"coord_marked_on_map": "The coordinate is marked on the map.",
"enter_house": "Enter The House",
"buy_house": "Buy The House",
"house_purchased": "House purchased. [%s]",
"house_not_found": "House not found.",
"house_already_sold": "This house's already sold.",
"max_house_limit": "You cannot buy more house.",
"dont_have_enough_money": "You do not have enough money. (%s)",
"fail_receipt": "Failed to create a receipt for a new sale.",
"x_player_house": "%s's house.",
"leave_house": "Leave The House",
"not_own_house": "You do not own this house.",
"player_not_found": "Player not found.",
"already_guest_house": "Player already guest in this house.",
"already_not_guest_house": "Player already not guest in this house.",
"gived_perm_to_player": "Gived perm to player.",
"deleted_perm_to_player": "Deleted perm to player.",
"open_cloth": "Open Cloth Menu",
"owner_transfered_house": "The owner transferred the house.",
"invalid_seed": "Invalid seed",
"have_enough": "You have enough of this.",
"open_stash": "Open Stash",
"open_wardrobe": "Open Wardrobe",
"visiting_house": "You are visiting home.",
"force_door": "Force Door",
"donot_have_enough_items": "You do not have enough items, [%s].",
"unauthorized_entry": "A person is trying to break into your house! [%s]",
"couldnot_lock_pick": "You couldn't pick the lock",
"created_new_house": "Created a new house.",
"enter_garage": "Enter The Garage",
"leave_garage": "Leave The Garage",
"add_vehicle_to_garage": "Add To Garage",
"no_more_room_garage": "There's no more room in the garage.",
"not_own_vehicle": "You do not own the vehicle",
"added_to_vehicle": "Vehicle added to garage",
"vehicle_take_out": "Take out the vehicle.",
"garage_theme_changed": "Garage theme has been changed.",
"not_have_enough": "You don't have enough",
"not_use_diff_seed": "You cannot use a different type of seed.",
"ring_on_door": "Ring on the door",
"player_ring_door": "%s ring the doorbell | use /checkdoor",
"came_to_house": "Came to your house",
"cant_place_more_stash": "You cannot place more stashes.",
"coord_marked_on_map": "坐标已标记在地图上。",
"enter_house": "进入房屋",
"buy_house": "购买房屋",
"house_purchased": "房屋已购买。",
"house_not_found": "未找到房屋。",
"house_already_sold": "该房屋已售出。",
"max_house_limit": "您无法购买更多房屋。",
"dont_have_enough_money": "您没有足够的钱。(%s)",
"fail_receipt": "创建新销售的收据失败。",
"x_player_house": "%s的房屋。",
"leave_house": "离开房屋",
"not_own_house": "您不拥有这所房子。",
"player_not_found": "未找到玩家。",
"already_guest_house": "玩家已在此房屋中作为客人。",
"already_not_guest_house": "玩家已经不是此房屋的客人。",
"gived_perm_to_player": "已给予玩家权限。",
"deleted_perm_to_player": "已删除玩家权限。",
"open_cloth": "打开衣物菜单",
"owner_transfered_house": "房主已转让房屋。",
"invalid_seed": "无效的种子",
"have_enough": "您有足够的这个。",
"open_stash": "打开储藏柜",
"open_wardrobe": "打开衣橱",
"visiting_house": "您正在访问家中。",
"force_door": "强制打开门",
"donot_have_enough_items": "您没有足够的物品。",
"unauthorized_entry": "有人试图闯入您的房屋!",
"couldnot_lock_pick": "您无法撬开锁。",
"created_new_house": "创建了一所新房屋。",
"enter_garage": "进入车库",
"leave_garage": "离开车库",
"add_vehicle_to_garage": "添加到车库",
"no_more_room_garage": "车库里没有更多空间。",
"not_own_vehicle": "您不拥有该车辆",
"added_to_vehicle": "车辆已添加到车库",
"vehicle_take_out": "取出车辆。",
"garage_theme_changed": "车库主题已更改。",
"not_have_enough": "您没有足够的",
"not_use_diff_seed": "您无法使用不同类型的种子。",
"ring_on_door": "门铃响了",
"player_ring_door": "%s 按响了门铃 | 使用 /checkdoor",
"came_to_house": "来到您的房屋",
"cant_place_more_stash": "您无法放置更多储藏柜。",