"openUI": "See available rooms.",
"enterApartment": "Enter the apartment",
"leave_apartment": "Leave the apartment",
"leave_room": "Leave the room",
"not_in_any_apartment": "You are not in any apartment.",
"not_in_any_apartment_room": "You are not in any apartment room.",
"room_already_sold": "This room's already sold.",
"player_not_found": "Player not found.",
"dont_have_enough_money": "You do not have enough money. (%s)",
"room_not_found": "Room not found.",
"room_purchased": "You bought room %s.",
"fail_receipt": "Failed to create a receipt for a new sale.",
"get_into_room": "You checked into the room",
"get_in_the_room": "Get in the room. [%s]",
"open_room_detail": "Room Detail",
"room_been_returned": "The room has been returned.",
"open_stash": "Open Stash",
"open_cloth": "Open Cloth",
"not_own_room": "You do not own this room.",
"already_guest_room": "Player already guest in this room.",
"already_not_guest_room": "Player already not guest in this room.",
"gived_perm_to_player": "Gived perm to player.",
"deleted_perm_to_player": "Deleted perm to player.",
"updated_room_options": "Updated room options.",
"new_furniture_purchased": "New furniture was purchased.",
"changed_rotationInput": "Movement Type: %s",
"furniture_refund": "Furniture refund.",
"furniture_removed_storage": "Furnitured removed to storage",
"someone_else_editing": "Someone else is editing this furniture right now.",
"desc_command_er_not": "You did not specify the day. Daily rate for your room: %s $",
"no_need_extend": "No need to extend the rent for this room",
"success_extend": "The rent day has been extended by %s days.",
"force_door": "Force Door. [%s]",
"call_elevator": "Call Elevator",
"elevator_already_move": "The elevator cannot be called now.",
"elevator_already_this_floor": "The elevator is already on this floor.",
"elevator_on_move": "Elevator on the move.",
"select_floor": "Select Floor",
"cctv_zoom": "Zoom In/Out",
"cctv_exit": "Exit",
"cctv_next_camera": "Change camera",
"donot_have_enough_items": "You do not have enough items, [%s].",
"unauthorized_entry": "A person is trying to break into your apartment! %s - %s",
"max_room_limit": "You cannot buy more room in this apartment.",
"no_room_available": "There's no room available.",
"room_can_only_be_rented": "The room can only be rented. Please select day",
"have_enough": "You have enough of this.",
"lock_door": "Lock Door",
"unlock_door": "Unlock Door",
"door_locked": "Door locked.",
"door_unlocked": "Door unlocked.",
"wrong_place": "You can not place it here.",
"cant_place_more_stash": "You cannot place more stashes.",
"error": " %s",
"rentalPeriodWarningMail": {
"sender": "Resmon Apartment",
"title": "Apartment",
"subject": "Apartment Subject",
"message": "Hello, your rented rooms are about to expire: %s"
"lFurniture": {
"new_furniture_purchased": "New furniture purchased.",
"focus_on_ui": "You focused on the ui.",
"focus_on_game": "You focused on the game.",
"preview_mode": "You are now previewing the furniture !",
"furniture_placed": "The furniture placed.",
"new_furniture_placed": "New furniture purchased.",
"furniture_refund": "The furniture refund.",
"removed_storage": "The furniture removed."
"ui": {
"buy": "Buy",
"your": "your",
"apart_room": "Apart Room",
"available_apartment_rooms": "Available rooms",
"no_rent": "Since you did not choose a rental day, you are purchasing it",
"you_buying_room": "You are buying room",
"rent_daily": "Rent Daily",
"desc_attention": "Before buying check documents of seller and about room!",
"attention": "Attention",
"price": "Price",
"market_price": "Market Price",
"purchase": "Purchase",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"security": "Security",
"setup": "Setup",
"apart_room_system": "Apart Room System",
"wall_color": "Wall Color",
"customize_your_walls": "Customize your walls",
"customize_your_room": "Customize your room",
"on": "ON",
"off": "OFF",
"lights": "Lights",
"furniture": "Furniture",
"cctv": "CCTV",
"desc_cctv": "Open CCTV Channel",
"toggle_lights": "Toggle Lights",
"indicators": "Indicators",
"electricity": "Electricity",
"power": "Power",
"gas": "Gas",
"water": "Water",
"permissions": "Permissions",
"desc_permissions": "Change neighboors permissions",
"player_id": "Player Id",
"search": "Search",
"add": "Add",
"guest": "Guest",
"owner": "Owner",
"type": "Type",
"moved_out": "Moved Out",
"out": "Out",
"desc_leave": "Leave the room permanently",
"double_click": "Double Click",
"money_type": "$",
"use": "Use",
"shop": "Shop",
"desc_shop": "You can refill your energy stores by buying them.",
"unit_x_money": "Unit {{unit}} {{money_type}}",
"desc_shop_buy": "Each time you buy 100 units. {{unit}}",
"DLC_Weed": "DLC: Weed",
"desc_buy_dlc": "Buy DLC to unlock this",
"select_floor": "Select Floor",
"rental_date": "Rental Date",
"time": "Time",
"life_time": "Life Time",
"lFurniture": {
"switch_mode": "Switch to {{mode}} Mode",
"snap_ground": "Snap To Ground",
"finish_editing": "Finish Editing",
"save": "Save",
"furniture_list": "Furniture List",
"desc_furniture_list": "Objects you can place or own.",
"input_search": "Search by name...",
"purchase": "Purchase",
"owned": "Owned",
"edit_furniture": "Edit Furniture",
"put_in_storage": "Put in Storage",
"place_on_ground": "Place on Ground",
"object_settings": "Object Settings",
"desc_object_settings": "Fine tune your placed object.",
"back_to_owned": "Back to Owned",
"resell": "Re-sell",
"delete_object": "Delete Object",
"desc_enter_del": "For and you need to focus on the game!",
"camera_move": "Camera Move",
"camera_rotation": "Camera Rotation",
"placed": "Placed",
"back": "Back"
"openUI": "查看可用房间。",
"enterApartment": "进入公寓",
"leave_apartment": "离开公寓",
"leave_room": "离开房间",
"not_in_any_apartment": "您不在任何公寓中。",
"not_in_any_apartment_room": "您不在任何公寓房间中。",
"room_already_sold": "此房间已售出。",
"player_not_found": "未找到玩家。",
"dont_have_enough_money": "您没有足够的钱。(%s)",
"room_not_found": "未找到房间。",
"room_purchased": "您购买了房间 %s。",
"fail_receipt": "未能为新销售创建收据。",
"get_into_room": "您已登记入住房间",
"get_in_the_room": "进入房间。",
"open_room_detail": "房间详情",
"room_been_returned": "房间已被归还。",
"open_stash": "打开储物箱",
"open_cloth": "打开衣柜",
"not_own_room": "您不拥有此房间。",
"already_guest_room": "玩家已是该房间的客人。",
"already_not_guest_room": "玩家已不是该房间的客人。",
"gived_perm_to_player": "授予玩家权限。",
"deleted_perm_to_player": "删除玩家权限。",
"updated_room_options": "更新房间选项。",
"new_furniture_purchased": "已购买新家具。",
"changed_rotationInput": "移动类型: %s",
"furniture_refund": "家具退款。",
"furniture_removed_storage": "家具已移至储物箱。",
"someone_else_editing": "现在有其他人在编辑此家具。",
"desc_command_er_not": "您未指定日期。您房间的每日租金: %s $",
"no_need_extend": "不需要延长此房间的租期",
"success_extend": "租期已延长 %s 天。",
"force_door": "强制开门。",
"call_elevator": "叫电梯",
"elevator_already_move": "电梯现在无法被叫到。",
"elevator_already_this_floor": "电梯已经在这个楼层。",
"elevator_on_move": "电梯正在移动。",
"select_floor": "选择楼层",
"cctv_zoom": "放大/缩小",
"cctv_exit": "退出",
"cctv_next_camera": "切换摄像头",
"donot_have_enough_items": "您没有足够的物品。",
"unauthorized_entry": "有人试图闯入您的公寓! %s - %s",
"max_room_limit": "您无法购买更多的房间。",
"no_room_available": "没有可用的房间。",
"room_can_only_be_rented": "此房间只能租赁,请选择天数",
"have_enough": "您有足够的这个。",
"lock_door": "锁门",
"unlock_door": "开门",
"door_locked": "门已锁。",
"door_unlocked": "门已解锁。",
"wrong_place": "您不能将其放置在这里。",
"cant_place_more_stash": "您不能放置更多储物箱。",
"error": " %s",
"rentalPeriodWarningMail": {
"sender": "Resmon公寓",
"title": "公寓",
"subject": "公寓主题",
"message": "您好,您的租赁房间即将到期:%s"
"lFurniture": {
"new_furniture_purchased": "已购买新家具。",
"focus_on_ui": "您已专注于用户界面。",
"focus_on_game": "您已专注于游戏。",
"preview_mode": "您现在正在预览家具!",
"furniture_placed": "家具已放置。",
"new_furniture_placed": "已购买新家具。",
"furniture_refund": "家具退款。",
"removed_storage": "家具已移除。"
"ui": {
"buy": "购买",
"your": "您的",
"apart_room": "公寓房间",
"available_apartment_rooms": "可用房间",
"no_rent": "由于您未选择租赁天数,您正在购买它",
"you_buying_room": "您正在购买房间",
"rent_daily": "每日租赁",
"desc_attention": "在购买之前检查卖家的文件和房间信息!",
"attention": "注意",
"price": "价格",
"market_price": "市场价格",
"purchase": "购买",
"cancel": "取消",
"security": "安全性",
"setup": "设置",
"apart_room_system": "公寓房间系统",
"wall_color": "墙壁颜色",
"customize_your_walls": "自定义您的墙壁",
"customize_your_room": "自定义您的房间",
"on": "开",
"off": "关",
"lights": "灯光",
"furniture": "家具",
"cctv": "监控",
"desc_cctv": "打开监控频道",
"toggle_lights": "切换灯光",
"indicators": "指示器",
"electricity": "电力",
"power": "电源",
"gas": "煤气",
"water": "水",
"permissions": "权限",
"desc_permissions": "更改邻居权限",
"player_id": "玩家ID",
"search": "搜索",
"add": "添加",
"guest": "客人",
"owner": "拥有者",
"type": "类型",
"moved_out": "已搬出",
"out": "外出",
"desc_leave": "永久离开房间",
"double_click": "双击",
"money_type": "$",
"use": "使用",
"shop": "商店",
"desc_shop": "您可以通过购买来补充您的能量存储。",
"unit_x_money": "单位 {{unit}} {{money_type}}",
"desc_shop_buy": "每次购买 100 单位。 {{unit}}",
"DLC_Weed": "DLC: 大麻",
"desc_buy_dlc": "购买DLC以解锁此功能",
"select_floor": "选择楼层",
"rental_date": "租赁日期",
"time": "时间",
"life_time": "使用期限",
"lFurniture": {
"switch_mode": "切换到 {{mode}} 模式",
"snap_ground": "贴合地面",
"finish_editing": "完成编辑",
"save": "保存",
"furniture_list": "家具列表",
"desc_furniture_list": "您可以放置或拥有的物品。",
"input_search": "按名称搜索...",
"purchase": "购买",
"owned": "已拥有",
"edit_furniture": "编辑家具",
"put_in_storage": "放入储物箱",
"place_on_ground": "放置在地面上",
"object_settings": "物体设置",
"desc_object_settings": "微调您放置的物体。",
"back_to_owned": "返回已拥有",
"resell": "转售",
"delete_object": "删除物体",
"desc_enter_del": "对于和您需要专注于游戏!",
"camera_move": "相机移动",
"camera_rotation": "相机旋转",
"placed": "已放置",
"back": "返回"