"open_hud_settings": "Hud settings page",
"hrs_gears_not_found": "`hrsgears` not found !",
"toggle_seatbelt": "Toggle seatbelt",
"toggle_engine": "Toggle engine",
"toggle_cinematicmode": "Toggle cinematic mode",
"seatbelt_on": "Seatbelt On",
"seatbelt_off": "Seatbelt Off",
"seatbelt_warning": "Do not forget your seat belt!",
"ui": {
"auto_hide": "Auto Hide",
"map_type": "Map Type",
"desc_map_type": "You can change the shape of the map according to your preference.",
"time": "Time",
"cash": "Cash",
"bank": "Bank",
"current_job": "Current Job",
"weapon": "Weapon",
"music": "Music",
"seat": "Seat",
"user_id": "User ID",
"radio": "Radio",
"server_info": "Server Info",
"navigation_widget": "Navigation Widget",
"compass_only_vehicle": "Compass Only In Vehicle",
"compass": "Compass",
"minimap_only_vehicle": "Minimap Only In vehicle",
"circle": "Circle",
"zarg": "Zarg",
"classic": "Classic",
"hexagon": "Hexagon",
"hexagon-w": "Hexagon",
"grt-premium": "Grt",
"square": "Square",
"zarg-m": "Zarg",
"wave-c": "Wave",
"wave-h": "Wave",
"universal": "Universal",
"none": "None",
"hunger": "Hunger",
"health": "Health",
"thirst": "Thirst",
"armor": "Armor",
"stamina": "Stamina",
"oxygen": "Oxygen",
"stress": "Stress",
"voice": "Voice",
"vehicle_engine": "Engine",
"res_style_seq": "Res Style Sequence",
"movie_bars": "Movie Bars",
"location": "Location",
"players": "Players",
"desc_autohide": "0 Hide | 100 Visible",
"vehicle_nitro": "Nitro",
"reset_all_positions": "Reset All Positions",
"hbk": "HBK",
"abs": "ABS",
"gear": "Gear",
"time_bomb": "Time-B",
"classic_old": "Classic",
"semi_circle": "Semi-C",
"grt_one": "Grt One",
"grt_two": "Grt Two",
"globe": "Globe",
"editor_mode": "Editor Mode",
"hud_v2": "Old-V",
"race_hud": "Old-R",
"bmg": "BMG",
"gmg": "GMG",
"bar_default_size": "Default Bar Size",
"money_type": "$",
"clear_cache": "Clear Cache",
"edit_mini_map": "Edit Mini Map",
"reset_mini_map": "Reset Mini Map",
"other_currency": "Black Money"