "Hire Employee",
fireemployee = "Fire Employee",
selectperson = "Select a Person",
hire = "Hire",
edit = "Edit",
actions = "Actions",
name = "Name",
save = "Save",
editemployee = "Edit Employee",
cancel = "Cancel",
fire = "Fire",
wanttofire = "Do you want to fire",
selectuser = "Select a user",
wanttobehired = "Do you want to be hired by",
helpmenucommand = "Open the boss menu",
helpdutycommand = "Open the duty menu",
goonduty = "Go on duty",
gooffduty = "Go off duty",
openbossmenu = "Open boss menu",
opendutymenu = "Open duty menu",
online = "Online",
offline = "Offline",
performance = "Performance",
status = "Status",
total = "Total",
lastsevendays = "Last 7 days",
hours = "Hours",
duty = "Duty",
monday = "Monday",
tuesday = "Tuesday",
wednesday = "Wednesday",
thursday = "Thursday",
friday = "Friday",
saturday = "Saturday",
sunday = "Sunday",
today = "Today",
rank = "Rank",
salary = "Salary",
delete = "Delete",
wanttodelete = "Do you want to delete the",
recruit = "Recruit",
lastonline = "Last Online",
noinfo = "No Info",
givebonus = "Give Bonus",
confirm = "Confirm",
none = "None",
nogangaffiliation = "No Gang Affiliation",
unemployed = "unemployed",
unemployedLabel = "Unemployed",
nodata = "No Data",
noinfoavailable = "No Info Available",
bonusreceived = "Bonus Received - ",
Locales['en'] = {
-- 文本用户界面
['bossmenu'] = {
text = ' 打开老板菜单',
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
['dutymenu'] = {
text = ' 打开值班菜单',
color = 'darkblue',
side = 'right'
-- 错误通知
['no_money'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您没有足够的资金存入到公司",
time = 5000,
type = 'error'
['no_money_society'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您在公司没有足够的资金",
time = 5000,
type = 'error'
['target_fired_employee'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您被解雇了,职位是 ${job}",
time = 5000,
type = 'error'
['near_error'] = {
title = '老板菜单',
text = '附近没有人',
type = 'error',
time = 5000,
['same_job'] = {
title = '老板菜单',
text = '${player} 已经在 ${job} 工作',
type = 'error',
time = 5000,
['cant_edit_chief'] = {
title = '老板菜单',
text = '您不能编辑主管的等级',
type = 'error',
time = 5000,
['cant_edit_self'] = {
title = '老板菜单',
text = '您不能编辑自己的等级',
type = 'error',
time = 5000,
['cant_fire_chief'] = {
title = '老板菜单',
text = '您不能解雇主管',
type = 'error',
time = 5000,
['cant_fire_self'] = {
title = '老板菜单',
text = '您不能在这里解雇自己',
type = 'error',
time = 5000,
['duty_ended'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您现在下班了",
time = 5000,
type = 'error'
['cant_open_menu'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您不能打开菜单,因为您不是老板",
time = 5000,
type = 'error'
-- 成功通知
['deposited'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您已存入 ${money}" .. Config.Currency .. " 到 ${job} 公司",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['withdrawn'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您已从 ${job} 公司取出 ${money}" .. Config.Currency,
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['edited_employee'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您已将 ${player} 的等级更改为 ${grade}",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['target_edited_employee'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您的等级已更改为 ${grade}",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['fired_employee'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您已将 ${player} 解雇,职位是 ${job}",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['hired_employee'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您已将 ${player} 雇佣为 ${job}",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['target_hired_employee'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您已被雇佣为 ${job}",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['duty_started'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您现在上班了",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['bonus_given'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您已给予 ${player} 一笔 ${money}" .. Config.Currency .. " 的奖金",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
['bonus_received'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "您已从 ${job} 收到一笔 ${money}" .. Config.Currency .. " 的奖金",
time = 5000,
type = 'success'
-- 警告通知
['no_society'] = {
title = "老板菜单",
text = "找不到公司信息,请确保您的公司系统设置在配置中,并验证该公司是否存在于数据库中",
time = 5000,
type = 'warning'
-- 翻译
['translations'] = {
overview = "概述",
employees = "员工",
grades = "等级",
storage = "存储",
outfits = "服装",
logout = "登出",
menu = "菜单",
finances = "财务",
balance = "余额",
deposit = "存款",
withdraw = "取款",
mostActiveEmployees = "最活跃员工",
grade = "等级",
lastweek = "上周",
depositmoney = "存入资金",
withdrawmoney = "取出资金",
amount = "金额",
hireEmployee = "雇佣员工",
fireemployee = "解雇员工",
selectperson = "选择一个人",
hire = "雇佣",
edit = "编辑",
actions = "操作",
name = "姓名",
save = "保存",
editemployee = "编辑员工",
cancel = "取消",
fire = "解雇",
wanttofire = "您想解雇吗",
selectuser = "选择用户",
wanttobehired = "您想被雇佣吗",
helpmenucommand = "打开老板菜单",
helpdutycommand = "打开值班菜单",
goonduty = "开始值班",
gooffduty = "下班",
openbossmenu = "打开老板菜单",
opendutymenu = "打开值班菜单",
online = "在线",
offline = "离线",
performance = "表现",
status = "状态",
total = "总计",
lastsevendays = "过去7天",
hours = "小时",
duty = "值班",
monday = "星期一",
tuesday = "星期二",
wednesday = "星期三",
thursday = "星期四",
friday = "星期五",
saturday = "星期六",
sunday = "星期日",
today = "今天",
rank = "等级",
salary = "薪水",
delete = "删除",
wanttodelete = "您想删除这个",
recruit = "招聘",
lastonline = "最后在线",
noinfo = "没有信息",
givebonus = "发放奖金",
confirm = "确认",
none = "无",
nogangaffiliation = "没有帮派关联",
unemployed = "失业",
unemployedLabel = "失业",
nodata = "没有数据",
noinfoavailable = "没有可用的信息",
bonusreceived = "收到奖金 - ",